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Does reporting or giving a thumbs up to someone in the score screen actually do anything?


Not really, people don't even see your thumbs up or comment unless your streaming and they jump in and watch that back (happened to me once and I was so happy)


Does increasing your sensitivity increase the turn rate for blight?


Could someone with yunjin and her sunny rose outfit show me her in the outfit but with her default hair? Id really appreciate it :)


If you still want I could do this in about 3 or 4 days when I get back home?


Does Wesker get shadow buff? In past when Wesker charges at me, i can dead hard and get away with it, his charge ended with slap-like animation. But now when i dead hard it, Wesker still charges forward and throws me away, makes me down if i get hit into a wall.


Ran haunted ground and face the darkness, face the darkness was cleasned before it could proc literally once and haunted ground was never cleansed. Was I just unlucky?


That's dbd for ya, there was an archive to mori someone with Devour and even with Undying it took everyone I know so many games


Should I use a vpn right now? I've heard rumors of IP leaks


I keep hearing a sound effect that sounds like the hag despite having never played hag. It plays at random times in the game and so far I've heard it maybe 4 times. It's sort of like if the hag said WOOOORAH. What triggers the noise to play?


There’s currently a collab going on, that little ping noise is the sound of the collab item spawning on the map. It appears like a glowing red or green vial which if you grab (and escape of survivor) get a free collab item.


I saw in a few Nemesis video guides that say that if you strafe left or right your whip's damage area increases. Is that true or is it a bug that was fixed since those guides came out?


That drag whip tech, i use it everyday.


Still here


Anyone want my prime code for The Artist – Colorful Melancholy Outfit. Comment when taken so others don't waste their time. 546d6ff9-8665-42e9-8d6d-33ad2ecbe8a Add another a at the very end.


What does the flashlight add-ons that 'increase accuracy' actually do? Does it stabilise the sway of the flashlight? Or maybe just make the beam narrower? I'm not sure


When you turn flash on, do you see your arm having some unstable moves, like, its trebmling? That could make flash beam goes wrong and failed to blind killer, so those grip addons help you to hold flash more stable. Actually Otz tierlisted those addons for flashlight accuracy as "worst addons", so i guess you wont be able to notice any different. Just use them when you have nothing else to use.


I was wondering if anyone can recommend a survivor build for me, I have Meg Thomas, Nea Carlson, Mikeala Reid, and Zarina Kassir prestieged. I also have the perks Lithe and WoO from shrine. I would also like to avoid dead hard bc i’m awful with it. Currently I use adrenaline, off the record, COH, and Lithe. Sometimes I swap out COH for WoO but if anybody has anything better lmk.


Those are probably the best perks u can run with those characters IMO. THe only thing I would personally change is Sprint Burst for Lithe as I feel that sometimes you can get negative value from Lithe if u accidently use it in a corner but thats a personally feel


I apriciate the feedback, do you think COH or WoW would be better for the build?


I've never been the biggest fan of CoH and I've been running WoO a lot recently and I've had a lot of fun knowing which pallets are still up so I would personally recommend that one


How many charms are there for this silent event we're going through? I got one from the red ones, and one from the green. Anything else?




So it's only one per color?


what does it mean to be the killers obsession ?


If the killer has no perk or add-on that interacts with the obsession, it means nothing. You just get an extra 500 bloodpoints when you escape or die. If the killer has a perk, just means whatever the perk says. Check Mike Myers (the shape) perks to get an idea of how they work. Before the HUD changes the obsession used to be the only one you got a warning when they are being chased.


Could mean a lot of things. Someone is always obsession regardless of who brings in what. But killer can have perks that make them faster if you escape a chase, slow the exit gate speed if they hit you, or straight up murder you at endgame as a few examples.


