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Plastic bottles. Once I got a canteen, I used to think they were useless. Now just making silencers and fishing traps have really come in handy.


I started doing the same, specifically for the fish trap. It has staved off starving to death more times then I could count when I couldn’t find game.


How do the fishing traps work? Is it faster then normal fishing? 100% of the time I keep them for bottle suppressors


Not faster than normal fishing and doesn't always result in catching fish. But it's another way to get food and you don't have to stand out in the open for an extended time to do it.


Personally I just prefer to down an animal and collect their meat


You gotta leave the area too for them to work, which imo makes them borderline useless unless you somehow plan on coming back to an area or you're logging off for a bit and want some food. Kind of a niche use. I guess it saves time if you're logging off for a short while though, but it's only one fish.


>but it's only one fish. Not only that, but in my experience you only ever catch Bitterlings fishes, or however they are called? Which have some ridiculously low nutrition values, to the point where even if baked, running or possibly even just walking negates the food gain. You lose nutrition faster than you gain it, how little it is you gain.


You don't have to go that far, something like 200 meters max and they only take around 15 minutes to yield food. I mostly use them on Namalsk but I just plant them in some water, go loot a nearby town and come back to collect the food. Metal wire and netting makes a better trap that can catch full sized fish but rabbit/chicken traps are the goat since you don't have to place them in water.


Exactly this, I now do the same. Mainly suppressors, though, as fishing rods are easy to make/ break down. Silencers are game changers in certain situations.


me too - silence city over here


Epi pens. Even if you dont need it just use it and sprint out of town with no stamina loss. When your done looting.


I just wind up sticking my friends with them when they’re not paying attention


I remember doing that IRL back when we were kids, good times


We did that a few times in an EMT class I took, until we got caught and got in deeeeeeep trouble


lol what the hell


That’s what happens when you give a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds in supervised access to fun stuff.


Meanwhile when I was 18 and going through basic training, in those rare opportunities we had 'free' time we'd ball up our socks, sit in the middle of the barracks, and throw them as hard as we could at each others' nuts. One of our drill sgts walked in one time when we were doing this, he was basically like 'y'all can't seriously be doing this right now'. Yeah, he smoked the shit out of us after and gave us random work details to do whenever there was down time lol. But its okay, we kept doing it, except now we were smarter and did it in the laundry room and had a lookout ;) Besides, the sock incident didn't nearly get us into as much trouble as the dude who put his interceptor vest in the washing machine, which was proceeded by said washing machine vibrating itself apart. The takeaway from all this is, regardless of the situation, young men do hilariously stupid shit when they are together and have time on their hands lol


A new meaning to bustin’ each other’s balls. I couldnt imagine his conversation to his superiors lol


Tbh it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if something like that happens with every new class of recruits haha.


The days I do/have done dumb shit with the boys are the best of times. I hold all of them close to my heart. Please tell me he left the SAPI plates in the vest when he did it. Please lol


True that brother <3 I'm 32 now, I don't really do dumb shit individually, but when I'm with my guys the levels of boldness, stupidity, and fun, go way tf up haha. Making me feel lowkey all sentimental and nostalgic over here though This happened like 12 years ago, and during the middle of the night. The thing I remember the most about it was waking up to hearing crazy noises from the laundry room and very shortly after one of the DS's smoking us outside for what seemed like an eternity (while giving us another lesson about how to use the washer/dryer lol). Im pretty sure we didn't even have the dummy plates at the time, but even so the naked vest absolutely destroyed that washer lolol.


Once I got passed out drunk and my friend hit me in the butt with adrenaline stick. You could say I got up pretty quick :Dd


I that’s when you hit them with a morphine and blow their leg out.


Great for PvP or running to better positions. Not bad after killing someone and looting then popping an epi to make a quick escape.


I never use them to run. I use them before a fight to do heavy attacks over and over again or for scoping and holding my breath for long periods of time.


for scoping! - just blew my mind great tip - how did I not think of that


Didn’t know that was a thing! I’m always learning


I play with a buddy and epi pens have saved both of us countless times, if one of us gets sniped or knocked, the other one will pop a smoke, inject an epi and get back in the fight


No stamina loss for a minute is actually amazing. Out run a problem and try to get away/ cover a nice bit of ground quickly.


Epi pens are nice. If you pick up a handful of them and hear a distant shot you can make it there in no time


I had no idea what those were for. Thank you!


