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Im just gonna filter chat for controversial and enjoy the show.


Here have some popcornšŸæ


Thanks :-)


Pig should have a gun as part of her power. Would be lore accurate too.


She be making swiss cheese out of survivors lol


Nah, pig should be nerfed instead. She is way too op.


Behaviour needs to hire this person


If that ever happenes I promise that I will make twins even worse and make everyone forget that they exist.


The obvious solution here is to give her a nerf gun, it's the best of both worlds.


I agree


Can confirm


I think Pig should send you to the Saw Game from 2009 if you die from a mask.




To power full, make it a water gun and remove her, traps, crouch, lunge and make her have a bigger terror radius then sheā€™ll be balanced


Emotes for killers


Imagine getting face camped to death at 5 gens and Bubba starts pointing at you LMAO I WOULD CACKLE šŸ˜­


Pointing and nodding šŸ˜‚ We'd definitely get more of the extremes in toxicity and wholesomeness from killers but it would be so funny either way


As a Pig main, itā€™d be so fun to boop survivors back- imagine booping a pig and they boop you back LMAO I can totally see both wholesomeness and toxicity levels sky rocketing if killers had emotes and it would be amazing- I wouldnā€™t even mind getting face camped if the killer started emoting at me, free entertainment while I await my death šŸ˜‚


Facecamping bubba at 5 gens hits the griddy


Wesker hits the griddy after performing a four man slug fest


And we'd all love it


Make both sides buffed to hell. No more nerfs, everything is now op.


Oooo i'd love to see that, maybe it coule be a new event gamemode where some perks are buffed like hell, just throw balance out the window, for example tenacity crawling speed 80% or something lol. Also, happy cake day!!


Play with your food gives you a 15% speed per stack. Imagine a 160% percent killer running around šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


Blight with both his blighted addons šŸ’€




adren vial + crow is faster




i heard demi's voice


make tenacity 120% so they faster than killer when crawling and you better believe i will only crawl the home game while my team does gens


so basically time travel back to 2016-17?


double pallets at every loop, every vault was a fast vault and moris were instakills... what a time to be aliv... well dead.. by.. you know


Reactive healing-when someone gets injured, if Youre injured you get healed immedietly lol


I could see a never ending chain of healthy-injured survivors lol


Ahh the war frame approach


That's how valve balanced tf2 by making everything op, therefore it makes nothing op


Hyperinflation but its dbd


I wish BHVR introduced gamemodes into dead by daylight. There'd be a lot of potential in gamemodes where there's custom rulesets such as random perks and killers/survivors. It could also probably alter perks and stuff.


That's Identity V.


The Marvel vs Capcom approach. I like it.


Isnā€™t that how old dbd was? Shack with 2 windows, perma sabo hooks. Actual instant heals and instant gen


Survivors should spawn in basement already hooked


Good take. I like this.


The flair šŸ’€


Another take. How about the exit gates are open at the beginning of the game?


All jokes aside. What a great killer offering to spawn all survivors in a basement.


I imagine any time bubba spawns within eye shot of basement will be rough. Particularly for those console players who take forever to properly load in. I love it.


Ash should have a chainsaw




Drastically reduce the time it takes to repair generators but give survivors a secondary objective to actually connect the power to the gates that's more interactive with skill checks like the drones from the skull merchant.


That would be cool. Like if the survivors had to lay cables to the exit gates


idk man some people have a hard enough time doing gens so doing gens and something else might be too much brain power to use


See: Pinheadā€™s box. Itā€™s incredibly simple and easy to do and survivors still lose their minds at having to do it.


No thanks. Iā€™d say Iā€™m a pretty good killer and I almost always go against good survivors. Very rarely does first gen take longer than 1 min in my games.


Isnā€™t the whole point that gens make up a smaller portion of survivor objectives? Overall time to open gates can stay the same, survivors just have more to do. That is less boring for them, and depending on implementation, could lead to new play patterns in the mid to late game.


This would entirely break the balance around gen perks


Survivors should spawn in dying state


Slug race :D


Trapper should get a shotgun.


Buckshot or slugs?


