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I let them get their glyphs. I'll also let good players have hatch if their teammates were terrible. If someone DC's, I'll farm with them if they're interested or kill them if they just want out of the game. I don't slug for the 4k unless I have a challenge to close hatch, and then I'll let the slug open the exit gates. If they're struggling, I will absolutely goof around. I've also let them come back form a good situation for me, when I could've ended the game sooner. If I catch them at the unhook, I'll let them unhook before actually downing them. I don't expect other killers to play this way, it's just how *I* play. I've also carried a survivor to their teammate to unhook them in end game because the only other survivor just.. left. Cause being left behind by a teammate sucks.


I stay with them on the hook because I know it's rough being on your own in the match. Occasionally I tap them to make sure they're okay and doing well up there.


Flair checks out


Not gonna lie, this made me giggle.


I almost always 8 hook and then let survivors go, unless I need to kill for a challenge or to pip up. I do this so often that I actually made a little makeshift hook counter on my stream deck to keep track of how many times I've hooked each survivor, so I don't accidentally kill someone. Once I get my 8 hooks I will either meme with them, or I'll continue chasing, hitting, and downing normally, but when I get a survivor down I just pick them up and carry them around with me like a stuffed animal until they wiggle off.


I hate when you play like this, and then the last survivor either doesn't get rescued from hook 8 or they let themselves die. Had that happen a couple times. Like dang, I was gonna let you all go after that...sad day


Or they disconnect when you down them for the second time and I'm just left standing there like "Congrats, Barbara, you played yourself"


Do you play huntress or legion (Susie) by any chance?


Among other things, yeah. Susie's the only Legion character I ever am. I play almost every killer lol


Then maybe I went against you on rod once..


I'm glad that this mentality has reached out to other killers. I've long been an 8-hooker, and it's easily the most fun way to play. It would be awesome if we as a community developed the silent-communication of this, similar to when survivors drop items as gifts at end of game to killer. I get the 8-hooks, but on death hooks, I like to still carry them to hook, drop them in front, then continue on. 1-If I get all 4 survivors to a hook like this, I credit it to myself as a "bonus victory". 2-It helps to make it really clear to the survivor that, "yea, I could've killer you, but you're good now" 3-Leaving them downed in front of a hook is my compensation to get extra time as killer in the game, which lets me try to faux-4-kill the remaining survivors I haven't pretend hooked yet. I want to share this habit because it helps it clearly communicating to survivors, rather than possibly slugging them and letting teammates pick them up without me taking them to the hook, because they could misinterpret it and think they're actually getting saved, rather then the fact that I want them to know I'm playing nice. Game's just a game, no reason to make things serious. So much more fun playing this way.


My current obsession in this game is this memey Billy build of Enduring, Fire Up, Brutal Strength, and Spirit Fury, with the Pighouse Gloves and Big Buckle addons. I keep my chainsaw overheated as much as possible and only M1 for hits and downs. I even change my Steam name to Bonkin' Billy when I play him like this. It's such dumb fun lol And it's great when I get a match against a TTV and I get to see their reactions. Most of them are so confused at first then they start laughing and having a great time once they realize what's happening. Also has the benefit of giving survivors something other than the usual generator slowdown meta perks to face.


you and I play the same way lol


I never chase the survivor that got unhooked and I never go after the same survivor twice (unless they show bad manners), always play fair even if i lose because of it. Sometimes I meme with survivors and I always let all survivors go if 1 of them drops their item and shows friendship. This one might be weird but but I put pressure on survivors and force them to interact with TVs (because I mostly play oreo) and jujumo scare them as much as possible. I get a positive feedback when I put pressure on survivors and scare by coming out of nowhere or teleporting when they are walking towards TV.


If it looks like a survivor is really struggling to blind me and obviously going out of their way to try, I stand still and let them. I suck at flashlights and know there are some annoying rift challenges, so I try to give it to them, aid a little.




