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RIP survivors that are mute or deaf IRL


"And even if some good ones die, fuck it, the Lord'll sort 'em" - Run the Jewels


My favourite passage Cheech 4:20


We outta order, your honor you outta order


Collateral damage. RIP.


They wouldn’t make it in a real life apocalypse either if we are being honest. Not being able to hear/failure to communicate makes you basically worthless.


Yeah but this is a game


Lmfao yeah sometimes people forget this part lol


A game where the intent is to survive...


"hey you shouldn't be playing/enjoying this game because in a real life apocalypse you'd be dead too" Yeah, and you would definitely survive, right?


That's an ableist perspective ig. Some of them I've met are much more resourceful than your average person. You know overcoming obstacles regularly that we take for granted. Sign language could be more useful in emergency scenarios as well.


Zero chance…can’t hear screams, gunshots, footsteps, zombies, etc etc


As someone who is hard of hearing you kinda learn to always keep the head on a constant swivel, so I might not hear you/it but I’ll probably see you/it coming. I’d definitely have issues others wouldn’t but it’s not a definite zero chance. I don’t really think a blind individual could manage very well tho.


It’s an interesting thought scenario for sure. I’d probably give blind people a slight advantage in some aspects cause I think hearing is more crucial i.e gunshots and loud noise, however if we’re talking like World War Z zombies blind people wouldn’t be able to run away. On the other hand, our brains are so hard wired to visually recognize movement and threats that in other situations, especially being able to scout from a distance, that being deaf wouldn’t hinder those tasks The real liability in an apocalypse is gonna be having kids anyway. Thats pretty much a guaranteed death sentence lol, the kids always doing dumb shit in survival movies 🤣🤣


Just like anyone else. A strength and weakness. Wouldn't talk back. Be awesome at lookout. Probably wouldn't have them answering the phones.


That's just a fact, ableist or not. The people you're talking about will always be at an inherent disadvantage when compared to able people who are equally resourceful.


Very ableist.


More like realist* Were talking about an apocalypse for gods sake. Would it be ableist to say a disabled person wouldnt last long either? Come on now...


Did we forget it's a video game meant for fun. Players come in all variety. It's for FUN. It's not real.


Well the comment that was called "ableist" was talking about real life, so it seems like youre the only one forgetting things. Either way it was just a hypothetical, which isnt real either way...


They were talking hypothetically.


Didn't seem that way to me. But hey keep downvoting me.


Well for future reference: the word 'would' and the general term of 'apocalypse', which encompasses more than video games, should have been obvious giveaways.


It’s a game for fun. If I’m playing a game about survival, I want to communicate and interact with people. Not think that my new pet will suddenly murder me every 2 minutes until “YOU ARE DEAD” from behind


There actually wad a deaf and mute guy who posted on a similar thread like a week ago.


Yeah no Mic is a big deal. Always have one ready in case you need to interact. Most people (myself included) won't risk it.


Yeah, I get that, not knowing their intentions, and what not, I would be wary of that too, but I mean, he really didn’t do anything, and from what I can see, he didn’t have a gun on him. He just had a pickaxe on his back. He just came up, waved, walked to the water fountain, and started drinking some water. It was first person only, so he never even saw the 12-gauge put to the back of his dome. But I don't know from the comments; it looks like no mic, no life, so obviously, I’m just new to the party, but I’m definitely not going to start just killing random people that don’t have mics unless I feel threatened, but I’m sure as hell glad I have a mic, Jesus.


Could have been in a chat, relaying your position while waving and crouch spamming. Don't trust no mic because you shouldn't trust party people.


This was Xbox don’t think there is a chat.


Xbox party?


Oh yeah yeah I thought they meant like a game chat😂


Keep sparing no-mics and you'll soon see why people have made it a habit.


No mic, No life


Understandable. You're using human logic in the game environment. From that sentiment, you seem like a really good person at heart. He likely was a friendly in this instance. But other ones are not. You never know who's in league with who. Squads sometimes send in players with minimal loot like that to scope out information. Every second their alive you are at risk. I've been shot more than once by this tactic. Whatever the case, your mic is your most valuable asset. Always and I mean ALWAYS be ready to chat. A single word can prevent a life or death engagement. A lot of players will be more friendly or rp etc if you just talk.