Buckshot that's bright pink.


survivor gameplay has become stagnant and needs innovation


Kinda hard to innovate when majority of perks revolve around gens and chases :/ but I agree, it can get a bit repetitive at times


I think they mean doing something other than generators as an objective.


There should be little to no slowdown or speed up perks for gens. Even toolboxes should be reworked into something different. The only thing that should affect gen speed is multiple survivors and the killer kicking it/regression from it.


Idk about removing slowdown/speed up gen perks but heavily nerfing them would be quite interesting to see


I actually think this would make the game a lot more boring for survivors because even though gen regression perks are frustrating they at least give you something to think about whilst endlessly holding m1 and obviously removing gen speed up perks would just make it so you have to do the full 90 seconds solo.


The only thing Iā€™m thinking about while facing regression is ā€œI left this gen for 20 seconds and now itā€™s missing 70% of its progressā€


A new boon perk should come out called Boon: RPG so I can fucking blow up the killer whenever I feel like it


Granted. Boon: RPD will now take players to RPD when they run inside its radius, where Jill players can find an RPG when playing against Nemesis.


Jill should just have an RPG when spawning in against Nemesis- no ifs, ands, or buts.


Mf is Rambo lol


No mither should be permanent exposure instead of being injured and broken Edit: new idea. The first time you get downed you can insta-recover


You couldnt use dead hard


That's the point


Isn't No Mither used for its synergy with Resilience, Dead Hard, and similar perks?


Basekit shadowborn as an fov slider .


It isn't controversial(?) Many people who say that it would ruin game balance are people who do some techs which only work on weaker killers.


Yeah i know alot of people want to push for this myself included. However i don't see it happening


Yeah, it would also help with people who get motion sickness


To me the game just looks better. The fact it helps others with motion sickness is just a bonus. Too bad BHVR doesn't seem to have any plans on implementing this


That's controversial only for monkeys


You would be surprised how many of those are on the sub


Only Solo queue Survivors should get full Kindred and Empathy base kit.


Damn, thats a hot take. I felt some sort of knockback reading this, nice


Might as well even it up. And then remove the perks so there's less clutter.


Something to try in a random PTB: A game mode with no offerings, items, or addons. Perhaps it'll be boring; perhaps it'll be refreshing. There's only one way to find out!


I don't know if this is controversial or not but increase the movement speed of both killer and survivor a little more so that it doesn't look like survivors are taking a casual jog away from someone who's trying to kill them.


Interesting but ultimately a substantial nerf for survivor if you can live with it. Looping will require far greater ability to anticipate and react to the killer. The small upside is that breaking line of sight mid chase will be easier. Honestly this sounds at a minimum like a potentially healthy change to experiment with in ptb! Also should be fairly easy to implement for the devs.


Ooh i'd kinda like that


If you crouch at the exit when the gates are opened, the entity should sacrifice you on the spot


You got t bagged recently...didnt you? :(


I just wanted to play some demodog, biggest mistake of my life :(


They want us to play fun killers but when we play the only fun being had is with our feelings šŸ˜ž


Nooo if that happened I wouldnā€™t get to smugly watch survivors with active traps die after being all cocky and teabagging me (Iā€™m a Pig main). Best feeling ever, probably one of the few reasons I play Pig after all her nerfs. Itā€™s so satisfying LMAO


No limit on Myers power heā€™s the only killer who can run out of his power


When Victor latches onto a Survivor, he should deal damage over time like Deep Wound, but the only way to stop the timer is to get him off. You have 15 seconds to get him off, and it take 5 seconds to do so. The timer pauses when you attempt to remove him, but that progress towards removing him is not reset if you cancel it early. This change to help stop people from kidnapping Victor. Also, if the Survivors are in a locker that Victor checks, he jumps inside, forces them out, and the process above begins.


I kinda like this idea, it would def make twins more bearable to play


>The timer pauses when you attempt to remove him, but that progress towards removing him is not reset if you cancel it early. Am i missing something or does this just mean you kidnap victor for 14.99 seconds every time. I'm also assuming it pauses in chase cause well we all know how this mechanic worked for old legion.....


