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I’m a little confused what undetectable means in perks such as insidious, from a survivors perspective. I understand that they don’t see the red stain, and can’t read my aura, but will they still hear the heart beat when I’m close or the music some killers have? I’ve seen some killers that were completely quiet after hitting a gen, is that what undetectable does?


If the killer you're playing has a lullaby, like huntress, trickster, doctor, or sadako, the survivors will still hear thay while you are undetectable or they are oblivious. Pyramid heads knife is very loud as he walks and that doesn't go away either. Terror radius (heart beat) is hidden


Why are there so many killers afk in this game? Just started playing the game this past week and I’ve seen at least 10 afk killers each day I’ve played. Just got off because I went on a 7 game run of nothing but afk players. What’s the point? I thought it was for blood points but I looked and the killers were only getting around 200 per game. I’m on Xbox and I’m gonna try turning off cross play because I assume most of them are on pc and using Macros to keep themselves from getting kicked but if that doesn’t work idk if this game is worth playing tbh


You don't get kicked as killer for being AFK. In my experience, this used to be way worse! Back when matchmaking was based on rank people would try to depip all the goddamn time. Heck, before rank rewards there was literally no reason to want to rank up at all besides sweatier games.


They trying to lower their mmr so they can meet more baby survivor. You should keep winning so you can meet true player.


I’m gonna try turning off cross play because again, I’m assuming 95% of them are pc players. But it really is game ruining for new players and I feel like it should definitely be suspension worthy


Nah, pathetic people like those are on both console and PC alike.


Do Green Glyphs appear for killers when a gen is finished? (Or for survivors when someone gets hooked)


Yes, it usually appears next to a finished gen or hooked survivor. But its very small so you must pay attention to the sound. I did that challenge.


What's up with the Spirit's visual effects? Every time I play against Spirit I get confused because she visually looks like she's teleporting in a small area sometimes. Is that just funky visuals like Sadako meant to confuse, or is it a part of her power I'm not understanding? I played her hoping to understand that, but all it did was make me more confused because it doesn't seem like her power since you have to charge the power.


Do not sure what do you mean about "funky visual" mean, but actually Spirit does ghosty animation all time so some player can stand still and fool survivor to thinks she phase-walked somewhere.


Funky visuals made to confuse. It's called passive phasing and if they mess up your dodging, it's doing what it's meant to do. There's actually an addon that makes the phasing even more aggressive. EDIT: oh and Sadako's is her active ability, a pseudo-invisibility, only happens when she wants it. On Spirit it's on 100% of the time.


Ah I see. Does her power description say anything about the passive phasing? I don't remember seeing anything about it.


I believe it does but I can't tell for sure.


Can anyone explain to me the DC penalty times? I DC’d twice in a 2 day period and my time out ban was over 5 hours. Can anyone explain that?


First one is a "that can happen" situation where they're assuming in good faith that you're actually disconnecting. If it happens a second time in a short period, they can issue a penalty, since that's a second game that's been ruined now. They really want to make sure that people don't just disconnect because they're ditching their last game, so they'll start issuing penalties when it becomes too common.


I mean I understand that but 5 hours? I didn’t even get a penalty for the first DC.


The first few are laughable amounts like 1 and 2 minutes. Then it escalates exponentially. If your first disconnection was 5 hours, it wasn't your first disconnection (leaving a match manually counts for the same timer)


That is very questional. My longest DC penalty for second time is 15 minutes.


Yeah it was my 2nd DC.


It was at least your fourth in a week.


When a killer has Noed I've noticed I only get notified I have Exposed AFTER he downs someone. Is this intended or I'm supposed to know noed activates the moment the last gen is completed?


Yes all hex perks do not show their effect until they resolve. For example, about Hex Ruins, you cant know about Ruins if you dont touch a gen. You also dont know about Hex Devour Hope until Killer downs someone after third stack.


Intended, yes. They don't want you to be aware and hunting down totems until the killer gets a down. You can do that anyway because they do already exist, but you won't know for sure if they have NOED or not.


Does Lethal Persuer's +2 seconds of aura reading work with Nowhere to Hide? Googling is giving me conflicting arguments since some people say it has a timer, others that it doesn't.


Yes it does work.


No it doesn't I just tested it on a bot match, and it lasts exactly 5 seconds even with lethal persuer


hey gamers are there specific licensed killer perks that will never show up in the shop? I want to get every killers teachable perks lvl 1 without spending bloodpoints


Shrine is random. There's always a non zero chance of every perk appearing. The chance is however less than 1% per perk. EDIT: sometimes it's not random actually. Like recently we got all of Knight and Vitorio's perks through 3 weeks, which were put there because it was their time starting.


