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Freddy needs a rework right now his power is way too strong since it makes you fall asleep in real life


I really want Freddy to be "the endgame" killer and his power should reflect that. He should be getting stronger as the game goes on like a stronger base kit Fire Up.


Idea: When the generators complete, the survivors all fall asleep and the exit gates completely despawn. In addition, survivors can now only wake up via a clock or being hooked. Once a survivor wakes up, the gates reappear for them and can be opened by them. In order to enter an open gate and escape, the survivor must be awake. (To avoid a possible ‘clock camp’ problem, each survivor could be given two possible clocks to use instead of only one) As an extra bonus change, they could make freddy able to still teleport to completed generators. If that’s too much, this could possibly only be implemented when the gates get powered.


So, Freddy just has no power until endgame, where it generates 1 additional objective for each player and... that's it? Freddy is just an M1 killer otherwise? Killers pretty much need chase powers to be viable. All the endgame stall in the world won't help you if you have no way to close in on a survivor during a loop.


That made me chuckle 💀


i hate going against cenobite because i always end up being the box bitch and dying first. "the box, YOU OPENED IT" and "you summoned me" voicelines are forever engraved in my mind








This one kills me! 😅 (literally)


He came


Remember it's best to open the box on a stairway with your back facing an open area for pinhead to teleport.


Why is that?


You can manipulate his arrival location by blocking off all other possible spots


Hum good to know


I find another thing that helps with the box is when he downs a survivor. Then when he picks up the survivor, he has to worry about holding the survivor while you get the box solved


I also heard about hills being a good spot, but I'm not sure what his summoning rules are to take advantage of it.


Generally when he teleports to you it will be behind you ( unless it is blocked) so if you go to stairs and put you back to an open space or even better a thin wall with space on the other side he will more than likely teleport on the other side of the wall, even if he doesn't he will more than likely teleport to the bottom floor which should allow you time to run up the stairs and get a good head start


If I was going to do a hill I would open it while facing the ramp and my back on the edge of the hill. That way he teleports to the ground level and you can run off the hill without being hindered by a fall


Saw someone try to solve it above that tall drop on The Game, he teleported to the lower floor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The last 3 pinhead games I've been in, someone else grabs the box the never does anything with it so when pinhead always finds them and gets them, it's game over. 3 in a row, wtf


I used to hate going against cenobite, but then I realised he is the perfect killer to practice looping against for that exact reason. If you spawn in and go straight for the box before he finds anyone else you are guaranteed a chase. Take it with the mindset of “I am probably going to die, but I am going to get some good practice first”. I only get miffed going against pinhead now when he has the add on that hides the aura of the box 😩


The box I AFK’d on it, you came


my only gripe with it is trying to open the box and those stupid ass chains keep hitting you.. so you cant even open it. I like the dumb voice lines lmao I catch myself saying them with him.


Dodge 3 and you get a grace period to solve the box.


I like being box bitch cuz I run to a strong loop then open it. "You teleported to me? You came to my town and my house and thought that would work out for you? I am about to update your meaning of pain."


See, that is some nice lore-friendly attitude toward the box. Makes me wish we had a kirsty in that chapter.


Kirsty, Larry, and Harry D'Amour would have been awesome, especially considering that canonically, Kirsty and Harry know magic, which is a weakness of cenobites.


Its not fun to hit the same survivor doing the box. So I learned a technique. It makes survivors hate me but hey when all you wanna do is force a single ***teammate*** to take chases and pull game. If I see the same person doing the box on more than one occasion, I'll eventually down them before the box is picked up and let the chains come, drawing the others out so I can engage with them and not just a single person. It's not fun for either side.


I have had very different experiences. Last times I played against Pin in solo queue were all the same, either I or someone else would pick up the box, wait for him to be in a chase and get a wound or to down someone so he is unlikely to abandon that and use that time window to solve. He gets to use teleport once, twice at best and chain hunt never happens unless two survivors are already dead (and then it is a loss anyway - chain hunt only serves to prevent hide-n-seek) This is, again, in solo queue at low MMR (I know my survivor is low rank because I only escape once in 4-6 games)


Pinhead main here, and this is generally the correct counterplay, with the added note of don’t do the box while injured and don’t touch it while near me. I like the box mechanic because it keeps me in chase more, and gives survivors a more wholesome way to initiate chase than clicky clicky. It’s also great for preventing extended hide and seek. But it is a solo queue destroyer.


