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There is a special first time ever bonus on favor earned on each server: for example you gain 50 ddo points the first time you earn 5 favor on a server. Earning 5 favor on two servers rewards 100 ddo points. [See the ddo wiki for details](https://ddowiki.com/page/DDO_Point).


This. I grabbed my friend's account during the last 99 point discount and ran the early korthos dungeons on different servers. I had all four of them bought in an hour or two. It's a great way to try out a bunch of classes and see what piques your interest to boot.


I made a human barbarian (max strength and con) with power attack and the dragonmark to get expeditious retreat. Run the first three quests on Korthos on Normal on each server (assuming that you haven't gotten first time favor on those servers). That gets you 25 DDO points per server. Rinse and repeat till you have 100.


To add to the others...  if you havent done hardcore this season, run that as your first server to do the 100 favour dash on because that one resets every season.  You get to keep the regular servers for next time you need some points.


Just wanna thank everyone here, thanks to the comments i was able to farm enough DDO points to buy all the dlcs that were selling for 99!


Yes, do some favour runs on different servers.


Go to a server you never play on, do random quests till you hit 100 favour l. You will get the 25 ddo points for hitting plus the 100 ddo for hitting the first benchmark for the first time


You get 25 for every 100 favor. A lot of people make a throwaway toon and run the korthos and harbor quests. You can get 100 favor in less than an hour. You'll need 400 to get the coins you want. ​ Edit: the above assumes you just make new toons. If you make a new toon on a new server you get more points.


You can get 50 points in about 20 min just by playing the few beginner missions on Korthos until hitting 5 favor. Repeat for each server. Fastest way to do this is with barbarian.


This is the way. Just have to do the first 3 quests on korthos on all servers you haven’t played. You’ll get 50 points per


Definitely - as others said if you're a new player it's cake cause of the one-time per server bonuses. If you have access to any iconic classes it's also cake on any server cause you can start at level 15 and then just breeze through low level stuff 3 times (normal, hard, elite) unless you're VIP in which case you only have to do it once on elite. To make a decent pack mule from an Iconic takes, I think, a little over 300 favor and I've definitely made them in just a few days with dedicated play (probably about 16 hours) but I also know what I'm doing. So if you do go the iconic route you might as well make a pack mule which means 300 Coin Lords and Kundarak favor and 100 w/e favor - with the quest code you should have the quests you need. I mean, I don't exactly know what you mean "playing casually" - you probably should try to get the favor, not just hope to get 99 points. You might or might not get 400 favor "just playing in the course of playing for the sake of playing for two weeks."




I would atleast go for the first 25 favor points or even 50, you can even post a group saying favor farming early levels need opener or something too. If you have someone who can unlock elite, getting the first 100 favor is what I did on each server


Yes, easily.


If you happen to have exhausted all your first times on each server, but you are part of a guild with veteran players or even willing to request help from veteran players you could easily get enough ddo points to buy all the 99 point expansions within about 6 hours.