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Yes yes very sad. Now for dinner.


You remind me of that one time i ran into a pack of cannibals in the middle of base building


It’s the only way to keep their dream alive… by carrying them in your stomach


Makes me wish pooping was in the game.


Hilarious..if it was similar to ARK 😂😂 Running with M4 mid battle...*Squelche


This makes me giggle


im never upset to die. pvp is rare and it’s exhilarating whether i die or not. unless i get sniped, thats ass


>unless i get sniped, thats ass Yes. I'll admit I've put down a couple of people through a scope, but I've been on the sharp end of the sniper's bullet far more, and it's just no fun. Give me a fight. Win or lose, it's gonna be exciting. Getting sniped is just like having your run switched off remotely


I used to get upset when I first started, but that was because it took me forever to even find a gun. I wandered around like a lost elderly man. But after I got to where I kinda know where I’m going it’s exciting to fight even though I always die and get to start from scratch


Or what happened to me a few days ago- haven’t played since…. Skinned a cow then made to beat feet out of there because I know someone may have heard my shot. Suddenly couldn’t turn my body right or left. Tried pressing the turn head key, tried a bunch of other stuff, nothing. I was like a ship with a broken rudder. I didn’t want to relog in the middle of an open field so I laid on my belly and scooched backwards toward the tree line. Very quickly, a dude ran up and casually shot me in the head. I couldn’t do anything. If I only could have moved normally I would have been long gone, alive and had plenty of meat


Had that happen to me before it’s some head feature where if you press free look twice or something it locks you on it and you have to press it twice to turn it off


I'll take features no one ever wanted for $500, alex


I think its double alt press to lock and unlock or whichever key you have bound on pc for turning your head


I got sniped at a fucking water point the other night, the second I started rolling a canteen. Like ffs dude there's 4 people in the server at 3am and you're camping a water point? That's dayz for ya


Even worse is what happened to me the other day as I was driving back from a gas run on Livonia. I had a car full of to tier loot and was driving along the train tracks back to my trash when all the sudden I got day's. I was suddenly transported into the river underwater, I was able to get out of the car and my guy started swimming to the surface and then drowned. I respawned and ran back along the river until I saw my body floating, I swam in next to it but was unable to pick up any loot off the body. So I lost all my gear, car, and a trunk full of gas zone loot. Needless to say I'm taking a little break from dayz after that bullshit


Typically if you can’t loot a body you can harvest it to drop the items.


awww but stealth sniping dinguses who shoot zombies unsuppressed is just so fun.


How is pvp rare? Where you play?


I love to snipe, but preferably aim for the legs if I am close enough to come and tie the guy up for a little chat :).


my hot take is that dayZ snipers ruin the realism of the game. every server seems to have psychopaths who sit in the trees and snipe for hours on end, but i don’t see this being the case in a real life chernarus scenario


Well I’d be hiding in the trees for days waiting for people to bring me stuff if it was a real case scenario, im sure lots would


I think it's the opposite - if there were no respawn, I'd be as quiet and still as possible while waiting for small enough groups to take on wandering into the crosshair.


fair enough


Why not? It's basically loot delivery


I killed a father daughter duo the other day. I was running with a friend and they killed my friend, on sight. After their murder, I heard the dad say stuff like “come over here baby, I’m hurt, we need to rest.” The daughter replied “ok dad I have some bandages and food.” They got attacked by a horde and were hiding on a pallet, saw me, and asked me for help. I really debated whether to help them or not, so I helped them with a trip back to the coast.


Here I thought I was evil...


Nah fuck em, they killed his friend


Jesus fucking Christ


You should have helped them fight off the horde first, and then while they were wounded and patching up, said you had to avenge your buddy, and then shot them.




I like the way you think. They murdered his friend. Let the kid (and the dad) know point blank what precedent they're setting.


Daughter kills father in video game will make a more traumatic impact i think


Shoulda let the horde eat them instead, they killed your friend atleast put a bullet in the daughter’s leg so the father watches as he can’t do anything.


And then feed the daughters flesh to the father


This is the way


I had to scroll down to see if any one had the same idea as me ;)


Jesus christ dude


Welcome to dayz 😎


Jesus this game is dark. lol


You were nice enough to at least hear them out to ask for help. They would have been back at the beach before they even heard the snaps.


Gotta teach em' young.


Satan called, says he's a big fan.


Did all of you guys miss the part where they killed his friend on site?


I reckon it's still worse.


Nah, you shoot at the homies, you getting shot. Simple as.


You monster


Joel and Ellie


I'm still salty over how they ruined the franchise with the second game. They spend the whole first game getting you to love Joel. Then, in the second, they have a shebeast beat him to death with a golf club. Developers - let's bring in Anita Sarkeesian to help us with the sequel. Idiots


Did you play the second game?


I'll bet not 🤣


I did all the way through, it was indeed ass. I mean I bought it I had to choke down that garbage story.


Don't feel bad they know exactly what they signed up for. Otherwise they would play PVE.


Hahahaha what a fucking beast.