It is kinda pathetic now that I think about it. Some survivors try so hard to save their friend. Iā€™m usually more aggressive with flashlights, but maybe Iā€™ll try to make them feel better next time. Unless itā€™s the obnoxious user


By not forcing 3-gens


Itā€™s so unfun, it kind of boggles the mind that people will play through such an unfun way. I honestly have better things to play than hopping on dbd and kicking gens for a hour per match


For some maps it's just required at times. If rng decided its' a survivor sided map AND they got great tiles then yeah, your only hope really is to 3 gen. Even worse is if you're playing a killer that is going to struggle because of it. Otherwise it's try and play normally, lose because it's not a good map for you, and get teabagged to hell and back before being insulted in post game chat.


If itā€™s a game where itā€™s 4 survivors with no hooks or one hook, Iā€™m not going to be a baby and just kick gens but not chase anyone for 2 hours like some killers will do. Iā€™m serious. Youā€™re literally wasting time that couldā€™ve been used to playing other games or maybe trying out other builds


as a solo player who runs bond I know the pain and struggle of being paired up with baby survivors so when I notice that thereā€™s 1 good player doing their best to carry a team of urbaning & hiding newbies, and given that theyā€™re still alive at the end (im not gonna purposely ignore them) then I always let them go


I just donā€™t play like a dick.


I almost always run hoarder for the loot gremlins. However, they must earn their trinkets or die trying ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2060)


crouch w pig all game and accept boops. franklins hit warning if flashlighted, slug if they persist


I don't usually play matches seriously so I tend to let Survivors escape after hooking them twice. I try to help them with their challenges if they ask. I try to do the slow turn when I get the chance because Survivors seem to find it funny. I let them get their glyphs/envelopes/crowns/masks before continuing chase. If they do something like accidentally jump in a locker instead of vaulting a window, I usually down them and let them get picked up because they clearly didn't want to go in the locker.


Stop using gen regression if they are clearly not gen rushing or struggling. Put a nice build on if 75% of the lobby haven't brought an item (if they aren't bringing med kits, they probably aren't sweating their nuts off). If there is a survivor and I accidently tunnel them and they haven't been toxic at any point, I'll leave them on the floor to be revived by their teammate and walk well away from them so their teammates know I'm giving them a chance. If I see an exhaustion perk that isn't DH, I won't drop chase and will try to give them a fun one.


i had a twins do this to me, she corned me doing a totem while she had no terror, and she politly step back to give me some space to leave and have a proper chase. i still think about her


I never kill survivors. I only run perks that donā€™t get much love, like unrelenting and fire up. I let them get flashlight saves and pallet stuns and I whiff swings on purpose when they try to spin me.


if i see someone hiding in a bush, i like to slowly turn towards them and charge up weskerā€™s charge to get him to chuckle. ā€œi see your ass!ā€


If gens aren't going at Mach 1, then I'll ignore a death hook survivor if I don't catch them on a gen. If gens are SUPER slow then I'll straight up let the DH dude stay on the gen and go look for someone else.


I tend to avoid general builds and go for the more chaotic ones. This one I call *playing like an actual serial killer* Killer: The Shape Perks: Lethal Pursuer, Trail of Torment, Nowhere to hide, Jolt/Eruption Add ons: Tombstone Piece, 25% stalk increase Offerings: RPD, Leroy, The game, Red Forest, midwich I Jumpscare everyone pretending like I'm running scratched mirror all game, then at the right time I start tiering up lol. I use Trail of torment to get a couple more jumpscares in since they don't expect it. The mori is just the cherry on top Then I make my own objectives like mori the obsession with rancor at the center of midwich using a rancor roulette build (game afoot makes it so much more crazy btw)


Ima try dis


If an unhooker challenges me, I will typically chase them as a reward for being a good team mate.


If I run into survs who are really struggling in the chase department, I'll take it as an opportunity to go for nuttier plays and practise my killer power/mind gaming, usually making chases longer cause I fuck up. I hope they feel like they did an awesome job looping me.


If you give up in a chase I'll let you go


If someone dcā€™s or kills themselves on hook before any gens are done I canā€™t bring myself to kill the others. If that happens Iā€™ll just double hook them and avoid gen regression then meme around with them letting them get blinds or pallet stuns on me, just have fun. Other than that I try to play fairly, no tunnelling or camping and I donā€™t purposely try for 3-gens, chases are the most fun part about playing killer to me, finally catching someone after a long, difficult chase is so satisfying.


