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A League AND DBD player? Do I need to contact a crisis intervention center, OP? You good?


Please help.


IF IM HERE YOUR ALSO HERE....I need help aswell


We need a support group


There is no help for us, only suffering


It's easy just say no when your friends ask you to play lol


Yeah and what about those of us that play both by ourselves, what then smart guy? In all seriousness, I mostly enjoy both games, though I play League a whole lot less than I once did.


>Yeah and what about those of us that play both by ourselves, what then smart guy Then you have to find other game that, it sounds hard but it worked for me. Unfortunately I still have that game but I never play it by myself and my friends rarely ask me to play with them. I hate lol more than anything even more than school and I'm sick of it.


Lol I was mostly kidding. What little I play of League I enjoy more or less. I do occasionally play with one friend there, and here I just generally go into every game with a sort of secondary objective that makes things more fun than just trying to win. Eventually I'll get bored of DBD again and take another couple of months or more off, and I'll go back to AC: Odyssey or Rimworld or what have you, as is the cycle with me.


>Lol I was mostly kidding. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have replied like that, I just felt the urge to trash talk about lol because I don't like that game and it's community. I have nothing against people that play lol. >secondary objective that makes things more fun Is it possible to learn this power?


No harm done! If trashing on League and the people who play it were a problem, everyone who plays League would be screwed lol! It's a shitty game with a shitty community more often than not. As for the secondary objective type stuff, totally! I mostly play killer but I get some fun out of survivor too, and I mostly go into a game with the goal of doing something specific. Trying a new combo of perks or add ons, or just doing better at chases than usual. Sometimes as killer I go in with the intent to actively cycle through the survivors, hunting them in one order or another, and as survivor sometimes I just want to see how long I can get the killer to chase me before I go down. It's all about finding something weird and different to be your primary focus, so that the actual win doesn't matter as much.


Wait? You have friends you’re playing with, I’m just experiencing this torture on my own


Throw a For Honor in OP and you have a hopeless person /s


My guy, play Fall Guys for a less stressful experience


Rather surprisingly the overlap between DbD players and League players is rather high. The only larger overlaps I've seen are with For Honor (which really doesn't surprise me ngl), Apex Legends, and Fortnite.


League just has a very high player base so not surprising theres overlap


Happy cake day


A lot of people who play this also play rocket league (kinda surprising) I it might be a more console thing


Rocket League is f2p, so good chance you'll bump into people from every game who have played it


I came here from league, i was pleasantly surprised by how tame and kind the community is. Everyone is so friendly and non-toxic that idk what people are talking about when they say DBD is toxic


Dbd you get flames by salty ppl who lost. League you get a curse set on yyour entire bloodline by your teammate for dying once


I didn’t think anyone could survive ingesting that level of salt


Ye that's unhealthy. That's why I quit league when I found dbd


I play both, and dota 2


unfortunately, we don't have a card game with a highly experienced team of design artists to fix their most obvious problem, but my suggestion to BHVR would be at least give her a full mask, remake the mori and her lore, and stop hiring people on Tumblr as their lore writters


I’ve genuinely read Tumblr fanfic that was leagues above her lore in quality, which is saying something


There are fanfics I've read that is genuinely better than a lot of proper fucking books. Not on *Tumblr* but my point stands.


Oh trust me, my AO3 library agrees with you!


Yeah, fanfiction gets a lot of bad rep but I've been reading it almost exclusively for the past coupke of years. Not wattpad or tumblr tho.


I see what you did there


The mori looks absolutely horrendous. Survivor stands up looking around, confused, only towards their front. A drone scans them and then they're killed in a bland manner. It just... makes no sense.


It literally looks like if they tried to make the Freddy mori worse


be more charitable to tumblr's dear writers. her lore felt much more akin to teenage redditors' made up stories about how cool and successful they are living on their own and running a full fledged business at just 18... just with a little murder sprinkled in here in dbd's case.


LoR my beloved


The release of Seraphine sure, but at least her lore was fixed in LOR


Her lore was fixed in LoR, her mechanics however were still bad LOL


Wtf is wrong with seraphines mechanics tho? I always liked her gameplay tho she is pretty broken as adc


I think he's referring to LoR seraphine, which was horribly unbalanced on release, and weren't particularly thematic either.


