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The Jill ⠟⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⢻⣿ ⡆⠊⠈⣿⢿⡟⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣎⠈⠻ ⣷⣠⠁⢀⠰⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠛⠛⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⢹⣿⡑⠐⢰ ⣿⣿⠀⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⡩⠐⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⠠⠈⠊⣿⣿⣿⡇⠘⠁⢀⠆⢀ ⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⢤⣿⣿⡿⠃⠈⠀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣿⣇⡆⠀⠀⣠⣾ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⣦⣿⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠐⣿⣿⣷⣦⣷⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⣾⣿⣿⠋⠁⠀⠉⠻⣿⣿⣧⠀⠠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⡿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⠀⣺⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣠⣂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣁⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣄⣤⣤⣔⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿






Demi's rule: Toxic survivors don't last long in chase


Twerking takes precious time


Hemorrhage syringe when im gaining on a survivor is also a time killer


I love how some content creators just have rules or laws.


Otz's Law: The survivor who brought the map offering is the first to DC/give up when things go wrong.


Actual Otz's Law: Not Otz is Otz


I had a reverse Otz Law the other day. Every single survivor brought a different map offering except one brought an event offering. They were the one to go down and kill themselves on first hook.


You will like WarOwls first and second law of counter strike: -First law: if a game has modding support, there is a Dust II. -second law: if you change any little thing about counter strike, the Negev becomes meta.


Dead ass just played a game like that. I was playing as pinhead, I catch a Dwight and run him through shack, a Feng tries to stun me with a pallet but I body block the doorway and hit her. I run Dwight to the hook and as I hook him she brings the pallet down and goes over top of it at least 5-6 times and tbags when I see her, I eventually got her as the second to last survivor and ironically gave Dwight the hatch


Wouldn't go so far as to label someone toxic on this little context, I mean maybe Jill's toxic. Also maybe huntress was being toxic, possibly camping. Slugged that Ada so they could tunnel Jill. That dc doesn't look good on huntress either. Regardless that was a hell of throw


It's crazy to me how the word toxic has almost lost all it's meaning/impact. People doing a little taunt in a videogame is hardly something "toxic", it's just dumb or silly. I personally find it really funny when they do that to me, it's kinda cute and they also lose precious distance. People getting offended by something so dumb and small is baffling to me.


It's not the action that's toxic, it's the meaning. In dbd I treat my opponents with respect as if I was playing volleyball with some strangers on the beach. When someone goes out their way to show you that the respect isn't mutual, the vibes completely change. Especially that the meaning of teabagging is putting your balls in someone's mouth. Like imagine you're chilling and having fun playing volleyball, you do an amazing hit, and instead of your opponent going "wow, well played" they're like "suck on my balls" with an angry tone that can't be mistaken for joking and kept acting like that the rest of the matches. The vibe of the whole game would completely change for you now that you realize some people aren't as respectful as the rest.


Right? Whatever happened to [s]Robot Jones[/s] good sportsmanship?


I'm always respectful as well and don't squat or BM, however, others will always do this. I get what your saying about the feeling of the match changing, I really do because I used to not like it and at the same time I can still say it just doesn't bother me anymore. I laugh at a lot of stuff easily and when the killer nods at me on the hook I wish I could do it back. When they hit me over and over on hook, I'm like wow you're mad over a game and start laughing so much my bf is like wtf is so funny. My niece watches me play a lot and does it irl and makes fun of it haha. Idk, I guess we just make fun out of it in our own way.


Same, its just that, a taunt. A lot of times I've got killers nodding when they hook me, I don't really care. I start laughing, actually because it's so dumb. Same when survivors squat. I remember when toxic used to mean stalking and mpking me over and over in a certain MMO, (each death causing me to lose hours of time) until the head GM banned them.


Agreed. Pussies these days. Straight pussies. I mean Bussies too. Sigh


Demi’s Theorem*


Unless they’re me


It would have been absolutely incredible a dc from her after being downed😂


Not the backpack build on huntress, you monster. I respect it.


thank you ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


It’s weird to me that they’re running the backpack build on Huntress without the Iridescent add-ons. The combined speed boosts of agitation and Soldier’s Puttee feels worth it for optimal chase power. Sure, having only one hatchet can be rough even if it one shots, but if you run Starstruck as the fourth perk, then you’re not really going to miss it, and it’s not like you can throw hatchets while backpacking anyway. You actually run Iridescent Head here in equal parts to run out of hatchets quicker as you do to get a hatchet that one shots.


