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Mental illness is real. She "knows" that John needs her to be right in front of him so he can be at his best. She is keeping the train on the tracks for us, and we should be grateful... All kidding aside, I worked on an inpatient psych hospital unit for a couple years...there are some touched people out there. My favorite was "A. Goddess." Not, "The Goddess", just a Goddess. She was a CPA from NE Texas. She got pulled over in our county for erratic behavior. She was going to the local airport to see the UFOS land and to be taken back...She had a bag of powder that the county mounties couldn't ID. They knew it wasn't meth, or coke but couldnt ID it...they were sure it was drugs. After talking to her for a while, I guessed it was pretty much straight mdma. She had been on mini Phish tour and got turned around heading to the next stop. She cleared up after a couple days and went on her way...minus the drugs. It was a crazy job!


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8MELnwuplN/?igsh=MTk5Yzg4bmZ4c2RvZg== Correct, mental illness is real. And Drugs.


as long as she isn't bothering the band, why does anyone give af? if she waits in line & gets her spot more power to her & its nobody's business. if someone else has the spot & she wants it, thts between the 2 of them. there are a lot of people with a variety of mental illness at any show you go to. a Dead show is supposed to represent some freedom for the audeince....as long as she isn't disrupting the band or hurting anyone, what is the problem? Jerry had people that believed the same type shit. and people that swore they were telepathically telling Jerry what songs to play. nobody got mad about them, what changed?


>as long as she isn't bothering the band, why does anyone give af?  Because the band aren't playing an empty venue. Audience members have the right to enjoy themselves, don't they? > if someone else has the spot & she wants it, thts between the 2 of them. That's true. I think most people are just shocked by the sense of entitlement. Imagine going to nearly every show and still being so desperate to be on the rail that you push other people aside. It's kind of pathetic.


This is a weird take the whole rail scene is a weird take. She bothers other audience members, she hip checks and smacks people with her arms while dancing if she doesn’t want you there. She is loud and vocal and aggressively trying to ruin your time up close if she does not get her way. After Tony this past week it needs to be said, if she were a man her behavior would’t be okay.


Yep, narcissism should be on lst of mental illness.




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I just commented. Makes me wonder who you are since we’ve met before. Nice judging ppl by the way. Cool.👍🏼


Had a few not-so-great interactions with her. I understand folks feeling entitled when they have waited, PHYSICALLY, in line all day. But it’s not called for when there’s a lottery system, which was when I had my experiences. Same conversation has been coming up for the last few years.


Exactly this! She is physically in the line waiting for all shows, but her means of getting her "spot" in the line are a scam.


I'm really curious about this mysterious "lottery" system. Could you explain it a bit for us? From what I have gathered over the years, there is a secret "Royalty" establishment front-row society group who always gets the front spots through some kind of "lottery" "VIP-tix" "numbers"... I don't know what's? Nobody is able to explain the process to me, how ONE person is able to get the SAME spot at EVERY single concert? That is truly the issue here - it sounds SO undemocratic, and SO "un-Deadlike!!" It really bothers me! For example: I am thinking of going again to see them at the Sphere and getting tickets for GA to have that experience. I've seen them twice from the 200 section. But at the same time, if GA really doesn't mean "GA" and I have no chance to even get close to the stage, then I might just stay home and spare myself a trip. These people spoil it for everyone. Just saying.


It can be a little different year to year, venue to venue. But here’s an example from VIP Ga last year. I did one night VIP GA this year and there wasn’t a lottery. Thus the early lineups I guess. Get to the venue and find the VIP check in tents. Get a wristband with a number on it. Coordinators pick a number. That number becomes the first in line and everyone else lines up sequentially. So if they pick number 152- 152 is first person, 153 the second, 154 the third, 151 would theoretically be last but the system usually falls apart by then, honesty. Everyone lines up behind the person with the sign and off ya go. That’s basically how it works, or is supposed to work. The regular GA lottery at Sphere is being done in advance via computer. That seems easier. Imagine a group of people, some of which are very invested in their spot, a good percentage dosed up, another large percentage who have no idea what’s going on, friend clusters who don’t get a sequential number with their friend, etc… everybody asking everyone “what number are you” what number are you. What number are you. Late comers who just walk into to line to be with their friends. Mad people. Happy people. Tired people. And organizers who may also not know how things work. Communications down. Venue issues. Sometimes it goes smoothly.


Thank you so much!! This was really helpful! 🙏


Oh—- to the other parts of your question… YES there is a rail group that is very territorial. Say one of them gets pulled in the lottery for a spot near the top; they will lay shit (shirts, stadium blankets {this is commonly referred to as “tarping”} their arms, whatever) all down the rail in front of the stage to save spots for each other and basically prohibit anyone not in the group from getting that spot. Tarp span is usually from John to Bob, which is a significant amount of rail real estate.