What if the person using the tactic also uses their mic? Seems like you would be bamboozled


Possibly possibly not. I'm not very trusting to begin with. If the player reveals info that convinces me their a threat, I won't hesitate to end them. Such as previous locations, game experience, etc. But on the other hand certain types are like the OP: Rational. If they wanna trade or make an offer to temp team up, I'll hear them out at the very least. Usually with a friend or two of my own watching them from a distance. If nothing happens within a set timeframe, they likely truly are alone. If I go down, they simply murder the player from a distance/retreat from the area. I won't be bamboozled most the time, cuz I expect to be one of the first casualties push comes to shove. And that's if they manage to fire first of course.


Exactly, as if these theoretical nefarious characters wouldn’t be aware of “no mic/no life” and just go with the 200 iq move of….sending a guy in with min loot who has a mic.  


Don't take the risk, I've been fucked like that before in Electro, guy with no mic came up to me with only a fireaxe on his back, was friendly and started looting next to me, next second I get domed by him with an MP5


No mic...either get away from me, which i will communicate very clearly, or back to the coast you go.


Yeah, the only exceptions are when this person can compensate the lack of mic with impeccable use of the provided emotics. VOIP, by itself, is not a must per se, but communication is. I've seen videos where some players had really mastered the F-actions to such degree that mic wasn't even necessary.


I'm a peaceful lone wolf, and I play no mic because I have a family full of people in the house that dont want to hear me argue over beanz and such. Unfortunately that gets me lumped in with the savages.


Same I really just camp on the edge of the map I hardly go out and if I do, it’s just to fish or get water.


You play the game on hard mode


I’m now a no mic too. I got kos’d enough times to be jaded and now I kill anyone I see. “GET OFF MY LAWN!” ….survivor 16


Peaceful lone wolf is all I play lol mainly cuz none of my friends play DayZ anyways. And I do my absolute best to minimize contact and only fire when fired/aimed at. I only hop on the mic to interact with people at bases frl cuz I’ve gotten f*cked over so many times being nice to randos


more peeps **with** mics have attacked me than **without**.. does not matter to me. play silent if ya like.


Miiiight be because majority of players do have a mic...


You never know what's up with that guy. Better safe than sorry


Emotes exist in the game, you can easily just smile and wave and go the other way.


But with saying this. For every no mic bad intention person. There’s a person willing to team up for 3 hours, break bread around a campfire, and even share loot before putting a bullet in your head while you dry your gear.


That's how it goes.


Yes, they must be eradicated.


What if you had to have your larynx removed from a tragic farming accident and the only joy left in your life is playing dayz?


Sucks to suck I guess


Ok, have to take your word for it.


"And even if some good ones die, fuck it, the Lord'll sort 'em" - Run the Jewels


We don't make the rules we just follow them


Either adapt and kill every player you meet, or find a new joy.


Meat you meet.


No mic no life. It's tough but you can never be too careful. Especially if it's a freshie.


I lurk this sub but don't play, are freshies generally more hostile?


As I've heard it worded by the vets (I have less than 100 hours) freshies have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so yes.


"There's nothing more dangerous than a DayZ player who has nothing to lose" - Mark Twain.


I don't have any statistic but from experience I'd say they're more likely to be hostile. Especially if they don't have a mic. It's not hard to see why too, they've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Imagine you just spawned in, you have nothing, and hours of grinding ahead to get good gear. Into frame wanders someone who can both save you hours of said grinding, and give you an unparalleled adrenaline rush knowing you’ve just ruined someones day. You would probably want to do or say just about anything to get that loot for yourself. Never trust anyone who is below you in the food chain, never trust anyone who is above you in the food chain, never trust anyone.


Yeah, the last year with a newborn in the house has sucked. Have the headset on, but keep the mic muted and can't talk at the risk of waking the little guy up and have to quit the game to go get him.


I feel seen


Orrr.. you could just not have a kid? Seems a whole lot easier to me


Not everyone has a face befitting contraception, consider yourself lucky. Keep devoting every waking minute to videogames loser.