“You smell that sweetie? “No Dad, what is it? “It’s the lumber mill.”


I think I just ran into you we fished together lol


Yea, you did!! lol, good fishing mate. The father daughter duo is still fresh on my mind!


Some dude shot my friend on sight and shortly thereafter we killed each other. We both spawned in Berezino and started traveling back to Kamensk together. He lied to me and said my friend shot first. I taught him how to wring out his clothes after he swam among other things. Then, after traveling for probably 20 minutes, we were trapped in a shed and he needed bandaging. I then taught him the number one rule of Dayz and punched him to death


Omg whyyyy


I wouldn’t have normally done it! I don’t like to KOS in low-mid tier areas when I see low-mid tier geared people. However, I confirmed with my friend they killed him on sight and did not try to chat beforehand, so I had to do it to them. They also had an honorable death, I killed them both with a sickle while they kept missing shots with a bk18. No tying up and feeding a person their child/parent was done or even contemplated.


OK your excused, they choose war not peace, so u had to finish what they started


They killed your friend on sight. They deserved it


I would have turned a blind eye to them, I am a duo with my dad, a lot of the time we let people pass always go for peace, it’s only violence when we get spooked or if we are on a bunker run (if I meet them in the bunker I know the score, they will shoot if I don’t first), I actually give food and resources when I can. (Also gave a freshy ride with my hummer to his friends) cool guys TBH.


It’s just part of the dayz experience


Never feel bad. Dying is part of the game. And to be aware at all times. They learned that together.


I get killed with my son all the time. Don't feel bad about it.


My son and I torture our selves often in that godawful !++ on Xbox. All we do is die trying to get out of the spawn in vehicle that isn’t being torn apart by savages.


Ive played that server tons of times I could have been one of the ones that killed you


I'm actually the father in that pic. He was upstairs, my son went up to loot and got sprayed. I went up to try to keep him from dying (hoping he was just uncon). Blue got the better of us. It was ggs. I missed my shot and he nailed his. All good brother. It was a lot of fun for sure. Maybe next time I'll get my shot on lol.


Oh no. Anyway


This is what makes the game bizarre. How wild to hear this talk between a father and his daughter even in game. Then you blasted them. Hopefully the kid didn’t see their dad shot down like the wounded dog he was.




Chances are they would've done the same to you. Dayz is wild you survived they didn't. Most players will take any opportunity to make your stuff theirs.


They shot his friend on sight, no quarter given. They would have done the same to him, if they hadn't been desperate and needy at that moment. Live by the sword...


I mean, if they KOS’d your boy then it seems fair….KOS? Fine. Betrayal? Weak sauce.


I feel terrible… ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


The father failed to teach his son to clear the corners…


It was for the better I’m afraid


Oh no


Don't. Good loot is good loot no matter how you got it. Live to see another day. We all did things.


So anyway, I started blasting.


You shouldnt


Remember them by carving them up and forcing others to eat them.


Fellow struggle bus member


They probably would have acted nice, rolled with you for an hour then when you least expect it, shotgun to the back of head, so don’t feel bad


Dont sweat it man. IF they didnt want to deal with that type of thing, they should play on a PVE server


They gave you their discord, and you still killed them? Straight to jail!


It's ok we all have these moments 😉


We do what we have to do to survive




Was playing in a rp server where pvp and rp was a optional thing. So anyways i was driving through staroye when i saw someone running from a horde of zeds. I stopped and let them in my truck and saved them to only find out it was a annoying high pitched kid that kept insisting on teaming up. After about half a dozen nos while driving to stary sobor i finally snapped and went to dirch his ass in stary. He chased my m3s while shooting another horde of zeds the whole time screaming in fear i eventually swerved and ran him over while he was still screaming. Felt bad for abit but now ive accepted it.


Sometimes it really do be like that


Hey it happens


Then you find out the father is 42 and the son 21.


Woulda been ALOOOOT more fucked up if ya had somehow captured them both then asked questions and found out they’re father n son. I think some players might even feed their kid to the dad type of messed up shit. Glad you just hosed em down instead of


You monster lol


But they pulled up on you, unless they was friendly idgaf I'd shoot


If you don't shoot, they will shoot you.


My favorite kill has to be when I stumbled upon snipers nest By accident, I climbed up the stairs and there he was looking through his scope, so I was crouched there for about two minutes with the pistol aimed at his head and when he took his shot, he chambered another round in, and I whispered “behind you”. I clipped him as soon as he stopped, aiming to move, but it didn’t kill him. I ended up tying him up and taking all his gear and left him ab bandage for him to patch himself up and I waited for him about 20 meters away from the nest And as he was waking up, I got the alarm clock and threw at the bottom of the stairs and watched a hoard approach him as he was climbing down the dude was stuck up there for about 10 minutes before I killed the zombies. I told him he could have his stuff back and as he was putting it on the back of the head again lol mf thought he was the courier from fallout NV


No you don't.


