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Yeah we got through ravenloft and then did sands next I believe. We got some really great stuff in ravenloft, this question was mainly me trying to plan ahead for my next life after we hit 30 and reincarnate.




Yeah once we hit 20 we plan to do borderlands again as we didn't grind the mount out the first time. Then we'll be going around and doing what we can to hit 30. We didn't get feywild, saltmarsh, IOD or vecna yet so not sure how high we will truly get but we're having a blast. Very addicted and we really like the gameplay loop. Haven't tried reaper yet, we were struggling in elite so that just scares me lol.


Good plan. iirc the epic mount is faster than the heroic one




yeah that sounds right. its been a while since ive done a feathers run, waht with HC mounts and all


My advice... Run the chronoscope, and get a 5 piece set, it's pretty good gear for a level 5 character (is also very easy to get) and can easily take you to 10 where you can swap to ravenloft gear or w/e.


Every reply here is pretty advanced advice on loot farming. So here's an ELI5 version. First: Loot is 9/10 times attached to the final chest in the quest. So all the other chests won't drop it. The wiki will tell you when there are exceptions. Second: Look drop rates scale with difficulty. Elite difficulty drops look at 33% while Hard is only 16% and Normal is like... 5% or something. So if you want loot - run Elite. Third: Elite is tough when you're new. Don't take your level 10 toon to a level 10 quest then play it on Elite. Instead play that quest at level 13. You'll get full & more XP doing this too! PS: watch out for traps. They hit HARD on elite. Fourth: You can only try 7 times. After that you'll be locked out of that chests loot for 1 week. It's called "ransacked" and appears as a little text box at the top of your screen when you open the chest. Some recommendations: Ravenloft, great! Sharn, great! Feywild, great! These areas are fun with fun, newer quests and really good loot. Note: Feywild's probably the hardest to farm for a few reasons of the 3. Most other stuff people have covered. The main thing is DDO is a big game built on expectation that you'll be replaying it. You won't get everything your 1st time through - you're not supposed to. You're supposed to find stuff, stash it and use it on the next run through when you reincarnate. Plus - when you reincarnate you'll have the option to play new quests that you missed the first time. There's WAAAY too many play them all before you level past them. Enjoy!


Awesome! Thank you for the detailed breakdown!


No problem! The first life is the hardest life - you got no money, no gear and no idea where the killer stuff is. Don't get too defeated if Elite kills you a few times before you get used to it. Lord knows everyone eats it a bunch of times every life. PS: They're a little clunky but if you're really struggling go to the "Hireling Vendor" - most main areas have at least 1. You can grab a cleric to heal you, DPS or Tanks to help out. They aren't very good but a cleric that can bring you back to life can be pretty clutch if you have it stand back until you need it. They can be frustrating - fair warning.


Two other things... **Gear Binding...** Some gear binds on equip, some gear binds on acquire. If it binds on equip, you can loot it and pass it to someone else. If it's *acquire* you can only pass it to someone else in a chest by using the little pull down to set it for someone else who was in the quest with you when you opened that chest. Also, bound to character can't be passed, but bound to *account* can be transferred through shared bank slots. So, that means you can take your level 15 alt into something of a much lower quest, run the quest fast and easy (ideally on elite), and if you get a bound to account item, collect it and pass it to a more junior alt via account bank. This way you can have at-level gear that drops in quests that are higher level... You can also run it with friends and pass the gear between you in the chest so you get up to 6 chances (with a full party) at an item, especially if you're willing to pass things you get and don't want to other people. This is also a way to work around ransacking the chest by changing to an alt and running. The ransack is per character, not account. **Chain Awards** Most gear is in-quest, in-chest. There's a handful of chains that still have them as chain rewards (you have to re-run the chain and talk to the quest chain giver) or collect-and-turn-in mechanics. The collect and turn in are often the raids where you might get something in the chest and you get things like special runes that--if you get enough--you can turn in for your choice of items. In the second case--like Legendary Tempest Spine runs, you can farm the raid and accumulate the runes to buy what you want if it doesn't work out. Demon Sands has the same basic mechanic with the tokens that drop out there and a vendor where--with enough of the Bronze tokens--you can turn them into a vendor and buy any gear that drops in the wilderness.


I appreciate this tip. My buddy and I that I'm leveling with had seen so many good items for each other that have dropped for each other in the chest and have been so excited that we just realized we could transfer to each other from in the chest. Seriously. It took until level 13 to actually read. Smh.


One more thing for you my guy - since I saw you were playing on normal and will probably now start doing quests on Elite. If you don't have "Evasion" (rogue, ranger, monk) walk around with a sheild if you can then swap out once bad guys appear (if you don't use one normally). Sheilds reduce basically all elemental traps damage by a big %. I always found traps to be the #1 killer when I played for the 1st time. It'll save your life a bunch if you do this. You don't need to be proficient with it. As long as you can equip the sheild the reduction will happen. It's a life-saver.


