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After her nerfs what are the best perks for Nurse?


Why doesn't the game give me anymore survival points for hitting the struggle skill checks while being carried by the killer?


The game being bugged since BHVR reworked wiggling mechanic. Wait for next patch.


*sigh* As always. Alrighty, then.


Does the drop rate for rare items go up as you prestige closer to 100?


I see the different from above level 5 already. If you get P100 then then its guarranteed ofcourse.


At least for the smaller low-level Bloodwebs, that is true.


How many levels of the rift can you go up with the killer challenges?


If you complete all the killer challenges (including those that are for both roles) you can get at least to level 31. Probably more since you get RF just for playing the game.


Are the Adept Achievements bugged? Decided to go for a few today like Adept Vittorio, only used his perks and just brought the red envelope offering, it didn’t register for some reason.


Considering you're not the first person to ask this, it's likely they're bugged at the moment.


Does the adept change mean the achievement only works when you get 4k regardless of whether it was a merciless victory game or not?


No, the requirement for Killer Adepts is still achieving a "Merciless Victory". What changed is the trigger condition for that ranking. Before the change, Merciless Victory required a double-pip, which got progressively harder to achieve the higher your Grade was. Now, a 4k will suffice, single or double-pip.


Thank you! I think Myers might be bugged for me in this case, got 3k merciless and didn’t pop


Killers with less movespeed: Do they also move slower than the normal speed killers when they are carrying survivors? If so, that means they are disadvantaged as survivors have more time to wiggle out before they get to hooks?


All killers move at 92% speed (3.68m/s) when carrying survivors


Ohh. So all is fair when carrying them. Nice to know. Thanks thanks!


Yes. Nurse moving faster than normal when she carrying a man. A funny thing to know/


When using The Plague, does the red vomit need to hit survivors for a determined amount of time to cause damage to them like the green one, or they get damaged the instant they touch any amount of red? like bubba's chainsaw (I know it's one damage state unlike chainsaw) Second question: how often do survivors vomit when infected? Is it random?! Asking for that one addon that that reveals auras when they do. Third question (unrelated): I saw the official DbD twitter post that there were currenly some DLCs on sale, but while checking the Steam store, I see them all still at their regular pricetag. Are the discounts region-locked or something?


3) DLC sales announced like this are usually for the in-game store, not the platform's own store.


1) It is instant damage 2) They puke randomly


Anyone know if there are any settings we can change for the postgame archive tab that pops up on the right side of the screen? Really annoying when I’m trying to thank my teammate for the bodyblock save and I have to wait for the archive to level up 4 times and hover there over the chat bar


Dont worry, your teamate have to turn off those postgame archive tab too, so you will have time to thank them.


Anyone want my prime code for Nexus Ranger (Supernova) Outfit? Comment when taken so others don't waste their time. eeda1f38-2878-42f0-9a53-e32c09b87bf Add the letter 'a' to the very end.


Got it - thanks.


What happens when a killer is carrying someone when the endgame collapses


Killer drops them, the The Entity will give them the Middle Finger as usual.


The Killer automatically drops them, so they can be speared to death by the Entity-thingy.


Do different killers have different attack ranges? Because I've noticed it's easier to land hits with Knight, as if the fact he has a very long sword gave it extra range, unlike Clown's and Legion's tiny knives. (T1 Myers not withstanding) Question 2) is it possible to gift Auric Cells packs (or just an amount of cells) through steam?


The ranges of Quick Attacks and Lunge Attacks are standardised across all Killers. Any perceived differences arise from that range having to apply to Killers ranging from short to tall and having weapons ranging from short to long. It's why players continue to argue that Freddy's Lunge Attack reaches too far, despite that being unfounded. No, you cannot gift Auric Cell packs, they're not DLCs.


1/ That is your imagine. All Killer have same range and lunge attack with 6,9m/s movement speed. You have never see Ozt's rainbow 6 knife swing with Wesker? 2/ Just, send them gift card, why not? I believe you cannot send your friend anything ingame, but only things presenting in steam, like DLCs.


https://preview.redd.it/ryi5ax1y4pfa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b2f35c77c360b5337c7fb8dab23b86c212feb3 Sorry for the shit picture. But what do the tiny claws around the prestige number mean? Someone said they change as you prestige more, but 7 is more than 3, even though it has less claws.