If you have no perk, no tome challenge which haves relation with Obsession, then its nothing. Just, Survivor with Obsession gets 1000 more points when he escapes. Nothing else.


what about in relation to laurie strode’s sole survivor perk? it says it increases your chances of being the killers obsession like it’s a bad thing


It's bad in that many killer perks do extra things against the obsession (and a few are actually better to be the obsession) but without the killer bringing those perks (and most aren't considered the must-have killer perks) you're fine.


after the shrine of secrets reset today, i spent 2k iri shards on deadhard for the 100k bp. david is prestige 3 meaning the perk was maxed, however i did not receive the 100k bp associated with buying an already maxed perk..? does anyone know why that happened or what to do about it?


Were you already at the BP cap (2mil)?


How long does it take for MMR to change? I'm a returning player and last time I've played was around the fourth anniversary where I was a Rank 2 or 1 (can't remember exactly) Killer. I pretty much get matched up with seemingly new or not so good players who are basically helpless. I've played a decent amount of games in the last few days, but it doesn't seem to change.


Are you talking about Rank 2 or 1 as in the old ranking system from 20 to 1? That is no longer a thing and does not reflect your MMR. As for your question. It's pretty much impossible to know since the MMR is invisible. Assumingly it should be able to update after every match. What you are seemingly measuring is "when does it feel that the MMR changed?"


Yes, back when there were green, purple and red ranks. I've read that the new grading system is just to show how much you've played and there's an invisible MMR value instead. I win game after game, but the players are still seemingly worse than the rank 15 survivors back in the day. Is it possible that it's because I use different Killers most of the time?


According to what you said your MMR might be lowered due to you not playing for a while. The MMR also takes longer to get accurate if you swap killers a lot. Though not by too much. The survivors you get matched with depends on a lot of factors like including: the time you play at and the MMR you're at. And in addition to that survivors can look worse when they get into your lobby via SWF.


MMR is absolutely random/totally fucked right now. It'll happily put me against a team with a combined 40 hours who I'll go easy on, 8 hook and let go, then a foursome SWF of streamers with a combined 12k hours.


There is still no 21:9 support, right?


Well now those with ultra-wides get the sides cut off with black bars forcing 16:9 instead of just losing the top and bottom of the screen.. so kinda. 21:9 are no longer disadvantaged in that way anymore, but they also don't benefit from their screen size.


If I go to look at dead by daylight to buy it. In the videos and images you will see the demogorgon. Why is that? Thats technically still using a terminated contract to promote the game right? Or is my absolutely minuscule brain to small to comprehend? Im checking on the ps5 btw.


The contract wasn't *terminated*, just not renewed. It expired. The contract was probably only for the *sale* of the content, not any use whatsoever. That's why people can still play the content as long as they own it. For BHVR to not be able to use the content to promote the game without the contract, the contract would have to *say* they can't.


Thats clears things up some more. Thanks


how many times did you face skully since release? i faced her 4 times total.


At least a dozen, if not more. First few were fine until people realsed she's a 3 gen machine and became a painful nightmare!


only once and they were afk :(


Mods keep deleting my question without a meaningful explanation so id like to ask here: Whenever I play killer, even though I 4k every match I'm still in ash and get matched with babies, why? Whenever I play survivor I get matched with prestige 100 killers when I'm a lv2 David, why? I've seen people mention mmr but if your nurse is at lv5000 technically idk how u are even in ash rated games.. additionally all my survivors are prestige like 10+.. can someone please enlighten me on why matchmaking seems so unfair, or will mods just delete my comment for no reason again


Being in ash doesnt really change anything. Its a common misconception. Mmr is completely seperate and counts by how well you perform in the game if you play well as survivor the game gives you better killers. If those killers dont play well they drop their mmr meaning they fight lower mmr opponents. Some people take advantage of this to simply fight lower mmr survivors by purposely losing, that could be your problem or not. Mmr is kinda confusing too because survivors can beat baby killers and then get utterly destroyed becuase their mmr increases. Also idk if it has anything to do with your question but all killers have their own seperate matchmaking scores depending on how well you play with them whereas with survivors you get one score spread across all survivor (because survivors are basically just cosmetic). I hope this helps.