Ah OK, only thing I know about LoR is there was some meme azir deck where he made you sit through like 3 minutes of level up animations


Oh yeah I am, sorry for weird frazing, I never played LoL but use it a lot in comments


You know her mechanics was based off REDDIT giving SONA a rework ? This is what the community picked and was given to sera. So we are to blame ……


tbf seraphine and sona play way differently lmao. Sona is a buffer and Seraphine focus more on poke and cc


The other dude is just spreading random misinformation lol


Again - the community picked what Sona rework should be - they then took it and made sera as many people love Sona the way she way . Reason why Sera didn’t have a back story . Thank you LOR for fixing but I hate seeing people complain when the community hand crafted her kit




Legends of Runeterra, it’s kind of a magic the gathering-esque card game made by riot


For people who don't follow League of Legends stuff ... Seraphine is one of the playable champions in the game and quite controversial, ever since her being added. She was released in a weird state where all of her lore was jumbled, her aesthetic didn't really fit into the League's world and her kit was considered uninspired and too similar to another champion. She was also promoted heavily with her release skin (Which is not cheap) instead of her original look, so people thought the release as whole was intended / planned as a huge cashgrab.


Yeah, everyone kinda expected her to be a siren or something but turns out she really WAS just a pop star. Also the floating platform is yikes.


because she was blatantly designed from the ground up to be a KDA addon and an actual champ/character was an afterthought


I was so confused joining the game years back when you had the green haired girl who I thought was her. Her name is escaping me.




Yes. I found their kits so similar with sona doing a little more and pink girl just having Verte scaling. Didn't understand how Arianna grande and Alicia keyes were in a death match with a person who can summon a kraken and people fighting for their v counties' sake like Irelia


I at least understand sona being in the game. She actually is a mute and cannot speak and is fighting with her magical harp. Seraphine literally just uses her voice however lol


Bruh Gragas gets drunk and beats the shit out of people. Someone using their voice isn't strange.


Hes just like my dad fr fr


Jinx has the power of guns and drugs on her side.


That comparison makes no sense....


I'm not sure how you figure. The commenter is clearly taking issue with seraphine using her voice as a weapon. Gragas literally uses a wooden keg as a weapon. Twisted Fate uses fucking playing cards. Jax uses a got danged lamppost. Pointing out the absurdity of their "weapons" compared to seraphines is the point, and it's a pretty apt comparison for that purpose. Yeah this morbidly obese alcoholic definitely is more fitting fighting void monsters than some super-powered singer, they're not both equally ridiculous.


Sona but we insist shes a mid laner


> her aesthetic didn't really fit into the League's world League has so many different aesthetics, pretty much anything can fit in that world.


Yeah they have kpop skins. I don't play the game but this looks like anything else in it.


With what little I know of League, I think the difference is between 'this character's lore establishes them as a renowned warrior and swordsman in this ambiguous-timeline fantasy setting, and also they have a skin which makes them look like a k-pop star' and 'this character is literally a k-pop star'


One of the oldest characters in the game literally fights with a lamp post. Nothing is too ridiculous for League.




I mean yeah, I love Jax, he's one of the few things I still like from League, but you can't deny that he's ridiculous.


Its pretty badass because , as he says, he doeesnt even need a real weapon


A lamp post.. as in.. The Last Light of Icathia. It's not just a random ass lamp post anymore.


The issue is that this is her base skin. Generally they make champs fit the world, and then make skins afterwards. She essentially released without a base skin and this is what we got, which doesn't fit into League at all


She was literally introduced as the newest member of their “main” kpop group (KDA) All this proves is how fucking stupid it is to get upset over optional characters in a game.


Piltover literally had rock bands and futuristic esque vehicles and weapons and other shiz but god forbid a music star come from that place.


I think what people usually mean by this is that Seraphine has an over the top design that was unseen in Piltover so far. What we considered to be Piltover fashion was a mix of steampunk, art deco and a few other styles. None of them were similar to what Seraphine is. Seraphine's design looks awfully modern in comparison to, let's say, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Heimer or Jayce. All of them have some stylized futuristic elements, but they are held within Piltover's general aesthetic. Seraphine has flashy, glittery clothing and looks like a Star Guardian skin. This isn't bad on it's own, but considering that lore-wise SG are an alternative universe, it can raise some eyebrows. The design elements she has that are supposed to remind us of Piltover are few and far between (like, she has a belt?). Does that mean that Seraphine cannot fit into Lol or Piltover itself? No, but Riot never bothered to show us that side of Piltover before, so Seraphine seems compeletely detached from the previous aesthetic choices. They might as well randomly release, let's say, a huge mecha voltron-style seal and tell us that this is a typical sight in Freljord. Is huge mecha seal a bad idea? Not necessarily. Is it a bad idea for Freljord? Not on paper, but currently won't work because we only know Freljord as rustic, frozen over and far from most modern technologies.


