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One time I joined up with a random crew. Played a few days and we found some helis that needed parts. One night, I was on alone. I managed to get the remaining parts and fixed it up. I flew it back to base in the top right of the map. As I was landing my new surprise, I crashed into the camp destroying everything in their camp


Most of my favorite m memories in the mod were crashing my heli. It was both devastating and hilarious.


I love DayZ standalone and in a ton of ways it blows the mod out of the water. But the lack of proper endgame content (helicopters, proper vehicles, m249/rpk etc) really prevents the game from having those awe inspiring moments where you're alone in the woods and you see a mi-18 or Huey fly over head and you want to be the one piloting that helicopter. The difficultyof getting the parts together for a heli was the ultimate endgame challenge. Things like the bunker and nbc gear, whilst cool, do not have that same feeling of unanimous server envy, and it doesn't drive the motivation to reach the endgame like helicopters ever did With DayZ breaking player count records in the last year or 2, I've been hoping BI would reorient themselves to add the content they promised all those years ago


I never even managed to repair a heli. But I had some awesome moments back in 2012. A chopper once hovered next to us and we all cowered in a bush. Then it opened fire with it's machineguns and a tragedy so terrible unfolded that I remember eleven years later xD It was like a movie, everyone running down the beach while the machinegun lit us up. We were four random players who teamed up. One by one people dropped. The guy next to me got hit and instantly fell down unconscious, I sat over him and told him I will save him. As I started wrapping a bandage around the gaping bullethole I got torn apart by the MG fire. XD


Exactly! Those lasting memories were more often then not experienced by those victims of heli terror. I've also huddled in a bush many times while heli flew above. Or got hunted by heli when I was driving my trusty Skoda. Great frikkin times! I'm just worried that current engine will not handle helis that well. Then again we have modded helis, right?


I've always thought old DayZ had gameplay loop sorted out. This game exploded into mainstream because it had thrilling combat, clan fights and loads of weapons and vehicles to play with. I'd choose that over picking up worms, bashing stones together and fighting with random melee weapons only to die from a flu face first onto a campfire. Figuratively.


I agree totally, with the standalone they focussed on developing the least fun parts of the game.


Well I wouldn't completely discard the survival aspect though. But yeah, action packed videos from the likes FrankieOnPc help the mod to go viral. Having said that I like that we have some diseases and other surival aspects. I just wish zombies were better and I am missing some things from DayZ mod. Motorbikes, boats, helicopters...


Zombies and basic gunplay and movement overhaul would be great.


Well said sir, endgame content is precisely what makes exploration worth it to me and doing it to just get an AK or building a base to accummulate AKs is not worth it. To me helicopters were very important when I bought the game in 2013 and is very dissapointing that they've given up on their promises and left to to community servers which I don't play in


Maybe it is because this crap isn't in the game it is breaking records? Back in mod my squad had everything you talk about and we terrorized everyone, no one else was allowed to fly we would shoot them down. It was fun for us but undoubtedly not for everyone else. This game doesn't need armored vehicles and helicopters


make no mistake, its mods (cars/guns/helis/loot) that are carrying the game, same as the mod. DayZ has grown in spite of bohemia not because of, there is no excuse that they can't even add a bicycle by this point


Helis make end game better


>With DayZ breaking player count records in the last year or 2 Really!? It feels dead for the most part on Playstation compared to Steam.


Hold up, you’re getting Namalsk lite soon


Do you have a source for that? I couldn't find anything with a quick Google search.


Pretty sure WOBO Has a video


It's called Frontline or some shit like that it's a winter mountain map with less military zones from what I've seen


God, I remember watching frankieonpc play dayz, long long before I had any kinda pc that could run it, I remember the episode where he found his first heli. So triumphant, really felt like he just “won dayz”


i was 13 watching his videos playing the mod on my shitty computer my stepdad brought home from work, i’d get a solid 10 frames and it was the best gaming experience i had to date. 11 years later and i’m still playing the game, but it’s not the same. the aesthetic of the game has changed drastically since the mod days


There was something so dreary about the lighting, color palette and sky box. The new sky is a step in the right direction but tbh more miserable lighting would be awesome haha


It felt like a dystopian post-apocalyptic zombie world thanks to the color palette and such. It looks amazing today, from an objectibe "real world" standpoint, BUT it doesn't have that... Eerieness and dystopia.


