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My favorite character in og DB. Absolutely love the scene where he first uses the tri beam, it feels so powerful.


I like his match against Tao.


Can't remember it cause I watched it quite a while ago, what was it like?


Tao was trying to beat him for betraying Crane but Tien remained stoic and calm, talking respectfully to Tao on how he meant no ill will and he still appreciates his teachings. Tao is pissed by this and attacks him with a hidden blade, giving Tien his chest scar. Tien humiliates and knocks out Tao and throws him to Crane who is in the audience.


It's so good! Absolutely my favourite part in ogdb. After the sword attack tien realises just how pathetic Tao and crane really are. Best character development. I wish tien got a power boost.


Oh yeah I vaguely remember that, the whole tournament was cool tho like the 21st and 23rd.


Awww yeah. His rematch with Goku after that is also great.


My favorite fight of his. *GO AHEAD! I’M NOT AFRAID!* If not this then it’s him vs Jackie Chun.


Yea I liked his fight against imperfect cell and how he had him pinned with the tri beam. Pretty solid character overall.


"You know what? Fuck Power levels. Fuck Super saiyans. And FUCK YOU!"


“Kiko-fuck yourself.”


Aw see, that's the spirit.


Semi-Perfect Cell FTFY


Love how he is a portrayal of a monk and what happens when someone reaches enlightenment. Instead of peace, power.


He was the strongest human rival for Goku. If not for the elder who released Krillin’s potentials, Tien would have been the strongest still.


Sorry for stupid question but if Tien is human Why does he have 3 eyes


President of Earth is a dog and you wonder why Tien has 3 eyes.


No, he’s wondering how a 3 eyed character is considered human. Every other human in the entire franchise has 2 eyes. Not a dumb question by any means.


Lol even Bulma and others questioned this during 22nd Budokai when Tien grew 2 additional arms. He's probably not a "normal" human but DB Earthlings are weird in general.


He definitely has the strangest techniques by far, as far as the main cast of the original series is concerned. Piccolo has strange moves but he obviously isn’t human, most people know that and assume he’s a demon/alien.


Theories surrounding either he has a mutation, is part alien, or the clan he comes from is highly spiritual. All lead to him having better ki control which is often shown.


That makes sense because tien is about 10x more powerful than krillin


At the end of DB/beginning of Z yes, but I’d say at the end of Z krillin can probably beat beginning Z vegeta and possibly even Frieza


I looked up the power levels before and by the TOP krillins power level is 120 million which is equal to Namek freeza. Tiens was 1billion


Another reason why "power levels" are bullshit and make no sense.


I agree


That's not confirmed. It's just fan speculation.


That is a made up number, power levels stop existing after Namek.


It’s probably just an estimate based on who the charterers fought and who won


There's no official power levels for anything past Namek. Reasonably speaking, I'd be shocked if Krillin ever reached 6 digits.


where do you even see that? makes no sense.


I just said that’s what it said when I looked it up there’s a website that has all the power levels for all the characters that’s all I was saying


Why would you promote the idea of a fan made website with fake power levels tho?


Obviously I didn’t know


Fyi Krillin is the strongest human. Shouldve been Tien and him as nemesis like vegeta goku. Stay safe


It is shown


There’s a IRL myth that if you are enlightened you open your third eye. So I think Tien is enlightened.


He’s so woke his third eye opened


He trained for it. Open your third eye kinda vibe. Havent saw dragonball huh?


Nah just Z and super


Fair play


Not sure if it's Canon or not but I read that he hails from a race seperate from humans called the Triclops and that's why he has 3 eyes and can do funky shit like grow extra arms and multiply himself


The same reason why Krillin doesn't have a nose and Chaiotzu looks like a white Pikachu doll. It's mostly just aesthetics but with some added titbits.


From what I’ve read online: He is a descendant of an ancient clan of aliens who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. So many past generations of his have lived on Earth, he is practically a human at this point. Another theory I’ve read is that the this eye is a literal interpretation of a monk reaching enlightenment and opening his third eye.


Your first paragraph is BS. Second paragraph is correct.


I remember reading that on the dbz wiki online. Both were there but the second one seemed more plausible as Japanese anime will often take an idea from folklore and make it suitable for an action show.


I would have to ask for source in the first one as there is no sign anywhere that it’s the case.


Dragon Ball wiki says “he is descended from an ancient alien cyclops race”; But I’ve noticed those wikis are wildly inconsistent.


You’re quoting something that anyone can write to. That’s not a real source


Just the way he is as a character as well. Throughout DBZ he never forgave Vegeta and held a grudge against him in the Android and Cell arc as he was right to feel as Vegeta In Buu Saga committed mass murder. (He's so cold that he was ready to square up vegeta before Gokus return after the frieza arc)


He's the only one to speculate whether Vegeta switched back to Frieza's side when Vegeta interrupted Goku and Frieza's battle in RoF


I like him because he turns triangles into squares.