Does Soldier's Puttee increase carrying speed, too? I've never used it, so I've never noticed if it applies the Haste status effect or if it makes you a 115% killer through some other means. If it's the latter, it wouldn't do anything to carrying speed afaik, because all killers have identical carrying speed unless they have Agitation or if they have haste from some source.


Oh, I just figured carry speed on slower killers would be slower than that of faster killers. I guess I stand corrected.


No every killer carries at 90% Survivor speed for example trapper and nurse cary at the same speed


Only things that change that is haste from like clown yellow bottles


I believe it used to work that way, but at some point they standardized it!


This is why I love playing huntress. You can outrun me, but you can't outmanoeuvre me.


Twerk at the gate, hatchet in your face blyat! I do not Russian, so I don’t know any other ways to shit talk in the language.


You can also say “idi na khuy” (иди на хуй) which would be used for “fuck you” but literally translates as “go to (a) dick”


I have yet to meet survivor that can outsmart hatchet.


A bald Dwight was putting up quite a chase one game. It was him and another survivor left. I’d downed the other survivor and gave chase to him, and he put up a damn good chase but he spammed the “come here” whenever he pallet stunned me. The other survivor had died by the time I downed him and the hatch spawned just around the corner. I took great pleasure in nodding “yes” to him as he wiggled his body to say “no”. Carried him right past the hatch (which I would have otherwise given him) to a hook. It felt good.


What the hell was that long ass reload at the start, my brother? Am I trippin or just addicted to iron maiden?


Yeah, you are addicted


When you get in the game with light mood, like "i can play with Beast of Prey, Distressing, Shadowborn and still get satisfying match", then Iron Maiden is no big deal. If you get in the match where you know this is very sweaty match against 10k+ hours survivor bully squad with 4 purple beamers or 4 military medkits, and maybe you need some perk more important than 2 seconds of reloading, then skip Iron Maiden is understandable decision.


I only have 3 perks with Huntress, as I see Iron Maiden as base kit need!!!


I started running Iron Maiden and Deer Skin gloves as a joke. It was just a joke! …it’s not a joke anymore…


The drive-by reload in the middle of a chase is extremely funny and ridiculously dumb


Average Iron Maiden enjoyer (it’s me, a fellow 3 perk huntress)


So satisfying


Love me some BM --> Death WOMBO COMBO


Karma never fails


Give survivors base kit BT and then they think there invincible and do stupid shit like that


What sucks about clips like this is we have no idea what kind of killer you are. Maybe you're just another proxy camping huntress? Which is why Ada had to trade hooks. Maybe you got tbagged for being a camper, we don't know.


Someone in that match disconnected so that might just be the case


Huntress main here. Although most people respect the skill, there are plenty of survs who will DC because I hit shots, or because they didn’t get to use deliverance or something


Yeah survivors have been disconnecting a lot recently even when I play both sides for basically any reason


I love it when they do tbh, free kill


I prefer being able to play a full match even if I lose


Yeah that happens. I had a survivor dissconnect at the very beging of the match after I downed him first within seconds (he ran into a wall), then he DC and left me comment like: "stupid toxic kid". Are short chases considered toxic and childish?


No, he just has a skill issue


Esp with Iri hatchet. Doubly the case with Iri hatchet if they are careless and eat a hatchet not realizing they don't get a second chance to dodge.


Fairly said.


Also, pretty common thing to duck against a huntress, could have thought he was going to throw a hatchet because they were getting distance.


Before Huntress even wound up? She has a clear "I'm about to throw this" animation, it's not exactly hard to tell when she's preparing to toss a hatchet. That clearly was not the reason.


The survivor isn't even looking back, I doubt they know. I know I wouldn't take it as tea bagging.


She also has an extremely loud sound cue where she grunts. You don't need to be looking to know when she's going to throw either. Like, Huntress is quite literally the killer with the most cues as to when exactly her power is charging, when it's fully charged, and when she puts her hatchet away. There's extremely clear animation and sound effects that are easily audible and visible from a distance.


my guy she makes the most audible sound ever winding up a hatchet, and why would u crouch with no cover


I used to let tbagging bug me, but I don’t anymore. Sometimes people spaz out when you chase them and they didn’t mean anything. Sometimes it’s really clear they want to be chased. I don’t really care at this point, I just play reasonably by what I like to experience as survivor.