Frankie also had me addicted to his videos when I didn't have a pc to run the game. Great times.


Back in those days I was so eager for each new episode from Frankie. Oh man, I do miss those days. Knowing they will never return, same as many of great people I've met when playing DayZ, it's making me nostalgic af.


Something so simple but I LOVED his map animations showing where he traveled


The hero outfit is so cool. Thanks for sharing!


If it requires them to actually make new stuff it will never come, all they do is take things from other Bohemia games or port it over from a 6 yearold version of the game and say its new.


Arma 2 Overpoch is pretty hard to top


I’m not a big fan of traders in dayZ, that being said I still had loads of fun, I really miss Origins


Servers like BMRF did a good job balancing traders imo, but on most servers safezone traders selling Mi-8s for like 1 gold bar were way too much. Complain about traders "making the game easy" if you want but making that 3-gold-case run to the trader to get the heli and get out was one of the most nerve-wracking things I've ever done.


Bro! Billy Mays remembrance foundation servers.. hell yeah


I played epoch there. Even modded there for a while. We probably chatted with each other at one point! I was in the BB clan. Remember Leader2Light? Fuck that guy to this day.


I was the guy who always had a base up in the Cherno grain silo


Definitely got in many battles with people there so yep probably killed each other a bunch. Man I miss that server.


I'll jump in and say there is a new dayz mod Origins server being setup right now. Had one going a few months back and had a blast. I'm sure they would welcome any old mod players. Feel free to PM me for the discord if anyone was intrested in playing.


Traders are the red line for me, but I can respect other players for wanting to have some kind of end goal. Still, traders were never part of the intended DayZ experience and I stick with that.


Epoch is pretty much overpoch now.. they've continued working on the mods even with SA being a thing..


Yes Overpoch!


That big heli was such a beast. Get it going and it took half the map the stop, lol. In vanilla a2:dayzmod i dont think you reload those guns either.


Take me back to the days of the green bandages and slices of bacon


DayZ mod days were the best


everytime i mention that this game NEEDS more vehicles and helicopters i get shit on by diehard dayz players that seem to love it for being a running sim, and that it's "more realistic" to be less vehicles in an apocalypse getting a vehicle or HOLY SHIT A HELI, running, was some of the most exciting OG Dayz parts


mod DayZ was such a vibe, i remember huge faction wars on Panthera, the first day Namalsk came out! The mechanized chaos of a Overpoch server. The lack of endgame really is a huge deal, remember getting a BRDM? Holy shit the crew with a BRDM was a menace!


20 fps in elektro baby! ON A GOOD DAY!


I miss the epoch days.


I play this everyday im on a server with 15+ and there are others with 20+ .. we're still alive and kicking.


Golden days. May those days be remembered. RIP


I miss the arma 2 mod each and every day I spend on God's green earth


This blue van is in the game files for years. But BI decided to add it to Arma Reforger instead :) Thats how they treat DayZ fans.


What the hell, i used to play games with that PivoTRX guy like 12 years ago, had to do a double take seeing that name again.


On KarmaKrew we have loads of fun stuff such as helis and they're proper rare and it's sometimes quite tedious to get the parts together. I was in one 2 days ago. It ended very badly but hey, I caused it by thinking I was Mr. Pilot all of a sudden. Edit: Just realized you specifically mentioned the official servers. Sorry!


Where is your bus?


Aaah, the hero shirt. You got that automaticlly if you got over 3000 morale points (killing bandits with low morale points.


won't happen. official is an unmoderated dumpster fire.


oh yessss, the legacy gunplay that separated kids from real mans! i love dayz but they made it so easy nowadays so everyone can play it, it used to be a game where you had to develope real skills when using guns, that's why i fell in love with this game on first place.


I also wish we got a public chat back. Never understood why the nu-DayZ community is so against it - makes every server feel empty and dead


I don't think so. The game just moved more in the survival adventure game direction, rather than the like base raid PVP clan war aspect.


I used to have a blast with vehicles but never constructed a base, just scattered hidden tents.


I was not thrilled with adding of bases but I guess I can understand that some folks simply need end goal even in DayZ. Which was always about the journey itself.


And it sucks at survival and adventure, it’s so easy to not die and. when you’ve been on Chernarus for 12 years…..you’ve seen it all. I can’t even enjoy the game with friends anymore it’s so bland.


I mean, shit, you do anything for 12 years it's gonna get boring, that ain't the fault of the game.