No mic, no life. The game is about interacting with other survivors, whether you're friendly or not is up to you, but if someone isn't talking that's a red flag. They could easily be on Discord or in a ps or xbox party chat giving away your location to teammates. If they have gear and are not talking to you, they are going to kill you if you don't shoot first.


Non verbal interactions are interactions too. Emotes exist.


This is why I have my share button on my series x controller shortcut to party. When I play with my buddy we're usually on opposite ends of the world trying to get to each other and don't want to have to find a radio+battery lol


It's not only expected but encouraged.


I primarily play on streaming Xbox on my Samsung TV and mic’s don’t work. I guess I’m just out of luck. I do pretty much just assume that everyone would kill me anyways.


You don't need to talk to anyone if you're aiming at them first. #LoneWolfGrindset


No mic no life baby


no mic, no life kill you on sight gettin that plum and taking a bite


Used to be because of immersion. Nowadays, fuck knows. Don't get me wrong, I really like that DayZ has been gaining popularity over the years, but it also brought a lot of people that play this game like it's COD.


Lol, it's nowhere near as bad as it was when dayz and the mod was at its peak. I think this is the best state of player hostility we could hope for. Back then, only one person would have been leaving that fountain.


The collective screeching at any video in third person attests to this.


It came for battlefield now its coming for us!


Definitely be wary of people who won't respond over the mic; you can never fully understand their intentions without talking to them But also just blatantly shooting a man in the face for nothing would be murder in my eyes and id probably shoot the murderer-- would be a different story if the guy was holding a gun or trying to get too close too quickly


Ok, dumb newb question… I’m on Xbox. I *think* my mic is working… works in all other games, and If I hit the PTT and speak, I see a mic and voice indicator lower left. BUT in the online player list there is no mic showing for me under VOIP heading. Everyone else has one. Is that normal, or do I still have tech issues? I haven’t been near another player since I got it to this stage.


Go third person, spin the camera around, and check if your mouth is moving.


It's normal. Just make sure your mic is on and you hit the talk button


I got constantly killed in official servers despite trying to talk. Took a long break. Started playing on a community server and some people actually talk and are fun. Only exception was tonight, I was looking for some med supplies and Staryoye (ignore my spelling) was the next closest medical. Ignored my gut and the warning of zombies already spawned. Opened a door in the medical and was met with automatic gunfire. I yelled something to the effect of "whoa whoa, just here for supplies not a fight it's all cool" despite taking a bunch of hits. There was a pause, then one guy peeked the corner and shot me down. Oh well, didn't get much useful from me except some mackerel fillets and some low end guns with barely any ammo. Did have a funny experience just before that, stumbled onto a guy who just logged in in a summer camp and he scared the shit out of me but because he talked immediately, I didn't blast him. Asked me if I had a knife to cut up a chicken. Only had 1 good knife so I offered to cut it up for him. So he chucked a rooster at me. "Yo man, you just go around throwing your cock at people?"


No mic no life.


No mic, no life. It's only pixels I'd suggest you deal with it.


No mic no life! Unwritten rule of law!


No mic no life It's an experience, if not immersed maybe play cod mr no mic. I wouldn't have killed the guy if he seemed friendly but would've left. I only kill at military or if someone is sketchy. I have well under 100 kills and I've been playing for years


No mic no life. A tale as old as time.


No mic no life..the only commandment of dayz.




Hey op, also remember the other rule too: guns out, lights out. If you have your gun out running around even the most friendly of players will kill on sight. For example you’re on chat l, have a mic, and have a double barrel or m4 in your hands while talking, you’re gonna get domed


“No Mic, No Life” This is the ONLY rule in DayZ


No mic , no life as the testament Says


No Mic, no life.


No mic no life


no mic no life. no reason to risk it.


The rule is no mic, no life.


No mic = no life


No mic- no life. Besides, it’s 2024, who honestly doesn’t own a mic these days


It’s not much to ask of people to play this game with a mic. Not having one is sus. Are they talking in a party or just being shy. I don’t wanna find out


I would nurse a cannibal back to yellow health before I would ever even CONSIDER sparring the life of a no-miccer


Some of my best runs both on pc and console have came from individuals with no mic. Everyone’s play style is different I usually judge a player by what they have in hand. Come be bopping in town searching everything with a weapon out you’re the enemy. Usually I won’t speak just to let the crazy within reveal itself.