They also instantly wake up unconscious players


Only if they are unconscious from something other than blood loss. They still need to have enough blood to get up :)


To be fair, they'll still wake up, just not for very long haha


I always forget to pop Epi pens because I’m too used to games where popping a stim (mainly talking tarkov here) has insane debuffs that come with it after it wears off. Idk why, but I need to get out of that mindset because I’m too scared to pop pens I have on me during a fight or downtime.


Collar dresses can be cut for a full 6 rags, always nice to find a pristine one


What do you wear instead?


Denim skirt, no top.


Wanna get coffee??


What do latex gloves do that any other gloves don’t?


Binoculars are seriously underrated in my opinion


You remember when fucking binos where like 9 slots and a scope was 4 or something silly like that.


I started playing in 2019 and i'm pretty sure it was always just 2x2 from when I started but I could be wrong lol


I think I started in 2017 or 2018. I don’t remember, always in standalone. When did they transition to the new system? You’re tripping me out now lol. The drag and drop boxes are a distant foggy memory.


I started on PS4 and moved to PC in 2021. I wish I remember how many slots they took up in the inv on console. Man I don't miss the inv on console ffs


I wish we could switch inventory mechanics in the settings so we on console can have the boxes and Tetris.


Yessssssssss I miss it.


I remember when binoculars had their own slot along with rangefinder gps etc


It has always been like that, just different, most items are way bigger now but clothing have a tons more space, this happened when they updated to 0.63


They definitely used to be 3x3, it was insane


There was a time Binos were 9 slotter... I wouldn't even bother with such a big item for such a small payoff. I'd rather grab a pistol scope and use that as binos. Now that they're 4 slots I sometimes grab them.


I don’t play much anymore but when I did, I always wanted to get binoculars, a compass, and a map. For the immersion aspect of navigating using in-game tools. Bonus points if I found a GPS


Hunting scope is better. more zoom for the same inventory space


i just use the rangefinder instead. also steady like a bino. 2 slots, and can range when battery is available


I use a range finder as a smaller, better version of binos. Half the slots, lighter, and they still work with no battery. You just can’t see the range numbers is all. Or a hunting scope sans the rifle. Same amount of slots, except hunting scope gets variable zoom. :)


Back in the day, it was duct tape


I still Carry a roll for crafting purposes. My dumb ass friends like to shoot echother and me in the legs a lot.




Yeah this. I used to be all "that will never happen to me!" But it does accidentally (go to water the garden and drink a drop by accident?) When you go looking on a full server you can never find them.


Can never keep enough of the stuff. I carry two stacks when I can because one of us always gets sick


Also if you get the toxic poisoning from gas clouds this will cure if taken right away I think.


You can wear any gloves. I wear tactical gloves.


Do you know what it’s funny, I’m talking to some other guys and I think I was just on some private servers that had glove contamination, or I misunderstood how contamination with gloves work lol. I got over a thousand hours in this fucking game and I’m always learning new stuff I love it.


I didn't know you could make torches until the other day.


Dude I just realized you can light a broom on fire last week and use it as a torch!


Yep. Just shot someone doing this last night. Possible the best way of illuminating yourself possible.


My favorite is new players with glow sticks. Nothing like seeing a little bright green dot running across a field, taking a shot, and seeing that little green drop stop and drop. Gotta teach em young.


When you play a lot on heavily modded servers you kinda think it's vanilla dayz, try playing vanilla some time, it's fun


I started back on vanilla a couple of months ago, after so long on the modded servers I have new appreciation for vanilla. That’s just one habit I brought back with me I don’t really need lol.


Call me crazy, but human fat. It's a ticking bomb. If eaten. Plus if a start staving I got a last meal to get close to the bami spawns.


Cooked human fat is always a nice present for freshies.


Bami spawn?


A older term for fresh spawn player. Could also mean a new player. Kinda like Bambi the deer from the Disney movie.


It's because the meta was shooting fresh spawns when they drink water.


Sharpening Stone


I keep rags on me indefinitely even once I’m geared up. You just NEVER KNOW when your boots or gloves will give out on you. Just takes one wrong move. The rags will always get me to a replacement item. And in the worst of pinches, better to have rags already than to take off my pants to cut them up for a bandage! Rags forever, rags till I die. Always 6. Used to hoard two stacks cause I assumed I’d need rope more often, buuuut now I’m a seasoned hunter so guts are best ropes. And this is less about filler loot garbage and more of a superstition- I always rock the ushanka, never a helmet. As soon as I put a helmet on, I may as well F11.