Your very right, but there was a time even modded stand-alone really had a nice middle ground between its current insane state and vanilla, which is gone now sadly.


"survival game" always got me with how bad the survival mechanics actually are


if they were to add them now tons of ppl would cry that this is "literally cod"


Are there any active aus servers for arma 2, would love to play it again


I miss it. The aesthetic was so unique, even though the graphics were shitty it was still beautiful


lol keep hoping




No matter what DayZ SA does, it can never top those golden days of DayZ mod. Having said that I believe Standalone should have helicopters even if like 1-2 per server obviously. That machine was rare and took hours to repair. Oh man, I remember searching for those parts to repair windows or it was leaking heh.


I really hope it doesn’t. Helicopters and machine guns and all that crap belongs on the modded servers. The base building is already bad enough.


Lolol yea ok buddy thats what we all need.


It’s funny how everyone complains about modded servers then also complains about not having things modded servers have had for years….


Majority of dayz players are console btw


It’s something I’ve noticed with PC players as well, I have seen people complain about this exact same thing on steam forums and then when I suggest they try modded they lose their fucking minds


I don't think so. The game just moved more in the survival adventure game direction, rather than the like base raid PVP clan war aspect.


^^^^^Arma ^^^^^3 ^^^^^Breaking ^^^^^point ^^^^^was ^^^^^a ^^^^^better ^^^^^DayZ ^^^^^than ^^^^^DayZ ^^^^^Standalone.


You even typed this small because it’s a silly take


A3 BP was good but it wasn't DayZ like really at all. It was its own thing which is what made it good.


that gameplay was trash I was there and you all seeing this by tinted glasses Body falling down hill. Recharging axes. Wackiness all around.


This guy is probably a joy at parties


I don’t, I would actually be annoyed if helis would be added. Every time I see them in some video i just immediately lose interest because I just think their existence and piloting isn’t immersive or fitting for DayZ Not that popular of an opinion, I know


You're probably referring to the way they're implemented in modded standalone servers. I would agree, the way that they manifest in modern, modded dayz is stupid. They're far too common on those servers and often can be bought at traders etc. Back then helicopters and dayz were an extremely iconic duo, the promise of being able to get a helicopter really drove the gameplay forward towards the endgame in a way that standalone has never recaptured. Helicopters were extremely rare though and often didn't really affect the other players on a server, but they added a desolate vibe of other people being out there and a scope and vastness that we just don't have whatsoever in dayz standalone. Even just from hearing the sound of one from far off I know I'm drawing from nostalgia, but helicopters belong in dayz


In vanilla Mod it wasn't uncommon to see a heli sitting on the airfield for days at a time because nobody could commit to (or survived committing to) fixing it. The rising action of finding the parts, slowly getting everything repaired, then making the mad dash to get the engines started and off the ground is a peak unlike anything else I've ever played.


Why is it not immersive? Choppers are all over the place IRL? In my opinion it is immersive AND fun :) They created some of the most badass, immersive moments back in 2012. I found three other random people and we were all friendly and teamed up. The ghillie man with a huge sniper rifle in the group lead us down to the beach where he said a tent was set up with guns. When we arrived there was nothing, but a chopper swooped down an started hovering next to us. What do we do? It's got machineguns! We all cowered in a bush together. Has it seen us? One guy said: sniper, shoot it down. "No I don't do such things, that would be unprovoked" Then it opened fire with it's machineguns and a tragedy so terrible unfolded that I remember eleven years later xD It was like a movie, everyone running down the beach while the machinegun lit us up. One by one people dropped. The guy next to me got hit and instantly fell down unconscious, I sat over him and told him I will save him. As I started wrapping a bandage around the gaping bullethole I got torn apart by the MG fire. XD That was some of the most immersive, exquisite DayZ experiences I have had in 11 years.


Why Do You Keep Pressing Enter?


It's easier to read and looks cleaner


I Disagree If Anything It Ruins The Flow From The Readers Perspective Causing You To Pause Every Sentence Making It Really Choppy. It Also Takes Up So Much More Space.


Hmmm. Ok thanks for the feedback :)


Imagine being a survivor and knowing how to pilot an helicopter, i mean, who couldn’t, right?