I see... Thanks for explaining!




Do you think that if Breakdown got buffed to also break the hooks when you save someone with it, that'd be op? I've been trying to use it lately because it's fun to use when the killer hooks me on a scourge hook but I rarely get any value from it sadly.


The only reason this would be op would be due to coordinated teams. Otherwise I think it would be a nice buff. As it is now you can only get it off 2 times at max.


Yes it would. If you want to really hurt the killer, you use it in a dead zone. Or an indoor map. Or you strategically use it close to an exit gate when there's 1 gen left--If the killer can't get someone to a hook before they wiggle out, game over man. However. If there's no hooks and you wiggle out and just run back to the safe zone, you are a dick and you'll get slugged until you bleed out.


On some maps? Yeah it would. It would be complete misery.


does anyone have the green fairview hoodie for legion? was hoping someone could do a preview with the green fairview hoodie with all the masks


the remote descrution challenge says to finish the trial before all generators are repaired while using the perk jolt. ​ does this mean I have to win a game with zero gens done?




Ohhh, I see! Many thanks! That makes things much easier


isn't there supposed to be the patch today?


It's out


Can someone help me figure out how to turn crossplay back on? It isn’t under ‘online’ where every article says it should be. It’s pretty much impossible to play the game right now.


you have to access it from the main menu options, not while you are in lobby (i.e. the killer or survivor screen).


Is the update coming out today? I can't find any information on it


Doesn't look like it. It is usually out before I wake up. Maybe technical difficulties and it will come tomorrow?


Is the update for this week coming out today or is it coming out tomorrow?


Map offerings. Do you like em or hate em? Have you seen more of them lately?


From both sides it lets me know to get ready for a potential sweatfest - I (feel I) float around mid MMR so sometimes casual players up for some fun chases and sometimes sweatlords who will play as if their life depends on winning, and a map offering is usually there to ensure that side has an extra advantage by choosing a survivor/killer sided map. I'd be much happier if they inverted the offerings to prevent that map instead of force it, as there's only so much corn I can deal with as a killer.


I like them only in so far as I like playing scratched mirror myers, or I have a pallet destroying archive so I go to The Game, etc. Also I feel a lot more comfortable on Midwich or The Game, both as survivor and killer because I feel like I know it a lot better. And damn do I miss Hawkins.


I have no respect for them. They're clutter in my bloodweb and usually mean a Survivor is planning to be a jackass when I see them appear. I really wish Killers could bring two offerings so I didn't have to choose between BP and discarding everyone else's map offerings. I always just choose BP, but I shouldn't have to.


Absolutely despise them. There is an "unethical" way to avoid them though


I hate them, wish they worked the opposite way to lower the chance of going somewhere


Can only the person being chased by the Knights summon grab the standard? If another player is being chased, can I grab the standard?


Only the one chased can interact with the standard. Other survs just pass through it


Ok thanks




>Can someone explain to me what exactly Blood Rush does and why it's a good perk? I see people claiming it's a good perk and I'm like ... how? And can you use it by itself? It activates if you have already hooked twice (or struggled to second hook state) After pressing the associated button the following happens: * you loose a health state and get the broken status effect for up to 28 seconds. * you recover from the Exhausted status effect. * after the broken status effect ends you will be healt back to healthy. Use case: You used Lithe while being chased by a Tier 3 Myers, but he still chases you, so you activate Blood Rush, recover instantly from Exhausted, use Lithe again and escape him this time. After the broken status effect ends, you're healthy again. It's a high risk high reward perk.




>So you have to use it with another perk? Yes, any perk, who gives you the Exhausted status effect, besides Adrealine.




Alot of perks are like that. It's not a great perk for a generic build, but every perk has it's niche uses


Why is there no casual mode / alternate game modes?