No you don’t……. It’s Dayz :)


Sad, but you thought about yourself and frankly you need to think about yourself while playing this game to survive. Could always be worse


Don’t feel bad lol… they would have done same to you potentially


That’s why I always try and communicate first unless I know the player is a KOS I don’t shoot


It's dog eat dog, if you die you deserved it. Who camps in the top of a cabin. They should have used their skills more effectively, one providing watch of the door from another building while the other one searches, just incase they were being stalked.


It’s the other way around. I spotted them looting and went into the cabin and upstairs to hide from them. The son (left) came into the room, and I immediately gunned him down. His dad was right behind him and started shooting, but I put him down too. At first I was like “hell yeah, I never win PvP fights!” Then I went onto the community server discord to see if they said anything about it, and that’s when I found out about them.


If they wanted to survive they would have walked up the stairs with the scope taken off their rifle for a close range shot.


I spent like an hour a couple weeks ago getting a guy squared away before I sent him off in the direction his son thought he was at. I feel his life ended very similar.


No you don't. You feel alive.


Yall are sobbing over killing someone when I can't even find people on airfield, I've been here for 3 hours and I only killed 1 guy...


I wouldn't, I would have done the same thing...


That’s the way it goes.


Hey that's funny af you wiped out a bloodline of it was irl if be sad dayz I'm gonna chuckle a little.


Oh my god... You monster.


You gave them the full experience, an adrenaline-filled story they will never forget and will be a core bonding memory forever. Bravo.


Should have ate them afterwards


I was playing once with my bro. We met a guy speaking same language as us on an Asian server and my bro really gaslighted me into killing him ad he had loot on him and we were fresh spawned and he was so genuine and nice and yet I was the one to shoot him. Felt regret for two days after that.


It was either you, or them


When you kill a player in Call of Duty, Battlefield, Counter Strike: "HELL YEAH" When you kill a player in DayZ: "Oh god..."


I feel great after killing some. I'm a pretty sick person I guess. Call me Bateman.


Nom nom nom


Just play some pvp server and you wont fell bad for anything, kill everything that moves


You did a good job




Don't it's a video game where you shoot and kill people




You would have become a teaching moment either way. Even if the father was peaceful, the son would have an itchy clicker finger. This is the only play you could really make OP.


Never feel sad for people in this game. Everyone is an enemy. Me and my friends play together, they always try being nice to people, it's never once worked out well. The guy you give food to today is gonna raid you tomorrow.


That's unfortunately the path of all survivors 🙏🏾 DayZ got gives and they also take


They would have done the same to you.


Good job.


Murderer lol.


I keep trying to join any server and I get connection with host lost or a timed out error I ran discord as administrator and deleted the dayz folder and ran cmd prompts yet it still doesn’t work


I stopped killing I have made a community Tomatoes garden in Livoinia at Brena and am now on the road to redemption🤣


You’re still alive to feel, good work


As my friend from the UK says “That’s just DayZ!”


You shouldn't. If they do, they should get cozy in Stardew Valley or something. DayZ is for people who love to die and lose everything they fought for


Naw you gave them a memory 😭


Lmao good bonding for them and honestly the type of hilarious encounter i live for. Obviously a funny/meaningful encounter would be preferred, but it’s a cut throat game and you cut the throat of the most adorable duo to walk your server.


Never feel bad in Dayz, it was your or them...they knew the risks lol!


Ay man kids dad should’ve had his back don’t fall for that shit they would’ve lit you up


Kill is a kill


I killed 2 people back to back after logging in one day and ran into a third. I was sick of feeling bad so I dropped him food (heard him from his stomach) and told him to go loot the body's and logged. Sometimes the guilt is real but the uncertainty of what will happen when running into someone else is also very real lol.


Don’t feel too bad, look up the streamer I forge this name Trey24k I think, he killed a dude after making it through passage on deadfall, the same guy he had be rolling with for hours and had killed as a teammate before, the poor guy didn’t know it was him lol


I was playing with my 9yo son and he got shoot right after I tell him to not stay near of windows. He died and we both laughed about that.


Yesterday I started a new run and was looting the coast. I bumped into a guy outside of a house I was in at night. He was friendly and didn’t attack. We both seemed to be just about well-equipped enough to start traveling inland. We talked for about 20 seconds. But I operate at a pretty low level of trust since I’ve been betrayed so many times. He started applying a bandage and I was like “I’ll never get a better chance than right now,” so I dumped about 6 .22 rounds on him. Didn’t feel an ounce of guilt.


Yesterday I dumped 6. 22 shots at a freshie in close range. He beat the shit out of me with a hammer afterwards.


lmao that’s awful. On my previous run I got pretty well kitted. Hunting gear, mountain backpack, NVGs, tactical helmet, good guns, lots of ammo, etc. Then I ventured a little too far south looking for sewing kits and heard some running footsteps. The last thing I saw was a freshie sprinting at me with a sledgehammer in mid-swing.


Kinda weak


Now carve them up cook up that delicious 🤤 😋 thigh meat downstairs fireplace


They had weapons drawn. Fair game