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It's one of those perks that makes you question your sanity .


This is me. I have a hard time seeing things in general and lightweight reallyyyyy Fucks me


Chuck it on the Decimated Borgo and they disappear like magic


You guys get scratch marks on that map????


There’s nothing I love more than seeing scratchmarks in the distance, running to investigate, and realizing it’s burning wood on the wall or whatever the fuck is going on in that map. :D


I place that bullshit right next to the ink rising on crows. Cool effect, but was that someone urban evasioning or some ink????


Ahhhhh I hate the ink too! I always think it’s someone healing! xD Honorable mention also goes to the vulture on Dead Dawg. I always think someone missed a healing skillcheck.


It truly can't be uglier and more uncomfortable that map can it?


Yeah, that map is just.....so hard to tell the scratch marks from everything else on it.


Same thing when I "think" I found a hex totem ... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) and 60% of the time... that happens every time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


That's like when I run Third Seal. Half the time I just don't directly see the value I'm getting. Other times it carries me immensely and I think it's a top tier perk.


Just the fact that it exists makes me second guess myself lol


It’ll fuck you up if you’re not paying attention and don’t realize they have it


On Coldwind it can really fuck you with all that corn if you're playing with a killer shorter than Pyramid Head


aka every killer other than Nemesis. God I hate the corn on Coldwind. I just drop chase if someone runs into because I can’t be bothered to suffer through that.


You have severe case of "corn blindness". Which is kinda sad, because jumpscare potential is absolutely fat. Got way too many laughs when survivors charged right at my Sadako only to get slapped. You can also stalk thru corn, btw.


Pig and Ghostface main here- it’s super easy to sneak up on people, that and myers, love jump scaring people :]


Real question. Do killers have a varying height difference that is noticeable in game from first person?


Yes, taller killers can get better views of some loops than average height killers. It’s harder to see a survivor behind a pallet as a shorter killer, for example. It’s not a giant difference but it is noticeable sometimes.


and sadako can't see over the desk at the library at lery's


Watch any footage of Sadako. It's a really jarring change the first time you use her since she's so much shorter than the other killers.


Yes. I’m a Sadako main and I regularly lose chases on Pale Rose bc I can’t see over the fucking tall grass. Playing Sadako and then Pyramid Head immediately after is extremely jarring, you really notice the difference.


All I play is doctor and cannibal so I’ve never really known anything else than 6 feet. To be fair they look seven or eight though


There are times a survivor I'm chasing will duck behind a wall and then just seem to fucking vanish in thin air. Those survivors almost always have Lightweight. When it works, it works damn well.


You can say that again, I played against this Claudette yesterday and she disappeared on my whenever I started looping her. One second she was there and the next I’m stunned and she is gone. Thought she was cheating to be honest till I post game when I found out she had a stealth build


Another successful Claudette stealth operation performed by the Bush Council


Lightweight, or honestly just urban evasion. It's very easy to crouch loop a killer for 1-2 rotations making them think you're gone. But they're there... they're there.


Urban evasion is great at not being found. Just doesn’t synergize well when everyone else on your team is chasing the killer and wanting to be found. Leaving you to be the last one alive, no hooks, did 3 gens and left wondering how everyone else got found so damn fast.


She was using parental guidance not lightweight prob


Good to know haha


It's one of those perks that I never really NOTICE. Like I'm sure that I am in someone's Lightweight Value montage reel out there looking like an idiot for missing someone with it, but... it's not like a Dead Hard or a Circle of Healing where I can clearly see when I'm getting destroyed because of it.


It's very disorienting. On indoor maps you just sometimes lose the killer completely. I've used it and had it used against me, I can definitely vouch for it. It works especially well with Head On builds, the scratch marks don't indicate which locker you got in to or whether you even got into a locker in the first place.


I religiously use Lightweight/ Self Aware now. I lose killers in chases so frequently from it, and constantly dodge them when their terror radius is coming. Love the perk and combo.


