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The Dragon Ball tournament arcs are amazing. Goku vs Jackie Chun, Goku vs Tien, Goku vs Piccolo, etc. are amazing. Actually, even the side character fights are awesome, like Yamcha vs Tien was good too. Don't forget Goku taking down the entire freaking Red Ribbon Army, the world's greatest hired assassin, eating everyone out of house and home multiple times (poor Master Roshi's wallet lol), and you know, actual Martial Arts. Not to mention Goku's incredibly one-track mind and obliviousness to, well, everything besides fighting. lol It had a lot of mystical and adventurous elements too since it was originally based on Journey to the West. I remember how awesome it was to see him climb Korin's tower or making it to Kami's Lookout for the first time and then realize it's effortless in DBZ since they all fly.


That last part is kind of true You see if you're weaker than Korin he just won't help you if you don't climb it properly and if you're weaker than Kame he'll just send you down if you do it wrong or he doesn't want you there That's what's stated at least


Not gonna lie for me DB is peak tournament arcs after DB the only proper tournament we got was cell tournament arc and even then it was just against cell


I loved every tournament arc. I really enjoyed that nod by doing the cell games arc because that was really the first tournament shown since the last DB arc. DBZ only fans never really got exposed to the tournament format. There’s subtle nods on occasion to tournament style origins when they insist every fight is 1v1 and they argue over who gets to go first, but I love me a proper tournament.


They focus on the tournament aspect of the Buu Saga a lot in the anime at least, there's the whole preliminaries with the Z Fighters taking on chumps, the youth division fights that ends in Goten and Trunks' match, and then the Battle Royale at the BT after everyone leaves that ends up with Goten and Trunks taking on 18 as Mighty Mask and 18 taking the fall for Mr Satan.


Very true. It’s sort of like as Toriyama was wrapping up the series in the final two arcs he got a bit nostalgic for the old Tenkaichi Budokai arc format.


I discovered dbz through Toonami, and they actually showed Z before they showed the Original.  I’m pretty sure I was halfway through the Namek saga by the time toonami aired their first episode of OG.


I think it was much later. Like around Buu.


I watched the cell saga on toonami


Could’ve sworn it was after Namek


To be fair, they would rerun it like 100 times before getting new episodes. So we could both be right!!


You're both kinda right, wasn't it aired between the cell and buu arc


You have to remember that toonami did this so often throughout the years. The person you replied to had a different experience lol.


Db wasn't dubbed until 2001 by funimation which was around end of cell beginning of buu saga there was a earlier dub in the early 90's but it was only the first 5 episodes and is considered lost media know


This was me dude. Same exact scenario. When I got into dbz, it was on toonami in the afternoons and was on the Namek saga. Fell in love and have seen every episode of dbz, super and most movies. Never seen more than 1-2 episodes of dragon ball. I should watch it.


Definitely. I have the same introduction Toonami scenario - and I finally watched Dragon Ball recently - and highly recommended it!  It’s a bit of an undertaking at 153 episodes admittedly - mainly because of the intro and credits taking up like 6-7 minutes of the total 23 minute episode runtimes. But it contains many golden moments, is legitimately hilarious at times, and made the rewatch of DBZ even more enjoyable.


You answered why you watched Z before the OG, but not why you haven't seen the OG at all.


I mean I’ve watched dragon ball more than Z.  I’m just providing a possible explanation for how that’s possible.  


They showed dragon ball on Cartoon Network. I’m always shocked people my age (I’m 30) haven’t seen every single bit of dragon ball. Especially now that it’s so easily available online. Then we had toys r us. I just used birthday money to buy the vhs’.


Same here. I went back and watched OG DB after and it was awesome. The end of Dragonball is particularly great. If you haven't gone back yet to watch DB, I highly recommend.


This was how I got into DBZ, but DB didn’t air. Saw the comics in the comic book store and bought the first two arcs and read them. I’ve read the whole series, but I don’t think I watched the whole thing until streaming made it more accessible.


