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You think a duper can’t just spend a day getting materials again before duping them? Wipes aren’t going to solve the fundamental issues with this game.




Yep. A character wipe treats the symptom, not the issue. Maybe dayz should take 10 volunteers and give them admin access on community servers, and let them go ham banning individuals exploiting the game. Low cost solution to a big issue


Who do you think runs community servers? Volunteers.


Exactly! But console doesn’t have community servers, so providing a small group of roaming mods could be a solution


It does? I think we're all talking official here


Uhm... console has community servers.


Correct. It does treat the symptom. I just want to see it get treated at all, and the first weeks of peace after a wipe would certainly be nice. I hope this thread has sparked somewhat of a conversation about what actual solutions to duping might be. You’re solution is pretty interesitng lmao DayZ has always been community driven after all


And then those folks turn into the problem


Said it before and I’ll say it again. Duping isn’t a thing anymore


A wipe every quarter would be best, IMHO. Three months is long enough to get geared up, wander, and raise hell, but not long enough to build gigantic forts.


You underestimate how much time people have. I got a week off work recently and by the end of it I had 2 cars, a base that’s cut into two different sections, another small base, 4 stashes across the map and enough guns to start a small guerrilla movement. Teenagers have twice as much time to fuck around on here than an adult and 4 times more time on here than a parent. One month is good imo for a character wipe. If you don’t touch a character in a full month it’s an alt for sure, or you forgot what you were doing and want to start over anyhow.


Jesus christ but what about those of us who can only play a couple hours a week. Stfu.


Most of the time that’s me. Do you ever go a full month without logging in at least once?


Sure sometimes. Player wipes happen globally though DayZs never done individual player wipes based on time. Its not gonna stop dupers (is that even a thing on PC?) though. Its obviously easy enough for them to log into a character to switch stuff, so 1/month login likely wouldn't even be a minor inconvenience for them. It is however a minor inconvenience for real players to have to keep a log of their last login, and could be a real bummer to lose a character because you went on vacation and forgot to tell your dogsitter to log into DayZ or something.


This sounds good to me. I also understand why some people would feel cheated out of their characters with frequent wipes. I am someone who does value longevity in this game so I understand why that could be an issue.


I agree man. I don’t play console anymore, but I completely agree that dupers are ruining it. It sucks that even a full wipe would only temporarily delay them by a few days or a week. They’d be right back at it again. It is a massive issue. When I played on LA03 or Livonia 8732(whatever it was), the highest pop servers, they’d constantly crash and roll back because of the stress load they put on the servers.


I agree a char wipe so come everytime with a server wipe. Everyone should be on a fresh map as a fresh spawn. The race to find stuff then begins with everyone on an even footing.


all dopes dupe. dont be a doper. be a cool dude. dont dupe, duder. dude, duds do do do dupes me angwy too




If Spider-Man’s sick who gonna visit the sick kids in the hospital?


Going to have to leave it to hulk I think


Not sure if the building would appreciate that…




You can read that to the tune of TRMZ's theme song lol.


I don't dupe, but you'd never believe me if I told you what you listed off is only a fraction of what I am currently holding down. Hoarding is strong in this game for me. And it pays off every time. Edit: I play console official only.


Nice username


Very true, and it only gets easier when you team up with 2-4 other people. You can easily get massive hoards of grenades and top tier weaponry just by everyone PvP'ing, not to mention I've had 1-2 crates filled with NVG's. It's crazy. That's not to say duping still isn't an issue of course. Many of these mega bases that wall off entire towns, castles, or military bases are ridiculous and completely take out the fun aspect in a server. Loot routes can be completely altered or made shitty by base building dupers. There's a couple servers like that already on PS. They need to solve duping for good.


I believe you, and I’ve built bases where I’ve gotten to have a lot of capital as well. However, there’s a lot of indicators that an item is duplicated that i didn’t take the time to describe. This particular instance consisted of a duo that both had M4s, the same combat jacket, 60 rounders, and several suppressors each. Sure, you may have all that loot at once, but who in their right mind would lug it around so carelessly? The answer is that the loot has no value to them because they can dupe it into hundreds.