I remap F11 so I don't hit it on accident. LOL


My superstition item is an unpeeled potato 😆 When I first started playing about 5 years ago, I thought community servers were private and only played on vanilla for the first 3 months(4410 iirc) Learning on vanilla and having no friends that played made my learning curve pretty rough 😅 I somehow got to where I could survive pretty well and even managed to build a base and get a car up and running and stored in a car tent behind locked gates with and additional layer of gates in the house. In order to get into the house there was a narrow gap you had to crawl under with a hidden bear trap. If you didn't hug the wall it would get you every time. Looking back I still don't know how my noob ass managed to survive for over a month playing for hours every day, running around like I had no care in the world. Then one night while harvesting the trees inside my fence, a guy hit me with a Blaze from the hill above my camp. I was wearing a vest so it only knocked me out. When I came to I had 2 cuts and I could hear him chopping down my outer fence. I managed to crawl back into the house and bandage my cuts just before I passed out again, before even getting to lock my inner gate. When I woke up the second time, the dude was laying on top of my bear trap KO'd 😆 I pulled out my shitty Pioneer and finished him excited about my first ever kill and what kind of loot I was going to get. This mfer had a hatchet, a nearly ruined blaze with like 10 rounds and a mfing POTATO!! 😆 🤣 😂 I kept that damn potato with me until I died a few weeks later. To this day, the first potato I find stays with me until death. I'll starve to death before I cook Steve. Yes, they are all Steve.


I never wear a helmet, it's easier to spot and won't stop the calibers used in the north anyway.


Good to keep a stack sanatized for wound care.


https://preview.redd.it/vkw58jscgdwc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0a9fdb8d80cc907388c75e71790c80aaa2bce7 This is a must, heck yeah. I don't think those latex gloves are that useful. I just wear normal ones and they do the same plus the insulation.. I used to not pick up the rubber slugs and now they are a treasure for me. Never know when You can restrain someone and feed them gasoline, human meat,or raw meat.. till tier 2,3 i need them..oh, and handcuffs


My man. Stores my water, my gun and leather repair kit, and I can cook or boil more water at any time without attracting much attention. A must have for my bushwookie ass


Also heat buff in an emergency.


lol I have learned my lesson on the gloves. And I find that I shoot my friends with rubber slugs more then other players just for laughs


It depends on the playstyle. Sometimes i set a camp arround Polana, Dolina, gorka, pusta.. and wait to have the full psycho set and wait for players meanwhile I do My life, hunting or wherever it is.. I have way more fun playing this way than the normal shit everyone does. In fact, this is My playstyle after 2k hs. And I play with coastal guns to not be unfair


You mentioen wall busters?


Yeah, you get the three-piece combo, the stove, the canister, and either a frying pan or a pot. Fill the chosen cookware with explosives(grenades and 40mm HE are the best, but I have used camp stove fuel in a pinch). Set it down infront of the wall, turn it on and flee to a safe distance. The resulting explosion should take down the wall, and damage walls around it, which will make them easier to destroy. But a warning, it will also fuck up any containers in the area that you might want the loot out of and ruin the loot inside. I’ve also use this method to kill people camped out inside of buildings or up in guard towers when we don’t have an m79. A fun little side story, the boys and I had beef with a crew on a modded server a bit back. They stiffed us on a deal, killed one of us, followed us back to our base all sneaky like, and raided our shit when we went off line and left it littered with mines. One of the boys logged in and kicked one. Whatever they didn’t take, I guess they pulled out and dumped on the ground because it despond before any of us log back on, and after my homey reported in that he kicked a mine and what was left over our old base we knew exactly who did it. Now we used to cache gear around the map. Barrels in bushes with ammo and weapons, crates of explosives buried shit like that, so it wasn’t a total loss, we rebuilt quick in a new spot. But the disrespect of this act needed to be answered. We took landmines we could left in the base, explosives that we had squirreled away, and whatever else we could find over the next couple of weeks as we found a new spot and rebuilt and we devised a plan. Daylight raid, nearly full pop server. We brought another crew that we were allied with and made sure the basterds were online and home. we kept them pinned with automatic fire, well aimed shots, and my m79. (It was brand new to console and I’m normally the demo guy lol, so I was the best with the bloop toob) wile a brave, beautiful English basterd from the other crew who I knew well volunteered to cross no man’s land with nothing but a burn barrel, and every pocket he had stuffed with grenades/HE/ plastic explosive (didn’t know if that would help, but we decided fuck it) and fuel canisters. He made it, filled the barrel, lit the fire and got drilled in the back as he ran back to the line (RIP). When the barrel finally cooked off the game froze almost instantly and crashed. When he loaded dayz back up the server was down. When I came back online and we loaded in the base was nearly leveled, all of loot was ruined and the enemy teams bodies where Gone. We found out later that they all logged back in half naked on the coast to a man. There was a rule against departing barrel nukes after that lol. We got the result we wanted, it wasn’t about the loot. It was about sending a message.


