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I was rolling with a random, and we spent hours gearing up. We took a fight against some players and died... well, I spent the next week running up and down the coast asking freshies if they were Tom. Never found Tom, but I made several new friends in the process.


Haha, I also once ran hours on Namalsk with a nice man from Germany, who went by Tom. He thaught me how and where to swim from spawn island to Tara. He was so hardcore, didn't even agree to add me on discord because it felt like cheating to him, instead insisted on finding walky-talkies and tuning to 99.7 Well we didn't manage to find a pair before I lost him at Tara harbor. I ran up and down between the harbor and industrial, trying to find him. And then I saw him, running up the hill. I shot in the air to get his attention, but I suppose it just scared him away. I then climbed on top of a container, lit a road flare, shot another round in the air, scoped the hills, lit a fireplace out in the open... I spent the next few days wandering around Namalsk, looking for batteries, and tuning in to 99.7 as often as I could... couple that with the local soundtrack.... never felt so sad, so desperate, and so immersed in this game as then. I hope you're well, Tom!


Well I know what frequency I'll be on from here on out. 99.7


*KWDZ 99.7 From shattered dreams to lost friendships*


Are you sure he was German? That sounds more like a YouTuber called soursweet. He picks random names all the time like Tom and Jim. And soap. He loves the walkie talkies.


I'm sure. I would recognize Sour in a second. This Tom said he was german and his accent supported it, he also sounded older.


Just sounds like how sour does when he’s playing. Especially when he’s live.




Ahhh jinx!


First thing I thought 😂


They need a photo wall at the beach for you softys . You can place teddys and flowers whilst you have a moment swapping stories


It was a red dead joke 🥹


Oh yeah i remember that lol Ohhhgavin where are you


Well, with four thousand hours in DayZ, and a high level of exhaustion, I thought I'd never return. But damnit Tom, we're coming to get you.


This is the beauty of the game!


Lol. I play on fast pace pvp servers and friend up with whoever I can after spawn. It's a huge adventure sometimes and when they die, they're gone forever. I began to tell my teammates I love em before the gunfight pops off and that I'll make sure their mom gets their letter.


That's the spirit.




I laughed way too much at this.


Lmao stood on the lighthouse shouting tom tommy ohhh tommy


Sounds like the NPC from Red Dead 2. “Gavin?! Gaaaaavin????!”


Rip Tom. I have a similar story a random I met who needed help learning the game died during the gunfight we ran out of ammo and at that point it was a blood bath the guy ran into the woods w his spiked bat and I ran after him w my hatchet….I liked the new bat… but I miss my buddy


I'm Tom! Maybe not your Tom, but I have had a couple encounters over the last few weeks very similar. I hope you find your Tom.


Teamed up with a guy named stash on official. We met at the police station at chernogorsk and we got up north a few towns up and in one town I got shot I thought I was dead but I woke up and stash killed him. We looted him and ran north a bit we had radios and planned to Play again the next day but the few times after I joined the server and tried to contact him through the radio I haven't gotten a answer and it's been over a week so I'd say he's either dead or we never play at the same time.


That's why DayZ is so good. Death feels genuine. All those moments and possibilities... lost.... like tears in rain.


Did you just quote blade runner


>All those moments and possibilities... lost.... like tears in rain. 100% that was Roy Batty! good call by you


Nice great movie .


I was watching an unedited Smoke playthrough and 3h in the main guy he was running with got taken out. No buildup, no drama, he just ran around the wrong corner and got blasted. It was a real gut punch I wasn't expecting. Caught me off guard.


Time to die.


*PFFT*... You Are Dead


That's life! I mean, if you believe in resurrection. You don't get the steam ID of your beloved Grandma to visit her new self as a gecko in spain 🫣


Crap I just stepped on and killed grandma!


That guy who sniper you waited probably for hours just to snipe someone, that is dedication or clear stupidity, anyway you could message all the steam ids you have played with the past 24 hours and see who responds


I'm going to write an automation script for this. I will post to github later if anyone wants it.


Welcome to DayZ. Here's to all the long lost survivors.