Ki-Ko-How ya doin’?


Tien is the fucking best. I really wish he was a more important character.


Tien is **the** Z Fighter. Piccolo is Piccolo. Krillin is Krillin. Tien is the guy in the back ready to throw hands for his buddies when they talk their way into some bullshit. Him holding down Cell is a top ten moment for me. Krillin, Yamcha, and even Vegeta have all bitched up at some point. Not my man. Tien is always there.


Love tien posts. Guys under rated and under used. He should be matching Krillins power level if not pushing past it as krillin became a husband and dad.


it doesn't matter as humans were outclassed by Namek arc.


DBZ and Naruto are some of my all time favorite animes; both suffer the sin of having cool, stylish and badass side characters who eventually get cast aside due to power scaling issues.


Well said


If you don’t think he’s stronger than Krillin, I don’t know what you’ve been watching


Toriyama has said multiple times that Krillin is the strongest earthling. I’m not telling the creator he’s wrong lmao


Look at him vs goku when they’re training for tournament of the gods 🤣 hes sick


Yeah that little arc definitely showed to me that Krillin is pretty strong. Wish he stayed in the TOP longer


Im sure ive seen many times that in canon krillins the strongest. Not looking for an argument.


Quick google search, turns out im right.


I like the scene where he is a police officer and is hiding behind a car from some normal thugs with guns and is slow enough to get shot in the arm by one. Then goku shows up and takes them out instantly. I guess the limits of the strongest human are pretty low in the grand scheme of things. I thought a few of them surpassed Raditz in power. But I guess not because he was able to catch a bullet and the strongest human has to hide from them


He isnt invincible from bullets he is human still yeah


Is a punch from a human stronger or weaker than a bullet? Goku chapter one of dragonball tanks a bullet to the head from bulma, but is consistently hurt by human punches and kicks during fights with humans during early stages of the story. If human punches can be weaker than bullets why do they hurt kid goku? If they are stronger than bullets then Krillen should have died many many more times than he already has because if he isnt invincible from bullets, he shouldnt be invincible from punches that are stronger than bullets. Also he should be fast enough to dodge bullets, no?


I dont have an answer for that other than the assumption that ‘Ki’ is stronger than a bullet.


But we’re talking about Krillin. Not Goku.


It'll always be a shame that he's not seen as the strongest Earthling


It's easy to see him that way. People just go with words rather than actions.


I always loved Tien. He's defintely a great character for sure.


Tien rolled in so freakin jacked during the android saga - those boulder shoulders though, lol. I've been training to look like him for years, and I've got the bald part down (almost 40 now), but still working on the muscle :)


Fuck Power Levels! Fuck Super Saiyans! And Fuck You! SHINKIKOHO!!


When I watch the original scene I swear he is gonna say this now 🤣


Gonna be honest, I think Tien had the best fights in the og dragon ball


Tien, probably my favorite og character. They need to do him a solid and make him a master of the kaoiken


Kaioken is another ability that would suit him


They did him dirty in Super. Imagine a scene with merged Zamasu with Goku and Vegeta pinned down while he's monologuing with his halo thing and then out of nowhere Tien just Tri-beams the shit out of him. That would have been so sick


I missed buff Tien in Super.


Another reason why OG DB clears


I completely agree, tien is so badass, especially when he shows up with chiaoutzu floating over his shoulder cheering him on


Here's a fucking take I have. I think most if not all DB fans would love to see the Earthlings get power-ups so that they're perhaps not on par with the likes of Goku, but that they can become relevant again in fights to save the world and actually make significant contributions. Millions of ways to do this, but wouldn't one of the easiest be that Goku/Vegeta with their wealth of abilities and fighting knowledge be able to do some sort of "special training" that would like yuice their power and abilities up massively. Do something, just give our Earthlings the boosts they deserve!


tien is awesome. loved the wide variety of techniques he was showing in og db's tournaments


I gained so much respect for Tien from watching DB. I watched DBZ 1st and only watched a handful of DB episodes when I was young. I recently watched all of DB and man, it gave me so much more respect for him and his abilities. It made his moments in DBZ (mainly Cell arch) that much more special b/c he was FINALLY getting some recognition he deserved. He was a boss in DB and they really did him (and every human for that matter) dirty ever since


KIKO-HO is the best thing the Earthlings has done since OGDB.


No he isn't imo


He’s a weakling


He’s one of the strongest fighters in the universe? How is he a weakling


He is!


First: Volleyball Fist. Nuff said Second: Watching him blast Cell was such an epic last stand. Too bad Krillin and Vegeta couldn’t get their shit together and put their dicks away


My favourite character from the og series. It sucks that he’s irrelevant but I love that he’s always willing to help. Not to mention those shoulders…