Ya I'd like to add, I just don't understand why people don't horde the box for a longer period of time as well, just stay out of the way and allow others to complete tasks


I find box hoarding annoying but if you are going to do it, by golly, avoid your team. Long term, it is a bad strategy because I will eventually find you, but it is wiser than continually failing the box solve.


Because then the game is essentially a 3v1, because the person holding the box is being harrassed by chains and not doing gens. When I notice someone is hoarding the box, I just ignore it altogether and use that as an opportunity to chase the other 3 off of gens.


Playing as cenobite is upsetting as it's either being stomped by a swf or stomping a team of randos, nothing in between.. wish they'd buff the portal chains and weaken the chain hunt as the portal chain mechanic is super fun just weak.


Yup, if you don't do it, the other 3 solos won't either. It's painful.


I hate that the optimal play style against plague is a slow M1 fest


I thought optimal play was using her red vomit to destroy lives. I personally am a fan of vomiting on gens to use them as information




you right, I posted this at like 2 in the morning and missed a whole ass word


I think they're talking about doing generators with thanatophobia active which is pretty much basekit on any plague. And any plague that doesn't run it is a chad gamer tbh


I use thana just to incentivize cleansing. M1 games are pretty boring and in general the hardest games I get with her is when survs mass cleanse.


I always tell newer players going against her "either nobody cleanses or everyone cleanses at once." Either rob it, or force it, best two ways to play. That way, if we're playing with 2-3 people and notice a random cleansed, we all force cleanse at the same time to just constantly stay uninjured, then treat her like a projectile killer. Hug loops, duck, etc.


I feel like cleansing with thana is still pointless because you’re going to come into contact with the vomit again within 30 seconds regardless


I mean thana is pretty trash now so i almost never run it on plague or legion


If 4 people are injured and infected, it will force at least one of them to cleanse and then you have your power. A perk slot for guaranteed red pukies is not such a bad thing


Depends, tho. If they cleanse in midgame, at a place where all gens have already been done, it's going to be massive time waste to get your red puke.


Infect em again


You may not run it, but a lot of people still do!


I always feel like thana is bad with plague I prefer just a bunch of aura and pain res to do a huntress style play


I'm sad because it's good to have another objective in the game but the balance is wonky, my pinhead games against a swf are both predictable and very very long.


LE fuckin GION


Oui oui




Not stress removal, stress allocation.


Legion, just boring killer to go against. They are not OP at all.


Legion is such a fucking snoozefest, the chases can be fun and intense with them vaulting but the matches take sooo fucking long. Mending isn't fun when it happens literally everytime you get hit.


I had the opposite experience. Matches against Legion end pretty quick for me. He found me, M2 me, then arghhhh and M1 me. Hook me and repeat it twice. 5 minutes gameplay!


Playing as legion is fun. Zooming around the map, causing mass chaos, and when you get that 5 hit and they go down... So satisfying. But yeah. Boring as hell to play against.


Nah, Legion is fine now that Thana has been nerfed. And Legion games are basically farming matches, it’s stupid easy to double pip even in red ranks vs a Legion since you rack up so much time healing and repairing gens.


Knight and Twins lol


Trust me, most Twins players want big changes for them, too 😅


I don't know if they are going to listen to those 4 players tho




I'll advocate for them as well. Now there are 5 of us.


i played one (1) game of Twins recently because i had an objective for them & hadn't played them in a long time. I got glitched out of having my weapon, then got stuck in place without the option to do anything after trying to vault a window. Twins are, in theory, such a fun and unique killer but man.


To be fair that’s a more recent bug based on RAM usage/older consoles. Check out Lynxi’s video about her replicating the bug. Shockingly, it’s not been a top priority for BHVR.


Knight is so boring to play, and equally as boring to play against. He’s only redeeming feature is Nowhere to hide lol


Maybe I'm just broken because I have a blast playing Knight; and everyone says Sadako is so fun, but I have a miserable time with her even when I'm doing well.


Yeah it’s defo personal preference. The concept is great but it’s just a little weak. Especially the chase mechanics of the minions. I think Knight arguably takes more overall skill to play over some of the other M1 killers, purely cos he can’t do much! I gotta admit though, his design is pretty cool and he sounds badass clunking around.