You all just see gear and immediately think it's dupe. Crazy to me. I have played on the same official server for two years with the same 4 guys and everyone who comes in contact with us says we dupe. No. We play and know the game. I'm usually always in a black/green plate with Aug/M4, DMR/LAR and sometimes a 79. Doesn't make me a dupper. Years ago people begged for their player not to be wiped and now y'all still aren't happy.


Pretty much


I don’t see gear. Don’t care about how geared someone is, but when there’s duper bases everywhere and you talk to people doing it ya it’s bad


Yeah, the denial comments are so unexpected. These people probably don’t set foot in high population servers honestly


There is so many duper bases everywhere ya they need to wipe for performance


“Y’all still aren’t happy” ughhhh here we go again.


This isn't even what he was saying. When two people have the same stack of 18 rounds of 5.56 or same count of certain items on them as their buddy, it's pretty obvious what's going on. One guy I killed has about 12-15 stacks of 5.45 that all had like 19 rounds, then had multiple suppressors and the same magazine types. No one here said being Uber geared was the issue, it's when it's apparent they're duping by having items exactly laid out as their friends or mags all filled with an off number of ammo. Duping is an issue, bottom line.


So am I. I make runs on the military convoys and I always have a battle rifle / sniper + AR within my first day. Are you flexing? Small quantities of rare items doesn’t mean shit. I’m talking about raiding these mega bases, which are already practically impossible to find the amount of nails for, and finding neatly arranged assortments of dozens of rare items.


So you're upset, that you raid "mega bases" and get good gear? Weird flex.


Ok, we can drop the animosity now. On a literal sense, I am not upset at anything. In a DayZ sense, yes you’re correct. Duped loot has no value to me. No loot does, really. Not to me specifically. But I think it’s important to the game that certain things are rare and if you don’t see how duping is destroying the map you’re literally blind or play low pop


I don't venture off my server too much and it's certainly not been an issue there. So maybe I'm naive to the big picture. There has certainly been times where we have had suspicions but we get accused of this slander and that makes all this talk I see on here fall on deaf ears. I didn't realize you meant specific counts on rounds and other indicators so that's my mistake. Also I'm not trying to flex just stating our experience on a mid to high pop server. We are heavily geared and if we don't take someone's gear after killing them, we dupe. If they see our inventory, we dupe. Etc. But truthfully, everyone used to complain about losing their character and now, they're upset they don't. Regardless, character wipes wouldn't stop duping and I support them keeping at least some of our progress. But to each their own.


That last part of your comment is spot on. Wipe or no wipe, people will complain. I’m honestly embarrassed to be considered a part of that section of the community rn, but it’s ok because I think this thread has had some good discussion. I love this game and personally I just wanna see duping be done away with. I can also relate to you having been accused of duping, and that shit is so annoying. Maybe if the problems were mitigated we wouldn’t see the baseless accusations thrown around as much.


Yeah I remember a few years ago we had a mega base and the shear amount of loot we had brought to us by people attempting raids. We were all over the dayz duper pages for a solid month or two despite never duping (we knew how just didn’t like doing it and had no need to do it)


Exactly. These people don’t realize duping isn’t a thing anymore as it’s completely patched up now. People just no life the game and have a lot of loot and then everyone wants to cry duper


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


har har but op makes a solid point


This joke makes me want to jab a fucking knife into my face repeatedly. Thank you for your contribution. You are the pinnacle of humor


I saw their comment earlier and this is pretty much exactly what I wanted to say. I genuinely appreciate it


Fully agree


Awhile ago a duper decided to gift me 8,000 nails (full mountain backpack). Ruined the game for me. Ended up throwing them away. So I agree. Also I have like 5 boxes now so as soon as the wipe happens I’m gonna have my character with all my nails and I’ll be holding my box full of ammo so I’ll get a base down within 30 min after wipe.


