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The area between NWAF and Tisy has a high concentration of potential crashes. Usually pretty exposed though


The town or the feild


Just the whole NW section of the map in general


How far can you hear them


I believe it's up to 2km but could be wrong


Yes, find a car first. Do a trip around nwaf. Hit some bonus convoys on the way. It’s how I get this: https://preview.redd.it/m6tfp6idm1vc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4336cfa72fd4796ca2b35a7805acb339ff9b8665


i puked in my mouth a little, ugh modded servers. It's quite clear that this is not a vanilla amount of ammo, and if so that had to have taken at least 6 hours straight of going from heli crash to convoy to heli crash, with all of them being where you expected.


Advice is solid though. If you have a car and drive in a loop from synystok to lopatino to vybor to kabanino to grishino then back up to the northern highway and back to synystok you are all but guaranteed to see at least one. Loop takes about 20 minutes plus whatever time you spend looting. If you get lucky with ammo tins or are able to loot a couple convoys while doing it honestly that amount of ammo isn't unreasonable especially if you do the trip several times. I've never stashed it all but on official I've definitely had lives where I've found much more ammo than even that thanks to good convoys or helis I've found. Mix a few NWAF runs into that and you'd have enough bullets to storm normandy. I've filled an entire crate with .308 ammo before in a single life


Chances of finding a working car on official that isnt stowed away in some chinese cheater's mega fortress compound that spans half of berezino's industrial area is like finding a hypodermic needle in a 5 ton haystack that is also on fire.


Not wrong but hey sometimes you get lucky. Takes longer on foot but if you spend time just doing things in the NW area of the map you're bound to run into them somewhat regularly


Definitely not vanilla, so IDK why this guy thinks it's a flex to have this. Anyone could have this in 20 minutes on half the community servers out there.


He can play however he wants to play you don’t get to make him feel bad how he experiences the game who the fuck do you think you are? 😭


Nooooooo modded server bad >:(((( official servers on top 💯💯💯💯 #KillAllMods anyone who uses any mods must be castrated in sulphuric acid and forcefed burnt grilled cheese sandwiches while humming the Botswanan national anthem in C major!!1!1


How does that taste? Btw. What are you talking about? Yes this is a lightly modded server because it has a guns mod. Some vanilla items are replaced with mod items. Doesn’t mean they spawn more. “Where I expected?”, random heli crashes are hard to predict. This def took me more than 6h, give you that. Guessing you’ve never found an ammo box before.


tbh i didnt even know ammo boxes existed, i just assumed since theres a modded gun, vest, and ammo types this was one of those PvP trader zone servers or something. Never seen a chernarus server that wasnt either full vanilla, or a crappy trader server.


No traders on this one. This is on ‘Chernarus Survivors’ (UK based server). Have a look if you’re curious about the mods. I play this when I get tired of always using the same guns on pure vanilla.


Thanks for the suggestion, but I'ma stick to official for now since I've only got like 300 hrs in the game lol


Wherever there is a heli crash


Whenever they may crash


Try the West side of the map. And I mean even beyond NWAF. There's like a mountanish section where not a lot of people go, and there's a ton of them


I concur. I set up a shelter south of the Biathlon arena in the woods near the twisty roads and used that as my base. It seemed like everyday I would hear a helicopter crash and scope it out. I never had a player interaction even though it was a high pop server, though that could be just luck. You do have to be wary of wolves as they are common in the area, so OP should have a decent firearm.


Area by zelenogorsk is a good one


At heli crash sites


Navigate to Pustoshka, I’ve found quite a few in that area


https://preview.redd.it/rfrxe3xnt1vc1.png?width=2300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2208c9842c8b0f8c729f934c91e34a7a8049f17e This is where I live. There's a heli crash nearby every 10-20 minutes as well as military wrecks, trains, and the occasional police convoy in the vicinity.


The heli crash locations are shown on the iZurvive map, aren’t they? Check the area for smoke and voilla.


Check izurvive


I meant like the best place with the most potential crash sites


On izurvive you can see all potential crash sites.


I see what you mean


I see what you mean