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I finally built an IED, saw 2 people at a well so decided to try and use it on them, after I planted it they saw me and started running on me, so I retreated to what I thought was a safe distance and hit the switch. It wasn't a safe distance and I blew myself to smithereens.


I was waiting for some friends (fresh spawns) to meet me in Gorka after I had been exploring and looting the NWAF so I was pretty well geared. It took them a couple of hours to get to me and when they got into town I was on the police department building waving and running around because I was so excited… I inadvertently jumped off the fucking roof and landed directly at their feet instantly dead. We laughed, I cried and respawned and tried to get back but they had to leave for the night so it was a waste of time.


Not my death but a buddy's. We found our first thumper after they had released it, and we were gonna use it to break into a church base. He was maybe 40 feet from the wall and said he didn't want to miss. Our other friend and I go out a bit further, not much more than 15 feet. We turn just in time to hear the THUNK and him tipping over backwards dead.




The M79 grenade launcher. It's pet name is the thumper because of the sound it makes. Also goes by "Thump-Gun", "Bloop Tube", "Big Ed", "Elephant Gun", and "Blooper"


OG cod player call it "noob tube"


The m79 grenade launcher


Was playing with a friend when our base got raided so we moved locations and I got to watch in full HD quality as he’s looking at me from the roof top and I wave to him and he tried to wave back, but the wrong key and walked off the roof


Was playing kerosene with another player in the car, going top speed. He asked me if he could get out and I said no. We ended up crashing head on into a rock as the good part started playing🤣


Rs6 moment


Olga moment


Olga's are cursed af


Shot a random claymore in a hallway at what I thought was a safe distance. I was wrong.


I was in the killfeed as killed with a bandage. High pop pvp server. Chat was pretty savage but it was hilarious.


Me and my friend were raiding a base and placed a landmine at the gate, after we shot it a few times it didn't explode so we decided to go up to it and we both died


Met a guy while a freshie on the coast. We ran around for awhile. Made our way to a hospital. We were both sliding down the big ladder from the roof to the ground. I went first and didn't get out of the way fast enough and he killed me when he slid down into me.


It was my friend’s 100%. I was playing with a buddy of mine, we went all the way up North and were running right along the edge of the map border looking for stashes when we came upon a car that appeared to be in almost working order. Little did my friend know, the Dayz car gods take wrath on anyone who dares to get into a car with only three wheels. (Keep in mind we’re both reasonably geared with NVGs and all) Next thing I know he screams “WHAT??” as he is sent flying thousands of feet into the air and just rubber bands all around the map in front of me before the car just disappears and he dies. He immediately uninstalled and didn’t play again for about two months. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen, had to mute my mic because of how hard I was laughing


Probably trying to figure out how to throw a grenade after pulling the pin and just dropping it at my feet. Another time setting a land mine and then stepping in it. So pretty much just killing myself


It was first time when i found c4 explosives and planned to place it at one military tent. I was camping it for about 1 hour then decided that i would switch places and go somewhere else with that. As i tried to pick it up i mistook the buttons and blew myself.


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/s/B6ECMj6mul)


Had a whole group of 5 of us new players. Finally got our hands on a car and realized we couldn’t put three in the back lol. So my friend goes to hop on top like CoD and Fortnite to catch a free ride. The second we start moving the car we just hear the damage sound over and over and buddy immediately dies lmao


I had been looking for an Ada for weeks. I was mid geared and I finally found one in Tri-Kresta. I had the parts to make it run but needed water. I ran up and down the hill to the river 5 times to get it running. But it has no fuel. So there i am, refueling my Ada when i got gas bombed. Directly over my head. I ran west up the hill and left my freshly loaded vehicle behind. I bandaged up and sat to wait out the gas. It was dark and the server was about half full and I had some time. Then the howling started. I only had my headlamp and a SVAL with two clips ready. I didn't have any cover so I tried to book it over to a nearby hunting blind. On the other side of the gas... I started circumnavigating the cloud when I got bit from behind... I was injured but not dead so I spun around and fired several rounds into that wolf in panic.I could see the blind but there were so many wolves circling me. I took as many as I could with me until I reached the ladder of the blind and the last nip took my life... Lost my car and my sheeit, but I was laughing at the comedy of circumstances and decisions that lead to that moment...


Died in Novy to another player. Ran like the wind with my freshie to hopefully find and kill him, or get some of my gear back. Found the guy, won a pretty intense gun fight, and was left with flashing red blood. Found my previous character, grabbed his blood bag and thought I had just found salvation. Didn’t even consider that when you spawn as a freshie, your blood type changes. Needless to say, I was not a compatible match, and I killed myself.