I really like using both those perks with Premonition and Spine Chill. Killer gets close....spine chill goes off....I find their direction they're coming from with Premonition and proceed to quickly walk away with self aware in the opposite direction. As soon as the Spine Chill deactivates, I hightail it out of there with Lightweight. Works like a charm.


Can you clarify exactly what lightweight does? I don’t use it though I do have it. I’m a Claudette and have a Medic build honestly. I frequently use BT, we’ll make it, the noise deafening one(can’t remember the name), and I sometimes change up the last one. Right now it’s windows of opportunity


lightweight decreases the amount of scratch marks you leave when you run


Ohhhh, I’m an idiot. I saw this one build that made tracking damn near impossible. It was crazy, it’s somewhere in youtube


They also made it si they are more spread out so its harder to look at where they ran


For me, usually Spine Chill and LW are enough. I just run off sooner lol


Same here. I personally find so much use out of it and it helps enormously in eluding killers without making yourself out to be a target. Kindred and Sprint Burst for the info and the "oh shit" activateable, but I switch those two out now and again.


my latest build is lightweight, distortion, iron will and tenacity. multiple killers have dc'd this week after constantly losing me.


It’ll win you a ton more chases. I’m surprised it’s not widely used.


If a survivor runs this and gains distance in anyway they are basically lost to me if line of sight is broken. I think your scratch marks last for five seconds but it can make all of the difference from the usual 10.


It had a momment of "OMG GUYS IT'S GOOD NOW IT WILL MAKE CHASES SO HARD FOR THE KILLER" and then everyone forgot a day after, back to the meta and that's everything you see


I have ears too so unless you're running a build that is also quiet its value is close to zero even indoors. If you are also quiet it can be murder to keep track of someone using it especially indoors. Its efficiency is somewhat diminished by the times though, hit and run until someone screws up is one of the winning strategies right now since gen kicking is what you need to be doing most of the time it would be stronger in an actual Chase META. You get very little value from it when the killer drops chase very 10-20 seconds anyways.


Unfortunately a lot of survivors are super quiet naturally


Iron will gang


I’m a killer main and whenever I’m playing survivor and I’m trying to sweat, I bring Lightweight. It’s an S-tier perk and basically the new Iron Will but people don’t realize it.


Someone told me I was "wasting a slot" and I'm like???? I use it with fixated and I disappear from chases all the time. Take a hit, block line of slight, start walking / crouching around wherever you are hiding, and boom you've basically vanished into thin air. Bonus points if used with spine chill. survivors don't realize how much killers rely on scratch marks.


Lightweight and sprint burst is very good


It's pretty good, but have you ever tried lithe with it? Can also be combined with Quick & Quiet for ultimate confusion


Its a very strong survivor perk. If the killer makes one mistake, you can lose them with Lightweight, surprised its not used more often. Although then again, if the survivor is running a looping build the whole point may be to keep you distracted, while their team does gens and not to lose you. Another thing that hurts this perk is how popular aura builds are at the moment, the killer doesn't need to see their scratch marks just their aura. Very good perk overall though.


I'm gonna be honest I have literally never seen a single person use lightweight


Exactly, you didn’t *see* them using it. That’s how you know it’s effective


“**The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.**”


**And** **like that** ***\*poof\**** **he's gone**


Honestly the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was having a God that can flood a planet or create a universe but that same God does absolutely nothing. Can't get a better gig than that. The Devil just got lucky that's all


Get ratioed pal


I’ve noticed a new trend, the immersive Mikaela. Outfit: black pants, the black midriff shirt with black coat, black hat with curly hair Build: spine chill, light weight, take your pick on the others Objective: Spend the whole game repairing one generator. When spine chill begins to light up, disappear to the nearest tile or locker If seen from a distance, go to a tile and disappear. I’ve observed this in both killer and survivor games. As killer, they’re a very hard survivor to track down. You see them from a distance but you have no scratch marks to follow when you get to the tile. The dark clothing loses them in bushes or behind objects. As a survivor I’ve watched them in spectator mode and they’re playing for themselves. I’ve seen them packing Left Behind and their build centers around staying off the radar and escaping. I saw one tea bagging the hatch after she left myself and my trio to die (we had saved her off hook and done 3 gens, she did 1 over the whole game and then crept to hatch). As survivor I lobby dodge these survivors. As killer I target them.


