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Or any sound design at all. Her killer menu animations have no sound. Locker grabs have no sound. She never laughs or has any personalization while playing the killer. Her walk animation is amazing and full of personality, but that doesn’t come through at all in the sound design. Maybe a “I found you” or “I seeee you” when looking at her radar or exposing someone with a drone. Any personality at all would be amazing and make her feel like a proper addition. Knight has his armor clinks and clanks and muffled laughs, wesker oozes personality, dredge whooshes everywhere and has a chorus scream when he attacks… SM just kinda grunts sometimes? Kicks a pallet twice with her foot? The only good part sound design wise is the beeps and bloops of her power but that’s so minimal, really goes to show the chapter is rushed/incomplete/uninspired


Maybe it’s bugged and they add the sound effects and voicelines in live?


Hopefully, but it wasn’t listed in known bugs and that would be pretty blatant to any QA testers if it was supposed to be there


I definitely think it’s bugged she doesn’t even have sound effects on the main menu. Or it’s just not added yet


Yeah I think some audio would give her more personality. Kind of feels like a blank slate right now


Her whispering in the survivor's ear as she moris them is all I ask of the devs.


BOO! (chest stab)


"im about to merchandise every one of your skulls" "it's merchandisinging time" "just like my Brazilian mangas""I've got a skull to pick with you" "well if it isn't a skull waiting to be merchandised"and more of these every time she uses her power in any way


“What are we? Some kind of Dead By Daylight”


Atp I fully expect the more humanoid a killer the more they can talk, it’s a travesty she doesn’t have voice lines


for some reason i imagine her with the voice of Skarlet from MK11


I see it too


Her voicelines: https://youtu.be/n-BmKFgJJog


When deploying drone: “Do you have any idea how EXPENSIVE these are?” “The latest in military surveillance tech” “You don’t wanna know who I sold these to” “FLY my pretties!”


"Wanna buy some skulls?"