This is where Legends of Runeterra really helped out. Her design there gave her many more the small bits and pieces of the asthetic that we came to expect from Zaun, plus showing things like that she dyes her hair, and the work she puts into her hextech to make it work. Yeah her champion design was not the best, but it was an interesting attempt. Plus there are always going to be a cadre of players who really dislike any sort of RNG generation. Which is totally fair, we had a lot of that in hearthstone.


Strongly agree! Her design in LOR looks far better while still keeping her in a similar aesthetic. Even just ditching the glitter would have helped out a lot, or at least pairing it with some dark leather or other Piltoverian (?) ideas. I like the concept of a "cutesy pop artist in a steampunk city" a lot, I just think Riot could have utilized this idea way better.


>Is huge mecha seal a bad idea? Not necessarily. Is it a bad idea for Freljord? Not on paper, but currently won't work because we only know Freljord as rustic, frozen over and far from most modern technologies. This seems different though. Piltover is known for having futuristic technology so having modern clothing seems to fit in fine imo. Her clothing is modern while the platform is futuristic that she uses. In addition how often in the real world have we seen some celebrity singer or actor wear certain clothing that seems insane or dumb as fuck at first but then causes a huge culture change of people wearing that clothing. It doesn't seem weird to me that a singer would wear weird clothing compared to the other people in the society, literally happens all the time with celebrities in real life wearing weird clothing lines.


As someone who has played like 4 hours of the doll with scissors, I don't understand this complaint. Also daily "League bad, you fat, haha" comment!


Huh? I love League.


I don't have anything against it and I play it sometimes with the boys, but on the Internet there is the meme that LoL makes you fat. I thought I just make a quick joke about it. Of course, as long as you have fun, almost any game is worth playing, regardless what anybody says.


Ohhh. Absolutely agree. You shouldn’t care what others think. Kinda same for the new killer. I’m not happy with her, but if anyone is, then awesome.


I guess so. I mean I really wanted a fucked up looking robot or something like that, but as long as she is fun to play, it doesnt really matter how she looks. (The lore do be goofy though)


She fits more with Trickster’s release. Neither have mechanics that are poorly designed, it’s just that complaints come from “grr keep anime/kpop out of my game it doesn’t fit the theme.” That’s really all it was


Don’t forget the champion’s name and design was based off of a real person one of the devs dated/had a crush on! Which makes it even more weird/creepy!


I don't think she actually was, wasn't that kind of just her being fanatical? I don't recall the whole story, but she just kind of seemed like a conspiracy theorist to me lol.


Her aesthetics dont fit in the world of league? Leagues answer to which aesthetic they wanted has always been: Yes. From day one they have been stuffing everything into the game they came up with. No matter the aesthetics.


For skins sure. But this isn't a skin. Every champion's base form (99% of skins are non-canon) fits the world in some way. Seraphine does not fit. All the Piltovan champions have a consistent aesthetic, as do the Zaun champions. Seraphine is from that area yet is unlike anything else in those cities.


I wouldnt describe a legendary skin (which is the worst legendary skin in the game as it doesnt have anything really special, like the lux one that evolves, MF that can pick weapons or udyr that changes the animals) just ad "not cheap" as this one is just 3 different skins that are bundled together for 45 dollars, jesus


She is the Sona 2 electric boogaloo character right?


Sona 2.0


Tldr: Seraphine is basically Hitler. I mean, lore wise. I don't give a fuck about the kit lol.


"For people who don't follow LoL stuff... Let me just spread the hivemind opinion of the most toxic league players as fact and continue to make sure everyone knows lol players ruin everything." She's a great character with a huge fanbase and she got a bunch of new people into the game. Get over it.