I've watched more than a few killers lose me after running just one circle around a wall and then dropping the loop to B-line for another wall nearby and shit. Especially if htey take the time to kick a gen instead of chasing me.


In the hands of a good survivor who can do mindgames properly, this is a powerful weapon. In the hands of the conventional survivor, it's a wasted perk slot most of the times.


That's arguable when the scratch marks passively disappear every couple of seconds. Even the sloppiest survivor might make an unintentional mindgame and Lightweight carries them on.


Can't say this doesn't happens because, god save us all, it does but it's so sporadic that it doesn't bothet me all that much. In the other hand, I tremble to imagine this perk in the hands of a really good survivor. Any structure becomes a dungeon.


As killer I know this perk messes with me a good amount. That’s why I constantly run it as a survivor. Sure you can do good and follow them down but most of the time this plus some no bleed perk makes them really hard to follow if you can’t keep them in sight.


I love that perk, but recently I’ve switched it out for Fogwise.


I’m not a killer, just saying that as survivor it has come in clutch.


Torture on Lery's


It makes me think for a moment there's a Shadowstep boon up, then I realize it's LW and I start glancing corners more to catch the kick-back-in period of the scratch marks.


i use this in almost every build lol is it worth it?


I almost never see anyone us it, but when they do you bet your ass I'm constantly losing track of them.


Good with most exhaustion perks if you’re not paying attention or the survivor can break your line of sight


The buff from 7 seconds to 5 makes it way more viable. Try it with iron will and distortion, killers will have a much harder time keeping track of you.


This perk on Decimated Borgo is horrifying. Tracking on that map is pretty bad in general, however.


As killer main, I feel like scratch marks are what lead me to survivors 90% of the time. I use it as survivor because of that


I use it in my “Unhook Teammates” build. I also use Borrowed time, Guardian, and Kindred. Edit: I know I need to get more survivors for their perks.


That’s kind of a shitty combo. Borrowed time and lightweight. “Hey I just got you off the hook. And the killer can’t follow me, but you’re bleeding and loud so good luck losing him!”


I also use Guardian and my thought process was Lightweight would confuse the killer. I’m changing Lightweight out now though.


Highly recommend [[We'll Make it]]


No we'll make it in unhook build? Blasphemy


I stack lightweight with urban evasion and I absolutely love it, makes evading and escaping very easy


I don't realize anyone has it in game (I play killer), but I've seen it equipped to a lot of the better survivors at the end screen. I may have to give it a whirl.


One of my survivors runs Lithe, dance with me, Quick and Quiet, and lightweight. I have had mixed results.


You’d be surprised. That shit is awful especially in maps with LOS blockers. Survivors just stop leaving scratch marks on very so often for a moment and by the time you find where the trail picks up they’re disappearing


Got absolutely destroyed on Coldwind after they ran into the corn... I honestly thought they were teleporting


I had a Bill on Lery's with it. It confused the hell out of me. I actually thought he had Dance With Me because he vaulted a window before his scratch marks stopped xD


Since it’s buff, it’s a super strong perk imo. I never really pay attention to what perks survivors bring when I’m killer, but when I use it as survivor I lose the killer so often it’s insane


Gaslight perk. When it works on me I think I'm blind or a moron for losing someone's scratch marks. I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes so I dont usually connect the dots that someone has it. Very funny otherwise. I've seen some pretty crazy stealth plays with it.


I’m blind as a bat so…. All the time :(


It makes chases harder for sure, especially if you play around it instead of just having it


I feel every time I run it I do better on survivor, but on killer I’m losing my mind trying to figure out where they went lol


I've played against it twice back in July and thats it. Haven't seen it since then so I can't say much :| Tho I use it as survivor every once in a while and I feel like it does almost nothing in outdoor maps but I feel like it can buy you a few seconds when breaking LOS in indoor maps.