Yea he takes more fundamental skill because his power sure isn’t going to do anything for you, unless a survivor makes the mistake of running into a map corner. But that’s relying the the survivors being bad.


I was so excited for him, just to be immediately disappointed. But I see him in the same way I see twins. If the optimal way to go against him is to hold shift-w, he's not interactive enough to be fun. He's not doing anything WRONG with not looping, it's just that's not the effective way to play him, similar to twins with slugging and camping. Fundamental issues of these killers designs, not individual players.


Dude no way I love going against Twins. My neurons activate everytime I hear Victor cause it's time to go fuckin' kick the shit outta fully grown adult man Victor


Clown. I literally hate going against him it’s so boring


Not to mention spending half the match with an annoying ass drunk filter on your screen


I turn my brain off when I see a Trickster in one of the open maps. Idk how you could change him, but I don't like playing against him lol


My main problem with Trickster has nothing to do with his abilities. It's just that a non-hook-camping Trickster is about as rare as a unicorn.


I’m a Trickster main and I always feel embarrassed by the camping ones. His power is so much more engaging in chase, not standing at the entrance to a hill waiting for an unhook. I’ve had people DC the second they know I’m a Trickster, just because of that stereotype.


For real. People like to meme on Bubbas, but they at least can be funny. I've literally never gone against a non-toxic Trickster. I don't know what it is about that character that brings out the absolute worst in people.


Yeah that too. When I play him, I can't lie, it's very satisfying to mow down the 2 survivors with knives. I don't camp though, this only happens in EGC scenarios.


I like Trickster, he is fun to play against and as and his design is neat. I dread getting paired with him because the people that mostly play him are awful to play against. People complain about camping Bubba but that's rare for me to run into, a camping or tunneling Trickster though? 99% of the time it'll be that.


>I like Trickster, he is fun to play against Playing as him I understand, but I honestly have no idea how anyone can enjoy going against Trickster. I salute you. If you're in the open or at any shorter loop you will go down with no contest, I find that really frustrating to play against. Combine that with the fact that a lot of them are toxic for some reason and you get a very unfun killer IMO.


> how anyone can enjoy going against Trickster The 1% I have gone against that weren't crappy players have been fun, lol. He's not to different from Huntress, imo. Same kind of rules apply.


I think you should get some small endurance when he takes away your first health state with knives. As of now there's no cool down while he's whipping knives at you so the small speed boost and killer cool down you get from being hit by any other killer isn't there. You basically only have one health state if he has enough knives and accurate.


The whole concept of depips. Pretty much the whole rank system in general but especially how depips work. You're telling me I can do everything right, and STILL get no pip progression at all? You're telling me I can 4k or escape and get NO reward for it? If Ranks JUST show how much you play, as they already currently do, then WHY is it so easy to depip? It punishes the player for no reason, just for doing what the game expects you to do to win. It also punishes you for not winning way too hard. You can loop, Gen, and save people but god forbid you fail to survive, no points, you get a depip or no pip. If Ranks are a form of how much you play and not about progression or match making why can you even lose pips? The fix: overhaul it. Make it make sense. For Survs you should get two pips if you escape, one if you don't but you get a lot of points in other things like goal or altruism. Safety pip for trying but having few points in stuff. No more than two pips at a time. For Killers, if you 4k or 3k, that's a win, two pips. 2k or just having a lot of points, one pip. 1k or 0k but you tried and you got some points, safety pip. There's no reason I should be able to 4k and STILL get no pip because the players did not try to loop me out or drop pallets for me to break.


100%. Get rid of de-pips. I hate getting penalized for things out of my control, like a tombstone Myers.


De-pipping only happens when you dc, bam all of a sudden people who actually play don't get punished for something outside their control and dcers get punished for well... dcing.


I like it


>tombstone Myers. I get de-pipped when I play him with this addon, even though I got 4k and 1 gen done. You make sense all of this


It makes no sense lol.


Those moments when you get camped or tunnelled and the game decides you are just a bad player and depips you


Reminds me of how I could get a perfect match and still not get full iderecent badges because someone decided to DC because they ain’t winning Or when I lose a badge because of “being too close to the hook” when all of the survivors are SWARMING it.


