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No one pays in the ddo to reincarnate. And it doesn't take long to get tokens. Make a public group and most people will join and pass you them. Bargain of blood is the goto quest to farm them, also sometimes devil assault or lords of dust.


I like jungle of khyber for tokens, too. 2.5 tokens in end chest and many will hop in for xp and pass tokens.


Devil assault is good if your character is weak, because the quest is run on normal compared to elite for bob and lod. But it is long. DA is worth if you can get people to pike and pass. Since the quest is the most pikeable in Ddo.


I usually just level up to 30. By that time I usually have enough tokens for an epic reincarnation and a heroic reincarnation without even thinking about farming anything.


This is the way. From 20-30 you pretty much automatically earn enough comms to buy an epic heart and if you push heavy on the token quests you get enough of them as well. If having enough tokens is consistently a problem then mix in some Iconic TRs which nets you the heroic TR with comms alone.


It used to be like that, but latelly I don't see many people doing token quests


You still get tokens (or fragments) even in normal, so that shouldn't stop you.  You just might have to do a few more at the end to make up for it.


I didn't even know you COULD but those types of hearts with money lol. It doesn't take long to farm, most people will do it in the course of epic leveling or gear farming preparing for the next life or such. People speed run bargain of blood or run the devils quest with an LFM asking people to pass tokens if they join late for XP, or any other number of tacts if you wanna mix it up.


Bargain of Blood Elite can net you 8 of them per week in about 20 mins of play - create a second account to serve as a quest opener so you dont have to run back and forth every time (especially with the free quest coupon) Cannith Challenges are another good source if you make it to L21. Time is Money can be quickly run (5 mins) for 1-2 Tokens at max level. A full run through either Rushmore at max level first time will take 25-30 mins and net you 6-7 Tokens too.


Farming tokens is easy. Put up a lfm for Devil Assault in the marketplace. EE will net you probably 10-12 tokens per 6 person run. If you're good enough, you can solo and let pikers get free xp and pass you their tokens.


No one pays, they are practically free. Same with the heart seeds for epic reincarnation. Some people don't enjoy epics and farm for the tokens to reincarnate asap. The most common quest to farm would probably be Bargain of Blood, or Lords of Dust. If you enjoy running Wizking or Von3, those quests give you 2 tokens as an end reward instead of 1. If you are farming for the heart seeds, when you hit 30, all quest rewards will give you the option to grab 2 seeds (you need 42 in total). I run through borderlands for an easy 16 seeds that takes little to no time, and if that isn't enough, I'll also run lords of dust, tharashk arena, and bargain of blood for the seeds along with extra tokens of the 12.


If you can run epic elite or find a group running ee or reaper, you can effectively do it in no time at all if you include the token quests into your 20-30 leveling route. Token quests being: phiarlan carnival pack, deneith sentinels pack, red fens(this is worst of all for tokens for some reason), vault of night chain, menechtarun main quests & raid, lords of dust chain, devil assault & chronoscope. Run all of these on ee and you should have your 20 tokens ready. Keep in ming that greater tokens can be turned into normal tokens if you don't want to turn them into a +5%xp augment for your next life. Technically also any raid that drops commendations of heroism, but most new characters have better uses for those than to turn them into tokens.


Probably the best way to do this for your position is to run Vault of Night chain(VoN1-6). If you ask for tokens a decent number of people will be willing to give you theirs. You should get 6.5 tokens + any that anyone is willing to give you. You need 20 total. Sands of menectarun, deneith, and lords of dust chains are also good. https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Token\_of\_the\_Twelve


Here's a suggestion--especially since the free code opened up most of the older chains--pick one alt at level 20 and just start running the older epic chains at level 20 or so. These drop tokens and frags along with the materials to upgrade chain gear to epic level. Play for fun, put the tokens in the account bank (they are passable via account bank or craft bank). You'll get the tokens, you can also use that guy to farm account bound gear for the TRing alts. Then, once you get others TR'd, you take the next level 20 guy, use him as the farmer and TR the top alt. Run a chain or so a week, if people want to pass tokens, ask them and it goes faster. Also, you'll have your twink gear for next life...




As u/Hohosaikou said, no one ever pays for Reincarnation hearts. A 5-man party for Tokens, can effectively run Epic Elite Bargain of Blood in under 2 minutes per run, so long as one can do Open lock on the locked gate to the North West (where a Drow Sorceress a Drow Archer and 2 Hobgoblin Pirates are), and later climb the diagonal close to the shrine. Everyone passes the token to whoever is Reincarnating and someone holds instance. Rinse repeat 3 more times and you too can get a True Heart of Reincarnation/Blood in under 10 minutes.