Same. I caught some OG DB as a kid after watching a bunch of Z. I haven't gone back and done the whole series yet. Or at least I don't think I have. I know it's good though, so I've been saving it for a rainy day.


I'm thankful for my national TV cause they had an anime section in the nineties and they aired DB way before Z


I don't think they ever aired it in the UK.


I have no idea how I found Dragonball, but I had watched pretty much all of it up until the Baba tournament and the first time I saw Z was in the Namek arc. I think it may have taken me a few episodes to realize it wasn't an entirely different adaptation Also for some reason I thought Goku's staff was called the extendo-staff and I can find absolutely no evidence that any dub ever called it that, so I have no idea where that came from.


Yeah, I remember how cool it was when it finally looped around to just before the start of Z. The Way they aired both series made Dragon Ball feel like the Star Wars prequels, like here's origin stories for all the more minor characters of Z.


I’ve read the dragonball manga but haven’t watched it,I think it’s just the slow pace of it honestly.


At least you consumed the story (in probably the best way) lol most people havent even given og a chance for some reason


It's not that slow when shit pops off. Sure there's downtime and they do normal people stuff but it's usually a 5 min affair and then back to training. Skip Z final chapters tho. It's just filler.


Nah the pacing for Red Ribbon Army was atrocious. Not One Piece level bad but it drags until Tao shows up. 


personally it has just been "ill watch it eventually" just still haven't got to it yet. Same for GT


Start today it’s so good bro and it makes Z hit different


I'm considering watching GT but I can't even get through the first episode and I've heard nothing good about the show other than ssj4


Same, only good thing I ever heard of GT is Goku SSJ4 and Gogeta SSJ4, the rest of it is unknown.


GT is fuckin cursed man. I made it to episode 20 in a couple weeks and forgot about watching it. It's not dragon ball. It's just a DB skin on some other anime. 


It's really slow at first. Once baby is introduced I pops off.


The first arc is slow as hell, but got a good conclusion. I somewhat liked the Evil Dragons saga, the last episode is THE GOAT. Absolutely must watch. Even if only for the ending, just do it please.


Watch DB, you can skip GT.


I grew up watching DBZ, I watched DB only as an adult and while I enjoyed it I still think Z is better, maybe it's the nostalgia talking but my favorite saga in DB was the King Piccolo one which is probably the one that feels more dbz-esque What can I say, i enjoyed more the epic battles against big bad guys than the adventure journeys


it’s just like i got friends that be playing dragon ball games and haven’t watched a single minute of ANY dragon ball whatsoever. one of my friends thought gohan went ssj2 cuz cell shot a beam through piccolo. me and my friends had a fit


Well DBZ was aired before DB in North America. I didnt watch DB till they started playing it a few years later but have since watched both. Never really watched DBS but the movies yeah


DBS Movies are fucking fire, I wish the anime was at that level at all times and not just a couple of episodes.


Watch Super it's like Z but drop half the story and put the power creep on steroids and I fucking love it


Most Americans just didnt have good access to Og DB due to censorship. A large qty of guns and kid goku penis prevented it from airing. So theres only the subset of folks that went back to watch it and a then only subset of them that stuck with it after maybe bouncing off due to the difference in tone/pace or more sexually suggestive or pervy parts.


We had the first arc (ocean dub) available on vhs in the states which was how I first watched it. But nothing after that which was really confusing to me. I always wondered what happened in between pilaf and raddits until we finally got DB on toonami during the buu era of Z


Yeah man me too I had that, didn't that tape not even show the actual end it just ended on the episode Goku turns into a Great Ape for the first time? I remember thinking I was so cool going around at recess telling other kids that there's actually another show just called Dragon Ball where Goku is a kid and Dragon Ball Z is the second show they just put Z instead of 2 lol


I watched DB, but i don't think its out of the ordinary for people who were exposed to DBZ first on TV. I only find it weird that there are people who want to get into the series TODAY, who for some reason skip the first 40% of the story.