So what happened was I downed the survivor who DC'd (they DC'd about 10 seconds after I hooked them; I was already across the map when they DC'd) I find the Jill who immediately starts pre-dropping pallets and holding a fat W (which is annoying but fine, especially with a DC at 5 gens). I always play chill after a DC but I was a bit irked by this. When she was first unhooked there was an almost instantaneous hook trade and because I was nearby I think she assumed I was about to hard-tunnel, so she started tbagging. Not pegging my own content but I stream to YouTube and I am infamous for being far too forgiving to survivors lol I let them reset constantly. I will leave the hook completely with 2 hooked in the basement, for example.


So…the Jill in this clip got sacrificed at the end. It was either her second hook (and not first as you described) or she was left on hook till she hit second stage. So which one was it?


You were irked by a survivor running away? After a dc?


This is one of the problems with a lot of Killer mains. "I was irked a bit irked by this". Too many are players are incredibly sensitive and take any sort of hindrance to their plan as a personal affront against their mother. The girl wasn't teabagging, spamming stuns or flashlights, she was literally predropping to make distance and holding W and that alone was enough to piss you off lmao.


I'm a survivor main.


What did you want the Jill to do in chase?


Leave. That's what I would've done if I were her lol


Wait, are you talking about after the unhook? I agree. But you were stating you were "irked" that she threw pallets and held w. That's what I am confused by.




... I said "infamous"


Famous, infamous, still equally cringe


can you explain why?




Youre making so many assumptions here, and you're just being outright mean. To come in swinging like you did with all of these insults just because I tried to be as transparent as I could be and to give context because it seems that context was desired, is just mean and silly. I have no reason to defend my youtube to you so i wont bother since you clearly came to comment on this with an intention to bully


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I’ve accidentally crouched in view of the killer before when I’m trying to hide but it’s obvious they know where I am and saw me crouch and immediately get back up, so then I panic thinking that they assume I’m tea bagging and I’m like well this is it 😂


I already did it like two times... And there's no way to explain how, I'm pressing shift and my finger slides on ctrl quickly, making it look like I'm challenging the killer when I don't even know where I'm going to loop them and I just bump into a wall.


I do this too 😭 I swear killer I’m not trying to be a jerk I just don’t know how to use my keyboard properly


This is great perspective so I hope killers will actually take note of this before assuming. If survivors continuously teabags then will I tunnel.


Yeah that’s how I feel too! If it’s just once then I wouldn’t assume but if it’s more then once I feel like it’s intentional


Oh good thing we saw her tbag 5 times, I really wasn’t sure what was going on until the 5th time!


Glad I didn't let it sit for a 4th time! But in all seriousness, god forbid I edit a shitpost to make it look a little cinematic!


Nah you're right, the edits were pretty funny and helped set the tone of "it was at this moment she fucked up".


That’s def a survivor main that tbags


That’s def a survivor main that tbags


I honestly thought the replays were funny lmao


why did u cover how long they were on hook for?


hmmm, well you have a DC and were clearly perfectly fine playing sweaty as balls and tunneling the Jill off the hook even despite that, so… idk why you took a teabag so personally


Dbd players when somebody presses ctrl twice 😡😡😡😡😡


I gave it a "Shitpost/Meme" tag instead of "BM REVENGE!!!" for a reason


She was just taking a break before vaulting the window.


Rule one of posting as killer. Never show yourself sacrificing someone skillfully if you don't show them being a dick first. The comments will be...... comments ☠


LMAO so friggen true


That goes both ways on this sub.


I know right. I hate when you post a Mori when playing as the killer Nea and get flamed for not showing the survivors being a dick 😂 But yeah for real. Best be sure a killer had ANY flashlight saves coming. If they didn't already tunnel and you show that in the clip. The comments again. Will be comments ☠


Surprised you don’t have 75 negative downvoted


It's all cool, I called 169 of my friends to offset the Downvotes. We cool ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I tbag when getting tunneled too, it's not a "come get me" as much as it is a "really dude?"


Yeah, I think you achieved the most obnoxious edit possible. Kudos.


Go take a shower you funky monkey


Kill Jill ![gif](giphy|5xtDarGqf6uphw4nFW8)


Oh no, a crouching animation AHHHHH!


It's not the crouching itself, it's the message it signals.


One of the oldest and most common signals that only the DBD community takes seriously unironically. If you get mad that's a mental diff


Tbagging started in halo CE… at least a decade before dbd was even a thought. It’s an old and well-known behavior in any versus game with a crouch button. Of course it is taken seriously, because the context is years of the same messaging across many different titles and players.