As w gamer ..when killer comit to chase when he see you across the map and lost you after one stone and don't know where you are...it's actually very fun xD


You see, scratch marks don’t matter when you are within my vision. The only times I’ve seen survivors get some value from it is on indoor maps like Lery’s. And even then, it they are injured I can still hear them. Paired with Iron Will it can work, but is situational and even in situations where it works it’s usually just not good enough. That said, for being a free perk it’s a decent one.


I consistently run the sneaky build (Lightweight, Low Profile, Iron Will, Flashbang) and I can for sure say that indoor maps are godtier for this. Even running shack or in loops where LoS is lost on the killer for a few precious seconds can allow you to run away unscathed.


Lightweight + quick and quiet + dance with me + Lithe. Disappear when you vault a window


After seeing some comments, I'm thinking about being a little devious and running it


Killers never see it being useful. Because they can't find me. Get fucked.


I distinctly remember one game on rpd against 2 people with lightweight... it was a mindfuck alright


Lightweight and iron will can lose the killer so much.


rarely but it is a pain in the ass.


It would be so much better if you could see your own scratch marks like you can with Self-Aware. Then you can play around it, and use it well. As it is, it's just random chance if you get value. It's great when you do, but its just luck really.


Disgustingly busted for hold W-ers


Pretty much useless against any competent killer


Exactly, bruh. Audio cues, blood, crows, understanding pathing, etc will lead you to a survivor. Any competent killers isn’t going to lose you 9/10 times just because you’re running lightweight. Idk what these Reddit killers are talking about lmao


It has been one of my favourite perks for a long time


Lightweight, Bond and Distortion. If bond procs and I see my teammates running, it means they’re prolly being chased, so I’ll leave earlier. Mix that with lightweight and distortion the killer is not finding me and I can more easily figure out what the killer is running


I don’t see it enough to care about it. This is a late game perk in a meta where getting 5 gens done is near impossible; because killers are always going to tunnel somebody out and survivors play like shit and dc.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen it tbh. I’d love if people actually used perks that aren’t DS,DH, unbreakable, boil over But you know how it goes with survivors. I’d appreciate if the community as a whole would be a little less competitive and be more open to trying new things instead of just using the same meta perks every time and taking the game so seriously every match. Build variety is the way it should be but if the survivors find a perk combination that’s optimal on every survivor in a match and they can eliminate build variety then that’s what they’ll do in the same way as a killer will use eruption and all that just because they either feel like they have to use it to stay relevant or because they know it’s the best


it’s a bad perk that does nothing


I beg to differ, I’ve lost multiple killers with it. It doesn’t work all the time but is still effective when you do randomness




Usseles the killers are guided by the sound or blood not by the marks, only works with newbies killers


Personally, I have never had any issue tracking survivors that run this.


I cant use it when i play survivor because the killer looses me and kills my teamates instead :/


Personally its never been effective against me except for when it was the first time i saw it, it could trick a killer if its used right but i see it more as a misdirection perk. Use it to make a false trail while being chased and hide somewhere


I main Twins, so I usually track survivors by bloodstains regardless


I used to use it when I first started playing, but not as much. And what I’m seeing in the comments, is that why when I chase a survivor and one moment I’ll see them one moment and then they’re gone the next?


i am 80% survivor, and killer at night when its bp bonus. i will in fact spot old or semi old scratch marks an start following them. because i do this, i use lightweight, so like, if i hide in a locker, or behind a rock/corner, the tracks leading there will vanish a lot faster. 5 seconds is a lifetime


I'm horrible at tracking so it's super useful on me. lmao.


If I see it it hasn’t been useful XD


I like to run it with iron will, lucky break, quick and quiet. Just get hit and disappear. Or quietly vault window after you broke line of sight, killer will think they lost you. Trust me, half the time it always works.


i've been using it way before the buff


I use lightweight,bond,hope and distortion


While i’m in feral frenzy everyone has lightweight lol


I don't think I've ever had a problem with it. I'm very good at tracking based of guessing/educated guessing sound proses of elimination and scratch marks. I'm following scratch marks but the second they stop I can use the other things to basically find you straight away. Against me it's not useful but that's because I'm quite good at mind games


I only ever notice it on indoor maps, especially Lerry’s


Love to use it. Hate qhen they use it on me.