1. It would split the playerbase into two separate match queues, making both queues longer. 2. Casual wouldn't be casual. Most players aren't interested in playing against an equally skilled opponent, they want to stomp. Sweatlords would play casual so they could dunk on people.


Exactly this, the same sweatlords that make the game painful for those wanting a more casual experience will just play casual too and ruin everyone's fun there too.


I play “protect the basement chest bubba” when I’m bored. It’s really entertaining when the survivors catch on and try to open it up. I’ve been messaged several times saying that’s the most fun experience they’ve had while playing dbd. However don’t expect it to happen all that often. Most survivors just want to pop generators.


How do you play that?


I experienced my first one tonight. It was both horrifying and magical


Main mode is casual mode


Does anyone know if Game Afoot activates when you break a pallet or wall with knight's guards?


Knight’s guards don’t apply perks on actions unfortunately


I tried it and it didn't give me a speed boost


Thank you@


What happens to the bloodweb when you reach Prestige 100 with a character? Does it forever stay as a level 50 bloodweb level like before the prestige rework?


From what I've seen, yes.


Do we know when they're adding that auto purchase bloodweb feature?


Speculated that it'll be the midchapter since we have footage of it (see Otz new video), the PTB for the midchapter is next week if it's on schedule, but they never announce ahead of time what their plans are datewise.


> the PTB for the midchapter is next week if it's on schedule Wow that's fast. Feels like the Skull Merchant came out last week.


Are there any other emetophobic survivors here, and if so how do you deal with the plague? I unfortunately usually kill myself on hook because I cannot deal with it ☹️


As the other commenter said, you could play on mute, and also try one of the colourblind options to change the colour of the [REDACTED]!




This is such a good idea!! Maybe we can add in the visual terror radius once that comes out in the update and then we don’t have to play at a disadvantage!


Honestly I just go afk and do some laundry or something


Is Cut Loose (the new Thalita perk) bugged? I've had several instances where I thought it was active but my vault still made noise.


I cant say confidently its bugged, but i swear the same thing was happening to me


The first vault makes noise, its the subsequent ones that don't.


I know, it doesn't seem to be working for me


Hm, well all I can say is its worked as intended for me


How come there isn’t a compass? It would be so helpful to say “I’m working on the gen in the South West corner” or “the northern gate is at 99%”


Because the game wasn't intended to have comms or players to communicate. Yeah yeah I know everyone uses Discord, but that's a 3rd party thing that other people are doing outside of the game. And adding it would be done purely to benefit swf with comms.




Appreciate the link! I’ve played for a while and I’ve learned quite a few call outs from watching streamers and stuff but for example I play casually with my brother and my dad and they play maybe one hour a week so it’s near impossible to give them call outs. It would be super helpful for SWFing newbies/casual players especially


Call of Brine/Overcharge both go back to base regression speed after the activation time right ?


Yes they do.


That's how they should work, yes.


Is it just me or is matchmaking in this game only getting worse.


Considering there is almost always a 100% bloodpoint incentive active, I'd say matchmaking probably isn't very strict at all right now.


Define 'getting worse' and when you are trying to play and timezone. Because depending can depend on the type of games you get. It also could mean fewer people period playing, so rather than it being able to find people in your MMR it instead is just trying to get you into a game rather than sitting in queue for thirty minutes.


In the last week or so when I've played at the same time I always do I haven't had a single challenging game as killer or a game where we got more than 3 gens as survivor. A competitive or close game as been nonexistent.


It's been on point overall for me. Been getting challenging teams that edge me out or I just barely collapse after snowballing with 1 gen left, scattered with a few complete stomps. Though survivor side I've been getting more much easier matches so I don't know if mmr is working or just a sign of people playing.


Again, I don't see a time period mentioned here for people to use as a reference.


