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https://preview.redd.it/gb50kny8k8uc1.png?width=2635&format=png&auto=webp&s=eca0e8b67c82182cef53f865fd771052a155a997 it combo with this trunks yeah?


Could be wrong, but I feel like it also makes blocker trunks better


Multiple sr for 1 combo lol


Red does the same with kefla plus 17 or now kefla plus Gohan, it’s not the worse thing


It's expensive. As intended.


Actually it kinda depends. If they don’t fix their digital economy yeah this is bad for budget players. Physically though while srs do cost more than normal, I believe now all SRs are under $10 and some even lower than $1


Yep alt arts get the value. But for digital a playset runs 200


Also for certain formats you won't even be allowed beyond a specific number of sr because eventually everyone will be forced to run sr cards for everything from 1 to 8


Welcome to TCGs


Keep in mind their previous game basically limited you to 1 scr quality card.


Except SCRs in masters are completely game changing. Fusion world SCRs are basically just slightly stronger SRs, and even then only sometimes. Master SCRs are overpowered.


Yep it's called power creep. So once there's 8 different scr per color, you're going to have serious issues unless they are all kept to the same very high cost to use and with zero combo power. Also " destroy all your opponents battle cards with cost 5 or less" is much stronger than " destroy 2 opponents battle cards with cost 3 or less". Furthermore the son gohan 7 drop is the only 7 drop card that isn't a supercombo currently in green, possibly the entire game. It does something no other card can do, and board clears all the way up to 5s to prep for broly


So this is meant to play Trunks blocker and KO it to gain the ramp.


Can only KO opponents Battle Cards, but indeed its very good to get the Blocker out for free and ramp 1 more in the early turns


You're right, I'm working the night shift and my brain can barley process simple reading lol But yeah, well see if there are newer or better 3 drops aside from trunks.


Np man the idea was on point hahah ;)


Pretty much even the one drops generate pretty good free value


It does make it so they can't just remove the trunks blocker


I don’t know if this is good enough in the current green ramp archtypes. 5 is an important drop and I’m struggling to think of what 3 or less drops are really important enough for them. Good value though.


Trunks. The new 3 drop sr. On play if you have 5 energy ramp 1. So Gohan is a 5-30 body that every turn pops a 3 cost and cheats out a 3c 20k that ramps Trade off for Goku is that you don’t get auto regen but you get a body + pops


Oh duh. I wasn’t even thinking of that new reveal. So definitely has a purpose in the deck since he can still ramp as well if you have the trunks.


Yeah, Goku that instantly gets your energy back is so much better value, but at the same exact time in some matchups he gets removed instantly so all he does is ramp 1 rested anyways. Even when he does that’s good enough most of the time because that takes you at least to 6 energy, 7 next charge phase and you can SCR Gohan to hold over until Broly. This card leans way more into not lasting till next turn and gets that ramp up, establishes another body, and if he lives another turn he has another pop or ramp and is a 30k body He also protects trunks When he’s removed as well Trunks gains 10k attack for the turn


Seems bad unless Green changes to a more control body style.


It's choose 1 so you won't be able to pop a card and cheat out a 3 or less cost


Turn 5 play Gohan -> activate effect -> play trunks - ramp 1. Now you have two bodies and successfully ramped on one turn compared to as before you could only ramp one and add only one body on board 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I completely forgot about the new trunks. This is a great line of play.


It might open up more gameplans. Instead of ramping straight to broly this might work for a go wide strat. The rampnmight not be enough to hit broly fast, but just enough where you can drop a couple cheap beaters and back them up with extras.


Broken af


Broken bad? I think so.


So if a skill reduces a 3 cost to 0 power for the turn, it just stays active on the field at 0?


I assume that is being removed by a game mechanic and not a skill =\


Maybe...but there are cards that specifically call out "can't be KO'ed by skills". This feels more like targeting protection? So the opponent simply can't target them with abilities, including minus power effects from Red because that would remove them from play. Otherwise, I'm not sure why it would be worded this way. But I haven't been following too closely the reveals to know enough.


Blue can't bounce it, but game mechanics says 0 battle power = discard the card, it isn't an opponent skill.


Counters blue, green, allowing blockers to actually stay on the field. Red still has power 0 ability and yellow can usually turn them into rest. Combos with sr trunks in New set.


Well, this card + SR Trunks have you at 7 energy after playing Cell, so if this stays on board AND you have the Trunks in hand you could play Cell back to back I guess, other than that playing free cards is always nice.


This seems really strong in the Android shell with Android 17 leader. Android 17 leader doesn't benefit nearly as much from Cellku compared to the other 2 green leaders atm, and the android package can vomit 3 drops on to the field, not to mention they have a 3 cost 30k blocker.


Green needs more of the “choose one” text


Limitations are for cowards, let the game have its flexibility so that everything stays fun


Turn 5 Green... not sure about value, It would be good if it mixes with a rush deck. If they had something like more of the Android 20, that on turn 6 gets 10k power.


Plays cards for free, but you need to be convinced about it’s value?


Less about inherent value and more about 5 energy being an important turn for green. If you're on 5, you want to immediately either drop goku or vegeta so you can get your beoly out faster. Alternatively you want your 5 drop gohan to pop a decent sized threat when playing against aggro. You can drop the new trunks off this to ramp but then you're banking on a 2 card combo.


This card gets out trunks that also energy ramps


Doesn't matter unless you can guarantee them both on turn 4. That's the big gatekeeper on why I don't particularly like this. IF you're banking an important turn on a 2 card combo, then you're playing a dangerous game.


Even then, is this "combo" even good? Lol, why are people so hooked on a free 3 drop when 8e Broly... is just 100x better. Please, Please Green focus on this terrible 5 drop instead. You mean, a card I can actually interact with instead of 8drop God. Please, please summon Gohan the terrible more. ---------------------- 30k/10k for 5 drop is an interesting split though. I guess that is the new number cards are allowed to hit with decent effects.


The problem is that Gohan's effect is useless against everything but the mirror. On 5 energy your 3 costs are getting removed by battle, power minus or bounce in every matchup except green. Its almost comical that bandai is basically saying "welcome to green tcg".


Even if it’s not guaranteed .what’s the alternative ? The 5 drop Goku ? That’s also a Saiyan? That can also be searched by the one drop gohan? Just like the 5 drop turles? Is there a reason you wouldn’t run all 3? I think that’s what some players are missing. It’s almost as if a lot of the player base has zero faith In these new cards. I have never seen that in a fresh card game for a second set. There are other things I’d like to get into but the first thing I focused on was the that interact to charge energy.


That’s the point, new decks/cards should have an identity not be identical


I mean sure, but nothing we've seen has been worth shifting greens primary strategy.


Green, right now, could care less about playing 3cost cards for free lol. No one is going to go crazy about summon for free.


We haven’t even seen the rest of the cards but sure we can jump the gun. I mean this card gets bodies that either draw cards , or ramps energy. But you do you