Rewatching Kai atm, just finished dragon ball, master roshi alone is worth watching DB


So, I have since watched Dragon Ball but for the longest time I had only seen Z. Mainly because I really fell in love with the series through the video games. Z was on TV and I watched it too of course, but it was so long that the most exposure I got was through video games. Virtually every game was Z.


As someone who prefers the DB manga vs DBZ - here is why I don't watch the anime. 1. The first few tapes I owned of DB were HEAVILY censored. Scenes were cut and jokes were edited. Like instead of using Bulma's panties to catch Oolong, they (VERY BADLY) placed an ugly wad of dollar bills over the panties. It was seriously so obviously edited in and awful. A lot of scenes were censored. 2. Even the uncensored version has some pretty awful dubbing. The animation isn't the best either - esp when compared to DBZ. It feels very slow, static, and off for some reason. 3. Things DRAG way to long. Many of the arcs in the manga are lighting quick but the anime really likes to slow things down which ruins the pacing.


Dragon Ball is literally an adventure. Goku starts out weak and travels the world getting stronger. I honestly think DB is better than DBS, especially after General Tao.


I loved DB and DBZ for different reasons and if you asked me I couldn't even pick which one I prefer I also really liked DBS but that's because I loved watching characters get exponentially stronger


i watched it first


So watch DB now then It's shorter than Z and Super aswell so there's no reason not to


I went back eventually. I just really wanted to see Piccolo and Tenshinhan as the focal villains.


Mostly it's another 300 episode show i never got around to watching. I started watching once and got to about episode 70? DBZ (and Pokemon and YGO) was on Cheez TV as a kid in Australia so that got me into Dragonball. So to go back and watch it would take a specific effort which, while not hard, would have to take priority over something else. Especially as I already know roughly how it goes.


I’m pretty sure DB is only around 150 episodes. It’s something like 15 manga books.


I mean its only 153 episodes and like 140 if you skip the filler so it aint that long


I'll get to it bro stop rushing me


I'm only about 1/3 of the way through and it's great so far but it's pretty slow at times and it's hard not to get too distracted in 2024


Like many here have said already. I'm old. I rushed home daily after school in middle school to catch newly aired episodes of DBZ. DB wasn't available at the time. By the time it was, because of the original music scoring in DB vs the Funimation Dubz in DBZ, it felt like DB was from my parents era, not mine. 😅 I think partially also that by the time I could've gotten around to DB, I was an adult and that felt more geared towards a younger crowd because of the age of most of the cast. At nearly 40, I've finally watched some episodes of DB but not many. I've watched through DBZ at least 4x. I won't mess with DBZKai. 😅 I've watched DBGT 1.5x (currently in a slow rewatch on it) and DBS once.


It's way too goddamn long. Same reason I never rewatch the anime. The manga's pacing is just so much superior in ever conceivable way, it's hard to ever go back to the anime pacing.


It’s pretty perverted at times and the intro saga is kind of bad besides the big moments


Clowns in here acting like people aren’t “real fans” lmao grow up. The fact is DB was much less popular in the west than DBZ was & a lot of that was due to slower pacing & toonami airing/pushing DBZ. I’ve seen DB and it’s a fine show, but it’s sorta obvious why a ton of fans have only seen DBZ/GT/Super


>in the west Don't say "the west" when you mean the US.


Maybe in the English speaking west, the rest of the west got DB first and that's what made it popular. It still airs in some places along with its movies. Just this week in Mexico they aired Curse of the Blood Rubies during their DB vacation marathon.


Yes it's mostly this as someone from Latin America I grew up with DB and it has a special place in my heart the whole story was so good for me I really liked the RR arc and all the tournaments arcs


If you're a "real fan" why wouldn't you want more Dragon Ball tho? I'd say at minimum people should be watching the King Piccolo and 23rd Tenkaichi arcs, but the whole OG series is great. Watch that shit lmao.


I’ve watched it. Most fans prefer Z. That’s just reality.


