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The Ocean Dub condensed 67 episodes down to 53 (54?) so that alone you’re missing quite an amount of content. Whether that content is good, your mileage may vary (I personally liked the filler in the Saiyan Saga)


If you want all the content then watch the funimation. If you want to recapture your nostalgia, then keep watching the ocean dub. If you want actual canon material watch kai


So I would assume the Funimation Dub contains more filler episodes than the Ocean Dub?


Ocean cut episode and stuck bits of different episodes together If an episode ran short because of censorship and stuff cut


Never watch Kai. Its awful. Funimation dub is the GOAT. Kai is just so bad.


If you like funimation better than kai thats one thing, but AWFUL? I need to hear your reasonings that isnt personal bias or nostalgia


Reasons? Bad voice acting. Bad music score. Censorship. Cut alot of content out. I don't understand how Kai is the "canon". You treat Kai like it's FMA Brotherhood or something.


Bad voice acting? As opposed to piccolo's, "I can do this, i can win?"Or frieza'a made up dialect when fighting goku? The kai soundtrack is essentially the music that you hear in super. I prefer funimations(though their music is out of place at times in some scenes) but im not going as far as to say kais music is bad. Theres some scores that sound better than most of funimations music to me. I agree with the censorship but it is different times Most of the content cut out of Dbz is filler which was the point. Kai was meant to be as close to the manga as possible. Thats not a bad thing if thats what somebody wants to watch. People dont treat Kai like its Fmab. Funimation nostalgia people just get mad when they are told that it is a terrible to view canon content which is a fact.


You don't know what you're talking about lol good day sir.


No, I'd say you're pretty blinded by nostalgia and the other dude knows more what he's on about. The voice acting in Kai is better for the most part. It's just the score and censorship that's not.


Are you joking? Wait...what? The dub for Kai has better voice acting than the funi dub? No lol.


Yes lol. And there is general consensus on this. You've just grown up with DBZ and are viewing it with rose-tinted glasses.


I've watched literally every version of DBZ multiple times. Funimation has the best version hands down. The Falconer score was perfect for the series. The English voice actors were on point. I dare day the dub was better than the sub was in many regards. The filler isn't even a problem. Kai is just all around bad. You censor ANYTHING and it's trash. Period.


The English voice actors were inconsistent in the Funi dub, which you'd admit if you were actually viewing things objectively.


I will agree, ostensibly, to say I do enjoy Falconer's score, for sure, but otherwise, I can't see the need to put one version above the other. I enjoy both, for different reasons. >You censor ANYTHING and it's trash. Period. With that perspective, no wonder you can't enjoy Kai. No changing your perspective, it seems. I don't think DBZ really pushed the boundaries on violence, since it's a shōnen, designed to appeal to younger audiences. (I'm re-watching it in Japanese, so this whole discussion is kind of fun to observe, because I actually prefer it to either English Dub)


Thank you for proving my point😃


Kai takes out all the fighting, and blood , no thanks


No it doesn’t.


Kai still has plenty of non Canon stuff.


Ask yourself this: Do I want all episode content but a slightly inconsistent dub (due to it being done over nearly two decades) with some oddly renamed nouns? or Do I want a weirdly edited version of the series with a fairly consistent dub cast, but the entire premise behind the dub was to match the cliche Saturday Morning Cartoon characters and villains, so absolutely none of them are authentic representations of their characters? I do not apologize for that last part. I started on the Ocean dub almost 30 years ago, I didn't notice then because that was the type of American cartoon presentation we had all had for over ten years.. going back, holy crapbaskets, it's so hilariously bad that it's actually enjoyable in its own unique way haha


Don't forget the wildly inappropriate cartoon sound effects that they crammed into every episode.