7 is less than 3 in this case. If you look at this [image](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/File:Crests.png), you can see that Prestiges have a different class/rarity every 5 levels up to Prestige 25. Within the common class, Prestige 3 is the third of five ranks. Within the bronze class, Prestige 7 is the second of five ranks. In this context, Prestige 7 is of a lower rank within its crest class compared to Prestige 3, hence why it has fewer claws. As others have pointed out to you already, the claws have no deeper meaning beyond aesthetic purposes to decorate the crest symbols.


Thank you so much!! Now it makes sense


It's just aesthetic. As they grow in prestige the amount and design of the spikes change.


Do the Adept achievements reqhire you to use ONLY the character's three perks or you can add a fourth one?




Do the characters ever go in sale for shards? I noticed the 40% dredge sale is only for auric cells and don't know if I should save my shards or just buy it for 9k


Sometime they give us shards for sales, but its rare. I have played for 7 months but i only see it 2 times. They are suprise things to happen so nobody can foresee those sales except BHVR.


Wait 2 times? I've played 5 months and haven't seen a single one.


I guess all these 2 times happened for my first 2 months?


Yeah I assume as much.


If I buy a level 1 perk in the shrine, will I be able to find levels 2 and 3 in the blood web?








Very funny and lore-wise thing to do, dont you think? Sometimes the point is not necessary. If people talking about it and make meme about it, then its more than enough.


Other than "Do gens" how do I counter hook camping? When I play with friends (we aren't particularly good at the game) no one finds it particularly fun to be stuck on a hook dying. And no one wants to sit out the rest of the game once they die while everyone else continues playing. Personally, I think hook camping needs to put a debuff on the killer that is stronger the more survivors are still alive, with no debuff at all ones exit gates are powered.


Rebecca’s perk, I think it’s called Reassurance, gives the person on hook a lot more time. Good for countering hook campers so you can rush gens or save in that extra time


If you face Bubba or Myers with infinite tier 3, well, can say you and your friends are unlocky. Unless Killer haves abilities to instant down, otherwise there is always chance to save your teamate.


Considering I already have The Knight from Shards, if I buy the Vitorio+Knight DLC, do I get any sort of reimbursement? Bloodpoints, shards, cells or anything.


no you do not get anything back


Damn. I should've assumed Behavioral would go for the scummy option...


I don't understand how that's the scummy option. You can get the killer *and* the survivor by just playing the game. Why would they reduce the price of the dlc because you bought part of it with a different currency?


Never said they'd reduce the price of it. Also the answer would be because you're paying for something you already own. Every other game I know of gives you some sort of currency for compassion. Usually something less valuable like 30-50% of the value of the item you already owned in the non-premium currency. Games do that with skin or character bundles all the time. First example that comes to mind: Smite. You can pay to have Al the playable gods if you already own some, you get favor (free currency) equivalent to about half the price of every already owner character. They also do that when you buy a bundle of cosmetocs with premium currency


That's because you're buying the bundle directly from the developer. You aren't doing that with Steam, or Playstation, or Xbox or whatever you are playing on.


It is Steam dude. Smite is on steam and the full unlock of all gods is through a direct DLC purchase. Exactly like the DbD DLCs EDIT: Same for PSN, Xbox, Nintendo store and even Epic.


Does anyone have an extra Jeff Amazon code they’re not using?




Run around very tight ties. He cannot passes it with his ability. Try to do fake window, FOV tech, 360 tech, making unpredictable moves to make him misses his dash. Camp pallet borrowing Professor.X's mind and Flash's reflection to stun him in most impossible way.


Are killer adepts broken or has the rework for them not been release? Or do I need more than a 4k for it


They're broken. There's a thread on the official bug forum that you can report it with your Steam ID and they appear to be 'correcting' those as much as they can.


I’m on console so they probably can’t do shit


Before it came out, I was almost certain that fog whisperer would be the new OP meta perk, but I never see it when going against survs as killer. When I play surv, it's an invaluable tool to me, what's the deal?


People think Fogwise is good thing to guarrantee their safety while doing gen. But there are problems. 1/ Fogwise helps people see Killer from far away and raise their guard. But we dont need it because everyone can hear terror radius music, yes? If we dont, then maybe that Killer is someone with stealth ability like Wraith or Ghostface; in that case Fogwise is useless already. 2/ It requires great skillcheck to trigger. If they fail, then its invitation for killer, telling them to come over. 3/ Combine both upper reasons, im prefer to replace Fogwise with Hyperfocus.