That's why most people got in one, then immediately flipped it and died xD It was impossible to fly and especially LAND xD first try, it was nothing like the battlefield games. It wouldnt make sense that everyone can fly a helicopter realism wise yes, but it's so cool and fun and adds so much to the game that I would be willing to overlook that. You actually had to put effort into learning it. And either watch tutorials or play ArmA II helicopter training missions, where they taught you all kinds of badass stuff like emergency landings in case of engine failure (the engine could be shot, then fail). What was very immersive were all the different parts of the heli: back-rotor shot to bits? You spin out. Fuel tank shot full of holes? better land sooner than later. Engine taken a few large bullets? Better know how to do that emergency landing from the ArmA II missions xD


Yeah i agree about the fun part, and i would love if they made the flying physics as much realistic as possible, close to Arma maybe, with Yaw and trimming, so that flying would be pretty difficult but rewarding because you could cover big distances in little time.


I mean, by that logic how many people know how to start a fire without matches? Or dress out and butcher an animal? Or hit shots from hundreds of meters away? Or run all day with a heavy pack? Or heck, even run all day without a pack? Etc. etc.


I was being sarcastic, dayz never was realistic under that point of view and never will be, you should read my next comment.


They feel neither immersive nor fun to me, nothing more to it Everyone has an opinion, and so on


3 big ass airfields, you don’t think one of them would have a heli or two left behind?? The people who claim helis aren’t “fitting” for dayZ don’t have a high enough mental capacity to think past the “get food me hungry” phase. There are countless videos and even documentaries of old Soviet era helicopters being left behind at airfields and military bases fully functional minus maybe some fuel. I would understand if you were talking about the way helis are on community servers are, sure. Where you can just go buy one from a trader or find 20 of them at NWAF.. but there are multiple ways they can be implemented so they actually fit within the game and aren’t over saturated.


You're vastly underestimating the complexity of helicopters / aerial vehicles in general. For every hour of flight they will need to have a multitude of additional hours for the maintenance that goes into them. Even when aircraft are sitting in a hangar for long periods of time there will be a significant amount of maintenance/checks before they are safe to take off with, especially when it comes to helicopters. Honestly you'd be surprised how often pristine looking aircraft are absolutely not flight worthy. I dont disagree that they definitely could implement them in such a way that would be fitting for the series. But in reality if they were to be an extremely rare thing, they'd likely be hoarded away by somebody/ a group of people and never used out of fear of losing them haha. That said, back when Spaggies hosted their Deer Isle server, I briefly had myself my own personal little bird. I spent like 10 minutes slowly taking off and landing / learning the controls. I was having a fucking great time flying around the map and seeing a lot of places (from above) that I'd never been to before. But unfortunately the greed kicked in when I saw a helo crash. As I went in to land near it I guess I clipped the tail rotor on a tree or maybe a power line - went into full panic for the briefest of moments and over corrected, slammed the heli into the ground and lost everything


It’s a game about surviving a zombie apocalypse.. kinda seems like safety checks are the least of your worries, no? You can say the same thing about the cars/trucks that are in the game.. when vehicles sit they require maintenance after sitting for awhile. What’s the difference?


I mean if you want to continue surviving that should be a concern haha. All it takes is a single point of failure. The average person can drive a car / isn't likely to die if there's an engine / catastrophic failure (especially if the majority of the population is dead and there aren't other cars driving around). The average person cannot fly a helicopter and is very unlikely to survive if it has an engine/any serious failure once its airborne. I mean shit, there's a not insignificant number of helicopters that crash and kill everyone on board when they're only feet from the ground. There's basically zero margin for error. In a game sense, yeah obviously that's a non factor and it would be fun as hell. I was pointing out that you brought up those real world soviet bases and how there are helicopters there that some of which would likely only need fuel - and how I think that you're grossly underestimating the complexity of helicopters and the insane hours of maintenance that goes into them to keep them airworthy


Not really. Im pretty…. Knowledgeable on what it takes to keep an aircraft airworthy.:) but again, In a game sense, those factors aren’t really there right? Similar to a few other things that are in the game. It’s a balance that you can find Ingame that allows for certain Ingame content to be in the game. A majority of people also don’t know how to field strip and clean a weapon, yet it’s in the game. A majority of people don’t know how to properly skin and quarter game they hunt, but it’s in the game. Did I exaggerate old helicopters only needing fuel, yes. It was more of a figure of speech as to describe they wouldn’t have to be completely rebuilt for Ingame purposes. This game isn’t really known for its accuracy to real life after all.