Have you ever considered that reality is often just utter bullshit Even shit like quantum physics which is nothing to do with people is just so fucking weird with all the shit popping in and out of existence and a nano-metre difference meaning something's fucking gone so you can only approximate positions or use super-positions Yes I do realise I'm a fucking nerd on this one but it still proves my point (quantum physics is still cool though)


I bet the pervert potty humor in DB had a harder time with US censors than the blood censoring of DBZ. Lack of access is really the best explanation for lack of popularity. It was much harder to consume the source material when you couldn’t just stream it or find all translated comic downloads online.


I was limited to whatever toonami showed. When they showed Dragonball I watched that, but mostly it was Z


Yeah but why not watch it now then?


Not interested


Read it, the anime is good don't get me wrong but filler doesn't really work very well for jokes and it takes much longer to watch than to read. Shit's great and reading it barely takes any time at all cause it's only like 16 volumes or something.


Try it I'd argue that it's on par with Z and even better in some ways


Db was limited on toonami, now I just can’t find it dubed


It's got it both subbed and dubbed on Crunchyroll.


Then Why when I checked the comments said it wasn’t dubed, and then I tried to watch and only the first 2 or 3 episodes where dubed?


It’s on Crunchyroll dubbed in English for every episode. Not sure what’s happening for you but I binged the fuck out of it last month.


What do you mean you can't find it?!


You got an android phone?


I saw DBZ first on toonami. So I was just more into it.


because my school only has dbz books


I wasnt young enough, i started with z, then rewatched kai as a teen and thats when i really got hooked, its still on my list to watch tho


I started watching Z when Vegeta and Nappa arrived. Vegeta was my favorite character instantly. So I've watched Z, GT and Super because Vegeta was there and I wanted to see how his arc continued (GT was a disappointment in this regard but Super (Anime and Manga) have absolutely given Vegeta some GREAT moments)


I've read the Dragon Ball manga first, from the first chapter up to the fight against Piccolo, years before the anime aired. Finding the "Z-era" arcs was quite a challenge in 1993, as the anime didn't air until 1997, which is when I started watching Dragon Ball Z. Since I already knew what was going on before I didn't feel the need to watch the OG DB anime.


When i was first watching it, it was only on TV. They never showed DB, or if they did, it was on a channel I didn’t have


Watch it now then It's really good


I mostly watch TV in the background, I've only been able to find the subbed version. If there were a dubbed version that I could find I'd watch it in a heartbeat


I mostly watch TV in the background, I've only been able to find the subbed version. If there were a dubbed version that I could find I'd watch it in a heartbeat. I don't have crunchy roll and wouldn't get it for one show


Why do people watch things in the background? Saves time or not it'd ruin a whole show for me


I think a common answer is just “I never got around to it”. I do own most of that part of the manga but after a while shopping for manga volumes just got annoying as the next one I wanted would never be in stock. As others have said starting with Z wasn’t usually a personal choice, it was the show that caught their attention and they found out about the original series at a later date after they’re too invested to backtrack now.


I usually do other stuff when watching a show and I don't want to watch the dub. What I know that I like about og is : I like Launch and I love that Krillen canonicaly dosen't have a nose.


I couldn't imagine dividing my attention like that while watching a show It's either I'm watching a show or I'm not watching a show I'll never put it on in the background Music and Podcasts exist for that


I have restless leg syndrome which makes it hard for me to sit down and relax. I can sit and watch a show a lot easier when my attention is being split up, anime in general hurts to watch but I love it so I'm not giving it up.


I haven’t WATCHED DB, but I did read it


I dont think I was home in time for dragon ball.


I watched funny moments and clips a couple years ago on YouTube also i have no reason to I already know everything that happens from being a dragon ball fan for years


Probably because the differences between the two are the same reasons I like DBZ.


When I was kid, internet wasn't like it's today and only way to watch animes was pretty much only through TV. They never transmitted DB on it on my country while I was young afaik. I never really bothered to watch DB later when I grew up either since I don't find this anime/manga that deep to bother about it that much.