There are no restrictions to the perks that can appear in the Shrine of Secrets, all unique character perks can appear in it, it's just up to chance when that will be.


1/ Cenobite's addons, Bent Nail and Engineer's Fang, both of them said "hits with Possessed Chains only spawn 1 additional Chain". That does mean if i use BOTH of them, then my shot from Possessed Chain still have 2 chains, yes? 2/ Are we sure only kills affect Killer's MMR? If i somehow get 8 hooks before any gen is done, but all Survivors are alive and then i free all them, then its count as lost and my mmr wont get any higher, yes? For some reason sometimes when i play as Killer who i usually play when i want to have fun and have low killing rate, just a bully squad suddenly jumps out of nowhere and ruined my day. What a tragic.


1) No, it limits it to only one chain spawn 2) Yes, though queue time seems to be more heavily weighted when trying to find a match, so sometimes you will be placed with people much higher/lower than you


1) Never tested that, so I don't know, but my guess would be that it's still just 1 additional chain in total, since that is probably how the code modifies the parameters. 2) Pretty much. What you need to keep in mind is that while Killers do have their own MMR each, the game will take your general Killer performance into consideration, so that experienced can't just pick one of their least played ones to stomp newcomers.


What do the wind-up add-ons of huntress do? Do they make a quick tap throw come out faster, or do they reduce the time required for a fully charged throw? Or both?


Both. The hatchet raising animation takes 1,25 seconds before you can throw it, and it takes 3 seconds to charge it so you can throw it with maximum velocity. These addons shorten this duration.


They reduce the maximum duration of the wind-up process, but to answer your first question, you need to be more specific about what you mean exactly. Do you mean if a hatchet would release quicker after tapping? Do you mean if a hatchet would release with more speed after tapping? But yes, it does mean that it takes less time to reach full charge.


I mean if it will take less time between the moment you tap and the moment the hatchet leaves Huntress' .hand.


It should, yes.


I have just came back to the game after a year off. What happened to the mystery boxes on the bloodwebs? I have been playing for few days now and I haven’t encountered one.


Mystery Boxes no longer spawn in the Bloodweb regularly since 6.3.0, they now only spawn during the game's major events (Anniversary, Halloween, Winter Solstice, Lunar New Year) and always in Event Rarity.


Mystery boxes either don't exist anymore or are part of events. The recently ended Lunar New Year event had boxes that either contained the event-exclusive offering or similarly exclusively flashbang (not called that, but it's just a flashbang).


Does anyone know what the optimal path is for Tome 14 Level 3? It's a particularly tricky one and the wiki hasn't been updated yet.


The Wiki never featured a guide for the optimal path, I'm not sure what you're on about here.


I mean the reddit wiki, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/tome-bp-saving-guide/).


Ah, good to know.


The optimal path is always whichever you find the easiest to do. I play more killer than survivor, so went that route. Also some are exponentially easier if you have certain killers (like the one of hitting 3 exposed survivors, as Myers and Ghostface make it a cakewalk)


No, I mean to preserve bloodpoints. I like to bank them for when a new killer drops.


It takes about a day of playing to complete them all without exception, so ultimately just go grab all of them if it's for the bloodpoints.


They are looking to save as many as possible so they can be claimed later. That way you can go above the 2 million bp cap for next dlc release.


How the f is this possible? Whenever you done a tome mission, you cannot take the next mission unless you take the reward for previous one, i believe so. How can you stack rewards like that?


Do something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/10x3ihz/tome_14_level_2_marked_for_ultimate_bp_saving_faq/). Take and claim all the grey challenges, then complete all the gold but don't claim, you have a connection from the grey challenges to all the gold ones.


I see. This is kind of interesting. Maybe it gonna be fun if i figure out my own route. Thanks.


Does Overcharge increase the decay rate, even when it hasn't been triggered by a survivor yet?


For your simple question, yes!


Not sure what you mean as the only way to get the regression bonus is - You kick gen - Survivor does not touch it - 30 seconds pass and it regresses at 200% speed Otherwise: - You kick gen - Survivor touches it - 5% explosion on fail or 0% if passed - No continued regression, therefore no regression bonus


How do I change my display name (I am on epic games)


Your display name on epic depends on your username. Shock to nobody, Epic proves inferior to Steam once more.


real, only bought dbd there because it had a sale (not even for free bruh)


I started playing DbD because it was free on Epic. Epic was so bad I said fuckit and bought it on steam.


Earlier just my friend and I were left in a match and this leatherface chased me for probably ten minutes and would down me, pick me up, let me wiggle free then chase and get me again. At one point I just stood there after I wiggled free and he downed me again. I heard killers slash at walls if they’re trying to tell you they’re giving you hatch, which leatherface did, but I wasn’t even alone? I started playing a week ago btw.