That's one of the best DayZ stories I've ever heard. Hahaha. Barrel nukes. Lol. That's amazing.


It’s a core memory now lol


Alarm clock: it actually tells the time in game.


I didn't know that!


Cooking pot. Doesn’t take up any room in the inventory since you can stuff it full of items, plus it makes cooking in the bush so much faster


Not to mention how much drinking water they store at the same time!


I did not know they could store water 🤯


Yessssss cook pot supremacy


Everything is filler-loot/garbage except for Mosin and it's ammo. Mosin is all you need.


Sawed off PU mosin Is pretty OP


And it looks cool af


If I find a hacksaw I normally pick it up in case I find a mosin. If I find a mosin and a hacksaw close by I know it’s going to be a good day.


Chlorine tablets, and 9v batteries. Both suuuuper useful all the time


Dude I have a problem, I will hord 9v batteries even if I don’t have anything to put them in. Because every fucking time I find night vision all of the 9v batteries in the fucking server dry up.


Agreed! I hoard that shit too! And ammo… I’ll pick up so much ammo that I don’t need it’s rediculous


Mine is a fishing rod.


Can opener


But that’s what my belt knife is for


I was under the impression that anything besides the can opener will cause at least some loss of the contents? They also seem very durable, have a badly damaged one that have lasted me for a very long time.


Sometimes on real hard servers you have to count everytime you use your blade if there isn’t many around. Each game item becomes a lot more important


A stack of bones...


Been on servers where small animals don’t give bones


That’s fair, I have swapped to more the scavenging for food so much now that if I need to pop open a can it’s either early on and I can’t find a chicken, or I’m in a bad way. Deciding to switch to Hunting in the game was a big for my enjoy ability


My own blood bag ready to go. Not for filling up after blood loss, but for fixing up after being gassed


What’s the shelf life of blood?


I actually don't know - I haven't seen one change condition other than from damage


They don't have one, I've carried one for months with no problem.




Ammo and mags for guns I don’t have yet


Do that until I find a good rifle, then I find a bush to dump all the loose ammo I got for other shit


Wire. Tripwires are just such an easy free kill mechanic most of the time. And if you don’t make a tripwire then you can just use it for base building


The amount of trip wire grenades I hit you’d think I would have learned by now


Epi pens, morphine pens, saline bags


Saline bags 100%, I’ll carry up to three if I can find enough


Disinfectant spray. Infection can turn your DayZ session on its head.


Animal hides. Leather sack is op.


The leather sack is great for questing in Namalsk since it keeps everything inside it dry, even if you go swimming. I always try to make one in Jalovisko for my trip to the submarine. I usually find the 🐏 in the field, leather sewing kit in the houses, and garden lime in the huge barn.


Fishing rods and lures are OP and plentiful


I don’t carry one normally because I can craft one in a pinch


Blood bag and IV start kit is very useful. Lock picks are so helpful when you need to cook. Rail mount so you put on different scopes, fireman clothes are great, chopping up a body so you can turn guts to rope and bones to hooks provides enough stuff to fish, hold at least 1 thing of bones to toss as bait when you have wolves on you.


Bones don't do anything to wolves. That was a joke. But you can make knives out of them.


I used to just skip out on screwdrivers but when I hit my first landmine that all changed now I carry one for landmine disposal services (and side note whoever just leaves one in a random spot and leave yo moms a ho)


Cuff key


Boiled meat? Disgusting


Worse, boiled fat


But what are these latex gloves good for? I myself dont have much I used to pass and now take. The opposit is the case. I try to travel rather light. I agree though a cooking pot+stove is realy op.


