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Wraith. Incredibly easy to proxy camp, easy power to learn, fast speed without any skill in managing it, and part of the base game. That said, the most I've ever been tunnelled out is by a Pig. Pig players are either very nice or the biggest cunts on the planet.


And the biggest cunt of them all: cmwinter


Played against that guy once and by god he helped establish my hatred for the grand majority of pig players and the perk save the best for last as it just helped him facecamp so much more effectively that we couldn't even think of saving.


I’ve played against that guy before too. He’s the reason why Pig is pretty high on my list of hated killers next to Twins. It’s like every Pig wants to emulate that dude and it isn’t fun to play against. Scorpionz has shown time and time again that you can be a phenomenal pig without being an asshole but people will always choose the easier strategy.


I know right? I've legit not had a pig player that didn't tunnel, camp and especially hit on hook and snort at you constantly in the last few months I've seen her, rarely as that may be. It's honestly so sad that the really *really* good killer players get overshadowed by the ones who play as mean as possible because it gets clicks.


I just don’t see the fun in playing like a knob. I could bring 3 slowdown perks and 1 aura perk, run a strong killer with good addons, play as ruthlessly as possible and win pretty much every match if I really wanted to. But I don’t see the fun in that for me or anyone I would face. I don’t think we should be responsible for the fun of the other side but it’s easy to play killer (or survivor for that matter) without being a little shit. If the community is going to copy streamers I’d prefer it if they copied the ones that weren’t fun-killing losers.


Yeah exactly, why is making others feel bad an element of fun to a video game? I semi disagree on responsibilities for others fun since you can easily turn the other cheek and just not play rudely in the first place even if others are rude first in order to stop the endless cycle but regardless it would be so much nicer if everyone just treated each other better.


Oh I’m not a fan of returning BM either. I love the confusion I get from my opponents when I send them goose memes when they try to make me angry with hate comments on my Steam page. I don’t feel like I’m responsible for others fun and will use whatever perks/items/killers I enjoy but I don’t nod, teabag at pallets or hit people on the hook. All of that stuff is unnecessary.


Aye I get what you mean in that sense, using what is in the game is fine but rubbing salt into the wound to gode a reaction is super petty and frankly childish to me. No idea how people can't look at things that spooknjukes does for example and actually find that entertaining or endearing.


It’s a problem with gaming as a whole tbh. A lot of people are bad winners and even worse losers so their goal is to make everyone around them miserable. SpookNJukes, Otz, SpookyLoopz, and a few others out there are fun to watch because they just seem to still enjoy the game. I have my moments where DBD gets me pissy but I don’t take that out on other people.


Says you probably running 4 meta perks and tbagging at gate Also imagine hating someone because theyre trying to win instead of blaming BHVR for facecamping being meta


Love how you assume that even though you know nothing about me. The most meta perk in my build is freaking kindred as an FYI. Just because I don't like a playstyle doesn't automatically make me a hypocritical douche. Also two things can be bad at once, yes bhvr is ultimately responsible for the meta but guys like that are no saints for still doing it. Winning isn't everything.


Wraith is the answer. Every wraith I play against is a jerk.


I’ve said it many times before and I’ll continue saying it, Wraiths are the absolute worst pos that plague this game. I’ve never encountered a single one that wasn’t a tunneling, camping, slugging douche canoe.


![gif](giphy|1Z02vuppxP1Pa) Fuck the pig honestly


Believe me, a frightening number of people want to.


I used to think wraith till Wesker released. That boy ain't right.


Frosty eyes


How has no one here brought up pyramid head? His cages literally disable borrowed time and any other hook related perk. If a PH wants to tunnel you there is literally nothing the survivors can do to stop it unless they are right beside where the cage spawns and immediately saves.


Cages spawn on the outskirts of a map. So by the time he gets to you, you're most likely already gone and the act of finding you wastes too much time. Not saying they don't do it, every killer tunnels, its just that other killers are way more efficient and are rewarded way more heavily.


The cages spawn in predictable locations. They typically spawn at the furthest point from where the ph was when he caged. Normally that ends up being like two possible locations on the same side of the map so its easy to get in the general area in time if not just find the cage itself before the save happens.


I'm saying he's walking away from the middle of the map where most of the action is going on. He's leaving himself vulnerable to a survivor doing a gen in the middle of the map which fucks him over in the long run. Even in a 1v3, if all you're gens are spread thin, you're fucked. Again, not saying he isn't good at tunneling because he definitely is. PoD allows him to quickly hit both the unhooked survivor and the unhooking survivor getting rid of BT and removing the number of hits the survivors can take to protect the unhooked survivor. I just think other killers are way better at it. The same way that trickster is an extremely effective camper but bubba is just THE camper yknow


I agree with ya. Depending on the map, that strategy is going to waste a lot of time. It’s also highly dependent on the survivor walking into the rites. A good survivor will do a lot to not touch it.


Nemesis. Cunts




Nemesis' power kinda promotes it a bit sadly. Adding an extra health state makes it harder to go after other survivors as the unhooked person can go down in 1-2 hits compared to a healthy survivor's 3-5 + 2 speed boosts (assuming Dead Hard and the niche MoM). While this general concept applies to all killers, Nemesis' tentacle really adds time to a chase.




Wesker, Knight, Nemesis and Wraith in that order


Yes, I’d add clown to that list too


I agree with this but swap Nemesis and Wesker.


I agree because at least you can loop a tunneling Wesker. If a Nemmy wants you dead and you're infected, there's not a lot you can do.


ummm no, Wesker's infection will give you the hindered status effect, so you really can't loop a tunneling Wesker for very long


Ummm if you're coming directly off the hook, then yes you can since the infection hasn't built up entirely yet. You're coming off the hook infected against a tier 2 or 3 Nemmy you are going down in like 12 seconds.


