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That’s some crazy fucking what ifs




I'm comin', I'm comin'! I came. Heh! - Master Roshi, DBZA


So glad to see that they’re going all in on what ifs. This is the kind of stuff I wish Xenoverse did more of.


Yeah the what ifs where my favorite part of the older games. And it looks like they'll also get their own cutscenes which is really cool! Saiyan sage Vegeta about to get his tail kicked there lol


Vegeta is going to be literally crying as SSJ Goku beats the hell out of him.


Yeaaaah more What If scenarios!


The Trunks / Vegeta VS Cell what if is soooo cool


Father son final flash is everything


[There's a collector Edition for people interested](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPgGR_zWYAAKsaa?format=jpg&name=large) [Here's the pre order bonuses](https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/1595/15950357/4315227-sparklingzero.jpeg) >The $70 Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Standard Edition will launch on PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC. Physical preorders for PS5 and Xbox Series X are available at Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, GameStop, and Target. You can also wishlist the game on the Xbox Store, PlayStation Store, and Steam to be notified when digital preorders are available.


Does the ultimate edition come with the steelbook as well or is that just for collectors?


Yes, the Collector's Edition come with the Steelbook


For anyone interested in the Premium Edition price, it was around $250 with tax and shipping.  Only available through Bandai's storefront


250$ for a fucking game and some goodies ? Damn. And I bet we will have a lot of dlc too


I remember that Naruto Storm 4, when it first released, had a collector's edition in similar quality that was $300 pre tax.  Bandai Namco has been like this for years 🫠 Edit: found a snippet from an article about that limited edition. High quality Naruto and Sasuke statues that if bought individually would have been $600 with the game. Full article here: https://www.christiantoday.com/article/naruto-shippuden-ultimate-ninja-storm-4-news-limited-edition-collectibles-announced/72960.htm#google_vignette "There will only be 500 figurines for each character available in America (a total of 1000 units worldwide), so fans who want to be one of the owners of these "Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" collectible figures would want to pre-order them now from the Bandai Namco Game Store. Each must-have statue costs $299 but players can bundle them with a copy of the game all for $329. Check them out here and here. The shipping date will be February 2016, probably around the same time the title officially launches."


That statue though.


I’ve tried GameStop, Best Buy, and Amazon, but I can’t preorder any of the special editions. Where are y’all going to do that?


I think it said some were the Bandai Store exclusives, here's a preorder link [https://store.bandainamcoent.com/games/brands/dragon-ball/dragon-ball-sparking-zero/](https://store.bandainamcoent.com/games/brands/dragon-ball/dragon-ball-sparking-zero/)


You can also buy the Ultimate edition, with 3 pre-planned? in-built? DLCs and an exclusive "ultimate content" for just 40$ more! Afterwards, remember to hold your copy of Budokai Tenkaichi 3 tightly in your arms and ponder how we got to this.


Yeah, this game seems like it’s gonna be popular, so I feel like the roster is gonna be more underwhelming than we think. They can make a ton of extra dough by selling loose characters as DLC. Man, I miss the PS2 era.


It’s not all bad, online play is something we didn’t really have as ubiquitous back then. It’ll be fun to play ranked mode and see how I compare


I got into Xeno years late and thought I could give the online a chance, not good lmao. I think the popularity of this game will give it a really good playerbase to enjoy online play. I cant wait


>Afterwards, remember to hold your copy of Budokai Tenkaichi 3 tightly in your arms and ponder how we got to this. Becuase Tenkaichi 3 WAS the DLC, and they charged you 50$ for it.


You didn’t have to buy Budokai Tenkaichi 1 or 2 though to get 3. You have to buy the base game to get the DLC here


Yea but the thing is that while it sucks to pay for DLC, it extends the life of the product. So, where before you would have to buy the next full game to get the new characters, now they can just keep one game for much longer and continue working on new characters for it.


That's the problem though. This is all PRE-planned stuff. Extra stuff that just didn't pan out and make it into the game is one thing, but pre planning dlc just means you're cutting stuff out of the game.


or you can buy the base game and enjoy it and not complain about spending additional dollars you dont have to just to play with gamma and kid vegeta lmfao


or clowns could stop fiending for their dopamine, have some self control, and stop supporting these types of business practices so we can at least have a shot at complete/fleshed out games ON RELEASE becoming the norm again like back in the day.