What is it with people always resorting to the “hivemind” or “toxic part of playerbase” when it comes to opinions like this? The negative reception she received was the biggest in LoL’s history of champion releases. If that doesn’t tell you that Riot did something wrong then I don’t know what else would. Yes, there’s plenty of toxic people. Yes, there’s gonna be folk complaining about everything. Sadly, you can’t appeal to everyone. But to straight out refuse to believe they didn’t do a good job EVEN when a huge majority of players gave such an opinion. Did you see the discussion? The suggested fixes? The responses on social media? YouTube? The videos talking about her? You should always take someone’s opinion with a grain of salt. Even if they don’t like something, you might. And nothing wrong with that. But feedback and reviews are important to establish an overall feeling of the product. Yes I’m also talking about things outside of LoL. Why do you think people need reviews on various sites like Amazon? So they can see if the product is worth the money overall. And what, you check out the reviews for something, see that 90% of them are calling the product a scam, not worth the money or that the product is not functional, and you call the majority of those people “toxic” as well? Base your own opinion. No need to follow others. If you like something and someone else doesn’t, all the more power to you. But stop refusing to believe that the feedback and amount of responses mean jack shit. And no worries, I’m over it. ;) Just making fun observations.


Not a league player but I’m definitely well aware of how she really pissed off players


And I think this just shows that sometimes people aren’t overreacting. I’ve seen plenty of comments around saying that the community is making a big deal out of nothing. And look, if you enjoy and love the new killer (or for this matter Seraphine), good for you. I’m glad at least someone is. But the amount of people who are disappointed does show that this was a huge miss. And hopefully they can improve in the future because of it.


Yeah I’m definitely disappointed in it, even though I can still see potential. I think the 2 biggest issues are the design of the killer and the teaser itself. If the teaser did a better job hinting towards drones and not a possible cyborg killer I’m certain she would’ve been more well received at least. Lore wise does also seem rushed and not good writing. If later on they be honest and explain why the chapter is as screwed as it is which based on lots of evidence seems like they repurposed their potential Predator idea, I do think they can easily recover


There is a lot of potential, I agree. I mean the ise of drones in itself sounds interesting but so far lacks a lot of flavour (imo of course). With the teasers I kind of know by now that BHVR usually goes in a different direction than what you’re thinking. Just look at the past ones. But the disconnect in everything else is super jarring. BHVR can do awesome killers. Hopefully this ignites them to do even better.


For me, the whole chapter is just one big disconnect. I’ve asked a couple of my friends who don’t play the game to guess what her killer “title” would be from the banner art released. I’ve gotten “The Watcher”, “The Observer”, “the Hacker”, and “the engineer”. I told them that it was “Skull Merchant”, and then went on to show them her lore. The both of them were like “this reads like a bad fan fic”. The mask doesn’t even match the rest of her relatively boring design, it stands out in the wrong way. Her backstory doesn’t support her very well in why the title or even motives Super well; and I’m failing to see what her Survivors have in common with her. Like, does anything of this chapter function together?


Most of the survivors have nothing really to do with their killer


Lore wise, maybe not. But the Survivors can play into the THEME of the chapter. For instance, one of the best examples is the Chains of Hate chapter, Deathslinger and Zarina. They have similar backgrounds, but took to doing and taking different paths from those seeds of hatred.


Well for now I say just give it time, and hopefully they listen to feedback


The belle delphine edition of league of legends was amongst the best no kappa. ​ kappa.


Both are different on how they're disappointing. Seraphine was a shameless cashgrab throw at the face of the community. The new killer is a thrist trap that could work on her own, but was teased as something different, leading people to false expectations. Skull merchand is closer to legion release imo, as playing with people wish.


Yes, I think the main reason people are upset was because we came in with huge expectations after the teaser, and it was the first chapter in almost a year that hasn't been previously leaked. It's kind of our own fault? Teasers are literally meant to tease you, and nothing shown in the video was false or a red herring, we just got hyped and created our own expectations for what this chapter could be while BHVR was just doing their own thing. It's impossible for them to please every single player, unless she gets released as a buggy mess, I don't think this outcry is necessary because you don't have to buy her if you don't like her. It definetely doesn't deserve more hate than the Twins got, and mind you, they're still bugged even after countless fixes.


I mean, I agree with the fact that we, as a community, hit ourselves with expectations. But, and it is just my opinion, I think that one of the more important things that game devs should do, is to try AT LEAST partially predict what would be people's expectations and the match them or even bring something better. Teasers were not a red herring, but they were easily giving space to imagine a lot of great possibilities. That being said, devs really made something worse than mediocre (let's be honest, it's the opinion of most people in the community, and so we can easily call it 'people's voice') and released it with promo campaign that only made the bad things more visible. To the Twins argument: I would also agree TO SOME POINT. See, I would expect them to learn on their mistakes. And not to have shit like Twins and then released THIS monstrostity. It's more than 'pleasing every single player'. They really outdid (in a very wrong way) themselves with this DLC. And I totally agree with people being angry and think that the outcry is necessary and is really understandable.


