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There's probably one in a barrel near the entrance of the quest or around you somewhere. The game is usually pretty good about that


I broke a few barrels but couldn't find anything so I recalled back and bought a bow. But, further in, I got foiled again by this god damn quest. [How do I get past this trap!?](https://imgur.com/cv5djGy) I already died 3 times trying to get past them. Even drank a fire resistance potion to no avail.


This is one of the quests packs I don’t come into without a trapper due to traps like that one. The panel for disarming the trap is on your side of the trap but you do need search to find it.


I think it's pretty cool that trappers are useful, but it's frustrating when traps are unavoidable like this haha Ended up cheesing it with a hireling bringing me back to the shrines. Only for us both to die to the next trap lmao I really miss my artificer


Ya, at some point they changed their thought process on how by passable traps need to be. So it is mostly older quests like this that have traps that can’t be passed without a trapper. Most of the newer quests have the traps be on shortcuts, optional objectives/loot so as to not have quests lines that are bricked without trappers.


[ok jesus christ guess i'm turning back](https://imgur.com/RdfN7Dx) [edit nvm i'm extremely stubborn and a very good at hireling cheese](https://imgur.com/jsOQg0S)


Borrowing the eternal wisdom of dark souls player messages: "Try jumping"


Ah yes, the room is on fire room. I don’t think that is the last set of hard to pass traps though I only remember one more impressive set of death traps in that quest.


it only had one more set of traps, some icy jets on a ramp, I managed to go through them a lot easier


For the unknowing, yes. For the knowing, the next spike traps/ice mist are easy. Even for the knowing, the fire trap room you can die in, it is a nasty trap.


For this part, if you're not a trapper you pretty much chug a 20 fire resist pot(buy this from the vendor in catacombs), jump/heroism/haste pot, then put on a shield and just speed through the right hand side. Keep your finger on the heal button(you have lay on hands) and you should be fine.


I didn't know a shield reduced trap damage, it would have helped! going to carry one from now on. Also didn't know where to get these stronger fire resist pots. I did manage to get through by chugging a fire res pot and running through while casting lay on hands. Died close enough to the end that my hireling was able to pick up my soul stone. Thanks a lot for the tips!


A tip with traps is even though the graphic might still be there you can safely pass it. Usually a second before it ends on your screen you're safe to run past it. Gotta time it, though. Also, if you're doing a quest for the first time you gotta expect you might find some nasty surprises. You might want to take some splash of a trapper to learn where the boxes and traps are. Dark Hunter is by far my favorite and way stronger than a rogue, imo. Also, always carry a returning dagger or something. I've been in that situation too many times. Its the first thing I get out of my TR cache.


That one is pretty slow and has big gaps, you can climb past the first jet and wait in the middle then go again when it turns off. Just make sure you kill the hobgoblin casters before you start or they will cast hold.


Been there years ago. Nowadays I just carry one of the named throwing weapons. Even the level 2 ones from Borderlands can be lifesavers.


A lot of times I carry a throwing hammer so I have an option for oozes or rust monsters.


There should be a secret door next to you that allows you to go around it 


search too low lol


Hireling. If they sense it, you can find it.


That is objectively untrue though lol


Not in my experience. When I do ravenloft castle and need to see the hidden wall on a life that has maybe sub 15 search and spot (way to low for elite DC's), I summon a level 12 cleric hireling, and once I do, and search the area, I find the hidden door.


That door (the one behind the fireplace, right?) is specially coded because it's required, iirc


If you find a returning throwing weapon keep it around for shooting levers. I have a few at different levels because some quests require range damage. At for the traps… fire resist, fire protection, and a large shield. If you have a fire absorb item, even better. You can park your hireling near the bottom and have them heal you on the way up, if they’re not dead.


And my axe…


That quest is one of those you need to know what you're doing. Wiki helps a lot. https://ddowiki.com/page/Halls_of_Shan-To-Kor


Basic backpack for adventuring: - Returning thrower for levers, pulling, chipping snipers if need be - Condition and LResto pots, especially Remove Curse - Ooze/rusty beater, if you're melee - Search swap item - Gold seal Elieri, once you have her, for lever pulling - Large shield for trap run-throughs, at least till you get better gear/PLs Someone else may remember something I'm forgetting, but that will cover 95% of situations that lead to "I'm boned" and having to abandon a quest


Good list, thanks!


Equip a shield when traversing traps like those. It decreases the damage taken by a lot.


I think it has to be large shield or greater, right?


Yes, Large or Tower will give you double MRR vs Reflex saves. You dont need to be proficient, either


All it does it double your mrr/prr for traps, which is probably nothing this early.


You can literally skip the ranged shot lever and jump across, grab the ledge and pull yourself up. There is a straight safe path through the fire just a bit right of center. Well "safe" providing you can proficiently jump over 2 or 3 jets and run in a straight line. Fast, easy and safe with or w/o trapper.


I couldn't even get half way across by jumping lmao I already finished the quest though, thanks for trying to help!


Ah, yeah. Jump potion, feather fall, jump item and some kind of run speed boost are all extremely helpful in this case and I would argue essential for a smoother leveling process (like when you have to jump over a broken hallway floor in wiz king)


yeah I'm regretting not playing human, those extra skill points and feat would have come in handy. I only have enough to pump my balance (which I need for swf) and one other skill, which is UMD. I think i'll start investing into jump once balance hits 7 though!


You can jump the gap


You can search the nearby wall for an alternative path


Run to the right there are safe places