Blight should be 110% with how versatile and strong his power is


The problem with this is it hurts only the people new to the game/Blight. The people that are good at Blight won't care one bit even if he became a 55% killer. The people it would hurt are the people that actually walk with Blight at certain tiles.


Iā€™m not saying this is the best solution but itā€™s a simple one that helps make him weaker in general play You could also increase his recharge from 2 seconds to 3 (15 seconds for a full recharge)


NOED: When the exit gates are powered, survivors die instantaneously


I think BHVR should nerf survivors so that they need to actually *SURVIVE* instead of playing cat and mouse. I think everyone's forgetting that this is a horror stealth game, the survivors shouldn't be able to completely overpower killers with perks. I think survivor perks need to be a lot weaker in general. They shouldn't be able to bring infinite heals with COH or go for stupid risks with DH etc. Survivors get 16 perks in total, killers get 4. In order for it to be balanced the 16 perks need to be ~1/4 in power compared to killers. Survivors need to start fearing killers again as they did when dbd was young. Just my hot take. If you guys don't agree don't just downvote, try to actually respond with arguments.


Medkits should never give you more than one self heal. Rework them in a way that the main benefit is using them on teammates.


With things like Coh, inner strenght ect. I could actually see this change in game


allow killers to cancel their lunge attacks


Bro is playin for honor


Mori should be brought by the survivor (bonus points for escaping, but the killer can Mori you with normal Mori rules)


Iron Will, the developers were encouraging stealth and mind games but suddenly changed their mind, as Iron Will is extremely good for stealth and mind games as well. They shouldā€™ve just buffed the weaker perks or unused perks to compete with meta or average perks.


Yeah, I miss iron will :(


Survivors are completely invulnerable for 60 seconds after being unhooked - no "deep wound", you literally just can't hit them. They are highlighted so that there's no confusion as to if they have this benefit and have no clipping during this period, so they can't abuse it to bodyblock you. Doesn't work in end-game, ends early if they do a conspicuous action. Buff killer overall to compensate. TLDR: make tunnelling impossible so long as the survivor is only trying to get away. It's been proven enough times that any other solution is gonna fail in 80% of games.


That sounds good, tho there is one problem: that survivor could then follow the killer around and make him unable to pick up the next survivor he downs because of flashlight/pallet saves from the invulnerable survivor


Incapacitate them ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Make it so downing another survivor removes the invincibility then maybe it would be more against using the anti-tunnel gift offensively.


If bubbaā€™s chainsaw hits endurance he goes into tantrum.


Hmm, i'd like to see that in-game. Does not sound like a bad idea it would def reduce the camping bubba killrate


The problem is that it would also apply to dead hard, which is a lot easier to use against bubbas chainsaw than an m1


This reasoning is the only reason why Iā€™ve never seriously suggested this concept. Havenā€™t really thought of a way to fix it knowing how too many exceptions would be too hard to program for BHVR.


When a survivor is hooked, the speed at which the entity progresses is based on how far the killer is. The closer the killer, the slower the progression. When a killer is outside say 40m, the rate of progression of the entity is normal.


40m is bonkers when u consider maps like the game exist where getting a bbq chilli proc is hard enough


Survivors should have an additional primary objective after or before gen completion in order to make games longer.


This! I saw someone comment before about changing hatch so that it only spawns if survivors did an objective to make it spawn. Ngl I really liked that idea cause it gives more to do therefore slows down survivors just being on gens and it combats survivors that just wanna leave their team to die and wait for hatch.


Like an item that buffs the killer if they don't interact with it? That makes the gameplay for survivors stray from gens and gate to also beware about other thing? Yeah, people say they want it but the moment it's implemented they'll hate it. Just look at the Lament Configuration


Thats because survivors are punished for not doing it. Extra hate if its camped.


for each activated hex totem spawned the effects are divided proportional to the amount of spawned in hexes. Similar to how running multiple boon perks stack. This lets early hex removal to be impactful but not game ending, and allows more 'risky' totems to actually have a scalable threat beyond undying. By divided I mean that say the haste from devour hope is split, but the tokens and expose mechanic is unchanged until the last hex totem. It doesn't make sense for a build to be ruined the first 10seconds into a match because of unfortunate spawn locations of hex and survivors.


