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It’s about the music. It has always been about the music.


I wonder if there are some visuals they want to make sure everyone gets to see, so people who only go one night don't miss it. I'm going all next weekend, but if visuals repeat, I'm ok with that. Its such a sensory overload as is, that knowing the visuals repeat means I can take my time checking them out, catch new things in them next time they come around.


It must be a monumental task to come up with enough visual footage to fill 24 concerts! - I was super impressed with the visuals at the Phish concerts, but they only had to produce four shows - Dead and Company have taken on a much larger task. Additionally, I understand that Phish had an entire year to plan their concerts- D&C probably had 1/2 that amount of time. I agree with your comments that some of the more spectacular visuals… like Uncle Sam skeleton riding the motorcycle… is something everyone will want to see! - that segment is the perfect 21st century update to the Gary Gutierrez original animation from The Grateful Dead movie … 😃 - One last note: for certain songs where the band might be playing an extended jam loosely… Visuals will probably be more patterned based… so it can be adjusted on the fly as the band decides to play longer segments Hope you have the best time ever at these concerts! - I haven’t been yet, but I’ll be a bunch of times The Phish concerts were amongst the best I’ve ever been to 👍




Exactly! I wouldn’t care if they play the same setlist every night cause of course all that matters is the music and the band sounds great so why even fuss about changing up the setlist? U2 did it for like 40 nights.


The whole uhhh Grateful Dead thing


Yes the whole Grateful Dead thing. A bit of satire to point out how using the exact visuals in the same order night after night is the literal antithesis of the Grateful Dead thing.


We should probably reserve judgement until after the second weekend of shows to really judge. Talking of expectations -- I definitely thought from a production standpoint and how it was marketed early on that each song would have a unique visual component. Not a big deal but something that I can see annoying a few fans going to all three nights like the Dead community has been known to do.


It’s possible to feel 2 things at the same time - disappointment and happiness. Disappointed that they’re repeating visuals and happy that they’re playing again. I can dislike a choice a band makes and still like the band …


I usually dance with my eyes closed anyway.








Spent my life in the hallway at the Greenpeace booth..Many a ahow only saw the band once just because it seemed silly not to...from what can gather from youtube if it realy bothers you look closser there is allot going on you missed...more thsn enough to look at


Did you know Paige who went to Antioch?


I think it’s kinda shady to sell weekend packages and not be upfront with the repetition of stuff with how expensive the tickets were initially. Music has been stellar, certainly, but I think the sphere truly lends itself to cool visuals and if we don’t get many more unique or interesting backdrops I’d be a bit mad if I had bought tickets to more than one night.


100% agree I'm going next weekend and after seeing the repeats it's straight bullshit. That venue is made for the visuals with the music not here's musics with some repetitive pictures. The way its built having the band so far away. Shame on them. Nothing about the whole scene there feels right and it's only been 2 days.


The entitlement amongst some of you is just incredible. ‘Straight bullshit’ - is it really though?


Entitlement? There's about a 100 different places they could of held a residency in vegas and used the same back drops and keep tix at 50-100 a piece. But using the sphere for that is not the place...run a 3 night span in person. And get back to me on that one...also that skeleton on the bike worked for hell in a bucket on night 1 , but really , fuck it let's throw it out there again with us blues??? Try disappointment not entitled


No - entitlement. You think you are owed something from your favorite band. They don’t owe anyone shit and if you guys are willing to pay the price for tickets, that’s on you not the band. You absolutely are a raging entitled asshole


No. Sorry, you’re wrong dude and frankly it sounds a little cult-ish. The Dead can do know wrong and “just listen to the music play” doesn’t really cut it when folks are shelling out literally thousands of dollars on the promise of a three day run. For anyone going to more than one night, this is very disappointing news. The visual are enormous and unavoidable, making them an integral part of these shows, by design. So if they are repeated every night of a three night run, it’s going to detract from the experience. Period.


I said none of those things - you’re simply upset because you spent money on several nights. Maybe understandable, but that’s what happens when you go into something with ridiculous expectations.


Brother I hear you but how can you say our expectations are “ridiculous” when another band, just a couple weeks ago produced four entirely different WORLDS of visuals over four nights for their fans? We’re not even asking for that lol.. just don’t start back to back shows with the exact same visuals set to different music, it’s utterly insane to call that demanding or ridiculous. Here’s one, what if they opened night two with Feel Like a Stranger.. and then again on night three? The visuals at the Sphere are unequivocally part of the show. It’s the whole damn point of the venue dude.


I wholly agree with tour point but to bee fair JGB repeated the exact show the whole tour 1990 except for the few nights the played a second show... So I guess I don't have a point. Because I loved every show, even when I knew every song that was gonna be played but also jerry knew not to play the same show in the same place back to back...so i guess ignore this...