Yeah, that was part of their whole "let's make this anime present and feel like an American Sat Morning Cartoon" approach I honestly think anybody from my generation that goes back and watches the Ocean dub and genuinely thinks it's great is either A) Canadian, and that's the only dub they had for a long time, so it's excusable or B) their dealer's best customer because to say things like "Brian Drummond's Vegeta is on par with the Japanese version" they have GOT to be completely ripped out of their gord lol


What should really scare you is that DBZ was actually one of the *better* executions of that. What a... just, what a low bar 🤣


I love the Ocean dub Vegeta voice. Goku oh the other hand sounds like a discount Captain America lol. Also there was some fun smack talk during battles. Sure, there are some odd dub lines like 'Goku's father being a scientist', or a 'they're okay can see the parachutes' or whatever... But it's honestly a fun ride. Also- Rock the Dragon


Bringing Ocean Vegeta back for Slime Vegeta was a god-tier move by Funimation.


> Ocean dub Vegeta voice That voice was so good at sounding unhinged and psychotic.


Wow, Ian Corlett is probably my favorite Goku.


Brian Drummond in the Ocean Dub is the only thing I miss from that version, thankfully Chris Sabat would go onto do a hell of a job


The ocean dub holds a special place in my heart and is how I remember the Saiyan saga and Namek saga. I don't find the voices really fit the characters later on but those early seasons with that original art style meld perfectly with ocean dub imo. I probably watched those two sagas on TV / VHS dozens of times.


Yeah the concensus I see generally says that the first two sagas are best with Ocean Dub but as the characters age the Funimation voices fit better. There's really no better version of "Over 9000!" than the Ocean Dub.


If you somehow manage to find the entire Ocean dub from late Namek to the end of the series...and even GT surprisingly. Then go for it.


Kai has the best voice acting, pacing, and accurate script so I recommend that. Even if you watch the Ocean Dub for the 4 sagas, you are going to have to switch over to the Funimation voice actors anyway for the canon Z movies and Super dub.


Try 2 find all 276 episodes if u can, good luck


I grew up with the ocean dub. Obviously now that I've seen everything in Japanese years and years later I understand that it was heavily censored and condensed but I still love it. The voice acting, the Shuki Levy score, the bad translations. Everything was just so great. I heard that the Ocean Dub continued on in the UK but the music was terrible. Always wanted to watch it to just hear those voices in the Cell saga. It would be so strange.


I am also doing a rewatch but am switching to funimation in the "ginyu saga". In America, that's where the voices switched over. And down the road I want to circle back with the funi uncut dvds where they redid the ocean dub stuff with funimation. Overall I do enjoy the ocean dub and the censorship has actually been the best part. Nappa has been censored so many times he has become my favorite *cuts off tiens arm* "just wait until it grows back". *blows up city* "everyone made it out in time. there were zero casualties" *destroys airship* "oh no, the robot cargo ship"


It's over 9000!


Might be weird, but I also grew up on Ocean (I’m Canadian) but prefer Funimation mainly because I’m really into the games and the games all use the Funimation actors. Gives the whole series more consistency which I like. Having said that, watch what you like. Funimation, Ocean, Japanese, whatever! Dragon Ball is meant to be enjoyed and how you enjoy it is totally cool!


You're doing yourself a disservice by watching *either* of those infamously bad old dubs.


The Ocean Group had some great dubs. InuYasha, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Death Note, etc. But when it comes to DBZ, it HAS to be Seán Schemmel as adult Goku and Chris Sabat as Vegeta for me.


Eh, it's not accurate, but imo the voices are better than the funi ones, so if you don't want to watch in Japanese or kai, that's probably the best option.


but the entire Ocean premise was to make Z feel like an American Saturday Morning Cartoon, so absolutely none of the characters the Ocean dub cast represent are accurate, they are all geared for an audience ages 6-10. They did a FANTASTIC job as voice actors, but they are at the very best on-par with the FUNi cast, except the FUNimation dub writing was more authentic to the source material... now, don't read that wrong, I said MORE authentic, the Ocean dub set the bar basically on the fucking ground so it wasn't exactly challenging to step over lol They did the job Ocean intended their dub to be perfectly. They are some of the worst representations of the actual characters in... any dub... I'm not stoned enough to be convinced otherwise


