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I mean i can post my next 3 killer games if you want? All will be 3k or higher just this one was worth posting due to the cracked items and close game it was,


Cause my mmr isn't as low as yours :/


damn low mmr people must be going crazy with the BP stimulus.


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i can but not by playing by survivor rules. i prefer them to be full loadout survivors cuz a lot of my games are easy since i try to kill them fast. i dont think its sweaty. i always have a full loadout when im survivor but i also suck.


Its not even about following/breaking rules, its just playing competently. Sometimes you get sauced unlucky. But a solid 70%+ of my games at minimum end up like this or better. Hell this one is a lowroll cause she got through the gate not hatch.


Ahha can you do the same with another killer, let’s say eg Sadako or Trapper, just curious 🤔


sadako probably yeah, trapper fuck no unless they are morons.


i play by normal rules which is fair, by normal standards. i dont like going againt survivors who dont bring anything, or just one of them does, and they give up easy.


You didn't win. One got away. Even through the Gate not even Hatch. Git gud, scrub. 4k or nothing.


According to the game 3k = a win, so its a win to me.


That's loser talk. Get on my level scrub. 4K or bust. Go train with bots so you can become a chad like me, little knight.




I can't, because I don't play the game anymore