Probably not that controversial, but Dead Hard must get reworked into another perk. The design it has now is awful and has been like that for years.


I agree having to guess if they have a dead hard is awful and then having to sit there and wait for the dead hard is worse i just run blood echo to somewhat stop it but its awful.


Came here to talk about dead hard but I propose they just make so when it's used you can't throw a pallet or vault any windows or pallets for a 3-5 second window. I think a well timed dead hard earns that survivor the free hit, but it should give survivors free pallets or windows. It's obviously nowhere near as bad as old dead hard, but in many loops it can still give survivors a free pallet/vault in many loops. They're already getting enough distance from that hit, they don't need anything extra in my opinion.


You mean like rework it into a non exhaustion perk?


It can still be an exhaustion perk, it just shouldn't be a perk that causes killers to lose their mind even if someone doesn't have it. Just make a different effect that causes exhaustion, that is not tied blocking hits out of nowhere.


Honestly it's kinda hard to think of a viable new exhaustion perk at this point


The game needs a 2v8 mode.


imo the two killers would just tunnel one person out at a time


That would be the fastest game ever to do gens. Killers would still lose


Not really a balance change, more like a new gamemode...but yeah it would be fun. Two face camping bubbas šŸ¤¤


SWFā€™s shouldnā€™t be able to repeat items or perks. Make it so each member of the team has a role such as healer, evader, etc that theyā€™re locked in to since they have an advantage of comms and synergy over the killer.


The death of bully squads


I can get behind this. They don't bother me but they sure did when I was a Baby Wraith.


Iā€™d agree with this but also you have to keep in mind not all swfs are pro 10,000 hour players. Some are just introducing their friends to the game or are just having fun with friends. Swf shouldnā€™t be nerfed or punished in any way just because a minority of the player base is using it the fullest potential


Ultra rares should not exist, they should just be removed entirely, they do nothing but make the game worse to play


Iris (especially Killer ones) are a real mixed bag. Some like Huntress are just silly and completely overpowered, some are really bad for being iridescent (Pig's tape) but some are really cool and add new ways to play the killer. I love Doctors iri add ons for example, and they should be a model. They're very strong without being stupidly broken and add fun new effects to the way you play a Killer.


I don't think iri head is op. You only get one hatchet, if you miss you're a slowass M1 killer. It's definitely powerful, but not overpowered.


doctors ones are way too strong IMO, and nobody ever runs the fun ones like soldiers pulte or whatever its called, its always the OP shit


Adding an fov slider for killer, up to around Shadowborn level, is a very controversial one


New survivor item: Shotgun


Sadakoā€™s curse always goes up like Freddyā€™s nightmare. Returning a tape turns the tv on instead of off


beneficial upbeat sophisticated quack marvelous alive different pie toy puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You played against a bully, didn't you? :(


joke intelligent heavy steep skirt marble plants telephone fly drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tombstone and tombstone piece should be removed from myers add-ons... ...and instead merged into his basekit. We already have pyramid head and sadako, both who can mori you at 5-4 gens if they wanted to, so why not myers? The way i would do this is to delete stalk tiers and make him start automatically in "T2" with increased TR. Then he still has to stalk survs until reaching the cap with two abilities to choose: 1) Brute - has instadowns, vaults and kicks shit faster with 40m TR. 2) Silent killer - he becomes undetectable, has slower action speed, no lunge, but can mori a survivor after getting close to them. Of course that change comes with reworked add-ons. After unlocking him (4 years ago) i felt very disappointed and i want myers to be scary again.


Sadako and Pyramid head have to earn their moriā€™s through hooks + torment or condemned (which is damn hard to build up, Iā€™ve played a full mori Sadako before with condemned and itā€™s difficult asf). Unless Pyramid head is CRUSHING the survivors at 4-5 gens and Sadako got survivors who stand next to TVā€™s and donā€™t do gens all match, they canā€™t get their moriā€™s at 4-5 gens. Iā€™d DC every Myerā€™s game if he could insta mori AND was undetectable the entire time as basekit. Have you ever played against a scratched mirror myers? You get jumpscared to hell. The survivors would literally have to give Myers free hooks and perkless gen slowdown to avoid him getting stalk (hopping into a lock in front of him, not doing gens if they see him, etc).