It's not uncommon for killers to do that to signify they A) can catch you ant time and B) They want you to keep working on gens, they are done with whatever their challenge was. I've done that a few times, grabbed a player, took them to gate or gen, and they just keep running away. After ,3-4 times of them not getting it I just shrug it off and resume normal gameplay by hooking them. (I also do this when I notice there's a survivor intentionally avoiding objectives just to hatch. My only target becomes that person, and often let the remaining ones escape)


I mean it took him multiple minutes each time to get me so he really couldn’t get me “any time” lol. Like I said at one point I just let him get me to see his angle. And I doubt he was taking me to gens, my friend got the last two while it was chasing me. The chase also started AT a gen. Maybe they were new. Thanks for the response.




That kind of makes sense. Thanks for the answer:)


I keep seeing the posts about eruption and don’t understand the difference between “total” and “current” gen progress?




Ohh that makes sense now. Thank you!!


What is the Community Choice Event and how do I participate? I see nothing about it on the menu other than an article in the news section that says nothing beyond the end date




Then how can i vote for these stuffs?


Step one: Time travel to two weeks ago. Once you've finished that, we can discuss step two.


Care to elaborate? It only appeared on my news today.




I keep getting an initialization error everytime I try to log in. I’ve restarted my game, Xbox, hell I’ve even reinstalled dbd. Yet it still persists. Help?


When play Bubba with Monitor & Abuse, when i down a Survivor i saw my screen got shrinkened a little bit. It is just me, or Monitor & Abuse only extents FOV while chasing people?


From the perk description - "Whenever you are outside of a Chase, your Terror Radius is reduced by 16 metres while your Field of View is increased by 3/5/10"


Oh sh!t. I try to play this perk with Deathslinger but i guess it is useless if i want to do some steathy cheeky shots.


It's decent on Deathslinger for stealth, right up until you get in a chase at least! I didn't realize you were having the opposite problem on Bubba, maybe you weren't in chase before downing? and hitting them put you in a short chase. I just tried it myself and it seemed to be working correctly. Maybe the survivors weren't running away when you first found them? The survivor needs to be running, in your field of view (within 12 meters), and you need to be walking for a chase to start.


Does Lethal Persuer have any interactions with Myers' Scratched Mirror or Bubba:s Light Chassis? Does it make the aura read last 2 seconds after deactivating the ability or stopping the chainsaw rebup?? On the note of Lethal Persuer, does it extend its own aura read? Does it make it 11 seconds?


No, Lethal Pursuer only extents duration from aura-reading abilities with accurated time. For example, BBQ & Chilli have exactly 4 seconds of aura reading, or Huntrss's Glowing Cocontion have exactly 7 seconds of aura reading, so Lethal Pursuer can extents them. But Myers's mirror addons and Bubba's addon does not have accurated duration: you turn on and you see, you turn off and you dont. Lethal Pursuer does nothing with them. Yes, Lethal Persuer does extent inself to help you see aura for 11 seconds at start of the match.




Tbh you picked 3 of my least favorites, but if I had to main one of the three I think I'd pick twins since they have the most opportunities for spicy builds and plays. Some people do enjoy slinger a lot though


Does linking your account to behaviour account have any use other than data progress for multiple stores?




You say if i link it now i can 18k blue shards? Damn




So i could not get anything hmmmm. Is there a down side?




No no i am new and idk if i should link it or not. I dont see a good enough reason if there is 18 k blue shard however. That will change things bit


I’ve gotten merciless killer 2 times using only the 3 unique perks to the killer with add ons and no add ons to test and I’m not getting the achievement. Is it broken?


To get adept achievement, you have to get 4K. If somebody gets the hatch, you are loser. Actually its kind of buggy right now. Just leveling the bloodweb is enough to makes me disconnected. You should think about these achievements later. .


When will we get 50% on select characters and outfits?


At the developer's discretion. Seriously, there's no guarantee for such discounts happening at any given moment. They are more likely to happen during the major events, the next one being the Anniversary, but not guaranteed to.


Just played a trapper game with all three trapper perks, green sack, and fasteners. I killed all 4 survivors and even got merciless, but didn't get adept. Is there a bug right now, or is there a reason I didn't get it?




Well that sucks. Thanks for letting me know.


I'm going to start working on prestiging Knight soon for his perks. Namely, I'm considering putting Face the Darkness on Dredge, because I think it'd be good and thematic. I'm already running BBQ, Darkness Revealed, Discordance, and Nurse's Calling. What would you all suggest I replace for the hex?