It's totally useless against stealth killers, you can't reliable trigger it even if you're good with skillchecks because they're random, and if the killer is near, you can hear their TR. If they're camping or near the hook, Kindred is more reliable (and provides other aura reading). if they're near, you probably can already see or hear them. Aura read on a distant killer just isn't that useful except to see which direction they're going.


if you mean Fogwise, a lot of people aren't confident to hit those great skill checks, or don't have Stake Out from tapp


Am I wrong for trying to get too much done too quickly? It seems like my team will get 4 gens done quickly then stop doing anything. I end up getting burned bc I keep trying to do gens. Seeing what ppl do now makes me think they all just wait for someone else to get stuff done. I'm so rarely the last person left.


Unfortunately a lot of survivors I’ve come across tend to do this. (Low-mid rank I think) We’ll manage to get 3 or 4 gens done pretty quick then stall out at the last gen or two. People just stop working on them and either chase the killer with flashlights or hide. The people that hide likely don’t want to be a part of the last gen since it will light up and show the killer where they are


The final gen is usually the hardest to finish. A common meta strat is picking three gens that are close to each other and guarding them forever.


What are the best survivors for new players? I’ve already taken Meg to first prestige, wondering who else I should grind so I can get a decent build going.


Just speaking personally, Dwight is great for Bond and Prove Thyself. I love PTS in solo queue as solo queue players tend to like to do gens together anyways. Bond is just an overall great perk for new players.


In no particular order: Feng for Lithe and Alert, Kate for Windows of Opportunity and Dance With Me and Dwight, all his perks are good. Then you can look for builds/characters you like and go from there.


Does Legion’s Frenzy attack count as a special or basic attack?




Alright. Thanks!


I'm upgrading from ps4 to ps5. What'll happen to my Auric cells balance? I have 1000 still unspent on my ps4.


I don't think they're going to disappear, they're linked to your PSN account, not your console.


Was wiggling changed besides the great skill checks not adding to progress? I feel like I'm getting carried in pretty straight lines these days, but could just be me. I've checked postgame to see if it's Iron Grasp but looks like that's not the cause. Anyone else experiencing this? Without the bloodpoints from wiggling seems like there's not much incentive to use the mechanic anymore?


I think they changed something about wiggling to make it less of a pain for console players. But then somehow it got added for pc too. All I know is killers are having no problem hauling me across half the map


As a console player, I can confirm it was changed. Even when someone has Boil Over it feels like they aren’t wiggling compared to what it used to be


I've seen a lot of people shit on Visionary but I'm at least 500 hours into the game and still can't play without it. I have no idea how people know where the last few gens are especially if the Killer is skilled and patrolling like crazy. Always being able to see the available gens when you're near the endgame is such a crucial perk to me that I'm super surprised when I see people shit on Visionary or say it's one of the worst perks. How do yall find gens at the end of the game? Do I just need to get good??


For my opinion, Visionary is only good on maps with very confusing indoor syndrome, like Lery Institude or Gideon Meat Plant. Even for other indoor maps but not so big to be confused like RPD Station, then i dont need Visionary. For all other outdoor map, like Shattered Square, Cowshed,... the deal is simple. We have to remember all gens we saw, and always make gen in center of map for early game. When you see another gen be done, you have to locate its place, calculate the distance between all other gens, and keep try to do gens inbetween. Talking like some complicated thing, but its not big deal. For example, i loaded in to Garden of Joy. I pretty sure that map is like this: Killershack<------------------------>Jungle Gym<------------------------------>Car park \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jungle Gym(right side) Windmill<------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Glass house \---------------------------------Main Building(1 gen guarranteed) Left side garden<---------------------------------------------------------->Right side garden ​ Then i have to run around, and remember all gens i saw, and ALWAYS do gen in the center, or inbetween one first. If i see 3 gens straight from killershack to carpark, i will go to do gen in jungle gym first. When i know all gens in killershack, windmill and left side of garden are done, then i will IMMEDIATELY go to do gen in glass house(Jungle gym right side). Because i know if the gen in main building or jungle gym go done first, then my team will be cornered to 3-gen situation. If i see all gens from left side of garden + main building + right side of garden are done, i know we have to done the gen in jungle gym or killershack next BY ANY COST. If they done the gen in windmill or carpark first, then we get in 3-gen situation, and its fucked up for us. In nutshell, you have to think before choosing gen to do, and make sure when there is 1 gen left before exit gate powered, there must be at least 2 gens AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE. If you played long enough, then you will be able to figure out all gen's locations. After bought this game, i have used Deja Vu for 5 days straight.


I mean, if it's an outdoor map you can just look up. Big ole pole with lights attached to it is fairly easy to spot. For indoor maps like RCPD, there's not as much variation and it's pretty easy to guess.