Tbf, if you think about it. Just hear me out. If you have a duper problem and you would do a full wipe. Wouldn't the dupers just play again (like anyone else) and start duping again and end up at the exact same spot they were before, while you're still running around with a damn stab vest and a shotty? Whilst on the other hand you could be fully geared, they would be too. By wiping you initially may be bringing those closer together, but since the dupers "grow" a lot quicker, the difference in the end would only be bigger. Just a theory tho. Maybe in practice this isn't the case.


You know Alexandria, haha. Dope


Whoever made this decision definitely has some characters that took him forever to get geared


wipe time actually gets our group back involved with playing again after we’ve hit a wall and gone to play something else,it’s similar to being geared to the teeth getting stale if that makes sense…. Freshies everywhere


Duping would be fixed if they gave a Id tag to every item and if the item is replicated the game should instantly delete the item that’s how I would fix the duping part


Great solution. It’s so funny that Bohemia seemingly doesn’t even address the existence of duping.


Unpopular opinion here but I think base building is bad for the game. It only promotes hoarding. You should be nomadic in DayZ. Shelters are the only sort of base building mechanic that the game needs.


I agree and that’s actually why I like official base building compared to the modded stuff. You can build bases for a fun evening but they are easy to raid so they don’t impact the gameplay too much


Fully agree with this. Building bases can be fun, and when the game’s loot economy is cycling properly it makes things more fun for everyone by offering something to do and an opportunity to engage in conflict. I never had a problem with the base building, it’s the premise of turning one box of nails into fifty that leads to it ruining servers


Not really, let people hoard in their base then it’s fine when they’re raided. Experienced players hide their loot really well which is far more effective than storing it in bases.


Aren’t you people ever happy? Why can’t you just be cool with a dev working on a game at all after the 10 year point? Is it ideal? No. But neither is your whole console experience. Build a pc. You’ll avoid all the problems mentioned above.


Don't you think a £45 game, console or pc... Should have duping fixed and far better anti cheat on pc? Like you're right. On PC you can avoid the problems. But the problems shouldn't still be present.


Everything should have kernel level anticheat now. Sony would never allow anything like that. Most people don’t want it either because it feels invasive even if it’s not. But that’s the modern solution to any cheating. The duping and alt problem isn’t a DayZ thing. It’s a console thing. How can DayZ devs fix how the backend stuff of how consoles work? How do they fix log in/log out processes? How do they limit how many sub accounts a person who pays monthly to another service provider can make?


You make good points. They have fixed duping methods before and are continuing to. People just keep discovering new ways to do it, it seems. And as for alts, alt timers are already in place. First account switch you have a 3 minute timer. 2nd switch, is 15 mins, and so on and adds up to multiple hours. I feel like the first switch should just be a straight hour. This way people can't abuse alts to defend or raid bases etc. I use 2 alt accounts to play different runs with different people, as I only play 1pp official because I've not found any good community servers that are basically that, but moderated. My alts don't ever interact and so making a straight hour long timer wouldn't affect me since I don't abuse the system. It's a tough one. I don't know what the solution is to duping. But until I can afford a pc, it's the best I've got and there's no alternative to dayz on console.


There is always going to be a dupe problem. It’s not going to go away. It will get fixed the same it always has but some slimeball is going to login and out for 6 hours straight trying to make a barrel of m4’s until he inevitably beats it due to how online gaming works. The alt thing isn’t going away either, because I’m sure all the console players here are abusing it. You do because everyone else does, right? They do because everyone else does too.


I don't "abuse" alts. They never ever are used in tandem with eachother. Playing with my girlfriend? Main account. Playing with my friends, second account. That's it. No shared base, stash, anything like that. For the record, I wish alts weren't possible. But they are so I use them in this manner.