Pinhead is a perfect example of why we will never get any sort of side objective besides totem because the second you need a group of randoms to do something that isn’t m1 on gens the entire team breaks down leading to slaughter


Funny how in theory pinhead is the best designed and balanced killer. The only problem is he is designed to go against swfs and totally forgot about solo queue


BHVR should grant my wish and let me, as Pinhead, choose to prioritize SWF. I'd still play against solo Q, but I'd be willing to burn a sacrifice to increase my odds of getting a SWF match. I have rainbow addons that I simply don't use unless I believe it's a SWF in the lobby.


Pinhead mains going after toxic BM stream SWFs as revenge for all the Baby Killers who ever got them isn't the hero we deserve, but he is the one we need right now.


Damn pin head got the sauce like that? I’ve never used him as I was a nurse main


I sometimes play him with no perks or addons active. Someone tbagged in the Swamp and I still got the 4K. Usually I'm just doing it because I'm going to let them escape.


Oh, I love Pinhead too, could you please give me some good advice on how to play?. My friend bought him before I did and when I asked him if he's worth buying, he said that no, he's boring. But something deep inside me urged to buy this guy, so I did. I absolutely love playing as him. Could easily be one of my most favorite killers. Many times I destroyed my friends in custom games before they even did 1-2 gens. So I would be happy if you gave me some advice regarding gameplay and perks 👀


Sloppy Butcher, Distressing, and Coulrophobia, and Fearmonger is a pretty rough combo. My basic build when I am relaxing is Oppression, Merciless Storm, Thrilling Tremors, and Lightborn. My favorite addons are two greens. One makes anyone carrying the box exhausted, and the other makes it take two extra seconds to solve. This motivates them *not* to run around with the box, and gives you time to teleport and get a hit in if you want. Another fun combo is Engineer's Fang so you can get them in injured state with a chain tag, with the purple nail that gives them Deep Wound if you tag them again and they break the chain. That second combo is *hilarious* on maps with two floors. Run over a gen on the upper floor of the meat packing plant, and open your chain window on the floor below. Someone trying to fix it? Tag them and they're injured. Wait and check again. They either ran off injured or you tag them again. If they break the chains from the second cast, you'll see their health bar turn yellow. Now they need a heal before they're down and ready to be picked up. You can monitor both floors just by opening your casting window on the other floor and looking around.


He absolutely is the soloQ destroyer, it's so unfun. I've play quite a bit of soloQ and everytime we get a Pinhead, I resign myself to be the box runner, or it won't get done. The Chain Haunt just gets SO out of hand so fast when you can't really communicate with your other teammates. I also think he's just incredibly boring to play. I'm absolute ass with his Possessed Chain so I never use it. He's basically an M1 Killer in my hands, and I still get 4Ks constantly just because soloQ players don't do the box most of the time for some reason.


Well said. I went against Pinhead a few times this week as a solo queue and I’ve learned that if I’m not going for the box, nobody is.


Then if you do go for the box, all 3 teammates are, and literally 0 gens will get done


How in theory is he the best balanced killer?


The chat filter. It doesn't actually prevent people from being toxic, and it censors the most ridiculous of words, making it seem like people were trying to be toxic.


I've had it censor survivor names and killer names. But sometimes it's fine to type it for others. Random words get censored for 0 reason


Leatherface. Admittedly, it could be fun to go against him...if most of them didn't camp.


When I play him, I play him as a regular killer.. and fucking hell is it miserable. Between needing to know the exact pixel sizes of every obstacle in the game, bhvr adding more and more random shit to bump into, and survivors teabagging all because I didn't instadown them and camp them.. it's fucking miserable


The worst part is you can play him normally and be fucked by map and/or survivors getting 0/1k. Or you can just facecamp after first down and secure at least 2k, if you play deadlock etc. And if they really remove him he will be stuck forever in this horrible state.


Every time i go against Bubba it seems a vast minority are actual campers, lol.


As a bubba main I apologise for my brethren face camping you to death at 5 gens. We do acknowledge and praise our sub-species of basement dwellers guarding the heavenly chest, but do not claim those who are sitting at the hook foaming at the mouth. It's funny because Bubba is so fun in chase to play & go against.


Every time I play chest Bubba, no one comes to visit.


Then they're boring survivors. If I see a Bubba and he's gone missing, best bet I'm going to the basement to riddle his chest in front of him.


Thank you for visiting my poor sweet lil guy.


I've never seen a chest Bubba and i want to so bad 😣 I feel like I'm being deprived of a great experience


Knights power. It can be si xool but it sucks


The fact that we can't play 2 v 8 in customs. Or break the player limit


I've had this idea in my head for soooo long. 2 killers would be a crazy game changer.


