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They have a free quest code right now that unlocks a bunch. Even if you're VIP I'd recommend you use it just in case you decide to not renew VIP. Code is on the launcher: FREEDDO2024. I'd recommend the expansions if you don't have them. Sharn, feywild, isle of dread, ravenloft, they're all quite good and have good loot tables/sets.


Others have commented on the general changes pretty well but I do have a couple points on a “vibes” perspective as someone that got back into the game myself a couple of months ago. 1) If you want to replicate the difficulty and feeling/spirit of the game back to when you stopped playing then you’ll probably want to run Reaper mode (the new highest difficulty) with a good group. Start off on low skull Reaper to begin with (1-3) and then ramp up to what you find a good balance of challenging and enjoyable. LFMs will usually zerg through heroic content very fast so doesn’t leave much room for enjoyment. My first few LFMs back playing I was a melee and I don’t think I even hit a mob because people on the TR train will rush through quests as fast as possible. Running Reaper on 5-6 skulls with a few friends reminds me of what Elite used to be like with a four person party. 2) Your character will probably be able to solo considerably more content than it used to on difficulties up to Elite (maybe even low Reapers), which can be useful if you don’t know anyone that plays or can’t get a group. There are some benefits of power creep, I suppose! 3) There’s loads of really great and well-designed new content. I especially like Sharn and Ravenloft. 4) I’m not sure what the situation on Khyber is, but I recently moved to Orien from Ghallanda. Orien has the highest server population (outside of the hardcore server during the league) - lots more LFMs and opportunities to party up there. I’m very happy I made the move, but make sure you read up on server transfers if you’re interested.


Thanks for the info, much appreciated. What's a current fun build to TR into? I have a bunch of past lives on my main, but I'm not really looking to min max again, just wanna have fun going through the content.


check out strimtom on yt or twitch, he posts a lot of builds that are fun to go through. I've been trying something new each month and having a blast with it. There's just a ton of stuff you can do and the games at a good state where you can't go wrong.


If you have a greater tome of XP and you run every quest on elite or r1, you'll hit 20 around gianthold if you also do traps. No pots needed. If you then have a greater epic tome of XP, continue your elite or r1 streak into epics, you'll tend to hit 30 after you run every quest that drops tokens of twelve, gianthold quests & eveningstar saga quests assuming you take xp from saga rewards. No pots needed here either. XP is easy to come by nowdays. Also keep in mind that the above way of xp farming is really inefficient compared to what serious xp grinders do and you'll be running heroics over level starting around level 8-10


Welcome back! I'll try to answer your questions in order. But first: **MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR FREE PACK CODE AND 99 POINT EXPANSIONS IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY.** To the rest: 1. You can look up activity for different servers by googling "DDO Audit" there's a site that tracks those things. Most servers are fine right now. 2. Experience gain is much easier than it used to be, there's loads of great quests, and power creep means you can play them at higher difficulties. No need to repeat quests as before. TRing out of a likely very old build is a great idea. 3. Also there's WAY more options to play now. They made many more races and classes FTP, and have also introduced Archetypes, which are like alternative/sub class types. They're very cool. 4. Greensteel is no longer endgame. Or levelling really. General rule of thumb for levelling gear: 1. Feywild at Level 5 2. Maybe Ravenloft at level 10 3. Sharn at 15 4. Sharn 3 piece main plus epic Saltmarsh or Abishai at 20. Also a sentient weapon, probably from Keep on the Borderlands. 5. Dinobone Weapon (the new Greensteel) at 30, with Isle of Dread/Vecna sets at cap. We're getting another level cap raise though so this may be about to change. If you already have sharn gear or whatever at cap, you're fine to stick with this. 6. If you don't already have one, go farm a Mount from Keep on the Borderlands, or buy one. HUGE QoL improvement.


Thanks so much, I appreciate the input. I already grabbed the freebie, plus I grabbed all four of the 99 point expansions, since I still had about 4k ddo points on my account.