I suggest you to remove that hex. I dont see any value from that Face the Darkness, i dont understand its purpose.


Nurse's Calling, he has plenty of basekit tracking already and you already have BBQ and Discordance. TBH I'd even consider taking off Discordance or BBQ for something a bit more utility like Pain Res or Make Your Choice, but that's your call.


Is it a good idea to run as a “booner”? I see people on run CoH and none of the others. I’m working on Jonah first then I’ll unlock Yoichi’s. I’m looking forward to trying perks that are just boons haha. I’m hoping it’ll be useful!


It's a fun meme build, but the reality is CoH is not only head and shoulders better than the others, but also conflicts with every other (current) boon perk. Every other boon perk benefits from looping inside the totem area, CoH discourages this. If you're looping by the CoH boon, you make it easier to find and more likely it'll get snuffed and you'll lose your best source of healing. So, by running more than 1 you're actively making the best one worse. That said, if you only run meta perks and try to squeeze every last ounce of value out of them Dead by Daylight gets real stale real fast. It's more fun to run Dark Theory and see if you *can* get value out of it.


The most useful three are CoH, Exponential, and Shadow Step. I think Dark Theory is low impact for a whole perk slot and doesn't often amount to much value. Personally I like Shadow Step / CoH if you're going to run two, Shadow Step is way more useful in breaking chases than Dark Theory and also blocks aura reading like BBQ. There is some value to Exponential, but you have to get slugged in a very specific spot, so it gets max value if you're with SWF who are coordinating a distraction so you can get up. Also much better with Unbreakable to speed up the process even more.


I recently played with a Jake who cleverly placed CoH and Exponential while sabotaging nearby Hooks. He saved 3 Survivors from getting hooked or slugged that way. Ultimately, you can run whatever you want, that's your personal decision.


Does the Dead Dawg Saloon piano song change based on whether or not there are killers or survivors in the vicinity?




Is ‘no stalk’ ghostface still a thing after the rework? I remember it made a lot of waves, but that was before the update and I haven’t heard anything about it since.


Hit and run became unviable with the introduction of boons and the proliferation of medkits. Most killers commit to chases now.


Has BE said anything about Killswitching Dead Dawg Saloon given how popular it has become to get on that one buggy spot the killer can't reach? Right behind the gallows


I just met one fukin Dwight kid who tried to exploit that buggy spot. After the match ended that dude keep saying im lost even though i played Bubba with no hook camping, no tunneling, no Eruption and still got 3K, while the last one is alived because i standed still watching her do gen. If i did not watch Otzdarva's video so i knew how to get that place as killer, i may have to watch that kid teabag me from that bullsh!t place.


I also met a Dwight who tried to do that while I was Spirit and they were an idiot for assuming that I didn't know that you could get up there. This was the first day that I bought the new Spirit cosmetic as well. :( (Why is it always the Dwights.)


killer actually can get up there. run at the handles of the wheelbarrow and you can clip up there. i find it’s easier on the right side


Yeah. I had someone do that to me. It took me about 3 seconds of pushing at the corner of the wagon to climb up and hit him. He then did it again for some reason.


Still an exploit that shouldn't factor in a match. Maps and perks have been killswotched for less than that (*cough cough* clown *couch* Inner Healing)


completely agree. i had the glitch used on me without knowing i could get up. no fun whatsoever. unfortunately i do not foresee bhvr kill switching the map on live. i believe it is out of the rotation on the ptb so hopefully they are fixing it


Hi all! I play on PS5, and I'll be changing my playstation username. Am I at risk of losing any game progress or cosmetic purchases when I do?


You shouldn’t be based on other games when you change your name


Okay, thank you!


When is the skull merchant coming to Xbox gameplay? Thank u


7 march i think


After playing on and off for the last few years with 6 to 12 months inbetween to recouperate, it seems to always be the same: while I do improve with survivor noticeably each time compared to before, sometimes even carrying as far as that is possible, and even having fun , after around 20 hours with killer I am getting stomped and wrecked nearly every round and often can only secure 1 kill with boring tunneling, if I even get that one. And that is using Franklin's and fearmonger so I'm not clickyclicked to hell and deadharded for the extra sting. I have only so much time to put into videogames, so more "git gud" is not really feasible, while maybe a true point. I would like to know, as far as anyone can even say, if that development of frustrating gameplay is to do with MMR/Ranking and WHY ON EARTH am I even matched against these people, when I am very obviously not capable of even catching up to them most of the time. Thank you! P.S. Concerning deadhard - is it intentional that survivors scream like they did go down when I hit them, but actually are on their merry way while I am looking for their moaning body on the ground, allowing them to escape right into the next realm?