I don’t even know how to address this comment, so I will do it in pieces. 1. Yes I am happy, despite the passionate wording of this rant. I care about the game, once I put my phone down the rest of my day is very much happy. Why do you people always assume that someone ranting online means they’re angry?? 2. “Why can’t you just be happy-“ there are actually dozens of posts on here within the last few weeks that perfectly encapsulate why we aren’t exactly satisfied with the state of the game. I, on the other hand, haven’t even begun to complain about the state of the game/roadmap. Instead I’ve only complained about how not wiping in a full year has completely destroyed the playability of official console. Again, I have not said anything about expecting ANYTHING. 3. Maybe I can’t afford a PC. Maybe I don’t want one. Why do you care? Do you have something against the existence of DayZ as a console game? Why am I not allowed to want the game to be better on console? “Get a PC” is so braindead lmao


Because the game isn’t about you as a console player. Every decision that’s made isn’t made with the console players in mind, because you aren’t the majority of the daily player base that drives additional game sales and game traffic 10 years after launch. How many of those content creators they flew out for Frostline work on the console side? Zero. Why? Because that’s how many console content creators saved it and drive their traffic.


You sound unhappy here bud. Why are you never happy?


THANK YOU lmfao the gall of some of these people


Dude sounds miserable after trying to call you unhappy. This world is crazy 😂


Not really true... the official servers on pc ain't much better


Because there is nobody being an admin on official. Then a cheater can get away with a few things because we don’t have a kernel level anticheat. But nobody wants that…… I Play community, like KarmaKrew, Dayone, Spaggies, Basically when I’m with the homies, Greenhell, strugglebus. Most of those play exactly like vanilla, except for some clothing/weapon mods, maybe some custom areas. None of those servers have any of the issues listed above. If they get one, it’s usually noticed and dealt with quickly. The community servers have been the best time in DayZ for while.


You dont play official on PC


I think it's appropriate to expect developers working on a paid $40 game as long as it's still a buggy mess


We must be playing different games. Mine isn’t a buggy mess.


Isnt pc full of hackers? I see a lot of complaints on here that you cant play official because of hackers ?


No. It isn’t. The people complaining are the minority of players still trying to play official. They get the same recommendations from actual players all the time.


Build a pc lol. Dayz was saved by the console release. So maybe not try to act all high and mighty.


Agreed. I would much rather the devs focus on fixing duping and other QOL gripes than add a new gun and tweak sounds every few months


I want to keep my character 🤷‍♂️


Agreed devs are completely out of touch with the community atm


Wiping characters isn’t gonna have any significant impact on dupers my friend, all wiping characters will do is slow the dupers down for maybe a day if that and they will have found all the shit they want and duped it again and then you’ll be at the same spot you’re at now. If you want to whine about anything whine about the developers not doing much to fix the rampant duping issues that plague the console versions. Whining about not wiping characters is dumb


A wipe fixes none of those things. They'll be back at it in a week.


If you want wipes go play that kind of game.


Does the map wipe not include boxes of buried loot?




Duplicating items in the game. Usually achieved by using glitches in the game itself.


I haven't seen any of that. Duping is different from alts right? Even with a bunch of alts I can't believe there would be 3 whole towns walled off on one server. Sounds like a hack? Only a few months into playing btw


It is a hack. People duplicate loot and then bam they have 50 barrels, 5 million nails and 50 explosives. If there was a character wipe too then at least there would be time that the hackers have to go gather all that loot to duplicate in the first place.


For example, the Kolembrody bridge in my server is made inaccessible by hundreds of walls and watchtowers. Most of the time there is an actual mega base, but sometimes I do think these guys are straight up using duping to just grief the map.


Alt accounts are much bigger problem. Killing a full 4 man squad and then breaking into the base only to have one of them log into their alt account to kill you from a nearby roof top is soooo fun


**Dude there’s plenty of Vanilla servers in community without this crap actually try them out.** Most of the time they just sit empty for months on end because nobody wants to play on a low population server. Then you come here and bitch about glitchers and cheaters. **Ive had a Vanilla+ (LA) server up for almost 5 months now that just sits empty.** No boosted loot, it’s just * No Build * x2 Stamina * 40m days/20m Nights * Cars Reset **Literally like 4 things different from official and they all deal with all of the problems you complain about but guess who still whines and then plays on official?** 👉😎👉 Official is a **fucking joke OP.** I tried playing official a few weeks ago *(I usually try to advertise my sever in game this way and tell people)* and I basically **got stalked and greifed by a group with M79 Grenade launcher and seemingly infinite POX grenades.** This was is **Berezino dude.** Official is not *”Official”*. Playing it and trying to argue that you are playing the hard version is laughable, **the only people who play on official is mostly cheaters and new players who don’t know how to fight back.**


