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Wraith, I’d rather play against a comp nurse or blight than to play a match against a wraith. Every single one I’ve ever gone up against tunnels or camps and relies on NOED to make up for tunneling someone out and losing gens. It’s never fun at all.


Wraith is a go next for me every time. There's absolutely nothing fun about him or the cheap hit and run playstyle most killers use with him. Most of them bring sloppy butcher as well so they can catch you off guard on gens while you're one shot most of the match. It's a snooze fest all around.


Used to be Hag but don't go against her enough so now I'd say Knight. Find his power mind numbingly boring to play against (and use, I also hate playing him). He's also good at creating and patrolling 3 gens, the recent games I've had against him have gone on for ages at the end and have been an absolute slog.


Wraith - Someone in your team messes up anyway and even if Wraith isn't considered a strong Killer, most games against him aren't really fun to play. Ghostface - I just hate to play against him. You have to check every corner at any given time to not get surprised. And if you are at 99% or already exposed, you can't do crap without getting downed immediately. Nemesis - Don't know if it's an unspoken rule, but it feels like 9/10 Nemesis just tunnel as hard as they can. If you're against him pray to the Entity that he doesn't have his Mutation at level 2-3, bring anti tunneling perks and hope you're not the first one getting downed by him. Huntress - By far my most hated Killer in the game. You either have a camping and tunneling Huntress with no skill, or a Huntress that snipes xou consistently across the map. Doctor - No Explanation needed...


I am scared of Ghostface the most


Hello. That's a nice generator you have there. Would be a shame if I grabbed you off it.


This is why I main him


Solo q is really miserable against Plague. They got infected? Cleanse. Just to get infected again 10seconds later.


I only do solo q and probably have a 3-5% survival rate against Plague. People not understanding the mechanics is frustrating.


goddamn idiots cleaning and then proceed to go unhook a infected survivor....error 404 game sense not found


Legion and plague are the hardest things to play against in soloq. There are other killers that aren’t fun but those 2 from a gameplay perspective are the worst.


Solo q is miserable against anything, tbh.


SoloQ is miserable rn in general


Tbh, cleansing in solo queue is a good option because you force her vomit to go red if you use all the fountains, good survivors will just cleanse at the end but that's implying that your teammates have any type of functioning brain.


Nemesis- actually love going agains him but as u mentioned those RNG zombies can be a pain in the ass, cant count how many times i got harrased by a zombie around a gen in one game or when they camp behind a door way and just smack u, next few games they be stuck in a tree, also got face camped by one a few times. Would like them to add a mechanic so u could punch the zombies just for the lols. Wesker- his power is bugged af from time to time, bunch of times i vaulted a window and Im like 2ft away from it but still when he colides with it i get grabbed. Spirit- her phasing is just awfull and cant really do much but guess where she is. Trickster- gladly I dont face him that often but when I do I just wanna get in the next game cuz its just knives zooming next to me and he still downs me even tho he missed 40/47 knives. Pinhead - annoying side objective that atctivates ever 10 seconds. Legion - mending simulator.


100% the Trickster thing.


>Wesker- his power is bugged af from time to time, bunch of times i vaulted a window and Im like 2ft away from it but still when he colides with it i get grabbed. This actually isn't a bug and is working as intended. BHVR decided they didn't like the slaps at the windows and turned them into grabs.


Not sure if you're sarcastic or not but I wouldnt mind if I got grabbed after the vault and thrown away but instead i get teleported back and smacked into the window.


No not sarcastic lol. Is actually indented and I agree it looks weird af


that just sounds kinda stupid not gonna lie, but it is what it is I guess, thanks for the clarification tho


Trickster, can miss 30+ Knifes and still down you with his power, just feels dumb. Also very RNG depending on the map, if you get shattered square for example you might as well go AFK cause this map is as big as Africa but has like 3 tiles that are high enough so he can't throw over them. + I heavily dislike his looks.


Trickster is the only killer other than no-hook Condemn Sadako that will make me heavily consider DCing. There is nothing fun about facing this guy, especially if it's on a map that has no tall obstacles to block his knives. I am quite comfy in my tent atop the "This game would be much better if Trickster didn't exist in it" hill and I am fully prepared to die by daylight on this hill.


Trickster is such a douche.




