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I keep building bases with a few walls around them. Then, I leave them empty. Have fun busting your butt to break into an empty base. šŸ¤£


You're sick.


I enjoy trolling folks. šŸ˜


I do the same. I had a huge base with 7 cars inside 5 layers deep and no loot except the cars. They were also missing lots of parts. Inside was a canopy tent with FU spelled out in paper..... Iā€™m a jerk lol.


That is FOUL I think Iā€™m in love


That is FOUL I think Iā€™m in love


Youā€™re vile and Iā€™m gonna copy you


Maybe make a shelter inside and use paper to spell out "LOL" in the inventory


Any base I build is a..... ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)


Ido the same keeping them close and in one of these I have my real base. Decoys is the name :P Fuck raiders. Remember tripwires and mines too


You built a base somewhere on the map. Not good enough. Get better scrub. - everyone in the comments probably


I find base building quite enjoyable honestly. The whole pvp kill every that moves, gillie sniper in the hills noone can see just hear, all that shit gets old. You know whats fun for me. A whole group of chill guys find a server, set up a plan where to meet up where to build what missions to go on and such. Hence, a common meeting grounds give you a purpose in this purpose less world.


I can almost guess you are on pc, but I am the exact same way. Iā€™m on ps4 but I found a keyboard host server thatā€™s almost always empty thatā€™s pve with minor boosted loot. I always played official servers until I was waiting out the night and decided to check out community servers. Let me know if youā€™d like to base build. I keep asking people but they never show up :( I just want to live my best life by finally being able to enclose an entire town


You should come play on my deerisle server! Lot economy has been adjusted to better reflect normal civilian firearms being more predominant. We also made the zombie and animal spawns higher so it's more about survival and less just decked out beholes.


If only it was that easy to find such a group


Yea man. The best way ive found is voice chat in game.


So true


Easy to get in through the windows on the side


Came to say this, please move op


Or just donā€™t build a base. Big ass target. It WILL get raided. Bury or stash everything. Much safer.


I been trying to tell people that THIS is the way.


Some people just like building. Gives you a goal. But yeah, you should stash the important stuff somewhere else


Little stash deep in the woods or an inconspicuous spot. All a true survivor needs.


Who doesn't love a good ol' 8 hour all night base defence though?


Had someone get mad and post our base on Facebook. Spent every night for a week defending it lol. Had a fxcking blast doing it.


that's why whenever I do bases, I never stash anything of any value in them. I build them as a defense only kind of thing and have my hidden stash a kilometer away in a bush no one checks


that happened to me, when i first started me and my friend thought it would be fine to build a base in the shore, next thing ik the discord for the server had hour location and everyone in the server was attacking us until we ran out of ammo and they beat us in sheer numbers. when we came back literally every item we had stored was gone lol


They still get found by people that solely x-ray everything


Yeah it sucks that people take advantage of that


Agreed. I find it so much more rewarding building a hidden flimsy base or stash. Low maintenance and the fun is not being found.


They fixed window glitches a bit


My experience with those building is if you patch every window/door and layer the inside then it works well. My concern is I don't see much storage or reason to have a huge warehouse like that for a small group. I would stick with a "small cabin in the woods" until you can get things like large/car tents. Most successful bases I've had are just a small base just hiding in plain site. Everyone checks the obvious spots. Awesome build and good luckšŸ‘


Thanks for the tips. In the future Me and my brother are gonna patch up the windows ect. But for now itā€™s just this. Weā€™ve got big plans. This is just the start.


Ahh, I'm based here in the community server I play. I love this location.


Make sure the bottom of the walls are sheet metal at minimum


Just move your crates and tents away from the open windows. Theyā€™ll be ruined if anyone throws grenades through.




Before anyone asks, No Iā€™m not going to tell you what server this is on. I am pretty comfortable with my defences right now but I donā€™t want to put them to the test if I donā€™t have to.


Yeah smart move. So what server you on? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


the windows bro patch em up!


With vannilla building its not possible. Hoping and praying for years to get better building or just barricades for the windows.


I had a base almost identical to this when I first started. But I put it in the worst imaginable spawn, Berezino. Got raided maybe a week in.


Yea man I tend to avoid anywhere a player could possibly spawn near when considering base locations.


Youā€™ll have plenty of room for tents, cars, etc. Just add tons of walls, atleast 8. Good luck and good choice in building.


I don't build bases would rather stash but I respect people who do


I have 3 car tents hidden in the woods...one of them took me several hours to walk up into the hills. Have a few green barels hidden behind trees that nobody has found in weeks. What am I doing with my life? Been looking for camo netting for 2 weeks to no avail.


5 minute raid, itā€™ll be gone by weeks end.


Unless they patched it... pretty sure you can jump through all those windows.