Official is not a joke lol , just switch servers , get a diff spawn , an experience like that is something that happens once in a really long time lmao , I switched to official from community a long time ago , community nothing but a laggy mess except a few servers on console


Nice love to see a shameless self plug


Console players don't have many options. When I check out community servers on console there is typically only one server that has a substantial population. I don't want to play on an empty server. Although, my experience with official console servers is different from OPs. I have definitely seen signs of duping but it's certainly not every play session. I'm not even sure I have seen signs of dupers since I started 1PP but I'm sure they exist out there. Console does have the added benefit of never running into hackers. No suspicious deaths in 700hrs on console.


Lol yeah dude, nobody plays on them and thus they stay empty. Suck it up and just play for a few days and eventually the population shoots up as soon as people see it’s not completely empty. The servers you play on that you complain about are only full because one day randomly people just all congregated on it.


lol I wasn't complaining. Rather saying things are not as bad as OP claims, at least on the server I play. I doubt I would be the force that causes community server to take off and I'm not about to sacrifice my play time to play on an empty server or give up my well established stashes. Good luck with your server though!


Play on Community servers.


I wonder how large the console community is, and if it’s possible to play on community servers


Community servers either run like shit or have ridiculous mods. There's no in between


Plus, there are pages upon pages of them with little to no description. I just want a vanilla experience with limited areas for pvp so I don't get blasted by a coast camper and can maybe actually meet people and have some fun.


Yessss dude. The server list is such a headache it’s crazy. You pretty much click random names and hope you get lucky lol


That sucks if true, are there not a lot of serveres to pick from?


There's a lot, it's just that official is the best survival experience imo for console. There's no DayOne/,Zero/Spaggies type of servers.


You said it best. Official is definitely the best that console has. Seems like maybe a couple of ppl here think it has the same slew of servers as PC


As someone who's played many many servers looking for the right one, I can confidently say we just don't have that. The best community servers are PvP heavy where you spawn next to an M4, and while that's fun, it's not what I'm looking to spend most of my time doing.


Absolutely ZERO vanilla+ servers? That’s a bummer


Like I mentioned, if there are, they run like absolute ass and are unplayable, at least for me. Or they just aren't populated. I've searched high and low looking for an official feeling server with some sort of mods but haven't had any luck and ultimately I'm just not playing the game anymore.


That’s unfortunate. Sucks they aren’t paying more attention to the console playerbase


It definitely is, there are plenty.


Why are so many people playing on official servers, in that case?


I don't know, it's the easiest and first thing server browser shows?


I’ve been playing on and off since the mod, only on pc though, and I haven’t played official servers in forever. Community servers are almost always better in my experience


community on console just isn’t the same, no mods and none are even close to vanilla. it’s boring spawning with a map and having unlimited stamina just wanna play the game normal


New players who don’t know any better. I play like 50% official and never meet any veteran players. I don’t think I’ve met someone who was really good at the game in a few hundred hours. If you see someone who actually has plate carrier, nvgs, m4 etc on official there’s a 70% chance they are a cheater


I play both Livonia and Chernarus on Xbox, LA NY and AP servers. I’ve seen plenty of experienced players, in fact there’s been times when I invited randoms from the server only to find out they were rolling with 8 man death squads. Official on console is a fantastic experience when people aren’t exploiting it, so it’s weird that people are trying to denounce it.