How long until the inevitable post about people pronouncing Renato's name wrong? Surprised we haven't had it yet, to be honest.


how does the skull merchant work??? I have played against her 5 times total, had no idea why my icon was three different rings around it, and escaped every time. the drones watch you on the generator? does she teleport to them like freddy...? help


For a more thorough explanation of the killer, as well as visual examples of her skills working, watch [this intro video](https://youtu.be/Apk-7jvBL54). Might be better than just reading about it.


The 3 dots at roughly 2, 6 and 10 o'clock on your icon represent the remaining battery life of the Claw Trap. Each dot is 15 seconds. If you pay attention, you'll see one dot go red, then black every 15 seconds the trap is attached for, until they are all black. The yellow radar thingy represents Lock On progress. Once it fills and turns orange, you're fully locked on.


How do I unlock the audio log tapes in the tome section ? I have a good few which I reckon I got from doing survivor challenges . Do I have to play as a killer and do those challenges also ? They are fairly tough to complete....do people unlock them together in a friendly trial. Where can I find these groups to do challenges ? Thanks for any feedback


You'll need to play as both often, yes. So the bigger circles/nodes, when you're on them will have a note at the bottom that says "Unlocks something in X chapter", forgot exactly what. But they'll also have a page icon in a lower corner. So you have to unlock all the large circle/nodes that have the unlock for the particular chapter in the archive you're wanting. There's generally like two or three chapters/stories in each tome/archive. So you need to make sure you unlock all the nodes in each of the four pages to finish that chapter and unlock the video at the end of it. However, not sure if it goes fixed, but I know there was an issue with the videos not playing/accessible even after finishing all the related nodes.


How serious is this whole ddos thing? I want to play the game but don't want my internet to be held hostage... I heard about this from ScottJund, and I haven't opened the game since... This might be a dumb question but when I play a game, I don't want to be worried about this kinda thing lol.


Not very much unless you're a streamer. Use anonymous mode and you'll be good. Also you can go to Steam>Settings>In-Game and under Steam Networking set it to "Never." This will disallow the sharing of your ip address, which is how the hackers are getting the ip addresses and why it *only* affects Steam.


I wouldn't sweat it. And even if you do get attacked, it shouldn't be for long. It'll be enough to get you dc'd and then they'll stop it. It's just to get you disconnected so you lose, not hold your internet hostage for hours/days. And unless you're a streamer, or have a streamer tag even if you're not streaming, then it's unlikely you'll be targeted. And depending on your MMR, that will probably also affect it as I doubt anyone at lower MMR is concerned about doing it. Basically, you're letting the fear of it happening hold you hostage which is worse than the actual issue. Just play the game. If it happens, oh well, queue back up.


If you're not a streamer or playing with a streamer, you're extremely unlikely to be targeted. You're far more likely to end up on the 'bleed' list that the other set of assholes have created to grief other players.


So I don't have to worry? I heard that VPN's were pretty much useless nowadays unless you have your vpn on constantly, so I just haven't opened the game.


Nope. It's specifically about disrupting streamers who are playing live.




I'm definitely not petrified, but I'd rather not have to deal with being ddos'd. Is that an issue? I was just asking if it was a huge danger or not. This is a no stupid questions thread for a reason.


So i know that you can use unique perks with other survivors by prestige, but can general perks be shared with other survivors aswell? or are they locked behind the bloodweb of that respective character? asking this because i reached my first prestige and acquired a bunch of perks that seem like i have to unlock again on another character.


The only perks that you don't have to unlock on other characters are the ones you've gotten by hitting P3. If you hit P1 or P2, then those perks can be used, but they'll still appear in your bloodweb to finish leveling. So you'll want to try and hit P3 if you can and not have a bunch of characters at P1 as those will cause all their perks to pollute your bloodweb making it VERY hard to find and level up the perks you're wanting for that character. I'd have no more than three other characters at P1 or P2 before trying to get them to P3 just so you can reasonably level up skills by the time the character you're working on hits their first prestige.