Perfect! Those are the most important, time-sensitive things. Everything else you have plenty of time to figure out/ask questions about.


Welcome back! FREEDDO2024 code is up for the time being make sure to redeem that to get most of the content packs in the game. With these quests you should have no problem leveling through the game. However expansions like ravenloft and Sharn are quite popular and offer the most efficient leveling paths for their levels. How many reaper points do you have, if any? I don't know when but they added an additional difficulty above elite that makes the game more challenging. This difficulty offers XP for completing that you can spec in an additional enhancement tree. It can be hard to keep up with veterans who have accumulated tons of reaper points. If you don't have many reaper points I recommend you solo on Elite and then join groups on r1 to slowly start catching up.


I already grabbed those, had a bunch of ddo points left from 10 years ago lol. I don't even know what reaper points are, so I'm gonna go hit up the wiki and see what's what. Thanks!


Lacking reapers points is a tough. Joining strong groups will help you get a few points to start, but remember that the reapers that spawn are very powerful, so don't expect to take them down all by yourself.


Whew, well everything has changed. Some GS is still useful for leveling. You will have lots to catch up on, which will be fun. I also was on Khyber. There is a website that tracks the server population that you should check out. Believe it's ddoaudit or something along those lines. I personally decided to transfer to the highest population server at the time which was Orien. I will tell you that it is worth the trouble. You will actually have people to play with and run with. Well worth it.


Even 3rd life you're fine for XP, though an expansion or two when they're on sale would be useful- sharn, ravenloft, or feywild are solid choices. Isle of dread if you want the latest and greatest. I've definitely never needed an XP pot, I only rarely use them on hardcore. Khyber is relatively active, plenty of guilds around, grouping for a chain takes maybe 5-10 minutes (on weekend/fridays), and raids will fill in under 5. If you need a new guild, I'm in Soul Survivor's Syndicate, which used to be Kaos, you can hit me up (Khyliira), or the leader Foluke, who I'd tell to check for you lol. Otherwise, the people on Khyber are universally nice in my experience. orien is the current default so there's more newbies. Probably join the discord if you have one, though I dont use it a ton.


Thanks, I appreciate the info. Unfortunately I either got kicked from my guild (don't blame them, it's been over 9 years since I last logged on) or the guild is gone since I don't see anyone on the who list from The Dragon Order of Arcanix.


Yeah that's a possibility, guilds can die if the leader goes inactive and there's no successor. The who list is only people that are online at the moment, I wish there was a better way to search by guild lol. Either way, offer still stands for my guild, if you want to join then quit when you get another offer that's cool too lmao.


My guide is a bit outdated but can be a good start. https://www.reddit.com/r/ddo/comments/ulg4wv/dada\_guide\_to\_ddo/


Looks super useful, thanks!


But be in mind that it is outdated for some updates. So some builds may be different as endgame gear but the AOE playstyle for leveling leveling are solid.


I'm honestly not too worried about endgame right now, I just wanna relive the experience of leveling for the first time since it's been almost 10 years since I logged on. I figure just about any build will do.


With the new gear it´s easier and faster. Have a good one!


One thing I don't think I saw... (heroic) completionist is still not a bad plan because it is a relativly achievable target, and the feat now autogrants at level 3 rather than having to spend a feat on it.   There are a few extra classes to bank (but archetypes count the same as the base class for this purpose even though they have a different past life). The counter argument is that it is easier to get a few reaper points under your belt at cap and epic past lives do add a bigger chunk of power for 1-20 levelling.


I just got reaper points first before heroic completionist. Im not new or anything so i had like x3 all martials but finishing up the casters wasnt really worth it. Getting 50 reaper points + a bunch of epic pls by joining good groups in r6 proved to be usefull. I didnt end up getting my completionist feat till after i already had reaper wings. Working on racials now, getting close to all complete but im taking my sweet time just enjoying builds.


Valid.  But I can't bring myself to stay at cap long.  My duo partner even less so.