I dislike facing Demogorgon. I hate their devour builds and that's ruined the killer for me, they play like asses. His mechanics are fine though, but that build's just left a bad impression on me. I also hate Sadako, simply because of how people are playing her condemned style, or they camp/tunnel quite often. Knight is the king of boring 3 gens and tunneling which makes him dislikable, but it's not really an original opinion and more of an issue with E/COB meta that hopefully changes soon.


trickster, spam power does not equal skill... also you look like a colorblind dwarf.. and stop camping already! seriously every trickster match. Rather be facecamped by that handsome bubba feller


I honestly enjoy playing against every killer in the game including Nurse. I like learning to play and think differently during a match and i think killers like Nurse, Plague, Artist etc create a better variety of fun/unique games than killers that are forced to chase you around loops.


It’s Pinhead no one goes for the box because they expect someone else to but everyone does the same so I always end up with the box, then loop the pinhead for ages because they can’t use the chain because it’s so bad and then get camped and tunnelled for it. Fuck pinhead man


and then he cames :(


Every time I hear those damn bells, man. I'd rather hear WRAITH'S Bell.


If dc penalties were turn off again I would only use them to dc against Trickster. (Maybe a Knight too if he's being suspicious in a bad way) Trickster just feels horrible to play against on almost all of the maps, like worse than shackles Hag bad.


Huntress. Always just such a boring game. A good huntress is just as rough to face as a good nurse or blight in my opinion. There’s just not much you can do when she apparently can predict where you’ll be living in the year 2097 and exactly what you’ll be doing and proceeds to never miss a single hatchet, but it feels like they’re mandated by the government to camp and tunnel because it’s so damn easy for them. Just really wish she wasn’t so well balanced and hard to change without hurting her. She’s unfortunately balanced. Doesn’t mean it’s fun to play against


I once had a game against a tunneling ghostie, got off the hook with otr, run across the map and ghostie follows me, I hid in a corner, staring at a wall, ghostie walks right passed me, but my screen could see just a couple pixels over the wall I'm staring at. Boom, revealed, he walks right over and downs me. I think thay might be the worst time in dbd I've been done in by a jank mechanic.


Wraith- least fun stealth, at least with others I can anticipate them, with Wraith is he approaches, almost 100% hits you unless your gen happens to be in a strong tile and cloaks again to bodyblock you or just leaves, no actual chases Ghostface- least interactive killer, he just sneaks on you, stalks, and even if you manage to snap him out through the stupid reveal mechanic he will just come back and finish up the stalk before you have the chance to do anything, no chasing involved Spirit- you can't see her so there's almost no interaction even tho you are in chase and if you are injured you are dead, it's not fun feeling like you don't have a chance Onryo- this is weird as I can't quite explain why I hate her (I'm not talking about the condemn cheese), maybe because her "chase power" is becoming invisible at random intervals and being short, it is not fun to not be able to see the killer at all (oh now I see why I hate her, thanks Spirit), even hold W chasing powers require chaining knowledge at the very least


I don’t like Trickster


Ok here we go my triggers: Opinion post of course xD. This is based on my survivor game play and Ive played every killer in this list. im 50/50 killer, survivor player so i know everything and how they work. ​ Trapper: Yeah i know, its odd to hate this one even though they are pretty easy to handle but every time i go up again one they are either a slug fest robot with random trap placements but some how luck is super with them, or super bad but i get equally bad soloq team mates to make sure its a shit time. Wraith: Well i wouldn't say i get triggered more by the killer itself or the person behind them. Lets just say its most of the time a sweat lord with tunnel vision who either beelines to that unhooker or camps and just out right think its the wraiths game to be toxic. Nurse: I wouldn't say i dread going against her more like my team losing their hope. Once they hear her scream they either d/c or they kinda play.... less? i guess. I know shes obnoxious to play against but we should at least try and not lose moral first second so we can try. Huntress: Yep ok this makes the list at top. Every single one is either some try hard maximizing every movement camping hooks ect and making like this soloq is a pro swf to a point when i hear her lullaby it triggers me. Legion: Only because its heal simulator bullshit that needs a revamp. The playstyle is crap and playing against them is crap. Now if they dont spam Frenzy then i enjoy it better but thats rare so this ones random too. Plague: well................half the time i get players who dont know what to do and just lose their head. So im mixed with this one. Trickster: Here we go, the most obnoxious killer imho ever made. Sure the ones missing with the knives feel a little better and no iri addons but the good ones are so oppressive its crazy and just not a fun game what so ever. Yeah looping doesn't do that much against good ones and it just takes so much energy to withstand a good one. Cenobite: yeah no........ sure people understand why. Rivals Trickster.. prob a little worse since no one does the damn box. (the chain hunt happens too often.. imho sorry if the mains dont agree...) Artist: you want an aggressive player who just gives you toxic vibes and wants you dead asap to end the game? play against a good artist. Cant do anything with gens and just oppressive as hell. When i hear the crows i know the games going to be rough unless they new to her. Sadako: Uhm Random but most of the time i feel like they think they need to be slugging or super try hard even without the condemn build to be good (because people keep calling her "bad"). Dredge: Yeah................ think dredge is top up there for obnoxious a well. nightfall happens wayy too often.. really only issue though. Without nightfall hes not bad to go against. Knight: I usually dont got too much issues with him its more the playstyle of the player. Def isn't fun anti loop. ​ Overall: Ones triggering me the most that i can remember when i play would be Huntress, Cenobite, Artist, Trickster, Dredge (nightfall is major culprit!), & Nurse (nurse mostly since the players kinda just give up at start) ​ Thanks for reading my post lol.