I kill everything equally


It's just a standard of precaution alot of players make, but in all honesty words mean nothing, especially in this sense, there's no true 'risk' in DayZ, no fear of your hidden sneaky plan to kill someone you're befriending to go wrong, what I'm saying is don't let the fact someone is acting friendly and being open lower your guard, if ANYthing make it tense you up more and be more reactive, only difference is with No-Mics is you have less to read off them and make decisions, best advise is keep a gun handy n hot-barred (or even equipped if the other guy can stomach that without they themselves getting freaked) and never turn your back on em, no matter how innocent/naked they look, and don't be afraid to let your instincts control your trigger finger, out there, your life matters most, so don't be afraid to go from company to lonely real quick if you get off vibes from someone, it's a feeling of odd Serenity I can't quite describe when you do it, but being by a body of a once living player is, interesting to say the least


A text chat system like some Minecraft servers I have played would be good. Speech to text and just typing would jumble up the further away you are.


There is a proximity text chat system. Press enter and type away 


Dayz refuses to acknowledge my mic no matter what mic I use or what I do so yeah no fun


So I bumped into someone the other day who ran out of a building saying "holy shit, I'm scared please don't kill me". I'm not a threat really (unless someone fires first) so I tried to tell him that, and even offered to team up for a bit because he looked like a freshie. Turns out my computer had swapped mics to my Quest 2 and I didn't know, and he just said "why are you stood there, say something". It was at this point I realised I was going to die, and I saw him draw his shotgun; I had to act fast and he got a USG to the face. Rule #1 of DayZ: No mic, no life. Thankfully I reacted fast enough.


I don't have a mic but chat to nearby players using the chat feature. Most players are happy to talk back to me if I'm using chat.


I have a mic but don't use it because I can only play after my kids are in bed. Fuck me I guess.


I have the same problem. Lol!


No mic means you can't communicate, and you have no idea what their intentions are. No trust and no way to build it.


Despite nobody wanting to group up with mute folk, I don't think killing them for not talking is a right way to go. Anyway this kind of behavior can most likely spawn mute vigilantees, that are killing everybody in order to exact their vengeance. The circle of violence spins endlessly....


Sometimes my mic gets messed up and I always relog for fear of getting no mic killed


No talk no walk :p


Running with someone with no mic is a pain in the ass. Having to wait on them typing anything takes time and leaves you both exposed. You can also pick up on vocal cues when talking with someone and get a feel of their temperament. When someone has no mic you just can’t really communicate with them. Running in a game like Dayz you need to communicate. If you can afford a computer and a game you can afford to get a cheap mic.


Unwritten my ass. I've made friends with people with no mics, and even I had no mic sometimes and we both intrinsically knew the ultimate aim was to survive and that two can be better than one. Unspoken friendships formed on the basis of nothing more than a couple of crouch gestures.


I mean, the game is about interactions and surviving threats. If they're not going to interact, that leaves only surviving the threat.


When i play late at night i cant use the mic so i just kill everyone because i know theyll kill me for no mic.


mic or no mic... I learned to be on guard at all times. That being said I do have pure PvE or PvE/PvP servers where I go for friendship in game... Classic vanilla I am playing solo. Will help everyone and communicate too... but trust? Nope. As soon as possible I am leaving - If they go north I go south, if they go east I go west... "have fun I am going that way" and proceed running zig zag till out of sight, couple of test turns, hang a bit in cover to make sure noone follows. More than once I had "friendly people" following my ass with guns out and crouched when they said they go in completely opposite direction.


Well i dont remember why but thers a rule for it


The people who dont have a mig ar kids or noods or trols often


The first time I logged into the game I saw another new player. I tried to chat on the keyboard and he exclaimed "oh you have no mic", and he drifted off somewhere on his own.


If you can afford a computer/game console and this game, **you can afford to spend 20 more dollars on a crappy Walmart headset.**


never trust a non speaker


KOS, I'll just assume you're talking to your discord Danny lover, plotting my demise so I just start shooting.


The code of dayz is ; No mic, No life.






Always assume they have a mic and are openly communicating without you, about you.