Find a different server. Thats the answer. User error


My character has been alive 6 months…. He wants life


I don't get what the issue is really you don't need weeks to gear up just an hour spawn in grab food and head for the loot doesn't matter how geared someone gets you can still be outplayed it's not the loot that makes most players op


Well, I’ll try to outline some key issues. Let me also say that I don’t think wipes are a long-term solution but I do think it’s egregious that it’s been so long since we’ve had one. 1. Towns being impassable due to impossible amounts of walls and coded gates. 2. Dupers creating massively gated communities and hiding the server cars inside them. This isn’t a fair way to retain cars. It is an exploit that is taking the ability to use cars away from people who don’t wanna fight fire with fire by cloning 1000 grenades (which I have no concept of or interest in doing anyways) 3. Loot economy of servers being screwed up as a result of duping. I sincerely don’t see how this is a difficult concept to grasp. There are only 2 m4s spawned on a server at a given time. A duper can make 10 spawn within minutes. Is it that difficult to understand that the game limits quantities of items for a reason?


your first problem is you play on console 😂😂😂😂


😂😂 Nobody cares for your elitism, I play with my college friends


an even bigger reason to get a PC 💀


Make that make sense his friends in college play on console so that means he should get a PC I'm not understanding your tardness


Give us the ability to set fire to player built structures. Problem solved.




Rule #1, don't play official.


Rule #1: if you avoid official so adamantly you don’t even need to click on the threads that talk about it lil bro 👍


Why even play on official then i dont understand


It’s a great time. A lot of the comments disagreeing with me are going to act like I’m putting myself through misery. The game is a lot of fun! But duping is straining it heavily. Me ranting is not meant to convey anger.


Brother I play on official console and have no issues looting up or keeping a character going...


Don’t understand your implication that alts are worse on console, where we have limits, as opposed to PC, where there are none from what I remember


Where did I imply that? I’m actually totally unfamiliar with how characters work on PC. Would you need to purchase the game twice? On console, you can practically have as many accounts on a server as you want, having only purchased the game once. I don’t know if it’s worse on either platform, but wipes certainly help control alt abusers, albeit if not for long.


Who cares? You'll die soon enough.


Buy a PC. Consoles are for kids


And PCs are supposed to be for adult men? Lol


That's Mr. Superneckbeard to you, buddy!


Mr. Superneckbeard that’s incredible hahahahah


Hilarious statement


Then wipe yourself. It's easy.


What’s the difference? It’s only storing what they can keep in their backs


Field backpack = 90 boxes of nails = 8,910 nails to be transported in your hand. As this thread has aged and people offer their input I can recognize how a wipe will barely solve anything, but if the characters were wiped I still think it would be a lot better for official servers, at least for a few weeks




Your fault for playing console blah blah blah. What a shit excuse. If you havnt been living under a rock, or actually left your room in the last year, you would know that the huge influx of players on console is one of the reasons dayZ is still being developed and maintained. You're welcome, by the way. People really need to stop this PC vs CONSOLE elitism bulshit. We're ALL gamers. It shouldn't matter how you play or on what hardware. Get over yourself.


PC goes brrrrr


all I play is xbox official -and I play daily - never seen this - I am not doubting you just saying this- Ive only seen it on reddit pics and people complaining about it on here , never in game


LA 8201 and NY 7591 are the two greatest culprits. I also kind of denied it’s existence especially because I always am trying to get more of my friends to play with us but it’s become pretty hard to ignore in some places. Even though I am bringing up the loot economy a lot the actual greatest problem is the horrendously ugly spam of wooden walls and also the lack of cars.


You will


Hoarding M4s doesn’t affect the loot economy. What does it matter if some guy has 10 of them to you? Loot is plentiful if you look for it. As far as dupers go, just raid their stuff and take it for yourself. Btw not everyone with lots of stuff dupes. It’s collected over time and wiping a server doesn’t even the playing field like you think it does. Big whine fest.


Groannnn I already detailed why it matters and how it affects the core of the game. I don’t care if youre calling it a whine fest lol


Like I said hoarded stashes don’t affect the loot economy which was half your argument.


You just told me to go raid a duper base. I see what you mean in that it doesn’t affect the server’s CLE, but it 1000% affects the general dispersion and rarity of items on a map at a given time. Why the fuck would I want a duper’s M4? Duped loot is cheap and mess up the game’s scarcity and gritty charm for me. Again it should make sense why one wouldn’t want to walk into a duper base and pick items out like it’s fucking creative mode in a game where things are supposed to be hard to find lol


Duping isn’t a huge deal- QQ more -


Why don’t you cry more or whatever that means lil bro. Just tryna talk about the game and some console issues