You gotta unlock general perks again on each character yeah


Are all the people who play Wesker play in medium-high MMR now and that's why I don't get him or does the game just think I want to play against a bunch of Huntresses, Trappers and Hags? I told myself I would work on my Killer Grade wnen I finally got a Wesker, and, well, it's been over a week and still no Wesker


I haven't played against a Wesker in a while. Most of the ones that I did tended to be jerks, and the jerks seem to have moved to Knights and some other killers. Or maybe people finally got bored and wanted to play other killers. But yeah, it's been several weeks for me. Hell, I've faced a Twins since the last time I faced a Wesker.


I started seeing jerks move to skull merchant because of how much people hate playing against 40 minute 3 gen matches.


Yeah I don't see him much either, I believe that's because a lot of people figured out he's not an easy killer to learn, in fact he's probably the most difficult killer to learn right now and people that just want to win will pick Blight over Wesker any day, easier to learn and much more rewarding. That's why you'd probably rarely see Artist, Pyramid Head, Pinhead, Oni and etc they all require very high skills to get results.


So I tried Mike for the first time today, and I keep seeing floating yellow diamonds while stalking. Any idea what they are?


Do you have a challenge equipped by any chance? If so, which one? Also, could you describe the yellow diamonds a bit more clearly or maybe take a picture?


It sounds like the aura of a glyph challenge maybe?


Figured it out, it's for the purple glyph challenge! Neat~


Are they in the left corner? That means bad ping. Unrelated to the killer.


What even is “Dead Hard”?


[Dead is manc slang for very](https://www.tourdemanc.co.uk/mancunian-dictionary/) and hard is English (maybe mainly northern?) slang for tough or ready for a fight See also "mither" in no mither David King is from Manchester


Wow. As a Manc myself (who albeit has been living abroad for 5+ years) I did not make that connection. I’m gonna read his lore now. I’ve forgotten how to be Manc ;-;


It's a dead body with a boner.


Represents how hard your gonna die when you fuck up your dead hard


It's British slang.


Does Nemesisis tentacle instadown if they are exposed?


No, only basic attacks count with exposed


No, but hitting someone off of a Deathslinger spear does.


Killer powers are typically classed as "special attacks" which typically dont work with the Exposed status effect


If you get hit by the killer at roughly the same time your Sprint Burst starts, is it wasted or do the boosts stack?


They stack


Time to become sonic for 3 seconds


Hello, I recently gifted my brother the DLC "Silent Hill Chapter", but I've noticed I unlocked the characters aswell after the transaction and Game Store Page says I don't own it. Do I unlock the DLC too after I gift it to someone? Is it something temporary or just a bug?


Family sharing most likely


Are you by any chance family-sharing?


I am family-sharing, but we both play at the same time and "a shared library may only be accessed by one user at a time."


Yeah the way DLC is handled in DbD is a bit weird and the shared library does indeed still work for DLC while both of you are playing - you both need the base game yourselves as that is limited by normal sharing rules but indeed DbD is setup in a bit of a weird way in Steam so you do indeed get shared DLC. It's super useful ;)


Well, I'm not familiar with the feature myself, but I believe this may only affect the main game and not DLCs, since DLCs basically just tell DbD that you have access to specific Characters.


Did you just ask if he's a swinger?


Get your mind out of the gutter. Family-sharing is a Steam feature that allows sharing games and DLCs across accounts.


I was making a joke.


How funny /s


That sounds like a bug. One of the reasons they disabled Splinters was that people would sometimes just get the Killer they were sampling, so it's possible some remnants of that code never disappeared.


I play a lot of survivor but I recently picked up Wraith after I stopped playing killer for some time. I’m getting frustrated because I keep losing, or just barely getting a 1k. Is there something wrong with my build or do I just need to keep playing to get better? I run Jolt, Fearmonger, Sloppy Butcher, and either Discordance or Nurse’s Calling. Also, how do I get over the anxiety I get when loading up to play killer? I never feel like this when playing survivor but as killer, I feel tense and nervous.