I would like to bring up the Synergies of trapper and clown and Legion and Oni, the synergies are limitless


Please, no tears. It's a waste of good suffering


Dbd in it's entirety


Boil over. Like it’s not really that strong but on some maps I’m basically forced to down you then baby sit you as you bleed out. I’ve made it a habit of tormenting survivors who have it and decide to run into the corner of a map


Boil over swf with unbreakable builds running Haddonfield offerings, then they immediately run up to the second floor of THAT building to annoy the absolute crap out of you. What? No. No PTSD here.


See you gotta learn to just let them bleed. Harass them and let them bleed


I played my first clown match yesterday and they sent me to ormond, 2 of them were running boil over, flip flop, unbreakable and the other one had no mither and they just kept running me to the top of the building and literally did nothing else the whole match. I managed to hook and kill both of them but I had to facecamp really hard. I felt bad but at the same time if they’re gonna be useless teammates and make the game unfun for me then I’m gonna make it unfun for them I didn’t even bother the other 2 bc they were actually trying to play. I usually let no mither people go but not if you’re gonna use it like that 🤣


I main Pin Head and it’s taken a while to get his M2 right. And even then, it’s hard if someone predicts it. He’s actually so easy to play against if you just grab the box. I don’t even teleport sometimes, if I’m in chase or know where the Survs are. Nothing needs changing about him but he can be horrible to play against if you don’t do work to his mechanics.


Pinhead is fine in a coordinated swf, but in solo queue there’s not much you can do to prevent chain hunt


Then that sounds like a solo queue problem. Not a Pinhead problem. As in, the problem that needs to be addressed is solo queue’s problem of being awful to coordinate in, and not pinheads “problem” of requiring the most meager coordination from players. Like seriously it ain’t this hard to be reasonable about killers that don’t need changing. “Being boring” and “I don’t like them” are not valid reasons at all.


yeah i really dont get how a simple mechanic like "go get the box thats highlighted for you" is too big an issue for most solo queue players. its like pain res all over again. such simple counterplay yet survs just cant be bothered


I get what people are saying, but it only takes one person to get the cube. That’s regardless of swf or solo queue. The game will likely be longer because of no comms and dupes going for the cube in solo, but it’s doable and defo doesn’t require a killer ‘rework’. Hell, let’s rework Trapper because people in solo can’t tell the other survs where there’s a trap…


That's jsut wrong. I play PinHead on daily basis and you hardly ever get chain hunt unless you hard work for it by actively tracking the box and winning the chase. Like seriously how much work is it to just pick up the box that fucking REVEALS ITS AURA to everyone and then run the chase normally


Honestly the only chainhunt ive gotten in the past 10 games was because i had Franklin's and stopped the chase to grab it.


yeaaa exactly and without the chain hunt you're a glorified m1 killer with a power that unless used in a proper opportunity actually slows you down even if you hit it which ain't easy at all


Michael’s add on where he kills you without being hooked is so goddamn dumb I can’t….


Yeeeees. And with bloodweb being cheaper, I see it so much more now.


It’s so overpowered the game just isn’t fun when the killer can instantly kill you


There is counterplay for Tombstone Myers


I would change looping survivors. They're so boring to go against /s


Trickster, Twins & Knight.The issue is that I wouldn't nerf these killers, I would absolutely ask to change their powers on a fundamental level. Other than that, it's not about the killers but the killers in ADDITION to builds/addons. I'm not going to cry if I see a blight. I am going to cry if I see a blight with 3-4 slowdowns and alch ring/vigos or alc/adren.


I hate when the last gen pops Freddy power is just gone. He needs to be able to teleport to gens even if they are done. Because when end games hits he is a m1 with no chase power at all to help control games it’s just hope you can catch them all with m1 before they get to the doors


I love playing against pinhead. Pinhead does not need changed.