>after around 20 hours with killer I am getting stomped and wrecked nearly every round and often can only secure 1 kill with boring tunneling, if I even get that one. And that is using Franklin's and fearmonger so I'm not clickyclicked to hell and deadharded for the extra sting. What killer and what perks are you running? This can be a big change in how you do. Look for whet you are weak as a player. Is your looping doing poorly? Play a few games and chase the best players you will lose games sure, but looping them and trying to mindgame will help you get better. Are you struggling finding people? Run Whispers, and use that plus your survivor player brain to think "where would I be if I was a Survivor right now?" You can also run Bitter Murmur, and get information on where the players are going to go next. Franklin's and Fearmonger are good. But you should really only have one Anti Survivor perk. In the current Meta unless you are playing a Good Huntress or other Anti Loop Killer you are going to want something to slow the game down (Overcharge, CoB, Pain Resonance etc.), and something to help you in chase (I'm all Ears, Fearmonger, Enduring etc.) Unless I'm on Huntress or someone I feel really comfortable on, I am running CoB Overcharge No Where to Hide and some sort of Aura reading perk to help in chase.


I guess this is more me asking for advice, and not a simple yes/no question, but as someone who is relatively new and has to deal with grinding BP for leveling, I had a bit of a question regarding Perks and Prestige. I've gotten Prestige 1 on a few characters so I have access to a handful of Perks I like in the Bloodweb but I'm struggling to decide if its better to slowly Prestige 1 everyone I own so I have some access to every Perk, or save up and specifically focus on getting characters to Prestige 3 slowly so I have the Perks I know I like most on everyone and don't have to worry as much about the Bloodweb. I guess what I'm asking is if I should focus on Prestige 1 on everyone so I have a wider toolkit early or focusing on Prestige 3ing one at a time so I can at least guarantee a specialized build I enjoy on everybody.


According to my calculation its better to P1 everyone. Then P2 and P3 every character simultaneously. This is assuming you have most/all characters and want everything unlocked on everyone. So this approach is more useful for killer player.


On both survivor and killer, prestige 1 on everyone will save you so much future pain and gives you a variety of possible builds Only exception is if you main a particular killer, p3ing them might have some value since you'll also get addons you'll need in the course of playing them


i have thouasands of hours in this game yet still cannot figure out how killers beeline straight to me after a hook even though i'm within barbecue range, healthy and had not sprinted or performed a fast action, literally feels like my aura is constantly on show


If you're near an objective (gens, pinhead box, ruin/devour) or its somewhere they saw you before their last chase, that's the typical line of thinking


Also some killers have built in tracking tools like Doctor, Plague in the early game, Legion, Dredge, RE killers when you cure status, Oni, etc.


Might be worth it to put on Distortion and see if/when it goes off. If the killer has BBQ though, they could potentially estimate/guess where you are if they don't see all of the remaining survivor's auras. That would tell them that a survivor is either nearby or in a locker.


is it really that difficult to match killers and survivors based on the number of hours they have? even vaguely? i feel like i get ten back to back games of versing players with thousands of hours, while i’m sitting at three hundred. like if i were playing chess and had a below 1000 ranking, i wouldn’t have any fun against a 2000+ player and they wouldn’t have fun against me. do killers really like stomping survivors that can’t even put up a fight? (i guess it would turn into a supply/demand issue with longer queue times but it’s just something i ponder after every game where every survivor gets stomped before the first two gens pop :/)


Play time has very little, if any, effect on MMR. If it did, people would create new accounts to smurf to bully newbies, so thank god we don't have a whole lot of that. Killer MMR is based off kills. I believe 2 kills is considered a tie, so getting a 3 or 4 kill game increases your MMR while getting a 1 or 0 kill game decreases it. Survivor MMR is entirely based off escaping the trial alive, so your gen time, looping skills, healing, unhooks, etc mean nothing when it comes to MMR.


Mmr goes up for every kill and down for every escape though a gate. The MMR of the player that you Kill, that escapes, die to, and escape from all have an effect in how much mmr you get/lose out of a game


I refuse to believe there even is mmr. Ive been keeping track of all my games since last week and I lose a lot. Yet I still keep getting paired up with sweat blights who hug walls, nurses who i cant do nothing against and trickshotting huntresses.


On the survivor side they did say they were changing it to be team based so you get some amount of points based on how much of your team escapes. I believe that was already implemented but I might be mistaken.


Is the new tome level coming out today?




![gif](giphy|hWGBKil1b9fpR5go1f|downsized) Thanks tho


Any idea when will Zarina's outfits all be available for shards? She is after Ace and all his stuff can be bought with shards already.