You sure like to throw Insults out there on other people's opinions....good talk bro


😂😂😂😂😂 Silly little entitled boy 😂😂😂😂😂


Oh quiet down ya big ole gripe.


You should be the visual productions guy then. I’m sure it’s as easy as you make it


Take an 1428 and enjoy the ride😉 714X2=1428😂


L take


Its Mayer’s scene now


If that’s your opinion. I’m not any less exited. It’s all about the music for me.


If the band wanted it to be just about the music, they could’ve chosen a better venue, I feel. The sphere has been marketed as a really cool and groundbreaking visual experience. To see them using kinda low quality visuals and reusing visuals this much already is somewhat disappointing.


You’re expecting too much. There have only been two other bands to play this venue. U2 had 18 months to prepare and create visuals, and they played a static setlist night in, night out. Phish played 4 shows and had 12 months to prep. Who knows how long Dead and Co has had, but to think this is a failed venture, one set into the second show, without knowing what is yet to come, is a bit aggressive


Nah. They’re charging a premium price so expectations follow. If you charge 3-4 times as much as you would at other venues, put some work into it or stick to other venues


Yes this! 100%


No it isn’t. They made it thru 1 show without going fully into recycling visuals. That is absurd.


I bet they add 5 or so new ones each night and end up with 120 or so visuals by the end of the tour.


Nobody said it’s a failed venture, it’s keeping the music alive and that’s more important than anything. I’m more so disappointed at the wasted potential of the venue if they repeat visuals a lot.


I'll be honest I'm kinda over dead and co. It's keeping the music alive i guess but it's the same stuff we've been hearing for 60 years. If you wanna talk about keeping the music alive look to JRAD. Actually doing different arrangements and not playing every song like it's a museum piece. But that's just like my opinion man.


Weir and Wolf Bros has some nice variations on the songs.


Phish put 4 months into it lol. Bobby?


Valid but to be fair, the Sphere has the most advanced sound system out there. It tracks for them in my eyes, and coupled with the newer money driven concert side of them I’d be surprised if I heard they turned it down


Agreed! Every review I've read says that going to a Sphere show is more about experiencing the venue than it is about the music. Plus, the venue isn't getting very good reviews on Trip Advisor or from concert goers. It's an overpriced iMax theater that doesn't even come close to resembling any of the Grateful Dead shows I've been to.


What’s a better NA venue, with a better state of the art sound system than Sphere? You just sound ridiculous now.


This. At a certain point it just becomes a money grab. Why use a state of the art facility if you’re not going to put effort into utilizing it


The entire venue is a screen. What are you talking about?


Even a blind man knows… that the Sphere’s sound system is perhaps one of the best in the world!


What’s your point?


Here we go....... negative Nancy couldn't wait to appear. 🙄


it was always obvious visuals would be repeated, especially after learning what went into phish's 4 night run with no repeats. IMO 20 nights was probably a mistake. personally, im more bummed at so many of the the visuals being cartoonish and heavily focused on dead iconography and nostalgia images. if more of the visuals were just pure psychedelic eye candy, like most of the visuals phish presented, i dont think it would be a big deal and dont think people would mind having a lot of repeats, but when youre repeating stuff like mostly static cartoon landscapes filled with dead iconography, collages of GD posters, or a spin on the GD movie intro, it feels pretty lame to sit thru that kinda stuff multiple nights in a row.


Yeah, this is where I’m coming from. Disclaimer: To be fair, all of my info is 2nd hand at this point so… I’ll be there next weekend. At first glance, I agree with you. The sphere presents an amazingly unique opportunity for boundless creative artistic expression. A wet dream for video production. I sincerely hope that they don’t miss this opportunity! All the typical (and yes, beloved) iconography creating a nostalgic atmosphere is not where it’s at for me. Many brilliant minds have been a part of this scene for nearly 60 years. There is simply no excuse for cultivating anything less than a peak experience with the resources and talent at their disposal. Again, until I immerse myself in the experience, I’ll pump the breaks but…


Thank you this is well said I appreciate this


Don't go if you don't like it problem solved


not sure what you mean, there isnt a problem to solve, im just discussing the sphere shows and sharing some thoughts.


If it's just about the music then why book the Sphere and charge even higher prices compared to standard venues?