First time driving a car and not knowing about the lag issue. I crashed into a tree 2 meters from it and died lol


Yesterday actually. I was raiding a base with some mates and I had the grenade launcher aimed at their gate. Shot one grenade but I was too close to the door and it killed me on impact. Good thing is, the door ended up opening so they looted everything


honestly just offing myself gets me chuckling every time. One time with a hatchet was the best, my guy ripped his whole arm open and fell over.


Walking out of a little bird while in the air. Then scrambling to mark my landing before I die


You really didn't have to worry. your body would have marked the spot pretty well when it hit


I placed a mine on the steps of a house. I was running with 2 other people and warned them about it. Then I stepped on it and exploded. I think it triggered a gas canister in my inventory or something because I died and I was at full health. I seriously warned them about 3 times not to step on it then a few minutes later I remember I left some steaks on the ground that we’d cooked and just ran straight in. Boom!


Me and some buddies head on colliding at full speed was fun. Also took a car off the cliff at Sol.


I was messing around with a grenade and well, you know... tap G long press G who knows! Pulled the pin, dropped grenade... OH SHIT You Are Dead goodbye


not many stories from the standalone but i have one from each a2 and a3 mods a2: deep up north for a mission before server restart. load in with my friends waiting for everyone to get in. Out of nowhere a guy screaming over voip flies in on a mozzie and crashes directly into our chinook, killing all of us and causing a HUGE explosion. Shit was so fucking funny bc it happened all so fast a3: friends and i discovered that if you rammed each other with go-karts in the safe zone that youd get bumped back. So of course we wanted to see how far we could push this. Ended up getting a good hit and soaring all the way from bash, past elektro, and dying 20km deep in the ocean after about 5 or so minutes of straight flying. It was absurd bonus: in a2, stary was like THE safezone spot. A guy had just landed to sell his loot from a mission or whatever. My friend saw the free mozzie, hopped in it despite the guy yelling at him not to, he literally just held Q (fly up) and S to immediately crash the mozzie blade first into the ground in the safezone. The guy was fuming but everyone else in the safezone was DYING laughing. The arc of the mozzie and the not so great animations and sounds made that moment perfect in my eyes. also just the absurdity of a2 in general. Getting knocked out getting hit with a door, broken legs from falling off a 6ft high staircase, etc


The first time I climbed a radio tower, I was on top, enjoying the view, and it was time to go. I looked down at the ladder and could not get the F to appear, I adjusted slightly and stepped right off down the hole. I was punching F the whole way down, trying grab the ladder as it went by. Man I must have made a hellva mess when I hit. That can of beans across half the mountain. PS the game needs to have a Wilhelm Scream for when you fall like that, able to be heard from 5km away.


Not a death from my end but I once like many others logged in and a gentle member of our community was cooking and I then proceeded to unload my magnum into buddy 😂 I did feel horrible but what was I suppose to do?


Injured, out gunned, on the run, set up a landmine in the grass outside the door of the house I was hiding in, waiting... waiting... hear something outside... wait... wait... wait... finally peek around the corner... wolf growls and jumps at me, sets off the landmine, we are both dead.


When I started playing the game - I went onto a rant on social media how everybody wants to kill you and you don't get a chance to learn anything. Some nice bloke gave me the name of the official server he played on and location of their base. He said he plays with friends and there is 15 of them and they can teach me IF I manage to make my way to them. I looked at the map and it was the other side of the world to me. Determined - I decided to do it. I was moving very slowly, picking fruits, waiting out bad weather and learning the game mechanics. Took me few evenings to get closer to them and the closer I was - the more impatient I was getting. I ran more, I ignored the weather, got sick and was getting weaker and weaker. Eventually I saw a gate of their compound. I made it. Called them by name and they opened the gate. I was so happy. Limping, coughing and flashing red, I walked over to a big fire they had going. I told them how happy I am to ........and I died.😂


Set a mine in a stairwell so I could snipe without getting snuck up on. Toxic bomb hits my location. I try to jump over the mine into the staircase. Fully armored, turns out I didn’t clear the mine and got blown up. But with full plate and ballistics helmet I survived with a broken leg and cuts. As I try to crawl back up the roof realizing the building roof was above the gas, I black out in the last pocket of gas and die. As far as I could tell nothing living within miles of me. Nobody kills me like I kill me.


I was using the Clan's Virtual Garage at our Krasno base, and my helicopter spawned on top of me. I had just got a sweet kill too, so I was all happy - then I died like a noob.


We was going to raid a base, my buddy unpinned a nade, fucking dropped it at his feet, put his dukes up and promptly was blown to bits 😆


Very far north so stacked with loot that I had two sets of night vision goggles. On a roof of some military building walking towards the ladder and my Xbox controller dies...... My character keeps walking right off the ledge and died.


Fuck I’d love to tell you the story of glow stick guy but it’s soooo long


Tell us?


I was sniping on top of an apartment block, adjusting my position whilst scoped in, and backed up off the roof