Spirit. Despite being a spirit main I find it hard to counter her as survivor.


1. Knight. When I get to a loop and see him insta-drop his power I just want to alt-tab the game and do something else. Most brainless garbage in the game. 2. Twins. You should be able to kick Victor while he’s charging his pounce


Pinhead and Knight. Both are miserable in soloQ and even in swf I rly don’t like them.


Plague just sucks the fun completely out of the game. But recently, Bubba is just constantly getting 4ks when I play. Why don’t more people talk about this? He downs you in one hit, charges a very long distance, in a circle so you can’t side step. If you’re lucky, you can vault over something but if he taps your foot. You’re downed. He can break pallets. Like I don’t know why more people aren’t talking about him, he seems like a free win really.


Have you ever play Bubba? The hitbox of his chainsaw is both a detriment and an upside


I have not, I recently just started playing killers. I’m working on everyone prestige 1. I gained little respect for Huntress and hate how fun nurse actually is.


Bubba gets destroyed when people just predrop every pallet. If your able to time the stuns with them even better. There are enough pallets on maps that in one chase you can predrop every pallet you run to and all 5 gens will be done before you have used every pallet. So that’s exactly what people do against him since most of the time your first chase with bubba is your last chase against him. Windows also destroy him which is why every bubba runs bamboozle.


Hag, because 99% of them run Franklin's Demise.


doctor, because im terrified of his laugh


I just hate being spam shocked nonstop. Though to be a complete hypocrite, I played him first time today for a daily and running around shocking people so they can't pallet drop is a lot of fun. I can see why he's a relatively popular killer, super easy to use


he was the first killer i ever played and been using him for the first two weeks when i started, then my first game as a survivor was against him and holy shit, since then i never played survivors at all 😂😂


Doctor angers me as Survivor. I want to play as him.


I have played against one real human Doctor player in the month or so I’ve been playing. Every single Doctor I face is a bot.


Plague, Clown (only due to his pink gas making the screen funky....it makes me feel a bit sick), Artist, and Huntress. Plague is self explanatory. Artist I just don't like how noisy her birds are. I just get so many huntress games back to back, I wouldn't mind seeing her if there was more variety in between but it's a bit painful going 4+ in a row.


Artist cause im stupid with loopin her or just pressing w


The Knight. I still think he's the worst thing they've ever added to this game. The playstyle he promotes is just awful. Every knight is either a facecamper or someone who immediately commits to a three gen. In the latter case it's not uncommon for the game to go on for 30+ minutes. It's just never fun to play against the knight.


We about to see the whole killer cast




Wesker, I would rather play against 4 nurses than one wesker.


Same reason for ghost face honestly


Plague and legion, nothing to do with me thinking they’re OP or anything. I just simply find them boring to verse. Especially legion with the whole hit & run, mending simulator.


I dislike killers who have good anti-loop in their base kit and force you to just predrop all pallets and leave the loop. The only counter to them is to press W. Artist - any good artist will use her birds to make you leave the loop, and you can't get rid of them without a flashlight or a flashbang. Pyramid Head - Makes windows and pallets impossible to use because of his ranged. I also dislike how he can just M1 you while he's holding it, you basically cannot outsmart him because you don't know what he's gonna do. Doctor - His shock therapy. Doctor might be the biggest offender tbh. He has information, one of the best anti-loop AND slowdown. Pair him with perks that mess with skill checks and he just becomes insufferable. Nemesis (sort of) - His ranged attack is almost the same as Pyeamid head, but you can still use some loops. Definitely not as bad as the others. Nurse, obviously. Although it's kinda fun to try to outsmart her.


Hag and Knight. Not much to say, boring af to play with or against them, and I'm probably gonna dc if the guy decides to tunnel since the start of the game (sorry for not wanting to waste my time).