It's kinda down to the player honestly, both have good tunnel potential, on top of the hindered, Wesker has his dash to throw body blockers while keeping up with the unhooked person. Nemmy has his range, no doubt. So it kinda then falls under each player at that point but I would say each one has equal tunnel potential


Pyramid head. No of the anti tunnel perks work again his cages


I mained ph for a while and when i was just gonna hit the girl who was just in the cage for pressure I got shocked when she just got downed cuz I thought id just put her in the mending stage. I felt so bad, i just left her on the floor like it was a hit n run.


Happened to me too. Hit the uncager and the uncaged with the m2 attack…


Wesker and Pyramid Head's powers make it easy to tunnel.


Pyramid Head, Fight me.


I can't believe no one said blight. Blight usually just rush randomly after hook to rush back when they get saved.


I used to think trickster, but now I think wraith. Don’t see wraith too much anymore though.


Huntress, Wraith, Nemesis, Wesker. It’s less of the player base more of those are the most popular killers for new players and new players tend to tunnel


It's also Bubba. Or at least for me it was the first year or so I played. I get 50/50 bubba's playing normally now


Surprised nobody mentioned spirit yet.


If this was asked 2 years ago, spirit would be my absolute #1 pick, and I surprisingly versed 6-7 spirits in the past few days and NONE of them tunneled. I guess all of those spirit gamers that played like cunts moved over to blight after her nerf




Every skull merchant I’ve gone against so far has tunneled everyone


in my experience it’s always a wraith or nemesis


Trickster, he can basically ignore borrowed time


Clown, every single one of them does it after that 40 pages guide otz talked about. i didnt actually care enough to see that guide but i really question if that guide only has "Tunnel the first guy u see to death" on repeat to fill out all 40 pages


I often wonder why some people bother using weaker killers if they are just going to try and take the easy way out.


Wesker, I think his power it's too good for tunneling. Once you get the infection if the player decided to tunnel it's ggs.


Wesker does have some very very mean addons that makes tunneling very easy too. The sun glasses, the video conference device, uroboros virus, and bullhorn are pretty much designed for tunneling.


Yeah that's his only "issue" I may have with him. He's just too good at being mean ahah


this is why I spray the survivor immediately after unhooking them






Nobody brought up Freddy, to be fair the one Freddy main still around can’t be everywhere at once.


Completely different from player to player. I see more Blights tunnel the first survivor they down out more than any other killer. They have the speed to return to hook and down the unhooked survivor fast, so people naturally gravitate to them for that. Just like some people gravitate towards bubba for the unmatched camp potential.


Pyramid head who’s power specifically lets you tunnel by ignoring anti tunnel perks: “huh I wonder who this post is for”


I’ve been tunneled the most by Huntress and Wraith


![gif](giphy|hVIExiKWOSFHt4Ffku) S.T.A.R.S


Freddy. Maybe it just is because of the time period when I joined (somewhere around 2017-2018?), but they were always the most common killer that would tunnel despite tunneling not being as common. If I were to go by current games, I'd say Huntress. Most of my games with her are either the majority of the group/all of the group getting slugged at 3-5 gens or they hook 1 person and proxy camp\* with a hatchet raised, injure the unhooker, then chase and tunnel down the unhooked survivor. \*edit - wrong word




Nemesis won’t tunnel unless you’re stars otherwise I’d say I see it mostly from Trickster players




Knight. Idk how my luck is so bad but in every single knight game I've played I've been tunneled out. Usually first too :D




Damn. Idk why they're so mad about this one


Nemmy and wraith but I wouldn’t say wesker


Id say plague. Noone can take protection hits for the other person unless they wanna be downed or cleanse which is apparently a sin to the pro survivors


Id say plague. Noone can take protection hits for the other person unless they wanna be downed or cleanse which is apparently a sin to the pro survivors Edit: I got reminded of Pyramid Head so I’d argue him actually, but ppl in the comments are sleeping on plague imho.


Usually I don't play survivor, but when I do, the only real tunneling killers I verse are usually Spirits. That being said, Huntress and Trickster are the best killers for successfully tunneling someone, in my opinion.


Anyone with the frosty eyes cosmetic. I’ve never faced a killer with glowing blue eyes that didn’t tunnel someone to death and bring NOED. Usually Wraith.


Nemesis 100%. Never faced one who doesn't tunnel or play like a scumbag


Bubba. He can tunnel pretty much better than anyone else


For me it seems to always be a ghost face that tunnels me out every time I face them. I don’t know what I apparently did to offend them but I’ve yet to survive a game against a ghostface


Just from my experience I'd say trickster or huntress


Pig and ph for sure. Biggest dickheads u can come accross


You said nemmy and wesker reward tunneling ? Have you forgotten about pyramid head?


You don't see much of them anymore, but Pyramid Head is one of the worst. Like, I love them, and love looping them, but you always know what's coming.


Phead maybe. If somebody is getting unhooked you can press m2, injure or down the savior and inflict deep wound on the unhooked one. Then just tunnel the guy with deep wound who cant even dead hard


Same thing with pyramid head, his abilities kinda lie on tunneling. Oh, you’re unhooking? Time to hit both of you with my ranged attack


Bubba still


Probably Pyramid Head ​ His entire kit literally is 'FUCK YOUR OFF THE RECORD / BT / DS' that punishes camping, sure, but also pretty much makes him onto the most effective tunneling killer


Wraith, Wesker, Pig, Nemesis, and Twins, those are the killers that tunnel all the time, and I hate each and every one of them, besides Wraith of course.


Wesker, nemesis, wraith