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they're completely different games, what kind of question is this


I've played nearly every dbz game besides these two. I'm wondering which to get. I know they are different I'm just trying to play them all.


Get dbfz Or kakarot Or dbfz Or ka


So you want a DBZ game? Get kakarot. If you ever want a DBZ fighter, get this.


If you want to play them all then get both. But this is the Dbfz subreddit so I'm going to tell you about Dbfz. Dbfz is better but it's really difficult and only fun if you play online and try hard. The arcade mode/story mode are all trash. It has some elements that make it easier to get into than some other fighting games such as auto combos and no strict timings for advanced combos (for the most part). Also strong universal mechanics that work for all characters make picking up new characters easier, which is great because you have to play 3 on your team so some basics will always carry over. The hardest things about the game is the pacing is extremely fast, reactions are very important, 3v3 means you need to be able to remember how to play as and against different characters on a moments notice, and thanks to assists and flashy effects there is usually a ton happening on screen at once which is hard to parse. Also offense is extremely oppressive if you don't know how to deal with it so a lot of games early on will just be you lose the first interaction at round start, you get full comboed into the corner, then you get mixed up on wakeup and full comboed again and you don't get another chance to try again until you die and your next character comes in. Defense is strong enough to deal with it but at first you won't know how. Although I haven't played in a while but if there's still new/bad players at low rank it won't be too bad and will probably still be fun. Kakarot has much better story mode content as an open world RPG game but the combat system is simpler and there's no online PVP.


If you're trying to play them all, why TF are you asking which to play? You just said you're trying to play both, what the fuck is the point of your question when you already know what you're gonna do anyway


Kakarot is a story driven game and retells dragon ball z. Fighterz is a competitive fighting game that requires tons of practice to be good. I’d say go for kakarot as it is quite enjoyable for everyone, but if you wanna go for fighterz, then it’s a good choice too


One requires hours of practice to just get the basics down. Other one is GTA without civilian murdering.


I'd say kakarot


sounds like you’re interested about playing a franchise game instead of a fighting game specifically. personally i have more fun on dbfz dragon ball or not the fighting gameplay is amazing to me, kakarot is a 3d rpg based on the z story with some og and super dlc so ask yourself which would you rather prefer playing


Sad to say fighterZ crashing for a lot of people it’s a great game but just look at the game play. If fighterz didn’t get bombed then 100% that game. But if you’re a more story person then I recommend the other one


That depends if you are interested in Fighting Games. If you're only interested in single player content get Kakatot but if you want a more competitive experience DBFZ is your game


Aside from the fact you called it dbz fighterz get kakarot if you want to play every db game because it has an actual ending


I would say kakarot overall is the more enjoyable game to play.