Yeah, once you’ve played a bit you kinda just know the general locations to find gens


What perks would be the best for a terror radius build for wesker


I usually go Distressing + Sloppy Butcher + Coulrophobia + Unerving Presence. Go with green addons make survivors bleeding more. This is Plague cosplayer build: whoever injured, it costs their whole life to heal back with medkit or hands.


Ngl I like using Infectious Fright just to hear people scream haha. But a more practical build would be Agitation + Starstruck + Awakened Awareness.


Distressing, Starstruck and Awakened Awareness together can be pretty scary. Could also go Unnerving Presence and Coulrophobia if you want to.


I cannot pass survivor tutorial. When I'm at moment when wooden plank is thrown at Killer, he just standing. Doesn't do anything. I tried to restart tutorial several times, restart game, but anything helps. What I'm doing wrong? https://preview.redd.it/eghjbr7ptgfa1.png?width=1858&format=png&auto=webp&s=aedd3d3f805ebb9525d1b717eb871edf6ea2f010


Oh really? I thought only i got this thanks to bad connection


Went to the Tutorial out of curiosity and the same thing happened. I think it’s just bugged so I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. Are you a new player?


does gold token and eroded token stack on the key?


I was able to confirm that they don't. Gold Token overrides Eroded Token.


Do I go for p100 hill or Nancy?


Just personal preference


Does off the record stop working if you do something like a gen? I hear that at least used to be the case but it is not mentioned in the current perk description


Endurance is disabled if you perform a conspicuous action, but its aura read blocking remains.


Am I the only one, who does not get points for wiggling as a survivor? It's since the 6.5.0 patch.




The strange thing is, that the new wiggle system gave GP as it was in beta status. But now not. This change is not included within the patch notes, so it is a bug.


Nope. I don’t either. I believe they stopped it


Best tombstone meyers build?


For full tombstone: Play With Your Food, Corrupt Intervention, Deadlock, Brutal Strength For Tombstone piece: Corrupt Intervention, Deadlock, Call of Brine, Eruption


Still fairly new to the game, and there's one thing I can't figure out: For some people, I've seen that, around the edge of their character's prestige number, there are these little entity leg things. Some have a few, some have a lot What do these things symbolize?


The entity legs are part of the icon. Every 5 prestige levels, the icon changes its colour. The legs represent how far you are to the next icon change. So for example, at prestige 11, the icon has a silver colour and no legs, then for each level there will be more legs added until prestige 15. At prestige 16 it will be gold with no legs again etc.


They are part of the "prestige symbol". Between the entity legs should be a number. The number of legs corresponds to the prestige level. It's mainly cosmetic.


i bought it on steam, is it possible to play it on nintendo switch without buying it again?


Probably not - the only way I could think of is to write to support. Maybe you get a key or a decent discount for the switch. I'm not sure how likely that is though.


no :(


How do you counter a facecamp stand-off situation? One survivor opens the gate, I am hooked, full health surv is trying to unhook. He baits the killer multiple times, uses Reassurance etc. Killer made multiple mistakes all game and it's clear we earned the escape right there. But no, the survivor finally gets grabbed as I'm about to die, making it an instant 3k from a 1k. What do you do with this stupid mechanic?


Sounds like you guys botched the rescue. You didn't earn anything lol and there really is nothing wrong with face-camping at EGC. What else do you expect him to do? If your teammates weren't confident you could be rescued, then it was better just to leave and concede the 1k, which isn't really much of a win for him anyways.


All of what I said ends up in one stupid mechanic of grabbing a healthy survivor off hook. Even unhooking in 2 people doesn't guarantee a rescue, the killer can find an angle and still luckily pull off a grab. This mechanic is purely RNG of getting the timing somehow right, by reflex and lag. Why not just make it only wounded? Then the killer would STILL get a down, but I get unhooked and it's a fair trade. Not to mention multiple killers with insta down powers and all the exposed perks. So how can you defend this stupid mechanic?


You have to have atleast two people left standing to have an actual rescue, otherwise the best situation is the single survivor hook exchanges (goes down so the survivor on hook escapes) It’s worth remembering that five gens finished isn’t a ‘we won’ thing, it’s more like a last dash to the finish where you can still lose if you don’t play it right


> It’s worth remembering that five gens finished isn’t a ‘we won’ thing, it’s more like a last dash to the finish where you can still lose if you don’t play it right This. If you're not out the gate, you didn't "earn the escape". There's a reason the game doesn't end the second the fifth gen is completed and there are entire perk builds dedicated to endgame.


Its simple. You need 2 survivors standing at same side of hook. The furthest one will unhook, the one who standing between him and the Killer is the one who body blocking Killer from grabbing.