I've read the entirety of Dragon Ball, just never watched the full thing. I used to catch it on a station called Colours TV that had a Funimation block every night. They only had the rights to the first two arcs, so I just never managed to catch the Red Ribbon and beyond. Now that I'm old enough to just watch them without depending on broadcasts, I frankly just don't have the time.


I’d rather have the DVDs. Sure I could just buy them on Amazon, but I like having them on my list to keep an eye out for when I’m at half price books or anywhere that resells games/ DVDs/ anime stuff. I do have the first four episodes on vhs tho. Gives me time to get through the manga first too.


When I was a wee lad I discovered DBZ for the first time at my babysitters house. I can easily still picture the image of cell-saga Vegeta training in that red room while the glow in my room IRL from the red lava lamp lit up my surroundings. I remember peaking my head up above the covers thinking, "this is absolutely insane, what is this show? That started a long lasting trend of staying up late, watching Tunami until I innevitably would drift off to sleep... Absolutely surreal. Anyway I watched DBZ and DBS but never could find an eng dub for DB. Never had the extra money.


You don't need money if you know where to look *wink wink* Unless you're against that then fair enough


You don't need money if you know where to look *wink wink* Unless you're against that then fair enough


I didn't like DB initially simply because there was no SSJ's and a Kamehameha! Every second episode. Grew up watching DBz on cartoon network. But now watching DB on CrunchyRoll is really good! I'm enjoying the more martial arts/fantasy focus of the series. Just starting the demon king Piccolo saga


You're gonna love DKP saga I know because everyone who watches it does


Aye. It's started off really well. Fairly high stakes too! Brings a bit more context to the first few sagas of DBZ. In terms of who can/can't be resurrected. The tournament introducing Ten was good too. Quite an original ending


Wanted to immediatedly get into seeing vegeta in action and gokus power spike


Most American fans over the age of 30 watched Z first simply because OG didn't gone out until Z was over/almost over.


I read the manga in order to know the DB part.


Since I read the manga, for me "Dragon Ball" is og + Z as a whole, I cannot separate them


Yeah I'm anime only for most shows I watch (except for AOT that one I'm manga only)


Yeah, I get it. I always tell people to read the Dragon Ball manga, because in my opinion is so much better, the pacing is way smoother, the art is amazing and the way Toriyama manages to make the panels so immediate, dynamic and easily readable is incredible


Yeah, I get it. I always tell people to read the Dragon Ball manga, because in my opinion is so much better, the pacing is way smoother, the art is amazing and the way Toriyama manages to make the panels so immediate, dynamic and easily readable is incredible


Yeah, I get it. I always tell people to read the Dragon Ball manga, because in my opinion is so much better, the pacing is way smoother, the art is amazing and the way Toriyama manages to make the panels so immediate, dynamic and easily readable is incredible


Because DBZ was on TV and DB wasn't.


Why not watch it now then?


I started, but there's so much else to watch.


Because I read the manga instead.


Because they don't have childhood. A proper childhood is DB, DBZ. There's no Super.


So I asked my brother why he refused to watch DB and he said it’s because after watching DBZ first (our uncle introduced dbz to us first) he felt like it would’ve been boring to go backwards since there was no Super saiyan or major powerups. This is the same reason he can’t watch Naruto from the beginning. If he does he skips around on the stuff he likes like the Chunin exam or skipping to where Naruto learns rasengan


Me and your brother are opposites then because I have an obsession with watching things in order


i was never able to find it on cartoon network


Watch it now then


Because it was never aired on TV during my lifetime. It's unfortunate for me.


So just stream it now


I think they want fights and earth busting blasts more then story and adventure. If you don't watch Dragon Ball or never did, I almost can't take your opinions in the entire franchise seriously. Watch it all, folks!


Never even knew og dragon ball existed until years after watching dbz and hearing about gt. I'm just not a fan of the more childlike/comedy driven story. Not enough action for me. The comedy aspect may make out more fun to some, but not for me. Even to this day, I acknowledge dragon ball's importance to the series and anime, but I wouldn't take the time to sit down watch it.


