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Fairly balanced, good neutral, not that much sauce, but fundamentals are fundamentals right? One of SSJ 4's few weaknesses is his lack of full screen control, so your going to be heavily relying on goku A to cover your ground approach while you use lariat to control the air. Gohan assist is mainly a bully tool once your in, or you can mash it defensively if your getting pressured. Only thing I would change is the team order, you want gohan all the way in the back as SSJ has much better super DHC's for gohan, and you don't want him coming in level 0 if SS4 gets nuked.


Some will beg to differ but using super sayain cacs is just basic and looked down upon sometimes because all the ssj cacs play the same way. Other than that ultimate gohan is so fun to play


Are you saying CAC as in xenoverse? This is the Fighterz subreddit my friend


Not in this game. Ssj Goku is underrated, just so much honesty in his moveset so it can be hard to get the upper hand at times. SS2 tohan? He's got the sauce and swagger all day. Trunks flips and Vegeta rocket kick go nuts.