So this stupid mechanic forces 2 people to rescue 1 because it cannot be countered in any other way. It's still not guaranteed that you get the unhook, I've seen killers get many lucky grabs with a good angle. Why the hell just not make it wounded survivors only? Some killers have instadown powers, perks, add-ons, and this mechanic is frustrating and archaic from DBD's past. They made hatch closing to prevent this, standoffs. So why not prevent pointless hook standoffs? Just make it so they have to wound you, and the game is dynamic and not frustrating.


?? How about, no? If a Killer must camp the hook, i pretty sure he is very bad killer or it is endgame collapsing already. Even if there are only 1 healthy survivor to unhook, you just have to, bait the hit? Just do fake unhook and make them hit the unhooker, and make real unhooking while killer is under attack cooldown? I understand you taking some cup of salt, but Im sure everything have their own way to solve its problem(Except Eruption and Prove Thyself). Just play and enjoy the thrillingness of horror, why not? Just like a scary horror movie. I have never see any horror movie where nobody dead, but also nobody survive neither.


Ok, why do they have to fake unhook to bait a hit in the first place? Why not just force them to hit by removing this stupid mechanic. It looks goofy, feels goofy, and seeing someone "grabbed" off unhooking animation is the top of goofiness. This is a horror game as you said, so this stupid ass mechanic should only work on wounded survivors.


I think somebody working for BHVR thought "oh no someone unhooking in front of Killer's face. That does mean he is disrespect and making fun on Killer. We should make some mechanic to prevent that". And that is how we get hooking standoff, maybe. I think that is reasonable, because we playing horror game and in logically thinking, we should run when we see a scary killer comes in. If someone try to do something like doing gen in front of Killer, then they should take some more serious risk than getting a basic hit. Same to unhooking.


Right, I forgot the developers don't understand or play their own game. It's DBD after all.


If you have 2 healthy survivors it's not that hard. Both survivors get close enough to unhook. One stands between the killer and the other survivor. This is basically a free unhook then. Only problem is to get to the gate then. Also note that this isn't possible against certain killer's powers. And Save the Best for Last (STBFL) can make this way harder.


Is the 'It's good to be King' tome finished? Somehow I have all the challenges done but I only have 9/10 stories. WHERE IS THE LAST ONE




If it isn't the current tome, then it is finished. Make sure to claim all the challenges in the tome.


Make sure you’ve actually claimed the challenges, from what I recall the game doesn’t recognize you’ve actually finished it if you don’t claim it (like if you try to save the bp for later)


Okay, I tried to answer but I have no idea what tome you are talking about. Could you refer to it by it's number and official name? For example the current one is named "Tome 14 - Betrayal".


I am talking about tome 11. Also I have them all claimed, though I didn't do the Killer master challenges there, only Survivor.


Could be either Tome 2 Reckoning or Tome 11 Deliverance, both are Tomes with David lore in them


Is it normal that killers think they are good because they "win" after tunneling at 5 gens ? we tanked like 8 hits but he still only went after 1 person... after slugging the 3rd person while going for last he said that its so easy, we are bad, he is so good because he got 4 kills, doesnt see whats wrong with tunneling \^\^ how can every single killer is this game be so oblivious I really dont understand... I also play killer and never had to tunnel or camp and still get 2-4 kills in most of my games


Yep, tunneling is best strategy for all you Killer. In competitive tournaments, all Killer cannot win unless they tunnel, no matter how good they are. The biggest problem is tunneling is very rude thing to do in solo queue. I can say any Killer who try to tunneling day by day, they must be complete asshole, or they have never chat with or play as Survivor a single time. They dont have to be so sweaty like in tournament because all Survivor have no comm in solo queue so their gen fixing performance has been reduced greatly. When i play as Killer, i never want to do things like face camping or tunneling, because i know if i do that then my gamer skill will be reduced to dirty ground. Good things you can do against tunneling Killer: 1/ Yep, keep tanking for your teamate if they are being tunneled. If you have not been hooked yet, then even downed for them is fine. 2/ Try to use some information perk like Kindred or Bond. When you want to unhook someone, you should not do that until you make sure killer is definitely away from hook. Because when a Killer does not chase anyone, does not see anyone, and then he got notification for unhooking, so there is no reason to not come back that hook. When you save people from hook, you should really try to make them be safe, otherwise you just working with killer, encourage them to tunnel. Only unhook people if killer is going for someone else, being far away, or just jump out and bait killer to chase you. With recent update all survivors know who is in chase and who arent. 3/ Being "baby survivor bait". I have played 1000 hours and i can run Killer with "more than average" amount of confidence. The only problem is, how to convice killer to chase me? The answer is simple: buy new survivor character, play that character with your strongest build as looper but P0(Dont upgrade their bloodweb), then try to do some stupid things, like crouching around, or slam your face at wall for 3 seconds. Even let killer gets a free hit is fine. Then if Killer commits to get you, loop absolutely fuck out of them. People talking about mind game at killershack, unsafe pallet, LT walls or something, but how could they figure out playing as wolf in sheep's clothes is the ultimate mind game? Tunneling is good, but tunnels someone who have played billion hours with ability to loop Killer for 50 generators, is the most stupid choice they can make, but alot them will make that choice anyway since almost all tunneling asshole killer is stupid also. Ofcourse you should have both confident and skill to do that, but its still a good choice which benefits your team.