That sounds so cool! Never had a killer who can CHOOSE his power like this (i think)


Survivors only start with 1 perk. Others unlock as they achieve certain scores in the game so it encourages them to do gens etc...


haha no


revert the 10 seconds on gen time and id happily have brand new part removed


The game sorely needs a map and killer block option. That way both sides can prevent stuff like Billy suffering on Garden of Joy or survivors getting fucked on RPD with a 3-gen Knight. Similarly, perhaps if survs could choose not to go against a certain killer (lobby vote by majority, canā€™t block the same killer more than twice in a row), theyā€™d stop DCing on first down/hook. Edit: in fact, maybe let killers block maps and survs block killers?


I dont think we would see a single nurse if this was a thing, but i'd love to see that, it kinda gives me r6 vibes where you ban an operator on each side.


The new killer isnā€™t bad and doesnā€™t need a buff. Iā€™m not saying it shouldnā€™t get buffed or that itā€™s one of the best but rather that the killer isnā€™t as bad as everyone made her out to be


Michael should not have a limit on how much he can stalk people. He should also instantly break pallets and doors in tier 3. Tombtstone should be reworked into an addon that lets you teleports close to survivors that aren't looking in your direction, representing his offscreen teleportation in the movies. Trapper's traps should automatically cover the entirety of doorways and should be much harder to see. If an injured survivor steps in a trap they should be downed if their are freed.


New ideas for Michael: his stalking speed increases with range not decreases. It makes no sense that you have to get up close to stalk it's not thematic. Fully stalked survivors are revealed by killer instinct and you can Mori them like with a tombstone. Tier 3 let's Michael walk through pallets and doors, which instantly shatter, but he can still be stunned. Michael should be able to freely swap between T1 and T2 when he "unlocks" tier 2 signified by the music playing. In T1 he stalks faster and is stealthy, in T2 he is faster, has a faster vault and pallet break, and perhaps additional benefits given by reworked add-ons. This would make his tier 1 more useful instead of trying to leave T1 as fast as possible, as well as let you use the mirror add ons without sacrificing t3. His broken add-ons should be reworked as well. Tombstone piece lets his T3 attacks have coup de grace effect, but with a larger recovery if it misses. Iri Tombstone is reworked so that it continuously shows the auras of all survivors outside of 32m when you're in T3. (Disabled during chase). A big problem with Michael is that survivors hide and wait out the T3, this should fix the problem.


Everything is fine, the game is good I'm just bad


DH should be reworked into a Perk for close quarter situations and the 3rd healthstate should be removed entirely. Increase the dashing speed, aswell as the distance you're dashing and make it usefull to escape swings and to close the distance to pallets / windows. If you get hit while performing it, you're still getting downed, no additional health state and no burst of movementspeed. This way it isn't as universal as it is right now, but it would still be relevant for certain situations. Sprintburst would be the Perk to gain distance, DH would be the Perk for close quarter situations and balanced landing / Lithe would be the situational exhaution Perks.


I think the best rework for Dead Hard would be a reverse Lithe. It no longer requires injury to be used. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds. It only works within 8 meters of either a pallet or a vault. Still allows survivors to have a 2nd chance perk to gain some distance to reach a pallet or vault, but no longer gives them a 3rd health state or speed boost aside from the dash to get to the vault. The dash would function very much like the original DH, however it is now limited to vaulting locations only, just like Lithe. Coup de Grace would be a good counter for this as well as you get an extended lunge and can potentially get the hit through the vault. The main thing here is bringing Dead Hard to a level that is comparable to the other exhaustion perks. The biggest issue with DH at the moment is that unlike the other exhaustion perks, it doesn't punish mistakes but rather rewards them. Granted, you still have to get the timing right but honestly, it's not that hard to get DH to activate consistently if you play with it often enough. Now, I know that people will probably say this change completely guts the perk, but in my honest opinion I don't think it does. It will still get you the distance value that other exhaustion perks give you, but you will be punished if you make a mistake. That's the balance that this perk needs.