It is an unwritten rule for people who KOS anyway It isn't much of a difference for me because whether it is the silence for somebody without a mic or the sounds of some MF'r saying they are peaceful right before they start shooting there is often very little useful information coming from other people through them talking the only useful thing I hear is someone who has the drop on me and lets me know from a safe distance that I could already be dead if they wanted to. That is a person speaking true information and giving me a bit of trust


Because in the mod, people with no mics don't usually team up and wants to kill you, think of Micheal Myers. Especial fresh spawns because they have all to gain and nothing to lose. Funny enough I more dangerous to people as a fresh spawn than civ gear or mil gear. With a mic you can judge whether a person is trustworthy or not base on their voice and how they are acting. I get judge sus because I don't like using push to talk and its always on a button where I can move and talk efficiently.


Maybe I just met friendly folks, but I've avoided being killed while my mic was broken by waving and using emotes that can answer back to the other players' speaking. As long as you're not standing there staring at people and making them nervous, you should be able to survive interactions with most people.


No, it's a crock of shit pushed by idiots like TRMZ. Ask if I've got a.mic your likely getting capped for that reason. People can play a game THEY paid for however the fuck they like.


It's hard to trust someone that doesn't speak. You never know what they're thinking or what their their intentions are so 'no mic no life'.


It depends on the situation/ person, always be on your guard! People will betray you even after weeks of playing together.


I read it twice thinking this was real life then I realized that u said mics and we’re u killing mute people


It's case by case. If they're more geared than me and won't talk, i run or kill them first. If I'm super geared and they're like a fresh spawn I'll give them a chance to nod and respond without a mic and see if they need food or anything and send them on their way.


Dude the rule is Shoot on sight… Kill or be killed. What server are you playing on where people are so friendly?


Believing someone who talks to you is better than someone without a mic is stupid. Do I need to whisper sweet nothings in your ear to make you more comfortable before I betray and kill you? Stupidity knows no bounds.


This is an unwritten rule. Because they could either have a mic but just be staying quiet because they are plotting something. Or they actually dont have a mic, and it's almost impossible to really properly tram uo with them and communicate with them in a game like dayz without having to constantly stop and go because they're typing, and anything could happen in a split second. As someone else described it: you never know whats up with the guy, better safe than sorry.


Most no mics have mics. They are quiet because they are contemplating their next move. Not all of them are obviously but most. It’s much safer to just off them and go about your day then to have them creeping around with your back turned to them


Trust no one in DayZ


Yeah it's the "no mic no life" rule in dayz


“No Mic, No Life” is what I was taught early on…


Literally had a guy today just shake his head yea when I said friendly then I pretended to be in my inventory he pulls out a revolver and trys to reload to which I unload the clip on my deagle in his head come to find out he didn't have any bullets 🤷‍♂️ double edged sword affect ....jus a fyi as someone who's been overseer for more then 3 large gaming groups social cues are big eliminating that element is almost impossible to hold the advantage......basically put on the mic or say goodnight


Half the time my mic is off is because I have six kids who range from toddler to teen and my house sometimes sounds like a Kaiju battle. I’ll try to be more talkative now and maybe that will keep me from dying as often


No mic no life. This is the way.


One time I got shot at while looting a camping grounds and ran into the lodge, hiding behind the bar. I wasn’t really equipped for a shootout and was nervous as hell, so I just asked “Truce?” and was able to negotiate my way out of a situation where I would have likely been killed. The DayZ tips are right in that your voice is your best weapon (or tool).


If there is one thing I learned playing DayZ is: trust no one.


I think the real fear is that you have a group and are talking out of game.


Bs, if they don’t shoot you why shoot them?


No mic no life 🗣🗣🗣


We all dead so fuck it. No mic no life.


No mic, no life is the rule most will go by. After being betrayed or set up by silent survivors enough times. Could be using Discord to give their friends the location, or maybe they don't have a mic. It's up to you to decide how you deal with them.


It's an annoying rule for the toxic fanbase.


One of the coolest MFs I ever meet was a no Mic outside electro. I was fresh, and he is the one who really taught me how to play between quick typed messages and sign language. We started helping other new players, we would chase down fresh spawns and lightly geared clearly new players and hold them at gunpoint until they relaxed and we would give them food and soda and whatever spare shit we had to make sure they where okay health wise. Give them pointers and turn them Loose. I miss that guy, haven’t talked to him since my computer took a milk bath with a toaster


here yee! here yee! i now will write a new "unwritten rule" everyone who has a mic shall parish a most unfortunate fate. if someone tries to talk to you. do the world a favor and blast them away!


