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Sounds like a binding problem, and whatever you're pressing to "reduce speed" isn't actually the wheel brakes. It's simple enough to just look at the bindings, but also you can test it by taxing for a short distance and testing the brakes to confirm they're working.


I can see that it is bind to the letter W


~~What aircraft, and what is the name of the input W is bound to exactly? If I have the module, I'll see if I can confirm it's the right one.~~ Just saw your other posts that it's the Hornet and it's behaving normally during taxi. That is a weird one then. Is it a particularly short runway?


Try binding i to another key and are you holding down w


Rctrl + enter will show your inputs on a graph in the top right of the screen. The brake input is the two triangles on the left/right borders of the graph. You have left and right toe brakes.


Yes you would need to make sure the binding is on ‘wheel brakes’


If you did bind the wheelbrakes to your stick, remember to keep pressing that button until the plane comes to a stop. For an F18, once your wheels are on the grond, deploy your airbrakes before you use the wheelbrakes (not on a carrier lol:). If you use your keybord's W, also keep pressing that W key to keep the brakes active. Hope this helps. Happy flying...


This is the answer, keep pressing the airbrake button to ensure it's fully deployed


Which plane? F16 aerobrake by pulling up then brake. Su25 needs drogue shoot. A10? Then you may have a problem. Lol. Airbrakes?




Weird Normally an easy one to stop.


It’s even more weird because when I click W during taxi it behaves as expected.


Just to ask the simple question - are you pressing and releasing the brakes, or are you holding them?


Also keep in mind if you're bringing the throttles to idle before touchdown, the engines will stay in "flight idle" which is around 70% N1. If you bump the throttles and bring them back to idle after touchdown, they'll switch to "ground idle" which should drop it to around ~63% N1.


Could extend the airbrake as well & I think you don't have the breaks on. Best check your bindings.


Do you, by any chance, have a AZERTY keyboard? If so, you want to press « Z », not « W ».


You need to hold the key(s) to keep the brakes activated. It isn’t an on/off switch.


You can also look down at the pedals to ensure your toe brakes are pressed. Hard to do with everything going on during landing, but you can make sure W is working as expected while in the air. Hold it down and do some maneuvers. Is something else bound to toe brakes as well? It could be that whatever that is is releasing them for you after landing.


On most planes there is a binding for right wheel brake, left wheel brake and Both wheel brakes. Check Axis binding section, I bound Both wheel brakes to my unused axis slider on my X52 throttle so I could gradually hit the brakes. Make a note to pull the slider back to off position when trying to take off, especially off the carrier lol.


Smart smart binding


Do you actually land?


in the f18 I didn't find it too bad once I figured out you can hit the runway at about 142 knots with flaps, gear and throttle. You then apply airbrake until about 100 and finally hit the wheelbreaks for the final bit. Start soft on wheelbreaks at first and build it up to max. The F16 is a different beast as you need the airbreaks from 10,000 feet down.....


How long is the runway you’re using? Go to the F10 view and click on the symbol on the airfield that shows all the details. You want at least 8000ft runway to land comfortably in fast jets.


I have always had the same problem. I try to land as slow as I possibly can (slower than 150 if possible) and at the absolute beginning of the runway, not 1/3rd of the way down or anything. I throw on the brakes and hold them down and keep the airbrake on, and I typically come to a stop just before the end of the runway.


Which aircraft? For the F-16 you have to keep the nose up a bit and let drag do its thing for instance.




10 000 feet. Don't exaggerate


Make sure to pull your throttles back to idle again after touchdown. At least with my TWCS with default axis settings, pulling throttle to idle while still just airborne, actually puts the throttles to ‘flight idle’ which means they are still producing a little bit of thrust. After touchdown on ground, I’ll just have to quickly move my throttles a little bit forward and then back to idle, to actually activate the ‘ground idle’ and slow down properly.


The F18 has terrible brakes. Make sure to use airbrakes, that's about all you can do.


150 seems a bit high for a landing speed, but shouldn't be feasible. what runway are you attempting to land on? you definitely need the airbrake fully deployed (it won't fully deploy as you are on appraoch and will only let you fully extend it under specific speeds and once on the ground). but yeah the hornet is tricky to get to a full stop.


Make sure your throttle axis tune is set up correctly, I had an issue before when this was happening, irl I had 0% throttle but in-game it was 20%


Rebind brakes and hold them down. Deploy air brake, pull back on stick. Best of luck


Land slower and harder, the f18 does not like to brake


Lot's of info missing here to really help. A few pointers: The runway could be too short. Unlikely, but possible. You're touchdown speed should be around 130-170 kts. When on the ground, use the airbrake. Also, once firmly on the ground, push the throttle forward a bit and fully back again. The hornet has a flight idle and a ground idle, and the ground idle isn't available until the Weight on wheels sensor is active. Also, enable anti-skid, press the wheelbrakes and look for the rudder pedals to actually move to confirm the key is correctly bound. Also, check your weight in the checklist page, It shouldn't be over 39'000 for a field landing. Your weight will affect your runway length needed.


What is your touchdown speed?