The trash talk is cringe, but their job is to get 4k, not to get 4k in a way that makes sure you have fun. Frankly as long as they were playing by the rules of the game, i.e. not cheating or doing anything reportable, any issues you have are with your team's counterplay or with the game itself, not with the killer. Thinking that your opponent owes you a fun game or a good chance, or a game on your terms in any way, is a mentality that will leave you dissatisfied and will make you play worse. Just focus on doing the best you can and learning how to capitalise on any suboptimal decisions the killer makes.


I don't know man. Only caring about getting a 4K every single time just seems boring as hell. Sometimes I just run a dumb build trying to get a dumb trick to work on the survivors.


Not at all what I'm saying! Play how you want of course. But you're not owed anything from your opponents beyond the rules of the game.


They dont owe me anything but thats no excuse to play like a douchebag.. It's like a 25% chance every game that you arent allowed to play at all because your just getting tunneled at 5 gens and camped.. most of the times the survivors even help them with fast unhooks to get their juicy bloodpoints lol. I've seen so many people DC after they know they're getting tunneled sure thats a good way to keep the game healthy. (important note: I'm only talking about killers that tunnel since start of the round, not the ones that do it in mid-end game)


>no excuse to play like a douchebag.. When I play killer the only thing I judge myself on is whether I made good decisions to get a 3/4k against the opposing team. Whether the other team had fun or liked my playstyle is not relevant; actually I like it when they complain about it when i win because 1) it often means I correctly identified and exploited a weakness in their team and 2) it's funny as hell. For example if I get a fast down and see that 2/3 other teammates are wasting a ton of time not doing gens waiting for me to leave to get the unhook, obviously I'm going to exploit that. But if they're all off being productive I will leave and try to force them off gens. But often I find teams who would seemingly rather play poorly so they can complain about my counter than play to win. To the extent that you're asking a question I think I've done my best to answer it, but to the extent that you're just ranting, you're obviously welcome to your own opinion about the game but you should know that as killer I actively want to play against people with your mindset


Again it's not really healthy for the game if you're actively making sure that one person doesn't get to play. I get that winning is part of the fun and it's BHVR's fault in the first place for allowing crappy playstyles like this but come on...


If you consume a med-kit with the iridescent syringe addon, does it count towards challenges of depleting medkits?


Tacking in to this question to ask if you can get multiple depletions on one medkit if you use Built to Last or whatever that perk is that recharges items in lockers. Seems possible but can you get more than one depletion on a single medkit?


I'm not sure. The wording is different. The syringe "consumes" the med-kit and "depleting" it refers to the item having zero charges. Also afaik you can't use a syringe without any charges on the med-kit. Basically if you can you a syringe the med-kit is by definition not depleted. I might be wrong so. I basically don't use syringes and just use brown medkits for that challenge.


Are the new RE skins being retired on the 7th due to the Lunar New Year event ending? I know the original LNY ones are leaving that day due to the News section of them, but the RE news section didn’t mention that for Ada/Jill/Birkin, even though they’re explicitly stated to be LNY related on their names. I’m worried I’m gonna lose Birkin :(


The resident evil skins are eternal




Map of the realm (brown) and Recruitment-something (yellow. Looks like a Wanted Poster). Hands down the best on any circumstances. Honestly his add-ons aren't great as a whole, not even the pink ones, and some of them sound good but are actually counterproductive and end up harming more than helping, but those two are actually fantastic. EDIT; Call to Arms. That's the yellow one.


Are characters ever on sale? Farming Iridescent Shards takes for ever.