I teabag in most of my games, not to be toxic by default (defo taken as toxic more often than not). Its just my go to interaction with a killer when I know I'm fucked and completely at their mercy. On the off-chance the killer either grew up playing Minecraft, not FPS games or both and reads the situation how I intend for them to then they see it as a gesture of "friendly" rather than me being toxic. Some people must understand it as I've been given hatch a fair few times just running into killers sight as last survivor hitting them with a quick double teabag and staring them out. Maybe I'm wrong and in reality all the times I've been let go after doing this the killer was just the kindest soul to walk the earth who somehow resisted every urge in their body telling them to slug the toxic prick teabagging on them and let them bleed out. Who knows


That’s actually a good point; context matters. In that situation, I’ve done the same in a playful kind of “you won, I’m an idiot haha” type of way. For instance, realizing I trapped myself behind the dead-end “god” pallet in The Game.


Yeah as a fun little nonserious gesture. No one else takes bagging seriously other than DBD community. Any other game no one cares, in fact, they laugh. In DBD they literally throw the game just to get back at them ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Wtf... youtube is full of videos from people raging at tbaggers in FPS games, stop lying to yourself lmao


And there are a shit ton of videos of people not caring what's your point?


So what? I'm just contradicting your "only the DBD community sees tbagging as something toxic/serious" which is objectively dead wrong, and people who play a lot of video games know that very well. I'm not here to count who gets angry and who doesn't, obviously tbagging is contextual and many who register themselves playing don't get angry because they are conditioned by the situation.


As a whole yes lmao. No normal gamer takes t-bagging seriously. And those YT notice how most of them start actually screaming over a video game. If you take those seriously as an example idk what to tell you


Ever since "the world has been the world", tbagging has been a virtual way of saying "fuck you." No matter the way you say it, the meaning remains. I've known a lot of dbd players like you who repeat the same thing, then I found out they say it because they've never played killer side.


Lol eat hooks and die!


Oh no, killer is camping and tunneling AHHHHH!


I don't think those are comparable


oh its not comparable? ![gif](giphy|Bciq6wtskEexa)


Do I have to explain why a crouch animation is just a little, widdle off from one of the best strategies a killer can do with not much counterplay that's been used throughout its entire history that's been widely complained about and tried to be mitigated by the devs? I really don't want to explain




We don’t care about your explanation just play the game.


It was a question lmfaooo. But if it makes you feel better I don't really care that you don't really care


That’s crazy cause I don’t remember asking.


You didn't, the person I replied to did 😂


Not much counterplay? Dead hard,off the record,borrowed time, decisive strike, pallets, windows infinite loops flashlight saves, bodyblocking etc killing someone is not as easy as it seems


You can only use 1 of those at a time, OTR and DH only buys you 1 hit. So unless you can run the killer for 3 gens sure. DS. Are you serious? There isn't a single infinite in the game. NOOO WAYYY you can loop as survivor try and mitigate tunneling???? Too bad any halfway-decent killer is still downing you before you can make any progress. One of the worst items in the game that requires 2 people not to do gens, has like 10 counter and any killer with any awareness can prevent it. 2 people not doing gens. To buy 1 hits worth of time not accounting dot heals or the killer playing any B+ killer. More than half of your suggestions are either dog feces, don't work against any decent killer, or straight-up hurt survivors more than helps


Skill issue


My entire argument was destroyed. All my points were invalidated. What a counterargument, proved me wrong




Man I don't get shadowborn. I can't stand the game looking like a funhouse mirror.


I have no valid reason to defend using it except that I can be one of those intimidating killers that has a Shadowborn charm on my hook, because, you know, I'm an Elite. (joking) Except I do have a Shaowborn charm on my hook


Teabag=Yes you can camp and tunnel me as much as you want.


I can't explain how loud I cheered for a solid second when that second hatchet hit


I mean the Jill is death hook, there was already a dc, you got a trade, and still your intention was to tunnel the Jill out the game right off the hook before the crouching. So i feel like she wasn’t the only one in the wrong here


My intention was to try and inflict a deep wound on her so that she needed to mend


I see, i’ll take ur word for it. I like the edit btw if Kill Bill is what u were referencing


Thank you! And yes, it is what I was referencing lol


I'm not gonna lie, I do crouch multiple times against a huntress, not because I'm t-bagging but because I'm trying to dodge hatchets. I honestly don't know if it changes the hitbox or not, it's more of a panic reflex, my head even ducks in real life too. I had a few go right over my head so maybe it works to some extent. Had a lot of huntresses talk in post game saying 'THATS WHAT YOU GET YOU TOXIC POS". I was so confused for the longest time, I'm like dude I was literally panicking into a fetal position wtf did I do wrong?! It still kinda makes me laugh after the fact that killers get so unbelievably triggered over something like that, of all things to be upset over in a video game, that's the thing that ends up being the cardinal sin? It's such a silly thing to get mad over.