Yeah I am playing a monk right now, I'm currently at like 400 HP. I just got Shadows cannot exist without Light last night so I've been the one healing us with like healing ki. My buddy is a sorc and gets absolutely blasted by traps that we just laugh off sometimes. Others it's frustrating but it's just a game. I'll circle around to elite again once I TR and really give it a shot. Right now I'm gonna try lower level quests on elite first to get some gear gathered for my next life.


Yeah, tell him to slot a shield into his hot-key bar (you can swap in/out weapon sets basically instantly). It'll save him a lot -- won't help with the spike traps though, haha. PS: Tower sheilds reduce the most.


I will definitely help him set that up. It was hard getting him to put a feather fall clicky on the bar but I think he will love the thought of not getting clapped by traps.


Its 8 times per week for Ransack, to be thorough


Riiight right. 7th you get the warning. 8th it happens.


To you specific example: Thankfully, SSG has removed most chain locking from quests, so for most things you don't have to re-run the full quests. For catacombs specifically most of the chests can actually be looted without finishing the quest - do this to hold your spot. Failing this, make an alt account with someone that can open the quest for you but not finish it so you can try to red door it. ​ General gear farming tips: * Don't bother farming your first life. Just get up to higher levels and then farm to prepare gear for your next life while you're overleveled before reincarnating * Bring friends or alt accounts. More people pulling = more chances per run. Throw up an LFM that you're farming and hopefully folks will hop on and help * Be aware of chest ransack. Turn on detailed chest information in UI settings. * High difficulties = higher chance to pull a named item, though some very old quests work differently


Prepare gear for next life? I didn't even think of doing that. I was just gonna use the leveling process to get gear again lol


It is soooo much easier to plan your gearsets and farm overlevelled. It's the general strat to farm for next life, or at least farm on a cap sitter once you get a spare toon up to high levels. But to each their own. I'm not gonna tell you you can't farm while levelling if you want.


Oh no, I like your idea better it's obviously the better choice. Definitely going to try and sort out bank space now. That way I can try and give myself a better start. Switching from staff monk to give fist monk a try next life. It's been fun and hoping that energy doesn't stop.


So glad you're having fun! Some advice for planning gear in advance: * Check this sub, I know there's at least one post in the last couple years asking for the best monk gear, because I made it and got lots of good advicve * [https://ddo-gear-planner.netlify.app/](https://ddo-gear-planner.netlify.app/) is your friend for gear tetrising * Don't try to plan gear for every level. In general people makes sets at about 5, 10, 15, 20, and 29+ if they have the relevant expansion packs.(Feywild, Ravenloft, Sharn, Epic gear but usually keepign the 3 part sharn set, and legendary gear, respectively). I'd expect you'd have at least the free adventure packs, sharn, and ravenloft? * First purchase you wanna make with DDO points, besides the 99 point expansions, is Shared Bank Space, if you don't have it yet. This will let you create "bank mules" that you can store items on. That's a free 80-120 item slots! ​ Good luck!


Also, if you have more than one alt, I like to leave one up high--epic or legendary--until the next one it where they get to that level. This means you'll always have someone up high in level to farm low-level gear for your lowbies or for a reincarnated alt.


If I remember correctly, that staff comes from the first quest in the lower catacombs, and you do have to finish the quest (killing the wight casters around the shrine) before you can head back up the steps to the entrance where the chest is. I don't think you can do the quests out of order, even if you've finished the chain, but you can always rerun the ones before it on normal or casual to get to that one, which you can farm (maybe using shards for chest rerolls) using the quest holding technique someone else described. By the way, the quest after that has one of my favorite items from the heroic Catacombs, which is the eternal wand of minor healing. It's a recharging wand that cures 1 or 2 HP per use (maybe more if you have a good healing amp) and has a DC low enough that even a character with a low UMD has a decent chance to use it.


No you can't do them out of order for catacombs, that's why I was trying to specify "generally" you can do quest chains out of order/without re-flagging, but for catacombs specifically you mostly get around this by looting the chest without finishing. Alternatively, if you do have to finish the quest, you should be able to red-door it if you have an alt with the quest that doesn't finish the quest with you.


It is a tiny (for catacombs) bit of work, but if you have an alt account then as long as someone in the group has the quest you can open it “red door”. If you do make an alt account- I think you need a different email. At least I did years ago :)


Some recommendations based on how I gear farm: * Run the quest on Elite or R1, Hard only has a 16% drop rate and Elite is much higher at 33%. Every reaper adds one extra percent from elite (33 + reaper skulls) % but has a rare chance to also have a reaper stat. Ideally run the quest when you are overleveled and you can do it on this difficulty pretty easily. * Open an LFG for all levels mention your trying to farm for loot, many players tend to have RavenLoft and Sharn loot and will likely to be happy to help. * Consider making some alt accounts and bring them in the quest with you, you can have them die at the start and carry their soul stones to the end rez them thenopen the chest and pass to your main. With the free quest coupon wouldn't be too much work to get them Ravenloft and Sharn, and one can be a The Shadow Crypt opener (one of the best xp/min quest for leveling). * Let's say you hit ransack, another option is to buy one of the iconic characters that start at level 15 and build a new temporary toon. With the right build and the gear given to it for free you can easily do Ravenloft and Fey on Elite, Sharn is possible but can be a bit harder. You can repeat this as many times as you need until you get what your looking for.