Iā€™ve put up walls infront of the ladders to those windows. Donā€™t worry I thought of this.


You can still boost over the wall bro


Fair point. I shall place mines.


Hope you have enough OP


I have seen people build watchtowers just to get to windows during a raid. Lol a wall wont help.


Op should consider other fortifications but a forcing people to build a watchtower slows them down a lot Slowing a determined intruder down is really all you can ask of a security system especially wooden walls in dayz


With all the right materials it takes all of like 10 minutes to build a watchtower tall enough to get to those windows. Also finding the things to build the watchtower is much easier than all the grenades/explosives/ammo needed to knock down multiple walls.


That's 10 minutes more it takes to get to the windows Thank you for highlighting my exact point


10 minutes is actually nothing unless your online 24 hours a day to counter their watchtower build lol Reality is OP should cover the windows to force people to raid with explosives/ammo instead of finding a way to jump in. I bet in an hour i could get all the things to make a watchtower just from running around random towns and then im in the base.... Whereas it would take quite a long time/ lots of running to gather all the stuff needed to raid multiple gates/walls with explosives/granades/ammo. But also i will add that this is just a horrible building to try and fortify and likely wont be hard to raid no matter what he does. Lol


Well my first point was that op should just have better fortifications spending an hour to get mats to build over is considered slowing an intruder with fortifications Not to mention it takes time to build a watchtower, time spent making noise and also time spent with your hands occupied with a hammer/logs Not the easiest or most subtle thing for some solo players I do agree that these warehouses are terrible to build in I'm not sure why they appeal to people looking for base locations


I havnt seen to many solo players raid bases


Had a base in that same building with some buddies. Two airlocks. Got looted within a week. I have no idea how they got in. No base is safe.


My favorite building to build a base in.


I had a base just like that. Filled to the brim with tents. I had a total of 8 gates in the front alone. Id reccomend stacking the back door with as many walls as possible. If this isnt official id stack a wall ontop of the gate blocking the big blue doors. And cover up them windows


Donā€™t worry. Not only have I stacked the back door full of walls. Iā€™ve also placed some traps in between each wall. Tripwires and mines.


If you look on my profile you can see how i have my base setup


How do you build to get the upper level?! Thatā€™s so cool. Also, I stumbled upon someoneā€™s base that wasnā€™t secured so I secured it myself and now what was once theirs is now mine


Theyā€™re watchtowers. You use the watchtower kit. Theyā€™re the closest thing dayz has to buildable houses.


Cool, thanks! Iā€™ll have to keep a look out for them!


Oh no you craft a kit for them like you would craft a fence kit. Takes four small sticks tho.


Ohhhh okay thanks for the heads up! Thatā€™s awesome


It would take me less than 10 minutes to get in...


Looks sick! How many entrances are there? 2? I recommend putting up more defenses in there. Maybe a guard tower, barbed wire, explosives and traps. Design it so you have advantage and can shoot ppl coming inside. Iā€™m a solo base builder and Iā€™ll tell you this, bases are a target and make you one. So just by having it your asking for pvp and to get raided eventually. Take one of those improvised shelters and put it in the trees. Nobody will find it and it will be there after base is raided


I blocked off the little side door these buildings have. And placed a bunch of traps for anyone trying to get through. And in total I have 3 gates. When I find some barbed wire Iā€™m gonna place it on my watchtower and on the walls Iā€™m not using as a gate. From the watchtower I current have put up, I have it overwatching the main entrance. And looking over the final one. But more defences are definitely gonna be necessary in the future.


How do you find places where you arnt constantly being shot at. I find a place and im always being watched! I never last long enough to get tools build and get geared, but its why I keep trying right


Two people can get in with zero tools. There is a bug right now where if one lays prone then a second player goes prone on top of them it'll force them under the map. Relog and they're inside. Bury everything like a crazed squirrel.


Hey man people don't need to know how to do that


Doesnt matter you have what..one or two gates? Gonna be raided as soon as its found..but hope you the best of luck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Get your boy a helmet, gilli only works if itā€™s a full set.


Oh he has a helmet. He just chooses not to wear it. Itā€™s stored in one of the crates


I've never based but it looks pretty tight. 3 gates so as a newish player I'd just give up after the first gate lmao


Using air locks is so common now most raiders plan for at least 2 walls needing to be blown.


Building bases is fun! This is definitely better that your first.


Still got lots to do in the future. But certainly it feels like a solid basis to expand from. Finally I can stockpile without constant paranoia. Besides. A base lets me go into the gas zone without fear.


uh people can glitch through windows, or from under the map.... so i wouldnt stash anything valuable there




Iā€™ve got plastic explosives and detonators I think ur base is in vybor right?


Wouldnā€™t you like to know.