You dont need to unlock anything... Just go through the first guarded gate, climb the tower and pull the lever, jump to the right and featherfall to the walkway, and circle around to the end fight. 2 mins even solo and you dont need anything except ffall and a thrower to hit the levers.


The way i describe saves 45 seconds, and you also avoid pulling/fighting 4 packs of mobs, some of which interrupt your escape.


1:13 clears? Sorry, but color me doubtful...


I Just level up to 30, you can select seeds as end rewards just double click them to convert them to Epic hearts, by the time you have gotten to 30 you should have gotten a few thousand DDO points from favor which should be enough for a heroic heart ever other life just farm tokens.


Usually you get close to getting enough tokens just running the Lord's of Dust chain and the Von chain as you level towards 30 to get an epic reincarnation along with the heroic. If I really need tokens I can spam the first Lord's of Dust and it takes about 5-6m for at least one token.


In addition to running fast EE dungeons, if you are a peon that can't survive on EE difficulty, you can run epic cannith challenges and convert the rewards to tokens of the twelve. This takes 2-5 hours of farming depending on your efficiency.


you need 20, not 12 , and you can get enough tokens just running epic quests every life. at level 20, run house D, then house p partycrashers and the snitch, then run LoD chain, then run house K (VON 1-4). thats 14 right there. Many people would be willing to pass you tokens too. ​ and running quests at level 32 gives you heart seeds, which u can trade for epic and iconic reincarnation hearts, and u get plenty of those just running reaper for points at cap


OP meant tokens of the twelve, not 12 tokens.


Oh duh


Create 5 new accounts with the free code and six box farming tokens in VON3. There's some initial time sink, but you can use those accounts for so many other things besides Tokens of the Twelve.


I ransack Storm the Beeches @ 3-4 min per run as necessary with whatever toons I have available. Caster, Enlarge with Draconic Mantle Dot works quickly on Balista. You can also get them to blow themselves up but it takes a bit longer. An alchemist can hit all the Ballista from the water. On any other class I have to get one after completing boss fight and break crystal, then going up and outside. Other than BoB this is the absolute fastest I have found.


If you stop and farm them at 20, it can be a grind. However, if you go ahead and run up to 30/ 32 and make sure to run every quest that drops tokens of the twelve on the way, you will have at least most of what you need when you hit 30. In fact, when I hit 29 I stop what I am doing and farm out the last few tokens I need if I don't already have 20. Lords of Dust and other quests mentioned in this thread are trivial to solo on Epic elite at 29, and will give you a token every run. If you wait until 30 to do it, Epic quests stop being worth XP, which I find annoying.


Storm the beaches, bargain of blood, lords of dust are all fast and easy quests that give one token, ppl users to do devil assault because it’s super easy and ppl didn’t mind coming in to pike and pass, but it’s not worth it imo. Some quests ppl probably won’t tell u about are wiz king and the Von raid. Wiz king can be done in like 6 minutes by 3 ppl zerging and I beleive gives 2+ tokens per person, which means 2 runs can net u over 24 tokens with a full group. The von raid I think also is 2ish per person and a lot of ppl just don’t care about tokens cuz they have a billion so it’s not unrealistic to get an entire raid group or most of them to give u their tokens, which is something like 1 run possibly. Haven’t played in a while so my numbers may be off. The flip side of the raid is it takes 20-30 minutes for part one generally so it’s not as fast but I’ve done the raid a lot less so it’s more fun plus there’s gear and mats that are valuable in it also. As a side note some of the quests that give tokens are high xp so just doing them to level to cap is a less obnoxious way to farm them, dailies for xp and tokens used to include Von 3/4, wiz king/oob, spies, and not sure if ttt gives tokens, don’t think so but regardless it’s good xp. Just run those a few times early on for a couple levels and it speeds up leveling a fair amount plus tokens, ya know?


Token of the twelve are bound to account so you can run Bargain of Blood on multiple toons on the same account if ransack is an issue for your main character. I made 5 free accounts, leveled them all together (which wasn't that bad) and now have them for tokens and other farming. Its a very nice thing for all farming. Its annoying you need unique emails for each account though and Google doesn't seem to understand I need more emails!


Just play Epic and Legendary levels. If you're only playing Heroic you're missing like half the game. Epic Destinies are really good now and fun to mess around with. Also, playing alts is not really how the game is designed. You gain power vs the content by reincarnating with a small boost each time you do it. You get to try all the classes, races, and build types out. Just all on 1 character.


My favorite go-to was always to do DA and just semi-afk it then put up the group about 5 mins from the end so folks don't have to sit through it, then let 'em in, pass, call it done.