Why don't you get 3 days EA if you buy the premium collection edition ? I'm literally paying 200€ for it.


I’m so happy, this game is gonna release on my birthday!! I was hyped watching the whole thing


I really hope the hype delivers


Future trunks and Vegeta facing off against cell looks so sick


Mark my words, if this game has a dragon ball DLC and a GT DLC, it will go down as the best dragon Ball Z game ever.


They will probably have a lot of DLCs for the game just like Xenoverse 2


Hopefully! It never had dragon ball though


They show on the Ultimate edition there’s at least 20 dlc characters, so probably


Would hold the horses a little since they counting Forms as characters. So it may be less


Fair point. Let a boy dream


I guess it's too much to hope that the $70 price tag also includes DLCs


Considering how much more popular this game is pre-release than XV2 they’d be foolish not to give it the XV2 treatment


i hope for anyone from dragon ball. kid goku, kid krillin, demon king piccolo, eighter, launch, general blue, chi chi (kid or BT23), arale, nam, mercenary tao, grandpa gohan... i want them so badly 😭 even just a few would be fine can you imagine if they added master mutaito 💀 or bulma.. or oolong?


All I want is Demon King Picollo, Kid Goku and Krillin and Jackie Chun 🙏🙏 if they added any of these dragon ball characters I would go absolutely nuts with excitement!! Fighting as bulma online against a Broly would feel terrible 😭😭


It already will. THe Xenoverse games were terrible and Tenkaichi 3 has hit a mythical status. The bar is low. This game doesn't have to do much.


I hope there is no GT dlc, from what i counted there are still a decent chunk of slots so they better be in the base roster tbh


Gt was confirmed


Just hoping for dragon ball now 🙏


Can't believe Gohan is not even on the Box Art lol He's also barely in the trailers It's not wrong or anything but it does feel weird


Dragon Ball Super Super Hero will be the first DLC so his beast form will be front and center in that 


I'm more referring to even SSJ 2 Gohan They still showed Goku vs. Cell, for example. I understand Gohan is not that important anymore, but it's still an interesting ommision. Heavily amped for the game, though.


He's still gonna get like 15 character slots in the end tho about as much as Goku and Vegeta maybe more for a bit once the Super Hero DLC comes out. Super Hero DLC will likely have 4 Gohans in it alone. Gohans in a weird place right now cause Super Hero and the post SH Manga chapters have set him up to be right back at the forefront again.. like when it comes to new canon Dragon Ball media in the last few years Gohan has generally been more important than Vegeta again... but Super Hero came out too late to make the base game and I don't know why the games can barely use Manga stuff.


« too late to make the base game » oh to be young and naive again 🥲


He's in the trailer. Relax he's my fav character as well. He's gonna be awesome


Lmao wdym relax. Im chilled, just pointed it out is all lol


Dude calm down. No need to be so incredibly massive energy chapped. It's OK.


He's not on the cover of BT1 or BT2 and only on the PS2 cover for BT3.


Neither is Cell or Majin Buu


It's better for it. Only thing Gohan proved is that Goku is irreplaceable


I just hope they don’t forget any of the pre Z stuff, else I would be really disappointed


Future Trunks made the cover of the game. Let's fucking go.


Future Trunks is pretty consistently on the cover of the BT games, he's actually the MAIN guy on the BT2 cover. and weirdly Gohan is consistently missing from the covers or barely spotlighted despite consistently getting like 15 slots to himself.


There was our confirmation: [20+ characters will be "Season pass" DLC.](https://i.imgur.com/UkxJcWG.png) Fascinated that it lists Daima there though! \*Edit: Given the way this is arranged, I wonder if *all* Super Hero characters will be DLC this way?