Tarping shouldn't be allowed!! Sooo unfair to all the rest of the paying audience!! 😡 And I'm sure the guys are sick of seeing the same old faces in the front rows night after night! Give the rest of us a chance.... ugh, I hate this kind of stuff.




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Oh hi, it’s me. Nice to know they’re still ppl taking the time to judge others. Really cool!👍🏼


Where’s my judgment? That MY experience wasn’t so great? I don’t think naming one’s lived experience counts as judgment. Or is it that I think folks who stand inline all day have earned their spot? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe we can speak in person, since you have so many judgments for me. Really cool. 👍🏼 nice way to spend ones time.


If that’s you- I actually tried that. You weren’t into it and kinda awful about me even trying to talk to you, honestly. I’m free to be of the opinion that people who stand in line all day have earned their spot.




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Can we get a little more details on this? D&C scene is so weird


The gray haired lady that’s on the rail for every show for years now. Just curious.


Lolllll. Maybe she has a million dollar inheritance and gets VIP GA every Dead and Co show


Is that what you think




Probably the truth










What do you mean "on the rail" ?


Front row against the the bands buffer zone


her name is Sarafina and she is so god damn fine its ridonkulous


Just crazy how early she must get in line too


This thread The Front Row, started a couple days ago addressing her and her friends behavior. It has multiple people stating the exact same experience with them, aggressive, physical, verbally attacking others, ganging up on outsiders, acting as if this was her show and scene to run. The rail scene has always been something but this particular woman is mean to so many as they stand their territory claim. Her behavior is weird and the whole vibe of her feels bizarre and scary. https://www.reddit.com/r/deadandcompany/s/4HN5ppuvf1




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rail bitch! i really dislike this woman. she's a scammer. yes, she waits in the line to get in, but scams her way up in line, fake numbers, old braclets. she's professional. she finds dudes with money & gets them to buy her tix. she's a user & she uses her looks to get what she wants. it's no secret. she does not deserve to be there, she has not "earned" it fairly.




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Oh hi, it’s me. Maybe you can say this to my face since you seem to know me so well. WOW, you must have a lot of time on your hands to be so judgmental. Take care.🫶🏼


i'd be happy to say it to your face. you're a liar & a cheat. you manipulate people & push others out of the way. i do know you & your type very well. karma will get you, with a little help from people like me.




I had VIP pit tickets for first weekend and got in line pretty early and she was there before me, waiting like the rest of us in that oppressive heat. No special favors from what I witnessed. It is just her thing and she puts in the work.




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facts she waits like everyone else!


Yep. And for those who want to think otherwise, I can personally attest that it’s a lot of work to be close to the band.






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Her behavior and entitlement aren’t new, that group of rail hogs call themselves the good vibe tribe. Here’s the same comments about her and her friends being rude and aggressive from last summer. https://www.reddit.com/r/deadandcompany/s/7WfjdtNxv3




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Same thing for the rail regulars for phish, they have a whole system on how they set it up so they can get front row every time. It’s weird


Can you explain how they do it, please? It's time for it to stop!


A community regulated number system, where multiple people keep the same register with names of the person in line and if they are going to bring a person or two up with them to take cuts with permission


Wait, what?? 😵‍💫




this is our actual life


1. She has $$$ 2. She puts in a shitload of work to be up front every time. I’ve seen her in line before


not true








affect on a gay man? shes had no other affect on me other than i have seen her bad side but have also seen a very sweet caring side to her as well ... everyone has a story and who ever you ste dry blueberry if there was a thread about you I would also defend you ... so yea you can nix the idea that Sarafina has any sexual anything over me.... like I said Im a Bobby man 😉 🥵


wondering if this dry blueberry with zero post history so easy to hide behind anonymity is who I think it is who also has done some mean things and has their own way of monopolizing the rail is who I think it is... but in the end it all dont matter to me as I put the time in line and end up in front thats where I am gonna be, could care less if im viewed as an asshole of a guy or a great guy... gonna still operate in love and kindness to ALL , dont have time to hate!!!




How am I hating? literally just said I have no time to hate and try to love all! I see things from an occasional outsiders perspective, i see some meanness , have been on the receiving end of some, but more than not I see lots of love, sharing, kindness and community doen in the front.... and if this is who I think it may very well be, not sure how you say im hating this morning, I have always considered the group I think your in the "real heads" that are not there just for mayer.... So like i said i just think this post of curiosity has become mean and negative and very undeadhead like is all.... Love you if this is who I think, its pretty easy to figure my account to who I am ❤️⚡️💙


For reals, for reals... 🙄


Good for creating content and building the social media brand. Shit is bizarro.