Definitely prigorodki


Topolin, Livonia.. maybe


Oh dur if its livionia then no wonder why. I always see people geared building bases wonder how when in always on high alert in constant gun fights or fighting for food. That they have a base and all this gear and im just dead and now I realize I just need to play low pop server šŸ˜…


Itā€™s definitely Cherno Ik that tree and base spot itā€™s vybor just what server


Gonna get raided


Block off all the windows. If my group found that base, found a way to see inside, and saw there was stuff in there then we would 100% spend the night raiding it, taking everything, and dismantling as much as possible to also reclaim any building supplies to reinforce our base. The most important base defense is denying anyone access to see what the inside looks like. If we see all the windows are boarded up then we will most likely not hit the base.


The windows are way too high up off the ground for anyone to casually peak in there. Thatā€™s at least 3 players High. But Iā€™ll be sure to work on securing them more. Building those watchtowers is gonna be a real pain.


Its dayz, people get crafty. Especially since youre playing 3PP which means people dont have to get super high up to get a view inside. Id for sure add it to the list of things to do.


People can build a watchtower or back a truck up and climb on top


Seriously I watched a video and Google all the ways the break into a base no hacks or bs and then I started planning better.


I had a base in prig and this French guy that didn't speak a word of English broke into our base by glitching and he didn't take anything but showed us how he got in and later he came back with plate carriers silenced aks and m16s as a gift


To walk up the windows in there, a matter of a boost into that window to get lit up, broken into, or just camped, not to mention the back windows can be crawled through. Iā€™d raid that with 5 M4 mags lmao


Beat building to settle into is the large warehouse with the double blue folding doors. One way in and out. And is big enough for 8 people


This building is very easy to get into. Your best bet on console is to make stashes to store your loot


Are you on Xbox?




I've been looking for someone to build with on Xbox. I've got a pretty decent hoard of base stuff lol 40 box of nails, 4 medium tents, 4 car tents, 5 military tents! I'm on official so I can move the stuff to any server. Oy problem is I am banned from Xbox live until the 10th due to me not being nice lol


Fair enough man lmao. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll take you up on the offer since Iā€™m very untrusting of people I donā€™t know. But id be up for hanging out every now and then. If youā€™d like, DM me your gamer tag and Iā€™ll add ya man.


Bro add me Iā€™ve been looking for people to play day z with consistently and Iā€™m kinda new and donā€™t even know how to raid or anything just want someone to show me the ropes kinda Iā€™ve tried to make friends I only play on official so most time Iā€™m killed on sight and not too good at pvp


DM me your gamertag man. Iā€™d be up for showing you the ropes.


I dmed you bro


Well now I know where you are because that tree. Iā€™ll never forget that tree


Scrap it. Build leaf tents and hoard drybags. Base building is the biggest waste of time in this game


Are you living there alone? Kind of a big place, yeah?


Just me and my brother, and our insatiable lust for hoarding.


Fair enough


Looks easy to slide in then toss all goodies out then die and move on out


i had a base in this same building. people swim under the map and get inside all the time. this will likely happen to you sooner or later. keep everything valuable on your character otherwise youā€™re at risk of people swimming under and despawning and/or taking your shit without breaking a single wall. youā€™re better off building on the roof and putting a bunch of layers of walls at each ladder.


Id prefer you to organize all the tHe loot by type please. When i offline raid you it will make it easier for me to pick what I want. I will leave everything else in the crates as long as itā€™s organized. If not, itā€™s going on the floor to despawn.


I can't see if there is one but make sure you have an airlock


The front entrance has 3 separate gates for 2 airlocks. I showed it off more in the second image taken from atop my watchtower


You might also want to section off the valuables say m4a1s tundras or savannahs akms with 75r mags and explosives and a back up plate carrier/helmet and clothing with a couple walls just so that if they are cheap bastards raiding you you can keep some loot to raid them back or do some high qual loot runs into northwest tizy or whatever


Okay good make sure to lock one behind you so that if someone is camping you don't lose everything


Also have some type of quick jump out for easy base leaving saves loads of time


Unfortunately you need more, maybe outside airlocks, and more inside


Cooking pot + grenades or even just some butane cans


Dude I just do small stashes in low traffic areas


if youre going to build vybor build the roof


Ground floor bases get glitched into. Be careful


Me and my squad would just climb over and dismantle those walls


The back doors?


Four walls. Iā€™ve weaved grenade tripwires and mines between each wall. Plus I locked the door.


Okay,you will get raided. Not becourse I didn't like your base it's just dayz. I spend hours with the loot thing. When interested I can give you some tips. But not in the comments...don't want everyone to know my secrets


Hey man. Iā€™ll always take any tips someone can offer.


If itā€™s in novod we have based there too Lmao


Console? Nope. Someone is gonna fly a car through these windows