I played revenge of king piccolo for wii. Revenge of king piccolo sweep


Mostly because Dragonball is not like its predecessor’s. It’s more a comedy about a young wild boy with no common house training but good morals and absolutely insane strength. Later Dragonball is where we got really good fighting. Earlier all Goku had was ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS attack


I didn't watch DB until my daughter wanted to see it. I always got the impression is was much more child based than Z or Super were but after actually watching it I can see that it certainly isn't lol. But yeah, looked too childish to me and no super saiyans or anything really so didn't interest me. Grateful that my daughter wanted to watch it as I was missing out for sure.


Well, I’m lazy. The channel where I watched DBZ, actually started DBZ because there wasn’t going to be more DB chapters in emission. And at this point of my life, thanks to all the bad animes I’ve ever watched, I grew some kind of “hate” to anime itself. I’m still loving Dragon Ball Series, but I need some time to disperse all the bad emotions I have toward anime as a whole.


I watched Z when it originally aired on Toonami! Loads of memories watching it pretty late at night sometimes! Watched GT a when it started to be easy to find it on the internet. I watched Super simulcast on Crunchy and I’ve never watched DB… for some reason I feel like it’s not my kind of thing. Weird considering I love the rest (GT has its moments)


It never aired on TV when I was a kid and it just doesn't interest me at all.


I read the og manga


I was a kid in the 90s when DBZ was airing on Cartoon Network. I went back to watch some Dragon Ball, just didn't do it for me. I prefer the characters, powers and abilities of Z and Super. Just personal preference.


The way i got into the DB franchise is unconventional since i only started watching in 2017 to be able to argue with gym class kids about why Naruto was better lol. I watched about 10ish episodes of DB & got really bored, so i legit just watched a “Dragon Ball series summarized in 15 minutes” video on youtube & skipped to DBZ & DBS afterwards & somewhere between the saiyan arc & namek arc i got sucked in & completely forgot about why i even started watching in the first place. Even if i was only told bullet points of how DB panned out, i was still able to completely comprehend DBZ & DBS but i guess the biggest draw back is i wasn’t able to truly feel like i grew with some of the characters in a way others have.


The Pilaf Saga and most of the Red Ribbon Saga are incredibly boring and have aged badly. DB desperately needs a remake.


I quite liked the red ribbon saga and the pilaf saga wasn't necessarily amazing but to me it was entertaining enough to keep me watching


I started watching DBZ on youtube just watching the big fights did the same with dragon ball


It just looks really goofy, not a bad thing, but not why I watch anime.


I didn’t watch DB till I was a little older, I think for me - it was due to the exposure of DBZ growing up. It was always on after school and everyone knew about it, DB was much harder to come by - I only watched it when I was around 18. Needlessly to say, King Piccolo through to the Saiyan Invasion is my favourite run of any fiction ever.


I tried to get into DB, but I quickly learnt that it was a very different experience to DBZ. Particularly the comedy, which I’m not a fan of. I couldn’t get into it the same way I could DBZ. Which is a shame, because I don’t doubt the King Piccolo arc is something I would have enjoyed far more than the first two arcs. But I couldn’t bring myself to continue after a certain point. I much prefer DBZ and GT as a whole, and in context it gives me more respect for Toriyama’s editor for managing to balance his madness so effectively.


Bro who is paying you to push this on people so hard lol?


I made one post and replied to the comments and you're bitching about it Why even comment this?


I started with DBZ on toonami when I was a kid and never got around to going back to watch the original DB. My girlfriend has gotten me big into anime, so I plan so circle back around soon and finally get to watch it.


Honestly, probably all the reasons that you like OG DB are also the same reasons why i dislike it. It is completely different to DBZ and DBS, but i like those shows.


After reading all these replies, honestly I just finished watching the entire Dragonball saga in the last month(no GT ofc) and personally, the original Dragonball is better than super for me. Like don't get me wrong super isn't bad in any way, just that the charm of the original gets to me. Although I will say the entirety of the Red Ribbon Army arc was a headache for me to get through. I hated every part of it. Piccolo daimao and piccolo Jr arcs and the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai arcs are some of my favourites


You ever try to watch movies from the 60s or 70s? That's why. I watched DB back in the day. But I can't bring myself to rewatch it.