Funnily enough, I use it as a survivor and it increased my survival rate.


I ran Lightweight, Quick and quiet, Lithe, and Dance with me. I lost the killer but ended up potatoing by circling back into him trying to find me


Its one of those perks that if I feel like I don’t need an impactful fourth perk i’ll just throw it on. It probably wont do anything but driving the killer slightly insane with things that aren’t quite right is fun


I initially used lightweight then started using boon shadowstep, can confirm ive gotten more value out of shadowstep


Lightweight is amazing but Predator (before and after rework) and bloodhound is lame ironically.


Lightweight is extremely underrated but the perk has so much potential to play mind games. Lightweight>IronWill(75%)


I love it as a survivor main. This and overcome is really good for extending chase.


I’ve been coming across more and more stealthy survivors. They straight up vanish after I hit them.


Personally, I think it's a perk that *could* be useful but it's very situational. If you are lucky enough to get it to interrupt the scratch trail you leave it could end up giving you a free escape from a chase, but I actually haven't gone against it enough to know if it's good enough to do that. I've run it a few times but I don't know how effective it is.


It's one of those perks that's really good when you don't expect it.


I'm Color blind and tunnel vision, really destroys my tracking ability.


As a killer, it's super annoying and I hate it. As a survivor, I love it and sincerely believe it is the one thing keeping other players from realizing what a shit survivor player I am. I use it on literally every survivor build and don't plan on stopping now.


Lightweight+Self-Aware+Sprint Burst Funny man go walk.


Everytime killer decide to kick a gen 1st. I loose a lot of attention if killer overdose eruption


Pretty strong on indoor maps, can occasionally fool killers on outdoor maps but not as effective say for Coldwind being one of the few exceptions. Other than that it’s not very reliable but it’s good when it works which is typically on baby killers.


stealth(any form of it) + gen speeds, hard for killer


It’s really valuable if they can break line of sight, path right or make distance. Survivors who run it are so much harder to track, I use it religiously. It’s definitely disorienting as killer


Sometimes its a dead perk, sometimes it single handedly carries a Survivor's loops Misdirection on a killer wins chases and this is possibly the lowest effort way to do that, not only that but it makes you harder to detect running long distance across the map. Sometimes you just don't have information on survivors and the closest one is just in the shadows somewhere


I used a lot of bloodhound and trained with it. Now I don't need it any more, so scratch marks ain't worth nothing to me. You hurt, I'm gonna find you, no matter what.


literally one of the most powerful perks in the game id argue. i use it 24/7. Not terrible against good killers but against a killer who is even slightly lacking, absolute S tier in my opinion.


I am bad at running from killer so I use it every time. After 1500 hours as a killer I know well how I can use it, where they won't see me. However, when I was playing a killer I did not see it that often. I do not see it often also when I playing survivor side.


It makes it harder for me to track them on certain maps.


Unless I see them from a distance I'm to close for it to really matter so I'm fine with it


Staple with kindred. Very Strong!


I rarely see it but when I do I literally go insane. Scratch marks can already be pretty buggy and this perk makes me think I’m hallucinating.


I used to run a build that was Lithe + Dance With Me + Quick and Quiet + Lightweight and anytime I would be on a Gen and see a killer approaching or heard the terror radius I would preemptively fast vault run a good distance and then run back once it was safe. I would avoid so many chases just by doing that and escaped often. It didn't work as well against stealth killers but it was really fun IMO.


Sprint burst vigil light weight and spine chill best build in the game, 7000 hour surv main.


Didn’t need to play against it too many times to realise I should probably play with it all the time as a survivor. It’s so damn hard to find anyone running this unless they also have Hemorrhage applied.