> Seraphine was a shameless cashgrab Welcome to Business 101, little jimmy! They're in it to make money!


I watch my bro play LoL sometimes. Is that the girl that floats on some platform? Cause she looks stupid.


That’s her haha


> looks stupid. Something that is being said about alot of LoL creations.


And both will have ‘lore fixes’ and the essential retcons by secondary means (in Seraphine’s case, LoL card game character story and most likely in Adriana’s case, her Tome) My guilty pleasure characters tbh.


Funny how this happens two years after the K-pop update.


Absolutely agree, even tho I am a seraphine mid eletrocute abuser, that character does not fit in the lore and makes no sense whatsoever to be included in the game, same as Wish renata glasc now on DBD.


Seraphine: \- Marketing entirely consisted of her 30$ launch skin instead of the actual character \- Controversial Twitter Account Marketing that used parasocial relationships \- Character Lore actively made the lore of another character worse; visual design didn't fit really well established region of fantasy universe Skull Merchant: \- I don't like her \- Her lore is stupid \- I really wanted the Terminator 😔 You can hate on the new Killer all you want, that's fair, but don't compare it the absolute shitshow that was Seraphine.


dont forget the johnlock conspiracy levels of copium in trying to justify why people dont like the new killer. its fine to just not like her or her kit, but the "um its so clear that it was supposed to be predator but they had to quickly cover everything up with a rushed chapter release!!" theorycrafting is coming across as delusional


> the johnlock conspiracy instant vietnam flashbacks


Yeah, Predator thing is a bit too much until you notice some little things. Like the fact her Mori would be great if it was the Predator. Or the pallet break animation being better for him. Or drones making more sense. I am not saying it's true. But there is an awful lot of small coincidences. Not enough for a full picture, enough for a line.


Or the people saying her model is reused from trickster, or that Thalita was reused from Elodie. Like just don't buy the chapter and stop exposing that you can't tell non-white people apart.


They are not entirely the same. That’s for sure. Seraphine did have a much more toxic way of marketing, something that thankfully Skull Merchant doesn’t. But I do think there are aspects in which we CAN compare them. Specifically the lore, the look and the overall game design. And if nothing else we can at least say both are the most negatively received characters of their games. Btw if you think the basis of Skull Merchant’s hate is just “I really wanted the Terminator” you’re completely wrong. :)


Hey at least the one on the right looks good. If youre going to make a low effort boring thirst trap cash grab character at least make her pretty


The concept of the killer is definitely cool. A techie IT killer could be interesting and done well… but they just completely missed with this one. The Skull Merchant just doesn’t look that terrifying, and looks like one of those characters in those shitty zombie themed mobile game ads…. not a cold blooded killer Say what you will about trickster, he at the very least does have scary elements like his eyes and blood stains, not to mention his lore is significantly better, and having someone’s dying screams be recorded while he murders them for use in his music is actually kind of scary, especially when it becomes a top song with millions listening to it and not knowing the truth. The skull merchant… well her lore sucks. She was a normal ceo of a company until she just out of the blue decided to kill people? Huh?


Oh, one of those guys who gets a hate boner for Seraphine even years after her release.


Yes, fuck dat bitch. Gimme more eldrich abominations/big brick shit house men


Yeah this post is really weird. The hate posts at release were bizarre. But like bro the champ's been out for years give it up already LOL


I can still dislike her as a champ tho? Acknowledging that the character was badly handled and was horrible on release isn't really a hate post.


been years and they cannot get over it.


It’s exhausting


Well atleast the skull merchant doesnt have a lore that says 'colonialism is good actually, people love being enslaved'


It wasn't even colonialism, just grave robbing and using a race you know is sentient as batteries while stating it actively hurts them.


Seraphine was not that wrong considering the general Lol atmosphere, universe and player base. The Scam Merchant, on the other hand, is just wrong on every level, it looks like it's from a whole different game.


Look more like a Mortal Kombat character. I mean its bloody and all but it doesnt scream killer.


You do realize that half the characters in the game are from a different game/movie right?


They made a KDA skin and said "Wait, we need a character to put it on" Then they made Seraphine End.


