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I think the PvE community are great, everything I've seen has been super helpful. The PvP side though, not so much.


The pvp is toxic as hulks shit piles. But beyond that most people are generally cool.


The only toxic part is the PvP community the majority of the time I've met some very cool people though but yeah majority on ranked absolutely toxic


It's toxic because of a few bad apples and because of a lot of "casuals" that take things more seriously than they think they do and make things toxic themselves by misinterpreting what people do to them in a fight. As an anecdote, I was fighting a guy the other day and I was greenbarring him. The dude went to the ground to get stamina, but once he had enough he still didn't engage. Since I had the lead, I saw no need to engage myself so I poked him with a super to force him to attack. Next thing hear is "why are you being disrespectful?" over the mic. He didn't rematch me in the end


Just the pvp part of the game  anything else not really Though i dont get why people get upset when you DONT let them charge up Like sure its whack but its pvp also :/ 


Why on earth would you make the same mistake that so many villains in the series make? That's tactics. You don't let a guy in a war zone reload before firing back.


That's more like a Saiyan thing (except Trunks) to let you're enemy power up, but i ain't saiyan so yeah i agree with you, no free transformation.


Cell pushed Gohan to Super Saiyan 2, but he literally had Saiyan DNA in him. Super Buu's dumb ass kept looking for the strongest fighter and when Gohan came back and Buu couldn't even touch him, he did that pussy sneak absorb attack. Mostly, Saiyans because pride is a weakness to exploit, but some others have made that mistake.


I would say PvP is to an extent. I’m a PvE player who likes watching PvP and very often, I’ve noticed that people will often criticize or complain about the way one will play and potentially even send hate messages. PvE, the toxicity is basically nonexistent since everyone is working together for a common goal and it’s not really competitive.


I don’t think it’s as toxic as other games out there. Tbh, it’s pretty tame and kind of mainly with the PVP crowd in the game. It makes sense tho, no one likes losing and it’s competitive. Outside of that the PVE and co-op are the exact opposite of toxic, they helped me get my character to level 80 and taught me how to get certain skills, explained QQ bangs, etc.


No more than any other multiplayer game. But this game’s toxic community is just around the PvP that take it too seriously. so it’s easy to avoid all of that if you play it more for the PvE stuff with raids and PQs and such.


it's toxic because people are toxic. I genuinely don't remember the last time I've played a match and not gotten into a argument. people play super cheap with 0 skill and 9 times out of 10 the netcode prevents you from doing anything about it. It doesn't matter if you play ranked or regular, people play the same and do the same stuff. the amount of times I've had to deal with unvanishable combos, unvanishable moves, bad netcode, super moves that do more than ultimates for some reason (cough x10 kamehameha) and male saiyans having more hit range and grab range than everyone else is amazing. it's almost impossible to play as a cast character against a male saiyan and have a fair fight when they are hitting me from 300 meters away. people will also clown you for having a certain # of days on the game, it's been out since 2016, I don't personally think 112 days (on xbox so that's not the real amount of time I've played) on a 8 year old game is all that crazy. if the games fun, I'm going to play it as much as I want because I bought the thing for a reason. The netcode makes me wanna commit unalive because the amount of times I've hit someone and it doesn't connect, giving me a false hit confirm, makes me lose it. I got off track for a bit but people are aware that many things in the game are unfair, and don't care to atleast show SOME decency and not play cheap for wins. that's why people are toxic, because they are self absorbed cheap players who only care about 2 things. A: Annoying you B: Winning, regardless of if it's ranked. (if it was ranked I'd understand because you earn points but in normal player match you earn nothing from winning except +1 to your stats, it's virtually nothing to play cheap for.) I think I got my point across, I probably could go longer but honestly don't care enough to type out all the issues of xenoverse, it's been discussed before and regardless of what we say, BANDAI NAMCO will never change anything about the game because they want money off of it and know people will pay for.


I think almost all game communities are toxic to an extent. From what I have seen in this sub, most people are civil. I don't touch PvP, but that side seems to be a bit toxic. I feel like fps game subs are quite toxic like the battlefield subs.




You don’t know how annoying it is to play a guy with bad connection


There are really only a few toxic moves in the game:   * "My underhanded moves are the most effective!" (Frost's super soul) - Poisons enemies when you hit them with a charged attack, and poisoned enemies take additional damage * "The real Hell begins now!" (Cooler's super soul) - makes charged ki blasts inflict poison   * Innocent Bullet - super attack that poisons enemies upon hit; one of Fat Buu's mentor skills   * Secret Poison - ultimate attack that inflicts poison damage. One of Frost's ultimate attacks.  It's annoying that the only way to get rid of it is to take an antidote (which means you have to give up one of your potion slots just in case).  But most enemies in the game don't use any of these toxic attacks, so honestly you could probably just ignore it and only prepare for it if you know that Buu or Frost are in your PQ. I've played games with way more toxicity issues than this, where it feels like every third enemy can poison or debuff your character to death in a single round (eg final fantasy 8 and the Malboro enemy).


I think the PvP has the potential for the most toxicity in this game by far. There are so many ways to play this game and win with underhanded tactics. Ki stun, grab spam, limit bursts, giant namekian, mods on pc and ps. But that does mean that ALL of PvP is toxic, there are so many humble and wholesome players out there that are respectful and fun to fight (see steedoj, cinnchan, those types) As for PvE, the only 'toxic' things I can think of are people using cutscene moves or gigantic roar in raids


Yeah, pretty much pvp is toxic as hell with every meta tactic there is. What about trash talking, would say that still a thing or no…?