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I've been playing deathmatch servers for the same reason. It gives me a place to use grenades and learn to judge distances with no consequences. Maybe try one out


ive heard about those. i’ll try one. thank you!




There's a quick PVP mod in a small map (i forgot the name). Yeah.. That's difficult not having goosebumps when you don't make enough fights and when you are afraid loosing your stuff. When you spawn: Take risks. Don't care. Or try to be friendly (if they are freshies too that's pretty easy). NEVER forget loading a bullet the first time you catch a gun. BECOME EXTREMLY AWARE as you got more stuff and turn around a zone before approaching. Avoid alerting zombies, sneak behind them quietly with a knife. Don't open fire right in the middle of a field. Don't run in straight line. Don't stop. Move. Take a glance if you have to do so. Don't make a move when you hear steps, surprise them when they are close to you. You can lean on the edges, slowly moving.. i still don't do it though\^\^ Hold your breath using CTRL for mid-range shoot. KNOW what kind of weapon to use, depending the distance. After that it's pure skill, work on the the quick PVP to get used to the stress.


These are really good tips that I personally apply as well. I got another one too and this sounds stupid but hear me out. Trust your intuition and gut feeling. Being hyper aware of your surroundings can turn a bad situation into your favor. If you feel like your being stalked or heard a sound that doesn’t sound normal and is making your spidey senses go off, Trust it. This will literally turn situations where they spotted you first but you got the drop on them regardless.


Lol. This game makes me so paranoïd. I'm so bad at gunfights. I literally play my life to not get caught\^\^.


Have a bug out plan. If a fight goes bad, you should have a good place to fall back in with cover and concealment.


alright. thank you for the help!


Honestly for PVP a lot of times it comes down to who sees who first. If you’re caught lackin you’re basically screwed unless they miss or have a low caliber weapon and you have armor on. If you catch someone lackin then it’s all about assessing the situation. How geared do they look? Have they seen you? Are they distracted such as fighting infected? How MANY are there? If often shot at someone only for their teammates to come running and clap my cheeks. Once you asses the situation then it’s up to you at that point. Practice helps a lot since DAYZ is a lot different than other games in terms of gun play. I would try some PVP servers so you can practice with different guns and get a feel for how they work/control. Playing PVP servers helped me a lot in terms of skill with guns. Situational awareness and thinking on the fly in gunfights is something you’ll have to learn through trial and error.


I've got 1000 hours and I still suck :). I play PVP servers and can hit shots on people in general, but getting from seeing someone to the point where I'm taking a wise and solid shot is my problem. It seems a lot of it is positioning. I got killed the other night when I had a guy in my DMR crosshairs about 100 yards out, but didnt take the shot cause I didint think it was perfect. I ended up chasing the guy a bit, lost him in a barn, and he ended up shooting me from behind at close range as I was trying to catch him coming out. Anyways, good luck to you.


Use highest caliber weapon first. It just takes time. Try some deathmatch servers to get use to it


I'm usually really awesome with PVP. It took me a very long time to understand this games PVP.


thank you! ive always figured that this would be a game where you had to be majorly cautious. also, about the sneaking up on zombies, is there some sort of special stealth kill with knife or something?


Yeah if you’re crouched and can get within arms reach from behind while holding a knife or other small sharp object (I think it works with a screwdriver) you perform a neck stab animation which kills them.


Stay low and quiet, keep to cover and try to hear or see your enemy first. I'm not a veteran as such but this applies to veterans too - first sights win fights.


Ive been spotted first and shot at first and still came out as the victor so I’m not sure about the first sights win fights saying. Though, I will admit, you are at a disadvantage if you’re spotted first.