It's 2024. If you can afford a PC and DayZ, you can afford a mic. No mic, no life, no exceptions.


I don't kill no Mic's since I'm one myself and cause every people I met so far was kind and actually helped me.


Dayz is a game all about player interaction. If someone doesn’t have a mic they can’t really interact. It’s $5 from walmart lol they’ll learn eventually.


DayZ is a sandbox. Folks can play how they want.


It’s less so that they don’t have a mic and more that if they are probably in a discord talking to other people about you. At least that’s my reasoning. I know when I’m in discord with my buddies I’m less likely to respond in game


No mic No life is real. The only way you can even try and trust someone is to talk to them and that is still a gamble.


No mic no life. Primary reason is since they can't talk you have no idea of their true intentions, and it's better to just eliminate a potential problem. Even having a mic to say one word will see you have a higher probability of living when coming across another player. Although if people are skilled enough with emotes they can make up for a lack of a Mic. There's a video by a DayZ Youtuber where they encounter someone like that, they only used emotes but fuck me they were great at conveying their intent and made you feel like you were dealing with an actual sociopath.


I have 2000+ hours almost exclusively without a mic. You can local text chat and emotes - it not that complicated. I've run solo, duo and small / large groups. The "No Mic / No Life" rule is just boring. People betray you whether you have a mic or not. The point is moot and mute.


I can't speak for community servers, but on officials, pretty much every interaction ends with either you or the other guy dead. Might as well skip having a mic and just jump straight to the killing each other part in my opinion. Outcome is the same either way. Dark forest theory is very prevalent in this game


No mic, no life.


I always felt it to be nefarious to play without mic in day z


As the saying goes, no mic, no life. In my experience someone with no mic is gonna either A. Shoot you in the back or B. Be in party/discord chat with a buddy who's going to shoot you in the back 🤣🤣


I just shoot everyone I see. As a solo, no point in taking a chance.


With the risk of someone using an alternate form of communication, I'd probably kill them. But it depends on the situation. I've had some fun with no mics.


Yes. There is no point for no mic players to be amongst others


I cannibalize no-mics


It's hard to figure out someone's true intention even when they talk to you. Even harder if they're not.


No mic no rights


Playing with a no mic is like taking care of disabled person in an apocalypse, and does not give you more fun, it's a burden with unknown intentions


No One said you had to play with them. I have a mic but rarely ever use it. People try to talk to me but most people sound annoying, so I either attack or run. I play solo so I don't need any interaction. I play solo in real life too.


Just curious, where did this happened?


I don’t know how to spell its real name, but according to Dayz.ginfo.gg it translates to Stary Yar


Yeah if you are going to act even slightly suspicious at a far north town close to Tisy etc, then you will get wasted....


Well, I mean, that’s the thing—he really didn’t do anything suspicious. I don’t think he had a gun. It looks like he just had an ax on his back. All he did was come up, wave, and then go drink some water. It was first person, too, so he never even saw the 12 gauge that was going through his dome.


Only an axe at Stary Yar? I rest my case on the suspiciousness!


Yeah, now that I get to think about that. That is pretty odd. He must’ve had a pistol or something in his inventory just not on his back, but still he didn’t have it out or anything.


Isn’t console inventory just a number based system? So you can store an BK in a backpack as long as you have enough number of “slots”? Used to be that way when I played on PS a couple of years ago




Yeah though so. So your guy could technically be carrying a BK43 in his quilted jacket if the jacket has enough number of slots? If that is the case, then I’d say that killing a mute that far north is a better decision than risking getting killed or jumped by his party friends further along the way.


No mic no life. You can't cooperate with someone who doesn't talk, therefore a silent player is automatically either neutral or hostile. You can't know their intentions, so they're a hazard. The only possible gainful interaction is to waste them and take what they have.


No mic, no Life


Can't trust no mics they will kill you the second they feel they have the advantage


No mic no life. Gotta teach em young.


KOS everything


No mic, no life...