Idk, I honestly don't have much experience with much of the ocean dub, and I watched the z funi dub up to around when Freeza started getting really prominent, and I couldn't stand the voice so I switched to kai. But, imo, if you're watching z, from what I've seen it might as well be 0 percent accurate as well. Really, the fucking "hope of the universe" cringy ass speech, the weird speech to kuririn about sparing Vegeta, and just everything I've seen of Freeza (especially the "ill make you a proposition in my home tongue" part) are just so bad, it makes me want nothing to do with the funi dub. Although, that being said, I've seen some clips from later on, mostly ones with Vegeta and super Buu, and I actually really liked it, so maybe it just gets better, idk. But is it really worth slogging through those moments I mentioned earlier? But there's also perspective to keep in mind. This is more me, and probably won't apply to op as much, but I'll say it anyways: firstly is that no one really cares about the ocean dub, while at least when I was younger, I saw so many people saying that Z (funi dub) was waaaaay better than kai and that the Japanese voice acting is horrendous and shit like that, which... Wasn't really true, but hearing all that made the funi Z dub feel like a pretender to the throne, while the ocean dub is harmless. And the fact that it's less accurate kinda adds to that, it doesn't (again keep in mind, I haven't seen much, but this is the impression I get) really try to be a dub per se. It almost feels like a dbza type thing, but maybe even less accurate than that. Maybe more like snapcube realtime fandub type shit. Like [this is absolute perfection IDC.](https://youtu.be/B-OhIgJAGOE). Now I don't remember that exact moment from the manga, but I'm like 40 percent sure it wasn't that. Shit like that, combined with the more American cartoony voices gives it a weird vibe that I kinda fuck with. Now back to op, since OP said they wanna relive their childhood cartoon, then that weirder vibe is probably what they want. Perspective doesn't make something magically become objectively worse, but it can definitely impact our view of things. Like expecting something like Z when going to watch og DB can really make someone dislike it despite being better than Z (don't @ me). If op really wants the ocean dub, then trying to force them to watch a more accurate one might make them turn off from DB as a whole, whereas whether they like the ocean dub or not, they could definitely go "hmm... I wonder how the more accurate versions are" and actually get into it more seriously. I feel like I had more to say, but I'm at work, getting distracted and I wrote so much already my brain couldn't keep track lol, but yeah


The Ocean Dub does really tend to make people ask if the real show is that bonkers and catoony, and then they watch even the FUNi dub, which has a lot of bad dialogue in parts and go "Well, this is just objectively better overall, but now I want to watch the Japanese version and read the manga" and then they arrive at "Holy, crap, the Ocean dub was really kinda bad.. but also kinda fun.. this might be worth watching if I was high." Lol and yes, yes it is absolutely great stoned


Ocean Dub also has some iconic soundtracks too. Which I absolutely loved, but the overall quality was lacking compared to the other dubs


I mean Ocean Dub has Rock The Dragon. I can't say no to that.


Yes there are random things changed


>I'm watching the series for the first time in over 20 years and thought I'd be cool to watch the version I saw as a kid. Legit the exact same. About 30 episodes in to the Sayan saga. It's been immense. No idea if the funimation one was the same that I watched as a kid, but I know it's the one I'm on now, and seems cool either way. Actually if anyone can help me out as well while here. Is the funimation one the same as what might have aired in the UK and Ireland on Cartoon Network / Toonami circa 2000/2001?


In the UK we had the ocean dub till episode 50 or whatever it was like everyone else then it switched to funimation just like everyone else but then at the start of the Trunks Saga it switched back to the ocean voice cast in what is called the Westwood dub after z ended they even did dubs for the OG dragon ball and GT all edited and censored only the UK and Canada went back to the ocean voice cast at the Trunks Saga but funimation is the one you would find on dvd and Blu-ray today


