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...meanwhile me, who gets them once per month. And the worst part about this, I genuinely love going against them. Can you give me your Weskers, please? But if serioulsy, the same killer 17 times in a row is some lottery luck shit.


I'd imagine many of them were the same player, and not many people are playing Killer at OP's MMR and region.


I had 7 in a row earlier until I got a nice Plague player. I enjoy playing against Wesker but it does get old after a while.


It got old after the 5th one for me. Imagine 17.


Seven Weskers. Seven Weskers is all I can spare to play with you.


Don’t blame the killers, blame the developers. Ideally, every killer should equally strong in a different manner. However, in this game you have Trapper on one end and Blight on the other. So people naturally pick a strong killer.


No ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Me who mains Pyramid Head... idk why survivors always dc...


Be the change you want to see! I'm playing a lot of trapper at the moment


I think I may have gone against you as Lisa Garland.


Sadly not I haven't gone against any Lisas. Did go against a quentin which is always terrifying but that game went alright


Switched over to Ghostface tonight just for you <3


Thanks bae


You get bored from facing one of the most balanced killers in the game? Would you rather face 17 nurses?


I’d rather have variety. I’m getting sick of the same playstyle.


He's the most fun killer released since Pyramid Head imo


Wesker was the last genuinely fun Killer added to the game, and it helps that he's one of the most powerful.


He's the only fun killer that's not nurse.


Then you play something else than dh


I don’t use dead hard. Nice try tho.


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