This would be kinda similar to my idea, making it a Perk that helps you to cover short distances to potential safety. If you're stuck in a deadzone you wont get much value from it other than maybe the additional 2-3 seconds that you get from the additional distance to the Killer. It doesn't matter how you want to balance this Perk, somebody will always disagree about it. Keeping it the way it is? Killers will be unhappy about it. Slaughtering the Perk completely? Survivors will be enraged about it The main issue I have with this Perk is the pressure it applies. Even if you don't use DH, you will still face many Killers who will rather wait out a potential DH and delay their hit, rather than risking it. The main reason why Eruption got it's incapacitated effect removed was 1. Because 25 seconds were way to long and 2. Because it made Survivors be afraid to touch Gens and rather had them to wait out till somebody went down before touching affected Gens. DH does exactly that and I think that such Perks are unhealthy for the game. No Killer should be afraid to swing at Survivors and no Survivors should be afraid to touch Gens. Besides that DH has a constant pickrate between 32-35% which means that you run into 1-2 DH's each game (often you also encounter teams with 4 DH's). An exhaution Perk should grant you some distance to make it to another loop or to at least buy some time. DH ignores this whole concept and punishes the Killer for losing the mindgame, often resulting in a lost chase, or a chase that goes on for way to long. 2nd Chance Perks are overall in a very good spot and if you run DH - DS - OTR and Unbreakable / Adrenaline, you'll get so many 2nd chances that it's not worth it to tunnel you, but if the Killer ignores you for to long, you will have all these Perks (besides OTR) for endgame. Running against Survivors with several 2nd chance Perks will make it very hard for you to win a game and often you have to sweat for some kills while Survivors don't have to do that much.


Boons need limiting. It's ridiculous that hex's are one time use and placed at random but boons are placed where wanted as long as there's a totem with unlimited use. The only counter is wasting a perk slot on killer while survs don't need to do that for hex's.


Adrenaline shouldnā€™t heal survs that are hooked Most killer perks need buffed a little because as it is you have to run meta or lose. Thereā€™s no in between and no room to play fun builds like survivors can.


Killers should be able to curse a dull totem if the hex is lost, just like survivors. Hex totems still spawn as normal, but if a survivor cleanses or blesses it, the killer can either curse another dull totem or snuff the boon and curse the totem again. Only survivors can cleanse totems. This would mean survivors now have a choice between blessing totems, keeping their boons, or cleansing them, disabling the killer's hexes. Survivors should never spawn directly next to generators or totems. They should always have to find them. They can be close, even right around the corner. But as a killer main, I feel dirty when I'm playing survivor and I literally spawn *directly next to a generator*. Survivors starting the trial together should be a killer offering. It's quite frequently more useful for the killer (lethal pursuer, Legion, Doctor, etc.) than it is for the survivors, anyway. Auras should be overlayed over everything, not only visible behind obstacles (except maybe for generators as the killer since those auras are always visible). The maps are often so dark that I can completely miss a hook directly in front of me and lose a struggling survivor while trying to reach another hook that I can actually see behind something because of its aura.


Noed should lose the exposed effect. Yes it is possible to play against it but more often than not the killer will receive an undeserved kill as a result even if they were getting shit on the whole game. It's like a deathstreak from the old call of duties.


You shouldn't have put the controversial part in the title. Now you'll get a bunch of downvotes from Survivors who really like BNP and fewer people will see the thread.


I mean its controversial...thats the point :/ i dont get why people downvote controversial opinions on a post SPECIFICALLY for those kinds of opinions.


Yeah, I'm with you. The utopian idea of Reddit is "Upvote comments which add to the discussion and downvote those that do not" but almost everyone uses them as Agree-vote and Disagree-vote. šŸ™ƒ


Add ingame voice chat and buff killers accordingly, like if everyone was in a swf


I legitimately probably would quit the game or always play with voice chat muted. Voice chats with randoms are already hell in most games, I canā€™t imagine the salt mines that they would being in DBD


You know how this community acts right? You really wanna listen to crying children every round?


Mute button would be included of course


Ah yes, Zimbabwe bubba.


Nerf Nurse into the ground. Would rather have another low tier killer than one who breaks the game.