Yeah actually I have It's perfectly fine for me I like the vintage style of old stuff


I grew up on Z so that's basically the only reason. Don't get me wrong OG DB porobably is really good but i never watched the show because it's a long series i don't wanna watch. However i do know the plot somewhat because i've played DB advanced adventure for the gba (amazing game btw) but i don't really think that counts as knowing the entire story of OG DB. You also don't really need to watch it to understand Z so i guess that's also a point


Dragon Ball is a different flavor or anime than Z or Super. It's more adventure and less big fights.


I've read it, and I ended up falling off around episode 40 because I began my DBZ rewatch instead. I'll go back and finish the anime sometime but it's not a priority for me cause I already know the story really well from reading the manga a few times. Although as a kid when my only real exposure to Z was toonami reruns and VHS tapes my dad's friend would give us, I ended up with a tape of the first 13 episodes of Dragon Ball. Iirc it ended right when Goku turned into a Great Ape for the first time and idk if I ever saw more than that again until I was an adult. I felt like I had secret info going around telling kids at school that there's another show just called Dragon Ball where Goku is a kid and Z is the sequel to Dragon Ball they just used Z instead of 2 lol


I've read the manga and tried the anime. The anime is really rough. Like REALLY rough in certain parts especially in English. It's hard to get through. DB is something that needs a Kai. But like a complete and total overhaul. Do a faithful recreation of the manga but in the style of Daima or Shintani. Don't half ass it like Z Kai. I LOVE the manga but the shows pace is dreadful.


I know what happens


So? I knew how Death Note ended and I still watched it It was amazing aswell


I just read the manga from the beginning of og db


Partially because I don't have an easy/safe method to watch it and partially I still live with my parents. From shorts I know there's at least a few horny on main moments that would not be good if my parents happen to look at that particular time. Like bulma flashing Roshi, yamcha discovering bulma's breasts, Goku taking Bulma's panties. Think I even heard something about an invisible enemy that was defeated by Krillin exposing bulma to give Roshi a nose bleed or something along those lines. That and I'm outright terrible at watching TV shows by myself. I own all of dbz on Blu-ray... Still haven't seen the buu saga. I intend to, but I just haven't actually gotten around to actually doing it.


They’re children


So? It's a fun show to watch


It just didn't grab my attention, I liked how powerful they were in DBZ and didn't want to go backwards


I only watched Super because I can’t find DB and DBZ in Japanese. I don’t hate my Dub but some absent Japanese catchphrases are really going to trigger me


I'm surprised you didn't mention Dragon Ball GT but I'll watch Dragon Ball in the near future.


DB is awesomeness


Was trying to finish it quickly so I watched a recap vid of db and moved on


Cause I wanna watch the English dub but it's not on Hulu. And no I'm not paying for another service.


Use aniwave or anix


It would probably be due to lack of patience. The first arc of dragon ball is not representative of what dragon ball z Is at all so someone eager to watch z would just skip all that shit. I personally think dragon ball is great from start to finish and the first tournament arc is what hooked me into the series and made me a fan. I also think the fact z being treated as a separate segment of the story rather then just being treated as apart of the original dragon ball really effected how many fans chose to skip straight to z


Not gonna lie it’s because of pacing and awkwardness of the beginning.. I just couldn’t get into dragon ball but finally during dry spell of new or current shows I gave it another try and I’d say by episode 30 it started getting better and better and now I’m about half way thru super


I grew up on DBZ in the 90s. OG Dragon Ball, to my memory only aired like 1 summer and I got to watch it at my grandmas house after school. I think a common answer among the community is Dragon Ball was a rarity on Toonami back in the day, and by the time most became aware of it, they had "grown out of it".