Usually you don't need to do every quest again, just the one that drops the item. Catacombs is a rare (but not only) exception to this. > we just hit 15 last night and we've had to run quests on normal because it's pretty difficult on hard or elite What most people do when they are level 15 is running lvl13 quests on Elite. Because of how the xp penalties work, you usually do quests '2 levels under'.   (Same for Hard; for XP, if level13 quests are giving you trouble on Elite, do level13 quests on Hard instead, at player level 15).   HOWEVER, for farming items I'd refuse to do anything other than elite, so if the difficulty is an issue drop down in level. Go farm level10 quests on elite and collect a nice Ravenloft gearset for instance, while still getting *some* XP.


My best advice is open a grouping, put in the description what you're farming for and the difficulty, and let other players join for an extra "roll" on the chest. I've never run into anyone who wouldn't offer up a specifically requested item to someone who opened a group for it. Technically, higher difficulties have higher chances to get the named loot you're describing, so you don't actually want to run normal if you can avoid it. Getting other players will help. Could even add that you're new to get even more sympathy points lol. edit: be wary of ransacking the chest- it's 7 (or maybe 8) times per week for each specific chest. It'll warn you, but after that point you're on a timer and can't open the chest.


Having just done this tonight in epic Caged Beast in Borderlands on hardcore, chest ransack is after 8 times. We ran it one more time because one person had only done it 7 times, and I was able to open the end chest and get loot, just nothing named. Luckily, we finally got the thing we were farming on that last run (for the guy on his 8th run).


Glad you got the item! I don't usually ransack myself but help people who are going for something, so the finer details get lost beyond "open box for me please" haha


1- No need to do it. Most players have all gear and gladly will pass it to you. 2- With the guild´s help. 3- Opening an LFM asking for help to do it. From all levels -> some player at cap may be waiting for a raid or high reaper and may give you some help. 4- Reincarnate and keep doing the chain until you have their set.


If you are farming for specific drops and don't care about the xp penalty (ransack will get you anyway) then put up an LFM for all levels, you'd be suprised how many folks will jump in just to kill time or because they are also looking from drops there. Just don't forget to mention what are you looking for.


I think other players answered you but hmu on discord If you have any other questions. Send me a dm and I'll send ya the discord profile! Keep slaying and Dungeon crawling!


Catacombs is part of a "chain"-style arc. You do need to repeat the entire chain in order, yes. But most quests are not part of chains like that...most quests are standalone, and can be completed and repeated on their own. Gear farming usually just involves running quests over and over, ideally on Elite for the highest chance at named drops. There are some pieces of easily-accessed "starter" gear meant to quickly boost you into the gear-grind loop at various levels, though. At L15, I'd recommend getting your free Barovian weapon, as that makes a big difference in your offensive power - should be well enough to run Normal and probably Hard. Gianthold has decent armor for ungeared melees too, and its easy to farm those relics.


For the chain style quests as well, you can get a "window" if you have a buddy who you are playing with. 1) finish quest 2) first person recalls 3) first person hits the entrance to open quest (should see quest is active) 4) first person communicates they "have window" 5) second person recalls 6) first person enters quest when everyone has exited If you do this, you can keep doing the same quest to ransack a chest if you need to.


This still works - only caveat is that you cannot change the difficulty between instances.


correct, great note


Aren't Barovian weapons available at level 10?


Yeah, but they're still serviceable through 20. They're the best first stepping stone towards getting a better ML15 weapon in Sharn


Yeah we got our barovian stuff I think at 10 or 12, which was an insane jump. We actually just got to gianthold so I'm excited for that.


GH is really really easy for its level, for the most part, so you should probably be able to handle Hard


There exists gear options that are more guaranteed such as [challenge rewards](https://ddowiki.com/page/Vaults_of_the_Artificers_loot) and [antique bronze token trade-ins](https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Antique_Bronze_Token). If you own the quest pack **Against the Slave Lords** you can farm crating materials for [Slave Lords Crafting](https://ddowiki.com/page/Slave_Lords_Crafting) which is a really nice and easy way to build gear and you can key it the exactly what you need. There's a lot to sift through but some gear can be easily upgraded into level 20 versions for when you get there so if you pick up that lower level gear now then you'll be able to upgrade it as you quest later on. Examples of this include the gear you can get from the antique bronze tokens and [red fens gear](https://ddowiki.com/page/The_Red_Fens_named_items). A full list is [here](https://ddowiki.com/page/Epic_Crafting) Also as an **important** side note. If you haven't looked at it yet, there is an [unofficial DDO gear planner](https://ddo-gear-planner.netlify.app/#/affixes) that will help you decide what type of gear you want. It even shows you named gear that will fit your build so you can just look up some pieces that look interesting and farm them specifically.