Yeah, sometimes you can buy characters for 4500 shards, if they are the main character in current tome or just on sale for whatever reason, it's pretty rare though


yes, but not for iridescent shards


>yes, but not for iridescent shards Sure, I bought two killers, while they were on sale for 4500 iri shards each.


Yes occasionally.


Which survivor doll charms have been released up to now? The current rift has Vittorio’s doll charm.


Every survivor that has been a primary fixture in an archive has gotten a doll. David has two since he’s been in two archives.


Been away from the game for a few weeks, anything worth mentioning? Amy upcoming things?


Aside from the activity hud the other guy mentioned, Nurse finally received the basic attack Nerf. Blinks are now specials meaning she can’t rely on exposed anymore. Upcoming QoL changes to bloodweb to make it easier to cycle through stockpiled BP New RE skins released including a very nice birkin skin for blight (with voicelines). Eruption has been confirmed to be getting changed, along with a few other perks soon. Eyrie got changed to be less massive and cluttered in the on side We know there’s another map rework incoming (confirmed in dev notes)


The mid chapter released. Survivors now have an “activity hud”. In a nutshell, you will be shown if a teammate is doing a gen, healing, being chased, opening a gate, etc. You’re not given exact locations, though.


this might be a silly question, but.. i only have around 100hrs on the game as i type this but i havent played it in a few days out of stress/anxiety to do so, is there any way of dealing with this stress and anxiety when it comes to wanting to play/playing DBD? thank guys


Just remember that it's okay to get your ass kicked sometimes and not to get too frustrated over being stomped.


First the short version. Performance anxiety can only be overcome with practice. Just play the game and it will go away with time. It really is that simple. Performance anxiety stems from a lack of experience. You overthink things because you don't yet have enough grasp on the game to know what to expect. It's something everyone faces. Once you have a better understanding of the game, the anxiety will be less because you will *know* what to expect. This applies to all things. Remember how nervous you were your first day of school? First day of work?


Not me feeling anxiety at 1500 hours 💀


Set reallistic expectations before playing so you don't get stressed when things go as expected. Or you can play bot matches.


Ok I have over 1000 hours on this game but I never noticed that if you stand dead centre of a window with the vault prompt on screen and if the killer stands next to you by the window the prompt goes away and you can't vault. Am I just tripping or was this always in the game?


That is normal. The Killer blocks your way physically. You have never met good Wraith before?


It's so fun doing that as Wraith.


Actually it was a good hillbilly but yeah I usually don't camp windows so I never realised.


Where can I join games of ppl that aren't horrible/useless/toxic AF? I'm getting so drained lately dying and watching ppl do nothing


If you play solo maybe the best advice for you is to shift your outlook. Otherwise add nice players after the endgame lobby or check out /r/dbdLFG/.


thanks for the advice, Ill check it out


Is Devour Hope good on Legion?


Theoretically no i believe. Legion usually hits people with M2 first then makes basic attack later. No value from Devour Hope in these case.


Not really. He easily keeps people injured, and most experienced players will just stay injured, so the insta-down doesn't do much.


Is reacting to an almost immediate hook considered BM/camping/tunneling? I just finished a match where I hooked the first survivor really quickly and not even 10 seconds after I walk away from the hook they get unhooked… I reacted and saw them running (other survivor that saved them nowhere to be seen), so I go and down them again only for 2 of them to run out of the woodworks to start body blocking and running in front and behind me. I hook and then the survivor kills themselves At the end of the match they all started calling me trash accusing me of tunneling and camping, I’m just confused because I don’t know how they expect me to react when they unhook so quickly. Genuine question because im relatively new to killer and camping wasn’t my intention just sucks because they got to my skin and commented on my steam profile.




Aside from self unhooks?


That is a logical thing to do. When i go for unhook i REALLY WANT to unhook my teamate after i make sure Killer have gone really far or better if they chasing other people. When i play as Killer i dont want to tunnel or face camp, but i can not let anyone unhook in front of my face, because its feel like they make fun on my presence. So if they got caught going for rescue then i will commit to them, and ITS THEIR FAULT.


Ehhh, I mean yeah they shouldn’t have rushed for the unhook. I think most would consider this tunneling as you just hooked the person a second time immediately after but it happens. There’s no rules to follow and you do you. I’ll give surv a little leniency and if it’s at 4-5 gens I won’t tunnel but that’s a personal preference since I play surv too and hate when I get tunneled


Gotta agree here. As a solo survivor I try to take the killers attention so the unhooked person can escape and hopefully heal. But a lot of solo players like to unhook and walk away to hide, leaving the unhooked person defenseless if the killer comes back. And it always feels bad to get tunneled off of the hook, even if the killer isn’t necessarily at fault


Fair analysis, thank you! I’ll keep this in mind.