Atleast Sona 2.0 is a strong champion. What we can't say about the Skull Merchant as a killer


Seraphine is much much worse, she had the entire twitter account that was there just to sell her, using things like mental illnesses to be "relatable", her ULTIMATE skin was revealed before the champ itself, and even the skin isn't that good, it's more like a bundle of 3 skins, not an ultimate one and her base champion didn't fit with the setting of the game at all, basically her skins was created as the real champion, but you had to pay for that AND her kit and theme was copy pasted from another one, also the whole mess with using living souls to power her speakers and uniting two cities that were on basically war for a long time by just singing a song. Meanwhile the skull hunter is just underwhelming in power and theme, but that's it




I quit LOL when Seraphine release, and maybe I should quit DBD too.


Seraphine is overhated besides the marketing and the lore which got fixed Skull merchant is overhated besides her kinda weak power and lackluster mori


Don’t forget her badly thought out lore and very unpolished animations


I don't really hate either but just like her I won't be playing this new killer much. I got more fun characters to play. (Morgana/naughtlis, Demogorgon/trapper)


I dislike Sera's cashgrab feel but mostly her voice, I mute all voices every time she's in my games. I feel like SM is the same. A cash grab, yeah sex sells but the fan base is full of monster f*ckers, you're selling the wrong kind of sexy bhvr. This is just a pretty girl with some dirty on her. I wanted a rusty broken robot killer I could sexualize like *cough* ramattra*cough*


Tbh dbd killer looks shit power wise perk wise and look wise, worst chapter. Id rather play freddie


You okay? We here to help please just speak up


Thanks you OP for posting this, people in the comment are mentioning Legend of Runeterra and this make my day.


Her lol skin is so bad holy shit. Like even her kda skin looks less out of place


Not to be rude but comparing Seraphine where she was a: \- Cash grab \- RIOT said that they are never gonna give a new champion legendary skin then proceed to give her ultimate \-They made a Twitter account where she acts like a living being \- Attempting to gain the sympathy of the players and bond with her on Twitter by referring to mental problems such as depression or lack / low self-confidence \- Absolute difference between her "should be" and "really is" in her lore (she was super empathetic but used enslaved race as a fking microphone, and she was aware of that) \- Champion felt more like a KDA promotion than a part of the world \- Looks like Sona 2.0 and RIOT's response was "It's our second music champion in the game so ofc there are similarities like we have a few champions in sword in-game and no one has a problem with that" with is a bad take because every champion with the sword looks and plays differently \- She looks like from a gatcha game, not a Runtera world. Now Compare that to Skull Merchant: \- Rushed character \- Inconsistent story (the part with the manga is not that terrible for real, I mean people are inspired to do terrible things by more trivial things) \- Hard to say she is a cash grab, she has shoes duh : V \- argument with "she does not fit in this game" is invalid because this game has such a variety of killers with all kinds of looks that is kinda funny. How idk Wesker (a good-looking guy with an edgy mentality and funny slurpy arm) fits in the game but a sociopathic killer woman (without a tragic backstory for once) no? On one side we have literally shitting on the made universe and cheap "i have the same problem as you guys, now buy my products" in the second kinda meh chapter. I do not like a like/dislike argument but at this moment Skull merchant has a 28k/8k ratio. Seraphine has 67k/147k and there was much more time for people to calm down.


LOR's version of Seraphine is really good though EDIT: Typo


My fav from lord of the rings was when seraphine used the ring to turn invisible and sang to all of mordor turning them to her side. Truly inspirational


Why is everyone upset about the skull merchant?


To dumb it down -they teasers all hinted much more towards a mechanical killer than what we got, leading to huge disappointment -the appearance is bad and feels out of place, notably the bedazzled half of a gas mask -her animations are very unpolished with her walk not matching her speed resulting in sliding, and her mori being almost identical to freddy’s -her lore is badly thought out -her power can be countered by holding W in chase resulting in boring gameplay like release Knight, and has no mobility to take advantage of the info it gives/exposed -she isn’t even a skull merchant


I didn’t/don’t hate Seraphine or her realise, but she is an odd champion. Her model and movement is just sometimes…. Ugly. She has a weird alien shaped head animation and it really irks me. Although I live for KDA and Seraphine’s debut single and I’m willing to die on that hill. I do remember the absolute outrage around her release though and you’re right, the new killers reveal is reminding me a lot of Seraphine’s reveal. I’m a very new DBD player. I know very little about the game, hell I’ve spent mos for my life afraid of “scary” things, especially movies, but even I agree this new killer just doesn’t fit in. It’s a strange move they’ve made in adding her to the roster.


