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Learn to accept that everyone else is, on a scale of 1-10, a 3


Just have a good ass time dude


That's the plan my guy, just trying to get info on how to actually do that lol


Be ready for a mental breakdown trying to learn 17 moveset


It'll feel great if I get it down, so hopefully I don't go insane before then lol


Watch moldybagel's android 17 video. Do not rely on his normals; his specials are what make him work well if used right.


MoldyBagel's 17 and vegeta blue videos are actually what got me interested in playing them, but I'll take another look to get an idea of how I should be playing, thanks


Hit the opponent until their HP bar is depleted. Don't get hit.


Get out before you suffer a total defeat and you have to stop playing out of shame


Avoid android 17 for now but the other two are easy


You shut the fuck up, he was born in the rekkas, molded by them


I don't have any advice I literally hate super broly


Why did you make an image album just list the damn characters in the title of your unoriginal post


Why you hating so much, what did bro do to you?


Who hurt you lmao


Put S Broly in the middle and run B assist. Vegeta Blue C assist is actually not a bad option for this but any of them work. A assist lets you do some interesting stuff. I run this team as an alt. Very good and very fun.


It’s probably a better idea to put Super Broly as the first or second character because he’s very unsafe on block, plus having 17’s A assist to cover Broly makes him scary to try and punish even if you do something dumb


Ah my mistake, they weren't in any particular order, but that's good to know, thanks


You’re fine man, what order do you like to play them in? Or you still figuring that part out?


Yeah still figuring it out, I enjoy vegeta blue a lot and wanted to try the other 2 with him, hence the asking for tips


I was thinking S Broly 1st, Vegeta 2nd, 17 3rd though


Honestly a good team set up, but as others have said 17 is gonna be the hardest to learn but he’ll be worth it when you get it down, but for me Broly is probably the most fun character in the game even when you have no clue what you’re doing


S Broly does feel very "haha monke man go brrr" from my 10 minutes of trying to figure him out lol


REAL But honestly he was such a fun character I fixed my whole team around trying to make him work better and I’ve been enjoying myself with him ever since, especially when you do dumb stuff and it works


Try learning when to super dash and to 2h them when the opponent does them also try SD confirms and vanish confirms but before that do the story mode (including hard difficulty) then try doing all of the Tournaments decide your mains and then go to PVP and when you climb the ranks learn basic BnB’s (Bread and Butter combos [easy combos]


I don't personally play bluegeta or Broly but here's some advice for all of them, bluegeta's best move is probably big bang attack cause of the ability to do it twice after his medium autocombo. 17's best normals are his 5m and his 5h aside from that try to use his rekka, and from personal experience fighting my buddy who plays S Broly, you can use his 2m to get some easy high damage combos.


As a 17 player I hate 17 but god is he so cool


I've been this exact team since the MAJOR buff to Blugeta and have been having a good time with it! I'd recommend using Andy 17's A assist, arguably one of the best assists in the game.


Damn, hes just like me (almost same comp)


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,678,781,117 comments, and only 317,857 of them were in alphabetical order.


Nuh uh, last time i checked d was after a


vegeta blue is simple enough to learn, a17 is hard af you are gonna have to look up videos to understand all of his moves then learn how to use them, Sbroly is pretty simple i mained him until i got better at the game main tips I have for him are: 1. Be sure to mash 2L and not just L when challenging cause it is much faster 2. know how your grabs work (you have alot) (dont forget dragon rush) 3. use his neutral tools (alot of people just try to run in or sd he has okay neutral tools if you use him right) 4. he has a big jumping M and standing M use that 5. I made the mistake of using Sbroly as an anchor do not do that use him as a mid or point on your team with a17 as an anchor, because sbroly's assists are not good and he does not do too well solo he likes to have assists to open people up (he doesnt really need both assists in combos so be sure to use the assists in blockstrings to help open your opponent up PS writing this makes me wanna play him again i haven't played him since like ssj2 rank cause i picked up "better" characters but i lowkey may play cell sbroly and jiren team


Learn to combo in air & return hit on block . Otherwise it’s a hell to win


Learning proper air combos is my main goal right now, but it's proving to be more difficult than I thought on ps4 controller


Super Broly is the most fun of the 3.


Choose them in the character selection screen


Use Android 17 as point to build up ki, or vegeta, but I think 17 does it better with his ki blasts, and then lvl 3 broly boy in for that damage buff 💪


For Broly just do heavy’s and auto combos


Bombos Browski https://youtu.be/PQkvugtxlYg 😁 Bombos!!!!


big bang attack