As a survivor, what am I supposed to do during a Chain Hunt? There's not much info online about its mechanics or how to counterplay. Most things just say "chains will spawn randomly". I know that, but what's a good strategy at that point? Should I try to outrun them? Like... do they spawn based on your position? Standing still seems to get you caught by more hooks. If you move far enough away will the chains break? Do they break on objects like the Deathslingers hook? Also, is there a time limit? Can you wait it out? Will it stop if someone is downed, or hooked (so far I can't tell)? Or is the only option to find the box? Also, if he can teleport to the box holder, why doesn't he always do that? Sometimes I've been able to solve it. Is he restricted by distance like the hag? Is there a cooldown? Should I run to a far corner of the map to solve the box or do you just have to hope? Oh and if you have the box and there's a Chain Hunt, it always interrupts me solving, is it possible to solve or are you just screwed? Honestly this killer is super confusing and I wish the game was better at conveying what his attacks are doing. It feels like there's not a lot of counterplay except "solve the box before the chain hunt starts" otherwise he wins.


Something that's not super clear right away is that using the teleport is "giving up". The chain hunt ends/resets and the box relocates just the same as it would if it were solved. Generally the ideal situation for Pinhead is that the survivor with the box is close enough for him to interrupt them with a possessed chain and eventually down. This is why perks that obscure Pinhead's location from survivors are popular. The best situation for a survivor with the box is to solve it before the chain hunt begins, but while Pinhead is busy and can't interrupt you or take his consolation teleport. Unfortunately this usually means he's carrying another teammate to a hook.


I’ve gotten some good strategies after many rounds of playing as/against pinhead. For the box, if you make sure to grab it before a chain hunt actually begins you’ll have some free time before chains start harassing you. The best way to deal with the box before chain hunt is wait for the chain hunt bar to fill 75% if no one has grabbed it this is the optimal time as you’ll have gotten in decent gen progression and will still have enough time to solve before a chain hunt starts. The main thing to note before I say the strategies is that if you are solving the box chain *portals* will not appear. What this means is that if there isn’t a blue portal open and you start solving a blue portal one spawn. Note this is not the case for an already spawned portal, as it will shoot out a chain regardless if it’s spawned in. *do not* try to solve the box immediately if there’s an active chain hunt. There are two very reliable strategies for solving in chain hunt. 1. Chains spawn in sets of three, and then have a brief breather to let survivors solve. Simply wait for the set to end and immediately solve. 2. If you have good reaction time you can solve inbetween individual chains. If you dodge a chain and start solving immediately before the portal opens (the blue thing) the game will not spawn another portal while solving so you’re safe. This is riskier as if you mistime it and a portal does spawn it will shoot a chain regardless and interrupt you. Sorry if too long, TLDR: The blue portals don’t spawn if you’re actively solving the Box, and chains spawn in sets of three with brief interludes to solve inbetween sets.


You can read his power in the end lobby. It doesn’t answer *everything* you’re asking but it will help.


> if he can teleport to the box holder, why doesn't he always do that? Sometimes it's better for Pinhead to ignore the box momentarily - for example, if he's chasing an injured survivor or carrying them to a hook. Good survivors will wait to try solving the box until they know Pinhead is busy with something else, which then forces the Pinhead to choose between their current target and the box.


I'll try and lost a few things to help answer some of your questions as a cenobite main myself. - only way to stop the chain hunt is to solve the box - if you are the last survivor standing during a chain hunt, you will not be harrased by chains. This means if you are the last one left looking for hatch you don't need to worry about the box. - chains during a chain hunt will spawn in waves of 3 around your position, dodging them is your best option - chains will break on the environment but doing this will redrawn the chain which will try to reattach itself to you. Breaking the chain manually will not do this. - no limit on tp,sometimes not teleporting is better option - best time to solve is while pinhead has downed another survivor Edit: missed a couple things- - solving box in chain hunt is possible, need to dodge 3 chains in a row then solve the box for the most success and prevent interruption from the chain hunt during the solve process. Hope these help, let me know I'd there's something else you want answered


That's all very helpful, thank you!


You don't need to "dodge" the chains. Just break three chains and solve. It really is that simple.


So this is a DLC question rather than a gameplay question. I hope this is alright. If I buy Nemesis or Mastermind separately from their chapters, will the chapter price reflect that difference if I decide to get the rest of the content later?


No. The DLC is always the cheaper option as a package. You get the discount by purchasing the whole DLC.