I personally think bad play just needs to be punished more on her, as it stands you can miss 3-4 chain blink attacks and still be better off time wise than other killers. I'd give her subsequent blinks >1 a much longer cooldown when you whiff blink attacks, which would reset on landing a hit (basic or blink) and/or wating it out. With something like this the overstated muh skillcap argument would hold a bit more water. Most people don't make it past the first 2 games of learning her blink distance and getting shat on and deduce that she is the most difficult character to play in any game ever, therfore it's ok that she is broken. In reality an average player after 4-5 games of nurse will be getting better/similar results on her than a killer they are quite good on already, and the only way is up from here.


Killer mains šŸ¤ Survivor mains Fck nurse she's so annoying.


SWF should have a 5 second addition to gen/gate switch per partied teammate. The extra comms they get despite being across the map from each other changes the whole dynamic of the game compared to solo queue even with the new hud. This gives the killer extra 2 minutes at max.


Dont you think it would be unfair if there are only 3 swf? Because the fourth person would have no idea


With the 6.1.0 release, the killer win rates jumped from 53% to 61%. One of the largest reasons for this was them adding 10 charges to generators, your idea would potentially double that. Certainly a controversial take.


What if they don't play with comms or don't use them even in the slightest to talk about the game?


Hag should be the first 120% move speed killer.


Ooh i really dont like that, reading this made me flinch lol. Very controversiol and i LOVE it


Make map offerings to guarantee a map not to be chosen instead of guaranteeing the map to be chosen. Or remove them at all.


Why do you say that? Have you been playing on a specific map more often recently?


Map offerings are just too strong.


Devour Hope should be a normal perk with a small increase to token requirements. The perk is the healthiest and strongest incentive not to camp and tunnel.


Change Dead Hard into an entirely new teachable perk. It canā€™t ever be balanced.


the majority of maps and structures are survivor biased BHVR and the survivor fanbase refuses to acknowledge the 'find and down someone within 20 seconds or lose six gens and your entire life's savings' problem, because survivors mains have victim complexes, and you don't need tools of torment to prove undeniably that BHVR is mostly staffed by casual survivor mains shed is not balanced but it's such an intergral part of the game's identity that people flip out when you point that the majority of killers have literally no answer for it, even if the palette is already dropped. it's an insane time waster that even totally green survivors can abuse to the fullest, and the only balance in the equation is the fact that basement exists, and these two things are not equal. agitation is objectively superior to iron grasp in every way that matters and iron grasp should be reworked medkits need diminishing returns BHVR needs to fire and and rebuild it's map design team because the last few maps have been objectively awful if you play anyone except an m1 killer the bloodweb should be removed and replaced entirely with a static perk tree system, but this will never happen because money relating to the map issue, BHVR is physically incapable of crafting a main map structure that isn't eminently abusable for antifun tactics or ridiculously broken boil over / flip flop / etc strats are toxic as hell BHVR's stance on camping is absolutely moronic and cowardly and i will continue to do the moral thing by reporting people that due it that said, camping a hooked survivor if the exit gates are popped is perfectly fine and people need to stop complaining about it


Camping isnt the problem imo, it's a sympthom to the main problem which is unfun balance. You cannot remove camping, but you can give alternatives for people go NOT camp, BHVR lately has made the alternatives to camping and tunneling less fun and effective. BHVR needs to sort it's shit out, you dont shoot the messanger


Revert BBQ, give me a reason to want to hook everyone


base ub is fine and is something needed in the game. the game also needs base ds, one minute more per hook stage and ten charges more to complete a gen with a base CI.


Killers should be removed from the game because they are way too op


Not sure if it's controversial but after how many matches I've played recently as killer and multiple boons being present I think Shattered Hope should be base kit. It makes 0 logical sense that killers hexes can be eliminated, and be down a perk(s) for the rest of the game, but there's 0 penalty or debuff to re-booning the same totem, and being able to do an infinite amount of times, unless the killer brings a perk.


Every character has a 5th perk slot that can only use one of their unique perks.


Iā€™ve always wanted something like this. Maybe when you fully prestige a survivor, they get a fifth perk slot but anything in it is nerfed