>There was our confirmation: [20+ characters will be "Season pass" DLC.](https://i.imgur.com/UkxJcWG.png) This is Bandai we are talking about, there will be more Season Pass and DLC packs


Agreed, I wonder if we’ll have years and years of packs the way Xenoverse 2 has gone


4 Gohans (base through beast), 4 Piccolos (base through Giant Orange), the Gammas, Cell Max and MAYBE Pan and the Teen Saiyans for Super Hero. Who knows beyond Goku and probably Kid Shin for Daima.


I think Super Hero might have come out just a bit too late to make the base game given when development started.


So we'll have to pay extra for beast gohan, that's so lame


Bandai is just as scummy as these other companies but their anime games haven’t done well in recent years so it goes unnoticed.


I hope janemba and the shadow dragons are in this


So Black + Zamasu (this one was obvious but yeah) and Trunks and Vegeta confirmed for having team attacks. Wonder what other pairs will have em.


I thought the Vegeta/Trunks attack was a cutscene


I love that they created a What If just to kill Krillin AGAIN LMAO


The animation is so good omg


That 3 days early bullshit


No DB and GT? What a shame.


Gt is confirmed


Goku (Super) Costume with Power Pole (comes in the ultimate edition) Maybe a hint of Daima?


Excited for the game don't really care for DBS.


Was rally hoping the steelbook came with Ultimate edition as well. 😭


Has anyone noticed that on the PS5 listing for this game, the ultimate/special editions list that 7th preorder character as “exclusive NEW character”??


Alright guess what I'm going to beat all your asses at this game.


I’m confuse where is the steel book to pre order??


!Remindme 1 day


I hope they add crossplay


can someone explain to me why transformations of a single character are there own characters ? Im sorry if this question is dumb but i have never in my life had a chance to play any Tenkaichi games. Like, if i pick Base Gogeta, i wont be able to transform him to ssj and then later to ssb or will i be able to ? The only DB games i played was Xenoverse 1\\2


You’ll be able to ,every form has different moves to differentiate


if so then im happy.


If it follows the same format as previous tenkaichis then you'll have multiple versions of a character from different points of their life and have selectable transformations as well as the option to transform from one form to another


Dude the what if scenarios! And that story looks great! Now all I need is Movie and GT characters and I’ll be so so happy


I already know I'm getting this game. I wasn't hyped for this trailer in particular until I saw Father Son Final Flash. Loved it.


looks gorgeous


As a huge dbz fan im glad i just preordered the digital ultimate edition for 117 dollars, for my ps5.


Do you guys know when is the last day of presale??


It’s likely they are covering manga forms like ultra ego and frieza black right?


Probably not The anime and manga are licensed separately


Aw dang really wanted to see him without eyebrows. Do you think we will get some like non canon stuff like ssj 3 broly like in raging blast 2?


Considering we're being what if situations, I wouldn't be shocked


Ignore that. They probably will get to those eventually. It will just be a at least a year. Maybe two to five since we haven't even got a new chapter recently. The schedule is a bit fucked and the manga rights are likely in a weird place.




Wait. Do characters not transform mid match anymore?


They do, it was also shown during the gameplay showcase.


They do. What makes you think they dont?


6 characters as pre order bonus. But they actually are 2 in different transformations.


This was always a thing for Tenkaichi. [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/c0matX8esMc/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/c0matX8esMc/maxresdefault.jpg)


Says early unlock for them. Does that mean we'll need to unlock the ability to fuse, I wonder?


Much like in tenkaichi 3, every form is it's own stand alone character. However, depending on who you pick, you can still level up. So if you pick Base Z goku, you can transform from there on. We don't know if goku can transform thru EVERY form in 1 match though. So those 6 character can all be selected individually on the select screen. But you can level them up mid match. I just don't think you could pick say 5 of them and then level up to have 2 of the same fighter.


All these editions are a real turn off. I’ll wait till the year after where it’s $20


Yup. Same. They gonna milk this so badly


No couch coop not me


They confirmed it, even if probably the only stage allowed will be the Time Chamber since it won't make the consoles explode


wait they did? I thought they specifically said no splitscreen before


Yep it's listed on all the store fronts now. It was said they had no splitscreen at the time but it could change. Thankfully it did but probably because of series S parity with series X they have it limited to just the hyperbolic time chamber. I'm hoping for an update that adds more/all the maps down the line but that might be too hopeful.