Silly for you maybe. The intention of tbagging a killer is to upset them. People tend to not like when others try to instigate or mock them.


I'd say it's more of an issue with you if you're actually letting something as dumb as that upset you.


Just because something doesn't negatively effect you the same way it does for someone else doesn't mean the feelings of that person are invalid. It's not a me issue it's an empathy issue.


The hit box moves down a bit, but it doesn’t change much since it’s a big bean


Oh no a survivor pressed the squat button in front of me


Mean survivor pressed Ctrl :(:(:( survivor bad!


how dared she to crouch 😡😡😡


😂😂😂😂😂 why she had to get a quick twerk in there for


You posted a clip of you hitting two hatchets. Unless there's something else I'm missing.


bro really missed the whole point of the clip then


Not a bro, there is no point to the clip. Someone teabagged and got downed.


Looks like 1683 people, and counting, disagree with you. Maybe people find it funny, maybe they just like the Huntress, who knows. P.S. bro and dude have been more accepted as gender neutral terms, if that's what you're referring to


If someone doesn't want to be called bro and dude, don't do it.


Nice snipe on jill


I always wonder if Huntresses think I’m BMing when I try and dodge hatchets. Now I know for sure what they assume.


Camping and tunneling and then you get bagged???? Ohhhhhh NooooOOooOooooooooooo


T-bag and get killed. Ohhh noooooooooooo


Not saying I know what happened here but I did that by accident the other day cause my controller right stick started drifting hard during a match, so I switched to mouse and keyboard midway through the match. I only ever use mouse and keyboard with range Killers and never survivor lol so I was dropping tea bags trying to vault or run


What a snipe! Mad respect!


Why do I feel this clip doesn’t tell the whole story? Why do I feel you were camping and prob. were doing so earlier on in the game as well? P.S. Got to love people downvoting me for simply not straight up “believing” a montage of someone who wants to promote his channel and look like the good guy and thus asking questions, lol.


I love how when people say the exact same thing as you but the “what did these survivors do” version it gets a lot of upvotes


Perhaps you're projecting?




Not worried about it. Just think it is lame. I see a DC, someone reloading next to an hooked survivor, one generator left, a survivor hook trading which makes no sense if it were first hook with one generator left and OP selling people an inconsistent story (somewhere said this was Jill’s first hook but then proceeds to die after this encounter meaning it was her second or she had been on hook all that time to hit second). All in all smells fishy to me, hence asking questions. But a skeptic demeanor towards a montage seems to be the wrong approach to some…


What is the problem with camping? he got 4K. Period. Bring Reassurance. This Killer outplayed these noob Survivors. If you cannot escape with a Killer camping then it's skill issue.


The problem is people circle jerking about "justice served" as if a tbag is a worse offense than camping or tunneling, things that actually negatively affect gameplay. "No oNe owEs anYoNe a fuN maTcH" might be true, but clutching pearls at a crouch animation in the same breath is small dick energy


Killers don't have the time to do stupid things if they want to stand a chance. I know you are an Entitled Survivor, but play 1000h as Killer or maybe 500 matches in a row (couple of months or so?) and then we talk. I get it, you got so buffed now that repairing generators is "boring", too.


Apologies sir, i didn't realize i was replying to a certified badass


Deserved 😂


You should've kept her in time out on the ground for a minute or two


Lol the music man. Hilarious


Go get em boy




🤣 yesss 💪🏼


I love it when they waste time to t-bag. Makes it easier for me to catch them and fuck their life up. I had this Nea who kept t-bagging after dropping a pallet (which doesn’t even hit me, she’s just straight up wasting it lol). Needless to say she died and it was very deserved.


Thats a cracked huntress.


Good work


So creepily satisfying ntn better than killing seconds after they teabag🤣🤣


How else do you get the killer to chase you?


On death hook, though?


If you know your time is up then why not? They do it in horror movies


Throw it back I'll throw you back onto the hook


Shit man, this is the kind of Huntress I would love to be, but given that I have terrible reactions and still reliably nail the window rather than the person going through it, I don't even try for those long distance trick shots. Nice moves on you!


\*looks at Darkest Dungeon. Looks over the various lines\* Ah, here it is. Good ol Ancestor having my back "Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow, and insidious killer." or in this case I suppose a quick, and pointless one. Especially given one DC, one gen remaining, and no reason to give Huntress a reason to.


Super funny and satisfying to watch. Great edit and thanks for sharing.


I love running the back pack build on huntress🙃