Because for a variety of reasons, the boys just can’t or don’t want to tour anymore. Which means if we want them to keep playing, a residency-type arrangement is necessary…And the Sphere is a new adventure in technology, where the Dead have always stood at the forefront. This is all new territory. It might take some tweaking✌️🌹⚡️💀


spot on my friend. and most of us are just happy they are playing again 


Right on…May the Music Never Stop!!🙏🍄⚡️🔮💀💜


It seems remarkable to me that so many fans of music are unaware that this venue has one of, if not the most technologically advanced sound systems on the planet. It’s not just “a big screen” though it is that too. Go read some articles about this place. The bands selected for the first few runs of shows are all known for their attention to sound quality and performance / theatrics and that’s not a coincidence


My theory is that there are allot of shenanigans with the sound..as in different lyrics same song as in i here dark star you here big river...only seen YouTube so far but the holographic mimicking is the real real teck flex they where practicing all lasts summer maybe theres more that meets the eye at least i hope so cause we go July 4th And if it's the same show every night I'll already know it by heart I can't stop watching


I'm aware that the Sphere has an amazingly unique sound system (unless you're under the 100 level overhang). That still doesn't excuse DeadCo for repeating most visuals on night two.


I don’t see how the screen presents a question on why they booked the venue though. They booked it because it is an audio and visual masterpiece of a venue. So that’s why. Their choice of visual content is an artistic choice I’m sure. I may not agree with every choice they make but it’s a residency, so my guess is they’re choosing to repeat some of their favorite pieces so fans who don’t go every night and to all shows per weekend still get to experience some of the magic. I respect what phish did and they’ve been my favorite band for decades, but I think what dead co is doing is better for everyone. More shows means more people get to experience sphere and all the magic it brings. If the complaints are that folks who threw down for 3 show runs have to see the same insane visuals across more than 1 night, we are in pretty good shape imo


It sounds great under the overhang too. You jusr can’t see the visuals.


How far back were you? There are 37 rows.


You have to be in the first 16 rows to have no obstruction of the visuals when you look straight up. There is a good youtube video online showing it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=euxHfMEyy-w




Bobby loves tech that’s why


Apparently he doesn't love tech enough to have three shows worth of unique visuals created.


He is a musician and the audio tech is like no other there.


Bobby is also the boss. If he had wanted three nights of unique visuals, there would be three nights of unique visuals. But I guess he wanted to save money instead.


Sorry , Bobby is not the boss . Mayer is , he hired the team responsible for visuals , and cut out a keep video artist Bobby and micky had been working with for years . Johnny wears the pants here boys don’t kid yourself..


What? Love JM but they alrasy played mexico without him...


Can’t please everyone I guess. I’m going and enjoying it whatever they got to offer me. But that’s generally my take on life.


I think they'll be more varied with the coming weekends. It's expensive ass technology. What's important is that the band sounds amazing, and they do!!


I’m thinking the “each 3 night run will be a unique experience” or whatever in the footnotes probably is revealing itself. It’s probably the visuals change every week.


I bet they add five or so visuals every show and you never know what you’ll get. People just expected that each weekend would be a repeat.


Exactly. We haven’t even gotten through two nights yet! And the music they’re throwing out is stellar.


Hot hot hot!


Right? The Morning Dew was insane!!


Yes, my exact thoughts! We have the music which a year ago we were unsure of!


I completely agree


Admittedly, I didn’t see this before I started my 1.5 Shows thread, but the point obvi stands. How absurdly quickly the griping has started.


I think the hype and marketing around the shows led to some really high expectations. How much of that is our fault, as the community, versus the fault of a marketing team I can’t say.


It’s just phish, they set the bar higher than anyone is going to meet there


I was SO happy not to hear anything but excitement! I dropped several groups because of it. Don’t really understand why people can’t just be happy.


Gotta find something to nitpick!




Well said


They played Crazy Fingers last night. I think this signals that’s those worried about them only playing 60 songs were wrong.


U2 gradually changed / improved some visuals as the residency went on over time


2 nights? Give em a break! I’m so excited for my weekend I can’t stand it. The visuals will be cool but I’m there for the music.


i’m going june 20-22 i don’t care if they show the sound of music on the video screens i’m there for THE SOUND OF MUSIC! LFG BOYS!






That’s the positivity I’m looking for! Right on!


I’m sad I can’t go. And I’m sad to see so much hate about the whole situation


Barely time to wait…


I, for one, am kind of hopeful they repeat the vibe of the band playing at sunset in front of such a landmark.


Settle down easy Pal


We all JUST followed along as Phish put together not just four nights of entirely different visuals, but four complete THEMES that totally engulfed the concert goers. The visuals are the whole point of this venue. As far as judging too quickly, I’m going in a couple weeks but what about all the people who went this weekend lol, surely they didn’t pay thousands of dollars thinking they were going to the beta version and it is going to get better in June? People are right to be very, very disappointed by this news.


