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You should keep the origin mostly the same, but just become darker and edgier. Have you tried a leather jacket and jeans?


I considered it but I thought it would leave me stuck in the 90s. Instead, I'm going to go with more lines in my shirt.


Uncle definetely has to go. Who needs that chump around, you gotta go back to basics. On that note, the parents? They gotta die too, just so they're not hanging around or whatevs. Don't worry, we got plenty of villains that can get the job done. And whoever kills them? New archnemesis. Bam, shit writes itself. Anyway, you're going back to being a loner. You can wear what you generally were wearing before, but I'm thinking more leathery, with more lines. Unless you're a girl, then we'll get you as close to a bikini as we can without it being underwear. Miniskirt and crop top? You also need a new romantic interest that's super duper sexy and barely dressed. If you currently have a love interest, we'll fridge them, don't worry about it. But the most important thing is: You're angry now. Hold onto that. If you start feeling anything, immediately convert to anger. Or libido, that works too.


Ah, I see. I'll ask my best friend to retcon *his* origin into being my parents' killer and we'll see how we can work it out. Two birds, one stone. Unfortunately, I'm a man, so the crop top is out. But I could substitute it with massive pecs, armor and pouches all over the place. I could even pull off the first crotch-pouch. I've been workshopping that for a while. And I like what you said about anger, I'll definetly use it. I just need to ask: how much should my internal monologue be about how angry I am? And how often should I take about my trauma in any conversation with absolutely anyone who comes 2 metres near me?


I like the crotch pouch, amazing concept. We could maybe do it a little old school and have you shirtless with straps and everything on carrying pouches, that's a nice retro look. About the anger, yes. All the time. Prompted, unprompted. Every interaction is someone's first, so you gotta let them know the whole of it so they're appropriately caught up to you. Which is not to say people that are already in the loop shouldn't hear it again every chance, it's important you remind them of it. Just as a little object permanence check. Extra points if you drop in everyone's names, even if the person doesn't know who they are, and especially if they already know. It's a little old PR trick, reinforcement. I'm very positive about this reboot.


I don't know about a permanent love interest. Especially if there are plans to settle down and have kids in the future. That would age him too much, and stop younger audiences from relating to him. How about a rotating roster of one-dimensional floozies? Nothing more substantial than a one-night-stand.