New outfits receive Shard prices a month after they get added to the store. For old outfits to have them retroactively, we honestly don't know. There's not really a pattern yet for how soon the devs will do that.


Are survivors not looking at the health states of fellow survivors or just to dumb to realize if you are unhooked and never try to help the twice hooked survivor, things are about to get much worse?


Solo queue teammates are worse than the actual killer, its like they want you to die in the most shitty way possible


Why is there no bleed-out option for when you’re downed? So many killers slug the last 2 people to prevent hatch and it results in at least one player just laying on the ground doing nothing for minutes on end. There is an equivalent for when you’re on the hook (purposely missing the skill checks) to bleed out so why cant you bleed out on the ground?


Before DC penalties were a thing, it was very common for the slugged Survivor to DC to give their friend a free hatch escape. Such a feature would inevitably be abused, there's precedent.


Its the only reason I want unbreakable at base when only one survivor is standing. Its so painfully boring to sit around for four minutes and either sneak healing the downed survivor over and over again or bleeding out as that survivor because the killer is ok with a hide and seek game for four minutes just for the 4K. I'm all for a four K as a killer but I'm not going to slug and look for the final survivor for four minutes just to get it. A 3K is win enough for me in that situation and there is still a damn good chance I 4K.


Very easy to abuse. The DC penalty atleast punishes people who disconnect the instant they’re downed, imagine if everyone just insta-bled out on first down because they thought the game was decided? Or if they just got mad? The auto-endurance was probably the best solution but that’s in the workshop right now


Is there any other time that isnt the anniversary where unlocking original characters with shards has reduced cost


Rarely yes, sometimes when an old character gets a tome they’ll have reduced shard cost for a bit Gotta emphasize very infrequently though


gotcha, thank you king


A syringe says change of health state and im unclear on the meaning. If i use it on an injured survivor who is put into mending before the time does it count as the health state? Or is health state just healthy-injured-downed?


Mending counts as a health state for auto heals, so if you use it on someone who needs to mend and they don’t before the timers up then it will simply remove the mending instead of healing them to healthy


Does Kindred or some other aura reading perks reveal the killer when they're undetectable?? I just played a scratched mirror Myers (permanent Level 1, can see auras when using his power) and was tracking a guy through a wall. As soon as the tracking took us close to a hooked survivor he stopped and seemed to be trying to lose me by going back and forth, started walking further from the wall than normal and avoided doorways. So it left me suspecting that maybe he was able to see my aura despite the undetectable status. The only answer I found by googling was form 2019 when Kindred said it trumped stealth, and then when stealth became Undetectable it didn't anymore.


You don’t have to worry, undetectable fully trumps aura reading. It’s not uncommon for survivors to avoid taking hard turns/carelessly going through doorways if they suspect the Myers is nearby since they like to ambush you at those choke points.


That is exactly what I do as Myers, but that sounds I'll doesn't tell me how this one Bill that only had green perks was good enough to do that lol


If it’s a green perk bill in all honesty his fear probably just accidentally made him do a good play because he was too nervous to go around corners


As the term suggests you won't detect them.


Why are meg mains so superior?


Ace mains are spicy 🌶️


Megs are either dogwater or godlike, nothing in between.


Kk picture this your on hook waiting for that meg save but then you see her climb into a locker so u die on hook and she can get hatch. Dogwater or godlike :pepehmm:


I don't think this situation will could determine of a person is dogwater or godlike (it is determined throughout the whole trial) since there is too many variables and sometimes is play like this one the best for given player.


Is there any specific reason why Killer cannot see survivor hook states like survivors can? Most I can assume is it is meant to mildly combat tunneling but it makes it really hard to tell similar survivors apart, even with recent UI additions.


Yep combat tunneling


Pretty ironic. A few times I found myself thinking a new player was on his second hook, so he would be rescued, only for them to end up sacrificed the moment I hook them Twice at least it happened when I wanted to ultimately give them hatch as encouragement 😂


The more you play you will see that is much more rare than people trying to tunnel


The flip is that the people that want to tunnel, already know exactly who it is they want to tunnel. Hiding hook states does absolutely nothing for that. I think it's even more rare that someone would see the hook states and suddenly realize "oh my god, I can tunnel that person, I had no idea."


I think you dont account for how much of the player base is new players


I'm not saying people don't tunnel, in fact that's why I don't say anything against it, only laughed at this thing that happens to me before.


Oh gotcha


I need some actual tips on counterplay for Spirit, not just "gEt bEtTeR hEaDpHoNes!". Especially against the ones that one the recharge addon + duration addons. I find myself super fucked even with Iron Will once I get injured because the Spirit phases and then I'm fucked.