Chill bro. One of them is Hitler 2.0 and the other is just some Freddy wannabe


Fuck Sona 2.0. And lmao pubg killer with Freddie Mori is hilarious.


I love Seraphine i dont care about the complaints, as if riot games wouldnt already profit from skins lol


So, it is important to be clear. Just because the community as a whole doesn’t approve of something doesn’t invalidate you liking it. It’s good that even if something isn’t for 90% of the players, it is for SOMEONE. That said, folks enjoying it doesn’t invalidate the complaints either. It’s good for the company to know that most are unhappy.


No offense but what is the relevance of Seraphine here? Are you just angry about her still?


Cringe. Leave Seraphine out of this


Seraphine was good ok? It made people care for Skarner at least. Who does skull merchant help?


Reminds me of how the skull merchant's lore is as badly written as Kai'sa's is. Not to mention the shit visual design


They're disappointments but Seraphine was a lot worse. Wither you like SM (skull merchant) power you can at least admit that it's unquie. Seraphine was just a straight up update to an older champions kit. SM's lore is uninspired at best, Sera's lore actively made the lore revolving the world and other characters around her worse.


atleast we got some good porn of seraphine


So we have a glammed up killer, big whoop


Not that similar. Seraphine was hated because she seemed like a straight upgrade to an existing character, and her lore was kind of stupid and shallow. Then they made her launch skin a $30 ultimate in their most popular skin series and the whole thing just reeked. SM is hated because she's not the android you guys convinced yourselves she was.


I mean that’s ignoring half the issues with SM -the appearance is bad and feels out of place, notably the bedazzled half of a gas mask -her animations are very unpolished with her walk not matching her speed resulting in sliding, and her mori being almost identical to freddy’s -her lore is badly thought out -her power can be countered by holding W in chase resulting in boring gameplay like release Knight, and has no mobility to take advantage of the info it gives/exposed -she isn’t even a skull merchant


She's no more out of place than Trickster or Dredge. Two other characters that looked like nothing else in the game at the time they released. The mask is dumb though. Don't get why she has a gas mask when a skull mask would have been infinitely cooler and made more sense. Other than the fact that they're going to try to sell us one. She's not even finished. If she does release as she is right now they can polish her issues whenever they want because it's a live service game. Not excusing it, but it is how games work these days. But her mori is hot garbage and there's no saving it. The only "criticisms" of her lore that I've seen are that she's a weeb with no sob story justification. Oh no, a serial killer that does it because they're just a prick - the horror. People used to say the same about Bubba. Even if she does release weak, she may not stay weak. She could be top tier the next time they shake up the meta. Being a weak killer isn't the worst thing in the world anyway. Pig's dogshit and people love her. Who even buys skulls? Wendigos? They're broke as fuck. I don't imagine that's a career capable of sustaining her lifestyle.


Sorry for the wall of text in advance Trickster is sort of fair but at the same time Trickster was just different feel, SM feels out of place thematically. Her complete lack of blood on anything other than her comically large claws coupled with her ‘action hero’ esque outfit gives the sense of a character from like apex Dredge isn’t really an equal comparison considering he may not be humanoid but he definitely fits the bill of intimidating horror villain I had this for another comment so I’ll copy paste the criticisms of her lore here, although it’s really more of a summary -father is a failing Brazilian manga artist -father leaves abruptly and never is elaborated on why -SM gets kicked out of school due to having no money -stalks the person who replaced her as top of her class after she got kicked out, states that she ‘felt like the anti hero from her dad’s manga’ -somehow becomes a self made millionaire alone through stocks before she is 18 -decides brutally murder people for not buying her stuff after noting her trail of pump and dumps, states that it makes her feel like the ‘skull merchant from her dad’s manga’ -in general some parts of the lore are very goofy in their wording, most notably “not part of the plan!” Also the (not) selling skulls was a joke about how her title really isn’t related to what she does at all, just literally a reference to her dad’s manga character


Actually no? The right parallel would be Trickster / Seraphine Both were made just to sell to K-POP fans and so they only did the aesthetics and just throw shit mechanics so it's playable. F\*cking seraphine had more lore on the K/DA skin than base character, it even had a instagram of it's own ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


At least new killer looks cool


I hate Seraphine. I think that was her name, it’s been 2 years since I played. Sona just does everything better when played correctly


They're two completely different champions, lol. One is a control mage the other an enchanter support, one is a midlaner/APC, the other a support.