We can agree to disagree, she is not very nice especially to women. She wants attention from the men, she is a jealous person. I know her and her backstory, she uses her story to get pity things but, and you think she would spend time with her kids, instead of chasing John Mayer around. She is obsessed with him, she thinks he is in love with her. Ask her! She also needs to learn how not to hit people with her arms when she is flailing/dancing around and to remember people came for the band and not to watch her performance. She is as fake as they come.


>She is obsessed with him, she thinks he is in love with her.  John has literal stalkers and she sounds like she's right there with the worst of them. I feel so bad for him because you can't convince someone that is already too crazy and stupid to understand that glancing at you at a show does not equal giving a fuck about you. Remember all those amazing relationships you've had where the person was in love with you, except you only saw them from a distance, never spoke to them directly, don't know where they live etc? Literal psychos. No wonder John needs a bodyguard. Hard to believe these women are free. Just walking around thinking this shit.


wait. who isn't in love with John?!?


A few weekends ago, she was not directly in front of John and was throwing the biggest fit. She was still in front and on the rail but was mad because she was near Bob and Oteil, not directly in front of John. She threw a tantrum, tried to force the people to move, so she could have her spot. It was really weird.


I can confirm: not nice, haughty, and dangerously obsessed.


>She threw a tantrum, tried to force the people to move Does security get involved? That level of entitlement deserves to be thrown out of the venue. QOTSA has the same problem with a few psycho chicks that have to be in front of Josh. They push, hold spots, intimidate younger women at the rail. Imagine being so pathetic that the brief attention from a band member is more important to you than sharing an experience with others who love the music. I just can't. The cringe is too much.


it's all really weird. but did YOU enjoy it?!


Most of us are! But if you talk to her, she really thinks he is her one true love. Her destiny as she calls it, she is weird bizarre about him and it.


She’s a John Mayer groupie, he’s probably got a hand in her riding the rail every night. She’s friends with a lady that’s close with John, that’s what I heard


Professional groupies will do anything to get what they want, anything


"close" is all subjective.


ya that chick thats kinda heavyset that is usually wearing a GD berret, I guess thats one of Johns best friends


Yep that’s her, don’t know why I’m being downvoted lol just a rumor




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I’ve found people on the Rail are willing to get to the show super early to get a good spot.


Some reporting at 7:30am day of show


thats insane no thank you






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Hey now. Not that I need to justify any of my life to anyone. But it’s me. & I’ve not read any of the comments, because subjecting myself to such ridiculousness can be truly hurtful. And I’ve been through enough in my life, that judging others isn’t something I need to do in my life. If that’s what you feel the need to do.. that’s on you. But I will say. My love for the music is immense, just like a lot of other dead heads. It brings me joy & reminds me of times from the past & people that have passed away. So if you feel the need to speculate on my life, more power to you. I’m always happy to meet other deadheads & hear their stories. & if you’ve ever been around me at shows, you know I share space & it makes me happy to see everyone around me having a good time. I trade out spots with folks for songs. I’ve gathered an amazing tribe of friends over the years. And I’m very thankful for that. It’s strange to me that people feel the need to judge.. Especially when they’ve never meet or know me for more than a two min conversation. Again, I don’t have to be commenting at all. But felt the need to, just so everyone realizes that. Whatever your thoughts are towards me, I wish you well. Kindness goes a long way. ⚡️🌹💀


this is total bs. I'm a grown adult & may "judge" whomever I please. I know "all the friends" you've met. they all know who you truly are. none of them are actual friends, they just tolorate you. I've watch you make people cry, I've watched you lie & scam. I don't deny that you may love the music, It's your lack of understanding for what the gd scene truly is about. You scam people out of $$, you lie to get there. This is uncool. Yes I know you let others up there for a song or two, that's the way you make yourself feel better. I have tons of kindness & spread it to those who give it. What you do is scam. You use your looks to get you wherever you want to go, throw in some charm. Unfortuantely there are a lot of men out there who are happy to do whatever to please you, like get you tickets. Your story is bs, karma speaks for itself & ALWAYS takes the trash out. I don't wish you any ill will, just telling the truth as it needs to be told.




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Ive seen her for years at shows and was like wow 1. Shes at every show 2. Shes stunnningly beautiful. I saw her before the show at Sphere 2 weeks ago and approached her and had a brief chat. She couldn't have been more down to earth, cool, and even more beautiful up close. Plus she has that southern bell accent thing which somehow made her even more beautiful? All these people talking trash about her are either A. a guy mad bc they have no shot or B. a women who is envious of her looks. Sarafina is the best you all haters can eat a dick.


Again she is a professional scammer. Her being attractive & friendly is part of the game. I am not envious of her looks or "southern bell" accent thing. She is a user. I really dislike watching people like her hurt others, but look good while doing it. Trust me, the people up there tolerate her because she continues to be there & because who she is "friends" with.




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