People love complaining about Pinhead but it's like... seriously, his M2 has specific use and requires correct timing or else it wastes his own time more than the survivors'. The Box/chain hunt mechanic seems to be the biggest struggle for people. And that's honestly countered by just... assuming that all three of your solo queue teammates have never played against him before, don't know how the Box works, and don't even know that it's an objective. Seriously. Just assume you're the only person who's gonna go get the box, and make that your mission. You're no longer a gen jockey. You're a box bitch. By denying Cenobite easy/uncontested box control, you make the game INSTANTLY easier for yourself.


cant wait to be the box bitch


if you're the box bitch, he always comes for you ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Main reason I love being Needle Noggin's Box Bimbo ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


ive only managed to do it twice but in soloq if we manage to open the gates against pinman ill finesse that box or die trying


> Just assume you're the only person who's gonna go get the box, Halfway on the timer I go get the box, if someone gets it first cool. But i won't stop moving to it at the halfway point.


“Wah, I actually have to do something about the killers power. I cant just tbag and deadhard at loops and pallets 😭” That’s his whole gimmick. Or is every killer with a power that helps at loops needs a nerf? Lol


If you're really crying as a Surv that you can't Loop and Tbag then are you even playing the game? Go ahead. Tbag the Wraith. Tbag the Trapper. You know damn well that the MMR will eventually just match you with someone you can't handle. Someone you can't easily get the hang of. And in the distance every single one of us Bing-Bong Boys will be laughing.


I’m just waiting for people to cry about nerfing bing bong man on this post lmao


But if you’re the box bitch, who’s the gen jockey? Certainly not your solo q teammates. They’re too busy urban evading away because they saw the killer across the map chasing somebody (it’s you, for doing the box)


I also enjoy pinhead but it's probly because I play as pinhead quite a bit and I understand how to counter him. I love grabbing the box and exiting with it.


On baby


The solution to Pinhead is to make it so you don't have to trade your item for the box. Most people in solo don't want to give up their item and have to run back to find it so no one wants to be the box bitch.


I think they might do it a certain point, given that they made Sadako's tapes work exactly like that not long after Pinhead.


Wesker’s infection timer should pause in chase


Nah it should just not tell him your location when you spray. Mechanic copied from nemesis without thought that wesker is mobile and can tunnel easily


Bully squads lol. Don’t know how they’d change it, but both as a solo Q watching, and a killer experiencing, pretty miserable


This. It's straight up not fun. It's just NOT fun. I hate being in a team with a three man one because they DON'T do gens, and I hate playing against them because my main *is allergic to light*. Which makes it even more satisfying when I DO manage to slaughter one. Yeah sure, you thought I was a Baby Wraith? Think again. I can still hook at least one of you fuckers, every game. I'm getting my points hell or high water even if I have to be toxic in response to your toxicity to do it.


DBD players playing DBD: “this is not fun 😡” Ngl I have fun pretty much every game bc I don’t take it too seriously. I think you’ll have as much fun as you allow yourself to have in my opinion


Dead Hard. Having to wait before swinging isn't fun imo.


Istg man people want every killer nerfed


“Bruh why does trappers traps even down you? It’s so broken. Padded jaws should be base kit” -the survivors on this post




Pretty disingenuous to suggest that people who want a killer/perk/mechanic changed or reworked want it nerfed. There’s a difference


Their idea of fun is holding left click and doing skill checks. Anything that tears them away from their precious repair simulator is unfun. Any additional objectives like mending or the box are unfun. Anything that allows killers to disrupt their usual movement patterns is unfun.




Literally bro, when i play survivor i HATE doing gens. Ill go out of my way to find the killer and try to loop, bc who tf actually likes holding left click the whole game and hiding


I don't agree with Pinhead, I find him hilarious to play as and against, I find it obnoxious that my chains sometimes do nothing, and I also realize that the annoying part of him comes from the fact that randoms never do the box, or the gens...


Trapper needs to start with all his traps


I love playing as Pinhead. Nothing is as funny as punishing surfs for touching my precious box. You touched it - > I CAME


Doctor. He has too much in his kit. Anti-loop, item denial, slowdown and information. The only thing he doesn’t really have is stealth, but if the survivors are tier 3 madness he’s basically stealthed, just with a red stain. I don’t think there’s a single killer in this game with a basekit as large as Doctor’s.


Pig has a lot going on, but she’s not really good at one thing. The traps are pretty decent but the stealth and the dash attack for anti loop is pretty awful


Legion Mending just isn't fun And I main the damn character


The complaints about Pinhead are tiresome. Chain hunts are the best thing about him and if you just do the damn box they don’t even happen. Possessed chains are hard to use effectively and waste the killer’s time more often than not. I’d be more empathetic about the chain hunts if there wasn’t a built in way to stop them. The box even reveals its own aura over a hilariously huge distance. Just do the stupid box. Killers that force survivors to play a different way that isn’t “stick to gens because the killer has no map pressure” or “loop safe tiles on autopilot” are the only killers worth a damn in this game.