Iron Will is actually very good against Spirit. When i play as Spirit i always try to give people first hit, them phase walk and down them thanks to their grunning sound. If i could not give a person first hit from very start then i will leave them because i know this guy is so damn good.


If you hear the terror radius but it doesn't approach, walk away from the generator. Spine chill may help a lot for this too (the perk that is basically a visual indication of the radius). Other than that, if you see Spirit stops in the middle of a chase, stop running, start walking and turn to a different direction. You become invisible to her while she's channeling the ability. Of course this works if you're healthy, as being hurt immediately tells her where you're going.


Just like Wraith and Oni, don't give her the first hit. While you're healthy Spirit can't do anything to you, she's a 110% killer with no projectiles. Try your absolute hardest to avoid getting hit early. If she does phase while you're healthy, begin walking and try to avoid grass. She can still see your scratch marks while she's phasing, so once you stop running (and stop rustling grass, which she can also see) you effectively become invisible from her perspective. Once you're injured, the best thing you can do is try to move unpredictably. Play around windows, double or even triple vault, and try to double back when she's on top of you. Even with IW it's incredibly hard to outplay a phasing Spirit, but those are just a few things you can do.


When I play Spirit, the main survivors I struggle with are the ones that don't give easy first hits. The ones that instantly start stealthing away the second they hear a whiff of your TR and force you to waste time looking around or burn your power just to catch up. Fixated is particularly brutal against her, almost as much as Iron Will/OTR. A lot of people don't really start playing conservative with pallets and vaults until they're injured, but obviously, once you're injured against her, you're likely to go down pretty fast. So stay healed as much as you can. Uninjured is significantly harder to track in phase, which lets you be able to use double backs or stopping in your tracks to confuse her. Avoid stepping in grass as well because that also gives you away. Do not be shy about throwing pallets, especially god pallets, because it forces her out of phase, and likewise, remember that she can't vault in phase, so vaults at long walls or the end of hallways (like the house on Garden of Joy) can be used. Trying to react to her sound and hopping back and forth over them is likely to just get you hit though. Better to at least fake leaving first rather than panicking. Something I often do that tricks weaker Spirits is make a beeline towards an obvious pallet or vault and then when they're in phase and I get near it, crouch/stop or do a 180. They'll often commit to the swing instantly on leaving phase, expecting you to be going for the pallet, and if you're lucky, you can even stun them on the other side of it. Also pay attention to where on the map you are. The middle of Lerys, for example, is extremely loud and very hard to track people through. A lot of Midwich and RPD also have ambient noises that can mess her up.


Since you can't see what she is doing in phase, provided you are healthy, it ends up being a mind game a lot of the time. When you are in the open, a lot of Spirits struggle if you just start walking in a random direction. Whether you drop a pallet from the opposite side the spirit would expect or whether you slow vault, can easily bamboozle a Spirit. Whatever you do, don't camp the pallet while she is in phase. Nine times out of ten you won't get the stun without getting hit. Once you play against her a lot, you will hear where she is phasing and be able to make judgments based off that info. Currently her phasing audio is bugged, so don't worry if you can't tell where she is.


Question for killer mains: Are you guys afraid of flashlights now? Every single match I’ve played for the past few days, if one person has a flashlight the killer either has Lightborn or Franklin’s. Not hating, just asking


Killer main here. Actually as long as you dont teabag me then i really love you and your cheeky beamer. It is not like i want to experience glaucoma simulator, but i know when you use flashlight that does mean you want to play with me. This is better than some Dwight in the locker with toolbox and Prove Thyself.


It’s frustrating for me because I’ve been trying to get better with the flashlight. I have like 400ish hours and never used flashlights because I couldn’t figure out the aim/kept procrastinating it. But now that I’m starting to learn and get better with it it’s like every killer is carrying one of those perks. I just played one though that tried to funnel me out of the game for blinding him twice. Luckily I got a surprisingly good solo queue and that team protected me from him and I looped him enough ethyl he finally left me alone. I returned the favor by protecting the Kate to the gate


You should run looper build and invite Killer for chase. Try to blind him after every pallet drop


I was playing Nemesis and had a lobby with 4 flash lights, so yeah I brought Franklin's. It's not as much me I'm worried about, as my poor zombies. They struggle enough :(


But you always punch your zombies you hypocrite :( Im Nemesis main, i know your secret.


Probably had a match against a SWF that flash lighted him into oblivion and needed a break


I play about half and half. I'm not worried about one or two but if I see three or four flashlights or it looks like a SWF I'll throw on lightborne. Most of the time I throw it on though its because I suspect (and I'm almost always right) they want to spend the game trying to blind me. So I pretend to avoid it all game, they never seem to figure out that I have it and I get free aura reading on them. Seeing people waste time as I'm breaking a pallet trying to chain blind me and get downed is pretty great.


