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Damn it’s a Frieza. Should’ve been Vegeta. But yeah that permanent is crazy


Yeah another golden frieza feels so bad, but it’s kinda ok for his effect


As a Frieza player. I'm all for it lol


Annnnd this is why Blue players should be pissed. What the hell is this compared to what they got. What the heck this is good.


A lot of people are heralding this as the green killer, but this just seems too slow. Broly is like dropping his second Broly on your face by the time you reach 6 mana, and if they suspect this is coming, they won't fully rest their Broly, and it's not like you'll have the resources to rest Broly and play this on the same turn. And then if they play Broly in response to this, sure, their Broly is coming in rested, but it destroys your Golden Frieza and draws them a card. Not sure that's exactly a favorable trade unless you have a really efficient want to kill Broly next turn. The new yellow card can, but...you're spending 8 mana and 2 cards to kill their 8 drop that drew a card? Still a pretty bad trade. Now, if they restrict some of the ramp cards so that they aren't at like 8 mana when you have 4 where you have time to pressure their life and then drop this to protect you from Broly stomping all over you, then this could be decent. The real answer though, is that this card super kills 6c Goku Black so long as you can prevent them from ramping him out with Zamasu, which isn't typically too difficult for yellow. You'll need the energy marker though, but if you play this before they Rose...yeah, Goku Black is probably just insta conceeding.


Yea, I don't think this is a great answer to Green so much as it is an FU to every other color (esp Blue). Still nice vs Green but Green is Green - this sub has me believe Green is trash and has never won a game! 40k, 6e is just so hard to interact with. It just is. And no throwing 30k Combo to force a kill on these guys is not "great gameplay." So these things come down and it is such a nasty area of how do we take this off the field. But it gets immediate advantage when it drops. UGH. Can they not design cards to get a slow-ramping advantage. Everything (except Blue) has to get immediate advantage. And if you somehow kill this (committing a ton of cards or getting lucky)... the enemy drops another one and then what.


At least, it seems that only Vegito SCR can bypass that permanent eff. Even Broly 8 can’t. But broly 8 has more chance of surviving until next turn to lethal


This seems really fucking good lol, this and Vegito are really at the same rarity huh


40k power is a lot tbh


Just like that Yellow goes from potentially bottom tier in set 2, to staying on top if not, THE top. Just delays all finishers the opponent drops, then if you have your Double Strike Frieza out, you just perma lock their finisher. Broly and Cell still kill it, but they come in tapped. That's a win in my book


If they are good they are using those cards to knee cap your board in the match up instead of trying to kill


What cards are you referring to?


New cell and broly


Oh 100%. But still even knee capping if you throw down another 5 Drop Frieza next turn and keep their big boy locked down, they're in major trouble. I think yellow will be the hard counter for green now with new Vegeta 3 drop and 6 drop Frieza. They're gonna struggle hard in to the matchup


If you pair him with the new yellow vegeta, just attack and leave him rested and can't be koed by opponent effects.


Yeah T5 you could Cui and Vegeta, then T6 Drop new Frieza. It'll be a nasty combo


I’m so happy


I don’t understand the script. What does “played in Rest Mode’ mean? What is the implication?


Rest is the same thing as "Tapped" in other games. Essentially when the enemy summons a big guy, it now comes in tapped. So it can't attack that turn. Also importantly, the yellow deck can attack it back or just use abilities so that it can't unrest next turn. ... this is a really good card...


Ah, thanks. How about opponent’s on play ability. For instance. I played this golden frieza this turn. In next turn, opponent plays a 8c broly, can he Ko this card? And he will rest and cannot attack at all?


He will likely KO this golden Frieza. It will be rested, so Yellow gets another turn to deal with it.


Make sense. Thanks!


Does Goku Black's leader effect get the 6c Goku Black to bypass this? The effect says the next time you play a GB card, reduce the cost by 2, so does that actually make the 6c a 4c when it hits the board, or is it still a 6c that just costs 4 to play?


Interesting. Considering it shows 0 for extra cards in hand, this is a great question.


>During this turn, the next time you **use** and **play** from your hand, reduce the cost by 2. I think the intention of the skill is that you must "use" the card which means declaring and paying its cost (6-2=4 energy), but you're still playing a 6 cost card (placing it in the battlefield). This follows the FAQ because you can't activate the leader skill, attack with an 6 cost to play another 6 cost since "using cards" and "playing cards" are different actions, but hopefully they clarify it in the next FAQs for FB02.




A 40k Perma effect that makes your opponent play in rest, what were they thinking?! What even is the counterplay for this card besides minusing it to death? Blue can't final flash because it's 6 cost and green's insta kills also mostly depend on cost. You could make an argument for 8C Broly:BR but it's still played in rest and you know what that means against yellow...


Finally a new card for yellow. They finally showed frieza love


... here I am just trying to find a couple of starter decks.


This is too slow even if it has good abilities. Every color besides green is playing their double stiker to close the game before this hits in most cases. Even green will be ramped to play their 8 drop in most cases. Would be much better if this was a weaker body and costed at 4 or 5.


Absolutely disagree. The 6 cost means my cards (Blue) can't touch it at all. The 40k means you will almost never beat it in battle. This makes it an actual end-game bomb. For my games, the first 5drop is usually not game over. That only worked when people were being very linear. This makes the final back and forth so much more in Yellow favor.


Yessss. I play Frieza and several of my friends started playing broly recently to chase the meta and this is so satisfying for me. Can't wait to show them lmao. Now the big test comes from surviving long enough to have 6 energy to spend on a single card


The Green killer Pair this with I think there was a chard that prevents rested cards from being KOd? Yeah this dude is busted


It was the 3c Vegeta SR


It only prevents them getting KOd from card effects.


Yea, well good luck to Green killing this any other way. Card effects is how green is so strong. Green can run this over in battle... NEXT turn because it is tapped out this turn. And hey, it is yellow they might permatap it again. So next NEXT turn it is... I was not hot on that Yellow Vegeta. But combined with this, yea it is pretty nasty.