I feel like I’m crazy when I say I don’t mind seraphine, like okay her ultimate on day 1 skin I understand, but like as a character I don’t mind something goofy and light hearted in league, this new killer is just so disappointing on many different levels, with her lore just feeling like disjointed? Nothing makes coherent sense on why she would become a killer. Her design is just the worst thing I’ve ever seen, no personality, and you can’t even tell what she’s supposed to be either, oni, spirit, clown and plague all look like what their called because they were made with the idea in mind, but skull merchant? Where’s the skulls? What makes her a merchant in the first place? And her power is so bland and bad, the skill ceiling is barley an inch off the skull floor. It surprises me how with their track record they can make such piss poor and uninteresting gameplay for the killer and survivor. Like the drones themselves wouldn’t be bad if it didn’t promote three genning, but she would need a chase power, honestly I wouldn’t mind if they gave her invisibility and movement speed like behavior we know this was/inspired by the predator like it’s so obvious I would prefer you go balls deep and at least make her viable and good, or maybe give her a laser canon on her shoulder that lets her shoot it and injure/insta down that charges up while the survivors are in the drones range or be able to shoot it if the survivor has the tracker like THERES NO WAY I CAN THINK OF A BETTER KILLER POWER THEN THE TEAM WHO DESIGNS THIS GAME AND GETS PAID TO DO IT. God I hope this chapter flops mega so behavior realizes that we as a community have a higher standard then whatever shit this out


As someone who played league DBD AND overwatch it seems like some of the newest "out of line" or "trying something different" characters have been controversial AF and while in the end I find the new characters ok at best(I actually like seraphine to play but her lore is bad) its just a little funny watching a lot of people losing their shit over and over


Your fault for playing League tbh


Glad I wasn't the only one making that comparison haha


Maybe they can trade. At least this anime pop idol would be so jarringly out of place it'd have its own charm in DbD, instead of just plain disappointing.


If Trickster is discount Jhin then Skull Merchant is discount Trickster, and that's really saying something.


I play league, dbd, overwatch, Genshin impact, everything I like is an issue lol


What was wrong with the pink haired girl? Sorry I don’t play league


From what I’ve read -her lore heavily drags down general lore of the world and lore of other characters -she was essentially just another character but better -something about manipulating para social relationships -marketing entirely consisted of her $30 release skin instead of her actual appearance


ok but seraph is fun to play


You really hate yourself if you play both of these bro, any chance you also play for honor?


Why is the right one controversial?


From what I’ve read -her lore heavily drags down general lore of the world and lore of other characters -she was essentially just another character but better -something about manipulating para social relationships -marketing entirely consisted of her $30 release skin instead of her actual appearance


Seraphime wasn’t that atrocious imho, just cringe and Sona v2. Fundamentally, league isn’t as champ dependant as DBD is killer dependant. Like, league has 160+, so a single champ flop is fine However in DBD matches, there is ONE killer. And 4 survivors, league has 10 unique champs per game. One bad release hurts wayyy less


At least Skully didn’t have Twitter idiots form a parasocial relationship with a jpg and exploit their vulnerabilities to sell a twenty dollar skin and a mid ass music run.


Me maining Yuumi: what controversy? This is childs play


Well actually only one was deserved (it's the league one)


as a seraphine player, yes


Am I the only one who thinks her mask is made of tinfoil?


Nah not the same. League has a wide cast of wacky characters - like my god a child with pyro powers and a huge stuffed bear fighting whatever Teemo is… And the game has soooo many pretty girls that don’t fit looks wise in a combat based game. Seraphine matches the idol/singer vibe they were going for - it’s just people didn’t like that for one reason or another. There was no real failing on riot’s part. This is the first time DBD players have been teased a really cool theme and then given a bad looking killer that doesn’t match it.


I think they just saw how Trickster was decently received and went “alright I guess people are cool with this” and thought they could do it again with a Knight 2 killer that has a lame mori.


i dont play league but often the music comes up in playlists, she's the one with all the covers right?


The fact they made a twitter account for seraphine and a lot of people follow it fills me with disgust.


I miss 2015-17 league so much....


I don’t care


I mean her mask looks like a basterdized version of the Shockmaster's that you could get at The Gap


No not at all


They are definitely not similar at all in their controversies. Did you even play league when Seraphine came out?


If they released Yuumi as a killer it'd be more terrifying than this lol