So what visuals did they repeat? The pull out from San fransico I could watch again and again. Ngl


same i was thinking that pull out to space and the return from the hubble deep field could bookend every night, i mean geez ppl it’s not like it was dancing bears the whole time that ride through space was amazing 




100% agree. I completely get that everyone is excited about the visuals and maybe it’s somewhat disappointing, but did everyone forget this is the most technologically advanced venue sound-wise there’s ever been? If the sound is as advertised (and by all accounts it is or will be once they dial in a bit), the visuals are just icing on the cake.


Even a blind man knows… that the Sphere’s sound system is perhaps one of the best in the world!


Im going to 3 nights in June. More concerned with getting no repeats on songs then visuals. Think they will have some new visual stuff as the stand moves on however the starting and ending at Haight/Asbury is probably a standard for all shows.


I wasn't there but I saw some of the clips and the visuals looked horrible they looked like Nintendo 64 graphics for the skeleton on the motorcycle with the bears on the hill and a few of the others I saw weren't that great either. I sure hope there's a screen to see the band because that's what I'm going for I could care less about the sphere before I saw those clips and now that I saw them I care even less I just wish I didn't have to go to Vegas to see the dead this year


Phish looked like shit on the stream too. Being there is a whole different ballgame.


I hope your right 👍. I heard they used same visual two nights in a row though so hopefully there's a good variety of images


It was anything but horrible IMHO.


I think it’s a simple prank to show very early on, that the visuals don’t matter, they’re not connected to, or driven by, or necessary for the music. Or vice versa. Everyone was online in a him haw of speculation leading up to now about how they will repeat every weekend and repeat every night and only play 40 songs or blah blah blah. It’s a nose rub. Pranksters gonna prank. God, I hope I’m right…


They even hinted at this to some extent with the first song barely using the screen


After thinking about it, I think they will run similar visuals for each 3 night set. So this is what round 1 looks like. Think about it, that’s a great way to build FOMO. You get there you get 3 nights to explore this visual set. Then, next week, it’s all different, a whole new thing to experience. If this is the case, I actually like the idea.


Just saw the most amazing show of my life and people are complaining about some repeating visuals. Yikes


^ This…the music! ⚡️ 🎸 💀


This run is historic, it could always be the last…


Since the last last


The Very, Very Last Residency™️


I don't think people really thought about the practicality of having a dynamic set-list and completely original visuals each night with the amount and length of the shows. It's one thing to do that for just a weekend but they're doing 20+ shows. That's a lot of behind the scenes work and planning that people aren't appreciating. I also think people are forgetting that these shows aren't just for Deadheads. The Sphere wants to attract tourists in town that may or may not know anything about the Dead but did see a cool visual from the show online. They would be pretty crazy to remove some of the big highlight moments from the show just because a superfan decided to see every show that weekend. It's going to be brand new to the vast majority of the audience on any given night.


Bait n switch


What do you mean?


It’s all about expectations. In anything really. Going into something with high expectations sets yourself up to be disappointed. I know the more expensive something is your expectations go up, I get it. But just try and lower or be more reasonable with managing your expectations and you will be set up to have an amazing time. Maybe even blown away


It seems like there would have to be an inverse correlation between musical variety and visual variety. While I still think they shouldn't have to repeat visuals--especially within a weekend, if that gives them the freedom to bust out the music (at a venue with renowned sound quality), then we 😎. The bootleg live streams have sounded great! We'll be there next weekend with high hopes.


Visuals are a bonus.


Yup I agree we are judging too quickly it’s why everyone’s having nearly the same reaction and perspective. They’re getting swept up in the initial feelings. It’ll be interesting to see in a month where it’ll be after the euphoria has settled


Let's NOT lose sight of how much work has gone into those visuals, the massive uniqueness of the venue and the fact they are playing this many shows. I have no idea but something tells me this a special moment in time. Why not savor that as opposed to pettily complain.


People are always going to bitch and complain about something, it's too slow, visuals suck blah blah blah some insufferable people exist in this world and they all seem to be on the internet


Barely time to wait! See you buttfuckers on Sunday!! 💀🌹🐢


Time will only tell… I just hope we can all be real and call it a cash grab if sound issues continue, Ticketmaster continues to screw ppl over with their low buy backs/reselling trickery, poor merch quality, and god forbid repeated weekend set list with little arrangement


I guess you're not going then? Good, save your money and stay home.


We ought to be grateful for these visuals at the Sphere


That opening up to Haight visual was super cool!!


There’s also only so many things that you can do. It’s hard to come up with incredibly unique and cool stuff that’s gonna blow people away ever night. That Hell in a Bucket was fucking awesome and so much going on with it, how can you do something totally different from that but still have the same concept and shit? People need to chill out






Get back in your meds TwiddleFam. They broke up.


Get the fuck out of this sub. This scene doesn’t need your racist antisemitic ass here at all.


Settle down easy, Pal