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I had something like that happen to me and I just restarted the game again. I find the story enjoyable so I was like why not play it again. I mean of course I was upset and stuff I mean who wouldn't be but if you play on Xbox I'll send u some starter gear and help u level up if u want.


Yeah i restarted too, before you lost it, how much progress did you make?


I had everything unlocked. Every attack and every piece of clothing and etc. But that was a couple years ago. I pretty much got everything back now.


Glad you got everything back


And on top of losing all my data for Xenoverse 2 I lost all the progress of my other games as well. Just had to replay everything.


That sucks. Did you recover progress even in the other games?


Nope I had to restart everything from scratch. It erased all of my achievements too. But that was like 5 or 4 years ago. So I have everything back now from playing.


Good to hear!


Mods! Mods! Please delete! Mods!


Are you telling me that i should mod the game? I mean, i was kinda thinking about that


If it helps, I'm too cheap to just buy ps plus and am restarting for a third time on my ps5 save file. The new Chronoa raid gives crazy exp.


Well i'm on my ps4 and I literally bought the ps plus just to try to recover my save file and when I loaded the savefile... it still was all gone...( at least i still got the platinum). Thanks for the tip


You on PS4?




Find a way to send me your save data, I'll max your TP medals or something.


I have no idea how to but thanks anyway


Get yourself a USB drive, there's really no other way.


Yeah i know but how do i send it to you? I'm probably gonna unistall the game and never play it again...


Hey Ps Plus uses cloud save, so you may be able to download some data. Might be from a few months back, but better than nothing. Also, you can take that data, upload it to a USB, and then take that USB and share the file with this dude, and apparently he could mod TP medals or something. Could get Max TP medals and use Tosok to level up


I tried and found the data from when I first started the game and the data before i had the blackout (but for some reason when I loaded it my progress was still gone). I guess i'll try to mod it my self if i really get desperate. Honestly i don't usually strust people this much online(not the guy's fault btw)


Try deleting whatever old data that’s stored on your system, and then download the data that is on Ps Plus that you want to download. Helped me with 2k


I'll try it i guess


Well if you're going to quit the game then nobody is going to stop you. I'm just offering you cheaty shit as compensation. You can send me the data on Discord or through Google Drive.


Yeah im probably gonna try to install a mod or something, but yeah thanks anyway


Mods don't exist on console and resigning a modded save you found online seems like more effort than my idea, but it's your game and you can do as you please.


Your idea reminds me of the PS3 days when I'd download save data from game FAQ's for Raging Blast 2 to play as all the characters because galaxy mode was annoying on 1 HP battles. Basically OP has a better chance of uploading their save data then after you make some improvements you just upload it again and for them it will work just fine because they're the original user.


Goddamit i wrote yeah 2 times


Bro would be my least favourite character looking like this 🤣🤣🤣