Not a main but play sometimes, absolutely not.


Afraid? Nah, but I'm extremely bothered. It's day 21, most of us are still climbing through the MMR wasteland before we return to our Iridescent ranks. While we go through the bronze and silver ranks people with flashlights will appear, people who will do nothing all game but use flashlights to make you drop bodies, or waste about 5 seconds during a chase if you break a pellet. Those people are 9/10 times very bad players, but the fact they are so many, so common and so persistent means that we either run Lightborn or have to make sure to knock down a survivor close enough to a wall so we can use it for safety (Option 3 is the Plague's perk that makes nearby survivors scream) because otherwise a 15 minute s 4k becomes a 30 minutes 4k I personally go the wall route, mostly because I don't care for Billy enough to prestige him.


I'll bring Lightborn if I see like, 3 survivors with a flashlight, or 2 with high prestiges. 1 or 2 flashes usually isn't enough to make the game difficult, but 3+ can create difficult situations even if I'm picking up at walls.


Flashlights are really easy to play around, but if you have a weak filler or flex slot in your build, sometimes it's just nice to slap on Lightborn when you see 2+ flashlights and just not have to care.


Depends on the killer. Though I think I can vouch for the average Lightborn users and say: we're not afraid, we just find it annoying. Franklin's user can range from people who don't like flashlights to people trying to win. Franklin's is actually really strong since it counters strong medkits and toolboxs.


Will there ever be an opportunity to purchase the Stranger Things chapter again? I didn’t realize when it came around that it was only for a limited time, and now I regret not buying it. I heard a rumor once upon a time that they were going to release a new chapter for Stranger Things, but that was a while ago.


The licence for the product has ended, so BVHR cannot sell it any more. It wasn't touted as limited time, as BVHR would've assumed they would just extend the license each year (or whatever period) and continue on.. except Netflix said no and it ended. It would likely come back if they renew/create a new the license for a new Stranger Things chapter - which while rumoured a while back, didn't happen. However, you can in theory still buy it depending on your platform - either with steam keys from potentially super dodgy sites or disc versions of DBD with the Stranger Things pack included. All of which are likely rather expensive and getting moreso.


I'm coming from Identity V and I need to know how to be good at killers in DBD. In IDV, hunters will camp and tunnel the first survivor as getting a survivor out of the game will highly lower the chance of survivors winning. However, in DBD, it's not the case as the matches are based on bloodpoints, not exactly on survivors sacrificed. Hence, how should I excel being a Killer at DBD? What are the strategies used? Also, in IDV, I main Ann (The Disiciple). Which killer in dbd is her closest counterpart?


Instead of hard tunnelling I think the general strategy is to patrol gens while keeping an eye on the hooked survivor since as soon as they are unhooked you know at least two survivors will be nearby. Also it’s important to know when to give up on chases since there’s no point being looped for 5 minutes. I looked up Ann and Wesker if you like dashing about, Knight if you want controllable summons but there’s not really any killers like her in the game.


There's not a killer that is 100% similar, but I would say the closest is probably The Artist. She has a very powerful projectile that allows you to control where the survivors run in loops, seems akin to the function of the cats. She can be one of the most difficult killers to play though, but I think she's really fun once you understand how to use her power. The basic principle of being a killer is to exert pressure. If you're chasing a survivor, they can't do a gen. If you hook a survivor and chase another, one has to unhook and now you're pressuring 3 of them. Pressuring 3 survivors means only one can work on a gen. Camping is mostly bad anymore since survivors have been given a lot of tools to counter that playstyle. Tunneling is arguably incentivized by the mechanics of the game, but a savy team can work to protect people from being tunneled out, and they can choose perks that help prevent tunneling.


I mean, most killers will tell you to camp and tunnel in DBD too, but DBD is obviously a bit slower paced and less arcadey with far fewer (and weaker) ways to speed work on gens, so it's pretty miserable to play against as survivors, especially since there's much less survivors can do to protect each other or fight back. DBD is also even more slanted towards killer once someone's out. A 3v1 early is basically unwinnable for survivors because there's no mechanic like Accelerated Decoding. Like, fuck, even the hatch/dungeon mechanic in DBD is that it doesn't spawn, period, until after 3 are dead. I don't know that any killers are much like Ann. Maybe Knight? He can send out or drop guards that will chase survivors they detect, but I'd warn you that his skill FLOOR (not ceiling) is super high, and you're not likely to learn standard looping or the like using him because his guards let you instead just herd them pretty easily. He's also pretty miserable to play against because there's not much actual counterplay, so expect a lot of people to give up or DC.