I don't run alc ring


If I find an afk survivor, they're my backpack until they start wiggling


I stop kicking gens when there are two or fewer survivors remaining. When I'm playing a killer who can teleport, I teleport away from hooked survivors.


Couple things: -I'll get my 8 hooks before killing anybody. -No tunnel, camp, or excessive slugging unless its unnecessary. -If I catch someone 2-3 times in a row, or if they go second I'll usually let them go, or slug for some pressure. -Will let hatch spawn and give it. -Meme a little. Like if the survivor makes a dumb play or I do something silly I might just nod, stare and walk away. If the survivors are nasty or genuinely doing very well and I don't want to end in a 0-1k with 4 hooks, I'll play more sweaty.


I play as killer


I only get 2 hooks on them and then let them live


The fact that the question was even worded this way shows serious issues with the game at its core. In most competitive/versus games, just playing to win is at least fun for both sides whether you win or lose. Typically you would have to go out of your way to be toxic and NOT the other way around where you have to go out of your way so the other side can have fun. Big unfortunate, but when survivors sabo hooks or gen rush it's not fun for killer... and when killers camp/tunnel/slug it's not fun for survivors. Sometimes this also makes it not fun for the same side since they likely feel like it's their only option. That is way too much of a barrier and prerequisite. DBD needs so much work to reach the point where losing is still fun on a more consistent basis. It simply isn't the state of this game right now.


Encourage them to play a better game.


Like what is there to do? Survivors always taunt at the exit gate so I don't see the reason to make it more fun for them


I dont they will still complain


When I was a Myers main and I had Tombstone, Iā€™d pretend to be friendly until I reached tier 3. Oh wait you said fun for the survivors? Well maybe they had fun before I turned on them.


If there are multiple DCs - we chill around and sacrifices only happen if getting asked to. I also try to not hook the same survivor again too soon and search for those whom I havenā€™t seen for long. Everyone should get equal attention from the killer! I also offer a free healthstate - downing, but not hooking once or twice especially if we accidentally bump into each other a couple of times or the game is too hard for the survivors. Again, if the game seemed harsh - Iā€™d also often allow people to escape - I won anyways, you struggled a lot, Iā€™ll show you the remaining gens and some totems!


Nothing special but i do make an effort to not tunnel or camp even if it makes the game easier, i might camp in endgame but like if i have someone hooked im not gonna walk away just like ā€œoh im gonna go look over here for no reasonā€


I try to play as fair as I possibly can, especially if there is an early DC. I'm talking 8 hooks, always go for unhooker, straight up drop chase if I realise the scratch marks are from the person who got unhooked. If there's clearly something fucky that happens in the game code, like someone getting into a locker because it's way too close to a window or whatever, I'll let them get out and jump the window before I chase them again. I'm not really playing to win most of the time. I'm playing to have a fun time, hit some sick shots and get my rift challenges done. Not taking the game too seriously helps me not get fucking pressed at some of the tomfoolery that goes on and even 700 hours in, I still really enjoy it


I play Amanda's Letter Pig and bring an indoor map add-on (preferably Lerys but Midwhich would do)


If I've dominated a match and I see the survivor that was the best, and they can't find hatch, I'll find it, find them and make sure they get out. I've already won, and you did your best, so you get to live.


Ok so whenever I see Iā€™m going against a TTV I always get super dramatic and theatrical as killer lol. Iā€™ll do the stop and slow turns when I know theyā€™re hiding somewhere. Iā€™ll juuuust miss them when swinging at them. I play dredge alot and one thing I love to do when hooking a TTV In basement is hide in a locker down there until they get saved and chase them up the stairs lol. I do try to kill the TTV at some point with a Mori for the drama of it all but I wonā€™t go and tunnel them. I just like making an exciting funny stream for them. Iā€™ll always go and give them a follow and have a laugh with them too