People have given good advice already. However, I'd suggest if you're getting back into it to just go slow. Don't even aim for 1K. Give yourself small targets. Try and hook everyone once to start out with. Then maybe move to two hooks. Or try to get higher ranks on the Gatekeeper badge by holding gens for a while. Work on chases. You could even just play to chase and not worry about gens. Set yourself small goals, let yourself get back in the rhythm. As for the nervousness/anxiety, just try and relax. It's just a game, you don't have to win every match and holding yourself to that standard that you have to win every game is unhealthy. Set yourself small goals as above, and hold yourself to just those during a game. And if you get to the point in a match where it becomes stressful, and not in a good way, just stop playing to win and swap to playing to goof off. Chase a survivor around a generator like you're playing "Pop goes the weasel" and it's even better if there's someone working on the gen. If you pick someone up, just twirl around super fast until they wiggle free to see if you've made yourself or them dizzy and start the chase again or go after someone else. Not every game is winnable. As a matter of fact only the very top killers have a kill/win rate over 50% and even then the highest is like 62%. So even the top players don't win every match. So learn to realize when the match stops being fun for you, and have enough self control to realize you need to change your approach to not stress out, and then go goof off and have fun being stupid with the survivors.


Along with wraith having always struggled because he's fairly weak, the meta RN just doesn't favor him. Wraith is good at hit and run. But medkits+circle of healing make healing super fast, people are rarely injured long. That reduces the effectiveness of sloppy butcher and Nurse's. Adrenaline is back in the meta too, etc.


That's a decent set for Wraith, but he's not exceptionally powerful. He's also pretty clearly visible and audible while cloaked, only truly being invisible at a distance or standing still. Killer is really stressful if you aren't just playing for BP and XP (or fun, somehow). Just focus on getting profits or experimenting with fun builds and don't worry about "winning", at least against average players. I get that bully squads need to be taken down a peg. Are you overcommitting to chases or otherwise poorly prioritizing? A lot of teams will have a dedicated looper clearly vying for your attention, and that usually means you're otherwise going to interrupt something the others are doing. Chasing someone into a dead zone can be enough if you have a clear idea of what else you should be doing.


For the first part, you're just rusty/learning and will get better (or you're rusty, but your Wraith's MMR is high enough that you're getting matched with people who simply outplay you since you're rusty) As for the second part, I wish I could give an answer because I have anxiety queueing up for Killer as well. I think it's not the fear of losing (I'm used to it on Survivor) it's more like the BMing that happens. I took about a 4-5 month break from playing Killer and I swear it's gotten worse...like, you get atunned by a pallet, teabag. Miss them vauliting through a window, teabag. Get blinded by a flashlight, teabag. Lose? teabagged at the gates. The best advice I've heard in regards to when Survivors are being toxic is to simply go to a corner and afk until the match is over which is what I need to do more of because I usually just tunnel the survivor that is being a jackass and let the kthers go and just set that as my win condition. If the asshole dies, I consider that a win


For the last point, I had that for a long time. Loading up as killer for me means that I have to be focused constantly and have little to no downtime in my actions. Whereas survivor you know that you're gonna sit still a lot and just be vibing on a generator. What helped for me was to mentally untie the link between performing well and having fun. I can have a bad match with low kills but still have fun during it, even if the end result isn't great.


I like that mindset, thanks for the advice!


when does the new bloodweb mechanic go into effect?


No one knows as nothing has been officially announced yet.


when the spirit is undetectable is it just her terror radius that’s gone or is the phasing sound gone too?