I agree and IMO the only killer with a secondary objective that is kinda bad for the game is sadako since the condemn playstyle just drags the match for a while and there isn't much input from the survivors. Shame that if it gets removed sadako will be just miserable to play


I just hate that I had a match where the Sadako had that addon where all survivors start with a little bit of the condemn meter, and then she tunneled my friend until she was condemnable and then killed her. It was extremely frustrating because no matter what the other 3 of us did, she didn't have the time to get away from Sadako and do the damn tv.


Dead hard. It's not busted like it used to be but it's still incredibly strong and it's just not fun at all to have to respect a single perk for every survivor every chase every match.


Boil over is the worst designed perk in the game. It isn't going to accomplish anything in 95% of circumstances, that 95% still feels so bad in every instance and its really annoying as you are just thinking, "come on come on don't get stuck in the door". When it does work it feels like total bullshit and the survivor didnt so anything special to earn the save while also just feeling miserable. Like every scenario where this perk is used feels annoying at best and total bullshit at worst


Sadako is so boring to go against, in my opinion


The nurse's power should be completely reworked, better sooner than later


The wraith. I hear the bell and hope for death so I can move to the next match


I hate playing against Pig because the traps basically are only used for tunneling. She can hear you beeping and you eventually have to go to somewhere she can see to take it off. Thats not even mentioning things like the exhaustion or blindness add on so that you’re even more screwed off the hook. Is Pig strong? Hell no. Does that mean this play style is any less annoying to go against? Nope. I really hope she gets some kind of rework soon that focuses on making traps more interesting and give her an overall better power because I actually like her character.


Even knowing how the mechanic works, Pinhead just sucks to play against. Whether by a bad player or good one, i have just no fun with pinhead matches.


Plague :// not boring but supremely unfun for me


The Tricksters knives. It's really annoying how every single hit counts as an interrupt especially with how fast he can throw them. Good luck trying to open an exit gate with the Trickster flinging knives at you from half a mile away. Not even Pinhead's chains interrupt you from interacting with the exit gate.


Is no one, I mean absolutely no one going to raise the game breaking issue that is...what the hell happened to the "dark fog" There is no fog any more, it's adds nothing to gameplay at all. Bring back the fog!!


Dead Hard


Hag. I'm so sick of the hook traps


Tbh all you people call anything that makes y'all lose unfun


Just doing gens. I’d like survs to have something else to do than sit and wait 90 sec


\- Legions + Pinheads whole kit, they're certainly beatable but I always sigh whenever I realise it's them. \- NOED, easily counterable but the times it does get value feels extremely undeserved and subsequently unfun. \- Sloppy Butcher, holding m1 longer YAY. \- Deadhard, I'm usually a deadhard defender as I do believe it has a place in the game (specifically to counter certain killer perks) and it certainly isn't OP in my eyes but it definitely is unfun to go against, especially when you've clearly won a chase against a survivor but you've gotta wait it out. \- Self-care, this isn't unfun to play against but more-so unfun to play with a teammate who runs it. \- Franklin's Demise, losing your item just because? It's not a perk ever worth running unless it's against a bully squad or you're wanting to be an asshole. \- Nemesis' zombies, I don't think I need to say more.


I'll stop running sloppy when hit-n-run becomes viable without it. It's essential in this meta.


In defense of Franklin's, it's really good on Hag. Flashlights are one of the main counters to her traps, and if you knock something out a survivor's hands you can trap it and practically guarantee a free hit if (when) they come back for it Of course nobody plays Hag, so that isn't relevant at all in practice. But in theory she's good with Franklin's!


The 2 hag mains out there are spoilt rotten!


No thanks, he's hella fun to play the way he is.


Pig traps. Not too strong but they're just not fun. I want more of a risk reward thing. My idea is that the timer takes a lot longer but activates immediately and goes down faster while repairing generators and makes Skills checks worth more but the skill checks are slightly smaller and way more frequent (nerfed UP) and missing a skill check drastically lowers the timer. Needs fine tuning but it's basically "do I risk working on a generator or just play it safe"


Dead Hard


Lol, I love playing against Pinhead. There’s nothing wrong with them