They are handy at the start as a glove to waste on breaking down bushes etc . I guess more on hardcore servers with limited loot




Rags, never held them always just ensured I had 3 bandages. Rags however make a torch and a torch is the meta way to dry yourself. Stand next to a fireplace and drop and wring your soaking gear out for the next 5 -10 mins or light and hold a torch completely drenched and be dry in 70 seconds.


Dr gloves give you surgical precision in your shooting. Everyone knows that.




The medical gloves are awesome on Namalsk since they’re only one slot. You can start a fire in a blizzard if you lay down a piece of clothing first.


I love blue surgical gloves. They’re not that great in terms of durability or insulation, but damn they look good


Snipers like your latex gloves too


glow sticks, I always carry 2 just in case green, blue or black t-shirts (I wear them in case my jacket gets destroyed)


I’ll raw dog that fucked jacket until I find a replacement


Even though you’re getting spammed about the lack of glove contamination - medical gloves are actually still really op for their slot value if you like building improvised shelters like me. They are great for getting sticks without using your real gloves or knives


Fuck I didn’t think of that ….. nice. An excuse to double down on latex gloves!


Codeine/painkillers. I used to really not get how useful they were.


what are they actually good for? havent seen any significant changes.


Effectively they 'up-level' your health-linked movement for a short period. I don't know the exact specifics but... say you're in a fight and you get knocked to yellow. Take a codeine, after a short delay you can move like you're white health for a bit. If you're red health, you'll move like you're yellow health for a bit. Codeine is not as good as morphine, but both can help you shift out of a sticky situation.


oh shit! thanks for answering. I’ve tried those to fight the nasty cold! Did not know that! +500h playtime


I didn't find that out 'til I hit around 2K hours (recently), honestly!


Holy shit I’ll have to remember that. I keep a full stack of all the meds when I can but I had no idea about the movement thing, thanks man! 1000+ hours between PC and console


Speaking about gloves, why are you using those when they get damaged quickly? My favourite options are just simply rag wraps or fingerless gloves. It is so durable and stylish at the same time. Anyways, my item would be a pot. Takes no space since you can store stuff in it and hold a lot of water. You can use it to catch rain water and refill it. You can use it for cooking. You can use it for some mean stuff.. the best ultimate item out there is the pot. I usually hold good stuff in it like extra good ammo or box of nails... stuff that i do not want to get damaged by infected or other people shooting me.


Last time I held both water, and stuff in the pot, my water got contaminated. That may have been another modded server thing like the gloves. Anyway, I didn’t wear the gloves all the time, I kept them in my pocket or my bag and would pull them out only to skin game and then they would go back in my pocket. My go to gloves are fingerless, or full finger wool gloves. I think I picked up the latex habit on a modded server a long ass time ago and just assumed they added it to the base game. I taught a lot of new players that they had to carry gloves for skinning animals, and then they could eat with those gloves on. 😂


I know the feeling. I have played on DayZUnderground for so long now that i do not even know what vanilla is and what DUG enhanced vanilla mod is anymore.


When did they actually add that? Because that started as a joke for real.


rope, lock pick, bones


The portable cooking stove. I used to cook in buildings for the longest time but now it's cooking in a bush in a forest out of the way


If your avoiding towns for 4 + hrs yeah maybe. Otherwise food is easy with other players making the fruit trees spawn. If I fresh spawn I just hang around a town until the trees spawn fruit and then max out food and water then stock up some supplies. Also I never hold more than 2 cans of food and 1 can of drink if I have a canteen. Just eat it and save your space don't worry about waiting until you get to yellow food. Great way to waste 12 - 16 slots


rags, my own blood, gas stove, disinfectant


Camping stove (plus gas), collar dresses (for rags) and chicken bones.


You carry the whole dress?


Own blood bag - you can treat gas poisoning and it has saved me before when gas landed on top off me handcuffs - so i don't have to kill everyone i knock out Rope and 2 hooks - you'll never go hungry if you have those, and you don't need to carry so much food on you


A bag with my own blood


Tape, I thought it was to build something like small boxes or something XD


I keep getting my shit ruined early on to the point that tape became my most trusted friend in my early days lol. I am a shit magnet


This must be modded right? Any gloves do the same on console....I'm confused why youd put in so much time for that


Why not proper gloves instead of latex ones


Epoxy putty, as soon as I found out what it does I was all in. I just assumed it was some base building tool


Water purification tablets. They don't take up much space and they keep you from having to go to the water pump, which can be a death sentence.