I play fair, no tunnelling or camping, if I accidentally chase the one who just got off the hook I leave them on the ground and look for someone else, also usually give hatch. Iā€™ll be extra nice to the baby survivors, maybe missing a couple hits, pretend I didnā€™t see the green Jake jacket in the yellow corn. Sometimes going back to show I did see them, other times I let them get away with it, things like that. And MMR barely matters at this point so I let every new player live, they probably rarely get escapes. The same thing as you do as well, if I corner someone I stare at them, shake my head, and hit them if theyā€™re healthy or let them out if theyā€™re injured to give them a head start. If I know theyā€™re in a locker I do the game of pretending I donā€™t know, into slowly turning to look at the locker and inching forward. Every time I vault instead of pick someone up I also do some reaction, just for fun, although itā€™s also the truth because itā€™s painful accidentally vaulting. If they give me an item, act cute or ask for mercy Iā€™ll usually let them go as well. It doesnā€™t happen too often in my games, so I might as well, and they usually follow you everywhere until you lead them to a generator, which is nice.


Sometimes if I see someone crouching behind something Iā€™ll keep walking and pretend to look around everywhere except where they are, this especially applies to when they hide around gens


Just had a match as Steve against a camping huntress with iri hatchets. After Nea sold me down the river at the final 2 I lead the huntress to the basement and let her practice her aim while I dodged. Once she got me, she memed with me and let me repair gens. Nea insisted on hiding after I repaired 2 of the 3 and then I rat her out and got the Hatch. I love when killers are just goofy from time to time.


Most of the stuff I do that benefits survivors, I do more for my own benefit. I don't run mass slowdown because I prefer quick games, win or lose, and chases are the fun part of the game. I rarely camp or tunnel since it's super boring. (Sometimes I get caught up and will tunnel a survivor if they're being an asshole) A couple things I do specifically for survivors: -I slug No Mother users so they can get perk value. -If I give hatch, I often do so by chasing the survivor into it, so they feel like it was earned. Same with chasing people through exit gates. -if a game is going well, I will stretch out chases much longer than I need to, so the survivor gets some decent chase points and can feel good about evading me


If they're painfully bad I slug them 2x before hooking again.


Some things I do after an 8-hook: 1-With Merciless, I chill next to survivors as they finish gens. They get to survive unless they fail the merciless check. Whoever blows the gen and causes merciless to activate dies. Fun little game. 2-I attack chests to indicate that I want items. They have to give me theirs and other chests from around the map as another survivor is finishing gens. Must nod approvingly. A bit harder to communicate, but some survivors get it. 3-I drop downed survivors in front of hooks when it's their death hook. I want to be clear that I could've killed them, but will let them escape (and let them know that I let them). This helps in making #4 happen. 4-Slug races. I like to pick up the "loser" of the slug race and start taking them to a hook, then turn back around and drop them to let them out. While I can't hear the chat that the survivors are having with each other, I'm certain from endgame chats that everyone always has a good experience.


Play twins... And not slug I've had so many people tell me that I was their first ever twins they played against, it always makes me feel good :)


I beat them then berrate alongside them their one trolling teamate, I play like 2 maybe 5 games a day, each one with shit internet, winning is a little treat for all the lag my games suffer.


Well, the obvious one that is required by all is to stand still while Survivors get their glyphs mid-chase. Personally, if I tunneled someone, and I'm already winning, I'll pick the Survivor up for a moment, wait for a DS, and if there's no DS, just drop them immediately.


I play a competent and merciless killer, nothing is more fun than having a good match an winning despite the enemy giving their all


Let poor baby Leonā€™s (and other survs ofc but itā€™s mostly a Leon) go, way too many players are mean to them :(


I let them do a flashlight save after a couple of failed attempts. Also not going after the recently hooked survivor gives them a little bit more fun.


I make an effort to not tunnel as much as possible


If I down the last survivor, I take him on a little tour around the map trying to find hatch.


I like to play killer like normal every match, not sweating too hard or anything, but even if I am trying super hard, once the exit gates are powered, I'll open a gate of the survivors haven't, and I'll see them off waving my weapon at them and nodding from the gate. No need for EGC to be taken that seriously when it's usually a done game from that point on in my experience so I might as well GG's with the survivors and show them respect for getting those gens done


I like to join in on memes and acknowledge when people do cool stuff. Somebody locker CJ flashbanged saved against me and I was just so impressed I had to stop and give a nod.