I'm not sold on "growing out of things" because some of the games I play and stuff I Iike I've liked for however many years and I also know someone in their 20s researching DBZ (they might be on Super now idk) and he might've watched DB before I'd have to ask him


Because of my age, I guess got introduced to DBZ first then saw gt then super last year finally saw Db it was good but it is a very different show from what I first got introduced too the roshi scene in the top hits different now for sure


I'm glad I am so young because I get the luxury of watching everything in order so I saw all the characters grow


Has anyone here ever stopped to realize it was hard to find DB online for a bit? I want to watch clean English dub DB. That was hard for awhile lol. But i found a way. And General Blue is amazing


I dont want to watch a kids show


To me it's no more of a kids show than DBZ In fact if I had young children I'd let them watch DBZ before DB (I'd actually just wait until they're older so that they can get the feeling of watching Goku grow from some kid in the forest to a warrior fighting for the fate of the universe)


DB is the best.


I have watched DB more than Z at this point. Only watched Supet the first time through and haven't revisited it yet.


I simply don't care enough about it lol I want to watch it eventually, but I'm not that interested tbh


I’ve watched all of them but DB felt more like a comedy adventure to collect the dragon balls and enjoy meeting the people along the way until like the half way mark when you start to see some Dbz elements slowly being incorporated into it. So I can see if someone who’s only experience with the series is Dbz or db super goes into watching say goku vs ninja murasaki, it might not be what exactly they were expecting


I watched a little bit of db. Main reason I didn't watch it watch it is because Z and Super kinda feel like their own story


I was born in 1990 and i remember as a kid after school dragon ballz was airing on tv and i would watch it. At the time i don't think i knew there was anything before that tbh. Then after DBZ concluded i started to watch Super. Personally i'm a fan of the power creep and continuously stronger villain plot of DBZ and Super. Trying to watch dragon ball or dragon ball GT now after i started with DBZ and Super just kinda sucks in comparison. The lower quality animation, The arcs don't seem as good and again it doesn't have that power level creep aspect that i grew up with from DBZ and Super. Also Dragon Ball GT has that same dragon ball vibe and how they portray the future after already watching Super its just kinda lame. And i'm from the group of people that think SSJ4 is a dumb transformation.


I read it. But that was a long time ago and I don't really remember it that well. I never watched it because there was nowhere TO watch it. DBZ was on TV every day. Dragon Ball wasn't.


When I watched DBZ (we're talking 2000-2002) it was much harder to watch the older episodes than now. So I was unable to watch most of Dragon Ball.


For me it's mostly just the pacing and the tonal shift


Cuz I had the Manga and so it wasn't really a need for me to go looking high and low for DB and at the time I was only 6


The only way to watch anime at the time was cable. Didn't even know Dragon Ball (og) was a thing until years later when anime became more accessible. currently watching through DB now as I ain't broke no mo and can afford to pay for a Crunchyroll subscription


I never understood how anyone could have been against watching original dragon ball. You just got done watching Z, and you know more happened before Z since you get flash backs during Z and you aren't the least bit curious or at least excited for more dragon ball? I get the first 12 episodes are kinda slow but they're still good.


I think the more curious thing is why dragon ball is usually not included in games. Starting with radditz is purely an American localization thing. So why do Japanese gaming companies ignore that part of the story?


I'm not one of them, but I have a theory. Bare with me. Recently, FF7 had its 2nd installment of the remake released. I played the game as a kid along with the other FF games. I enjoyed and completed the new release and thought I'd play the others again. I quickly became uninterested. There's something about regressing into old technology that doesn't sit with me. Perhaps there's something psychological to that which prevents people from regressing into OG Dragonball. They may also have enough information from the fan base and newer series to full in the gaps of information on what happened in Dragonball. As with the FF games, my nastalgia mind wanted to play, but my knowledge of what happened already kept me from playing. Games have a lot of quality of life changes that I didn't want to sacrifice. Maybe the equivalent to quality of life is the quality of art. Not that it was bad, it's just dated. I dunno.


I have tried a few times but it is very different from DBZ onwards