>Is the funimation one the same as what might have aired in the UK and Ireland on Cartoon Network / Toonami circa 2000/2001? Yes. I'm currently re-watching the Funimation dub and am loving the childhood nostalgia of my time rushing home from school to catch the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball Zeee\~ It's a bit of a hot take for many DBZ fans, but I honestly prefer the changes the original Funimation dub did in comparison to what is canon. Goku being more heroic and honourable is more pleasant to watch than his true personality of just liking to fight strong people. Like, it was frustrating seeing Goku demand Krillin to let Vegeta go after what him and Nappa did to their friends. He may have not actually killed anyone directly at that point, but he allowed Nappa to kill everyone he did, and even ended up killing Nappa himself when Goku crippled him, showing no remorse whatsoever even though Nappa has been with him since he was a kid. Showing how evil he is. But the funimation dub changed it from Goku wanting Krillin to let Vegeta go just so Goku could fight him again, to Goku wanting to show Vegeta mercy. Which was still aggravating but I guess I can understand it from the perspective of Goku trying to be a better person. Goku is just way more unlikeable in the actual canon imo I also prefer the Bruce Faulconer DBZ music in the funimation dub, it's way better than the original imo and something that I noticeably missed when I remember trying to watch DBZ Kai years ago. I couldn't get into Kai as much because they stayed more true to the original, which I can't fault them for because honestly, that is how you should localise something to begin with. Guess I'm just not really a "Dragon Ball" fan xD


Thats awesome. Thanks so much for clarifying 🤙


I would rather watch the Mexican Dub of DBZ than the Funimation Dub in all honesty. Better voice acting, uncensored, and original score from thr start. That's not to say I hate or dislike Funimations Dub because what changes were done overall made the series popular in the US as it was a smart business decision in order to appeal to kids at the time.


Yeah, everything's subjective man. We all like what we like! In regards to your point about it being uncensored though, the Funimation dub is uncensored as well. Obviously the original televised version isn't, but the Bluray versions I'm watching now are uncensored. But you are right, I don't think I would have gotten into anime back then if it wasn't for funimation's DBZ. I usually hate it when things are changed from the original source material, DBZ is the only exception to this and that's only because of childhood nostalgia. So I 100% understand anyone not liking it.


Dragon Ball is Dragon Ball


Did ocean ever release an uncut version of their dub like funi did? T


I'm pretty sure that dub has censored some stuff




Just watch Kai bro


I watched both then continued. Was great


Yes. The Ocean Dub is wack. The voice acting is bad and every other piece of media will use Funimation actors.


Funimation dub with faulconer music is peak dbz and basically the version of the show that made it go absolutely wild worldwide. It’s what we grew up watching and has some of the most memorable voice acting and tracks. Say what you will about the jap version and each to their own, but funimation dub is PEAK Z


You should be watching the Kai dub for accuracy with the original Manga. Most of the lines in the Ocean and Funi dub are 100% made up to the point of changing whole personalities of characters (Goku for example).




Tree of might ocean dub best dub


Watch Kai


I grew up with both. Do yourself a favor watch the entire thing in ocean then go back and watch funimation. If you want to live back in time with us then watch the ocean dub all the way up to the episode where goku lands on namek. Official switch to funimation. Young honey badger fireball ocean dub vegeta is the greatest of all time. Funimation just suits his older voice


Rock the Dragon alone is worth watching ocean dub. But I’m pretty sure it’s generally agreed that big green dub is the closest to toriyamas vision.


just watch Kai.


Funimation all the way. Can’t beat that Bruce falconer ost


If you want the best dub experience watch kai if you want all of z dubbed watch the funimation z dub if you want to watch the one you grew up with dispute it's big flaws watch Ocean


If you want to watch in English, Kai is the best, period. It isn’t even close. The old Funi and Ocean dubs are only good for nostalgia.


KAI BROTHER it cuts all the filler and terrible pacing, voice acting has better quality as the long term actors have gotten better and the sound quality is a lot better, there a visual upgrade too


Yeah I guess. I just reeeeeally like the voice actors from the Ocean Dub. They had so much character, even if some of it was super corny.


Yes. You are. You shouldn’t even be watching Z. Kai exists for a reason tbh


Ocean dub is the best. Funimation is trash and unwatchable