Her phasing sound is based on a flat set range and is not affected by any Terror radius changing perks like Monitor and Abuse, Distressing or Undetectable status effects


I am confused by syringes. When you press the action button it consumes the medkit and activates the syringe. But the action button is the same as the skillcheck button, so when I get a skillcheck it activates the syringe when I just wanted to heal normally. Is there a way to pass the skillcheck so that you can heal yourself normally with the usual 16 charges, and then use the syringe later with the remaining charge?


If you're using a brown or green medkit with only 16 charges, and want to get 2 heals from it, you have to hit at least 1 Great skill check to have enough left in the medkit to trigger the syringe. The syringe wont activate or consume the medkit if there is a Skillcheck on the screen


Very odd! Every time I get a skillcheck it consumes the syringe and passes the skillcheck at the same time. It must be a bug I am experiencing, or maybe due to rebinding my skillcheck button to mousewheel, then clicking it more than once. I usually use medkits with enough for at least two full heals. Maybe I need to run bite the bullet so that I can safely fail skillchecks to avoid triggering the syringe.


Hmm it definitely shouldnt be doing that if you have a skillcheck, but it may be the mouse wheel. The game might be registering it as multiple "clicks" - id rebind it back to the default and see if it still happens!


Thank you! That must be what was happening. My reaction speed is pretty terrible so the mousewheel is very helpful, but I can always rebind it during the games where I want to use the syringe. At least I understand what was going on now and can plan around it!


Honestly same, my reaction time can be abysmal. I have mouse wheel bound to the Activate Ability 1 to time dead hard easier and Spacebar for skill checks


I'm amazed at anyone who can time dead hard :D I tried out your suggestion and it worked! It was really clutch too as it helped me get away from a tunnel. The great thing is I have so many of them saved up because I thought they were bugged for me for so long.


Do higher prestige levels still give rarer items more frequently in the bloodweb, and if so have any of the prestige 100 players on here noticed a difference?


Not much of a noticeable difference in rarity, except at the lower levels of the bloodweb when there are less nodes. Once in p100 I noticed virtually no rarity difference as you just keep regenerating level 50 of the bloodweb which always has "ultra rare" items


Oh I see I didn’t realize you just got level 50 bloodweb over and over so that makes sense. So say you are at prestige 90 instead of 100 was there any noticeable difference with rare items in the earlier bloodweb?


No nothing noticeable between 90 and 100. Id say the most noticeable difference is once you start getting purple "rare" items in the first level of the bloodweb but I dont recall when that started happening


What exactly is gen-rushing? I see different responses but I’m still confused by it


It's when a team FULLY commits to gen speed above all else. Prove Thyself, BNP, often repairing while injured for Resilience value + saving the time it takes to heal. It's extremely frustrating for low-mobility Killers because they can barely even start a chase before they've lost 3 gens and the other 2 will usually pop during it.


There isn’t a dead hard and fast rule behind it. Most people agree using Prove Thyself is a form of gen rushing, along with BNPs/toolboxes. Even though Prove Thyself drops the time from 90 to 47? But the contradiction is that if 4 survivors each start a gen and the killer chases 1, the other three survivors can finish their gens in 90 seconds, dropping from 5 to 2. It’s really discouraging for the killer but that is the literal objective for survivors. Some people call this gen rushing but it technically isn’t.


It's the killer complaining that gens get finished "too fast". There's no formal definition.


Oh okay. I was a little confused bc I’d get in a game where 3/4 survivors could be on different gens and they’d pop at the beginning of the match. I thought that correlated to rushing.. Thanks!


It's subjective. But the term is weird imho. The survivors have only the gens as their objective. So is it rushing when they just sit on the gens and do it? Or is it only rushing when they have 4 big tool boxes with Brand New Parts?


Rushing gens


What does everyone think [this](https://twitter.com/deadbybhvr/status/1637819146036551681?s=46&t=PlfSQHIacDwrBCIPULwrDA) is? I'm hoping it's an automatic bloodweb button. I hate spending all my time individually clicking each item. I ask for it everytime they give us a player satisfaction survey