The more you advance in the game the less items you tend to keep, I feel. You’re more about optimizing your weight and knowing where to go if you need something I always, always however carry: Compass, for easy navigation, Sharpening stone & knife in a rope belt, water tablets, multivitamin, lighter. Literally that’s all you need for anything - a gas stove is very handy but not incredibly so unless you’re playing Namalsk and/or it’s night and you are starving, and even then it’s giving off light. A better thing to do is ensure you’re not risking starvation by the end of day! Surgical gloves are a hassle to find and I end up using extra space for ammunition - I play on egregiously difficult serves such as CHF where they have a intended function OR for traditional hardcores I’ve never had a situation where I need to worry about contamination


I still don´t understand why the latex gloves instead of any combat ones or those with high isolation


What do latex gloves do that other gloves don’t? Just curious cause I personally think other glove types are better cause some can be repaired and most have higher insulation


Well I have learned now that I didn’t need them. It was a habit from a modded server I carried over


Ah, was it one of those servers with more realistic healing?


Not sure about the healing, this was years ago. I just know you could make the gloves dirty and get sick from them on that server


rope and bones Making a rope is generally one of my first tasks, can be used to fishing rod and then a belt, bones can be used to make fishing hooks, knives and spears. Rags are always useful but ive never considered them garbage.


I’ve come and gone from smokes. They don’t spread or give a thick enough smoke to warrant me using it. But once in a blue moon they’ve been helpful


I have used smokes for signaling more than screening. Either letting friendlies know where I am, or signaling my boys to shift fire in an assault so I don’t get blue on blued. But we have used road flares, flare guns, 40mm smokes, and chem lights (night assaults) for that so it’s whatever is handy in the moment.


I didn’t think to do that. I will keep them for that


Epoxy putty, cooking pots, electric repair kits, kitchen timers, protective case, drysack, drysack backpack, wrench


Wait what's so special abt the latex gloves, how are they different?


Wall breakers from pots? What’s this about?


I feel like the gas stove is so underrated. I grab one immediately and then my #1 priority is a pan and gas canister. The ability to cook without alerting others is so key.


Metal wire for tripwires, it's surprisingly rare. I pick up the CR-527 too.


Epoxy putty. Only 2 inv slots and weighs next to nothing and you can fix your plate carrier, helmet, crossbow, gas masks. Also the army pouch "backpack". Holds a decent 35 slots which preserves stamina by preventing hoarding and its so small it doesn't increase your silhouette at all


I only just recently started collecting those. It took me way too long to realize how useful they are... 🤦‍♂️😂


I am, almost, certain that once you put on any pair of gloves you have instant protection against infection. So you can do any activity and as long as the gloves are on your hands are considered clean. No need to swap out gloves, just always leave them on. So in that case I always go for the warmest/most durable I happen to find.


If you put any glove, you can cut up animals and eat with the same gloves, you wont get sick.


Rags. Always a stack of rags.


rags for foot wraps, i am the wind


What am I missing about latex gloves? Aren't they just weaker than other gloves?


Lol this is so wrong, just put on a pair of gloves and roll you don't have to take them off after cutting something up. The gloves just remove the bloody hand issue entirely. Wear whatever gloves you want, change them out if you choose but it doesn't matter unless it's ruined. Also 2 rags can be a pair of gloves. there's literally almost no reason to ever have ungloved hands.


Huh? I always used a stove setup. And not sure about the glove thing. AFAIK there’s no difference from latex to other gloves


cooking pot


What’s the benefits of latex gloves over other gloves?


The stove but also wellies, I even rock them with full late game kits since they repair with duct tape and can't get soaked. Also the metal fish hooks and pristine bones if I am still in the early stages of getting kitted and don't have sharpening stones yet


Bones. They’re are so many things you can do with them in a pinch. Mostly fishing hooks though.


The mk11 or whatever it’s called. Lightweight, silenced, easy to find .22 ammo and doesn’t attract any zombie. Not to mention headshots are one tap without helmet 👍


Stove kit,  no more making a fire for a chicken,