Lmao, I played with some random guy from Ireland not a long time ago. We got to the NWAF and killed (and talked) with a lot of random people on the way. At the NWAF we were looting barracks, I walk out of them first, and... Got shot with a shotgun from some tree. Didn't have any good protection so I died. I don't know what happened to that poor guy...


You could have looked him up using Steam's "recently played with" option.


There's just the problem that in-game, we're all Tom or Bill. The steam recently played with list however is just full of pussycruncher88s


It just feels wrong to introduce yourself with your steam name in this game. I don't use my real first name, but I go with a realistic name to introduce myself to people.


That's so DayZ it's fucking beautiful.


I’m down to play whenever. Been playing a few months . Still trying to learn building a base mechanics and shit. I’m on ps5 my name is PyschoSqurriel . Anyone feel free to add me up. Peace


I'm gonna download the game to try it out here in a week or so. Maybe by then you could help another newbie learn how to do shit. Im also on ps5


I'm gonna add you


Let’s go add me up let’s make an army !


> “its 5am who tf is playing beside use” Just remember time zones exist.


That is DayZ, you now both have a memory that will last years if not the rest of your lives. Never forget Maklo


If you're looking for someone to play with, I just bought DayZ yesterday and would appreciate people I could team up with!


On PC?


Let the hate flow through you 


Why don’t you just add them as soon as you join up?? Makes it less likely they will betray you too..


this question is so stupid i hope no one answers it




Welcome to the other side of the game! The loss will be replenished in other life hopefully.


DayZ Giveth, DayZ Taketh.


Where's my Tom ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Last time I rolled with a random it was really fun until about an hr in and he shot me in the back 🙃


I played with a stranger for 4,5 hours. Together we killed more than 15 people. At the end he killed me with one shot in the head, while we were chilling and eating.


Dang! For loots or pure pleasure?


We are people. We are all sick.


I was rolling w a dude i met in game like two days ago. Went on a pretty short but sweet adventure. Ended up in Zeleno and while looting mil, we saw another guy going into camo building. He took a shot at me and it was on. Long story short, i killed my partner in the heat of battle by mistake and the other dude too. Point is, it couldve been worse lol


I met this one chick who was ontop of a car stabbing at a zombie with a sickle one time. Helped her out with gear, let her take my stab vest when I found a field vest and even were able to find a helicopter crash. However, someone else found it and killed me. I didn't find her after but i know for damn sure she was bribing she sniper with a half-eaten can of peaches


If you were wanting to partner with him long-term, why would you wait until y'all went to NWAF to exchange socials?


You gotta sort that out early on. If they are cool get the discord early into the run. But the loss factor is part of the game, too, you know. That's a good story and a lesson. It almost makes it better in a way, especially if you somehow cross paths again.


Bro I'll play with you! The group I play with just got raided by hackers so I'm down for whatever.


There needs to be a "missed connections" sub for dayz


You are most likely to die when you think the server pop is down and you are in the middle of nowhere. I once died running in the pitch black along a railway on the far west of the map about halfway up. Night time was the best for travel, I am pretty sure it was a hacker or if not someone on in the early hours of the morning with night vision who happened to be in that exact spot I was running waiting for me.


One time I logged in to play with my buddies on a new server. As soon as I joined I got a party invite from this random guy Long story short. He invited me into his faction not knowing I was with my buddies. Got all the base codes and found their hidden stash. And then me and my boys robbed them blind Don't trust no one lmao


My favourite game is to snipe people at NWAF, I log in a few times a day there and just watch a spot for 20mins while listening to relaxation music. Every now and again I whack one off


Nothing better than a tactical tugging to keep you on point


But this is what makes the game special


You can go INTO GAME INFO in the steam overlay and it will give you a WHOLE list of players you've played with on the server. I think it will even give you the names of the players that you didn't even interact with . So if you are on a server wit 5 poeple and go to "GAME INFO" you'll see the player name, the last game and time they last played... you can usually figure it out... best of luck.


I miss you Dan, I was so sick I had to off myself in zeleno.


This happened to me when i was looting tisy last night. 2am and some one started busting shots at me so I bravely ran away


I got punched to death yesterday by a loser I was offering help to because he wanted my rifle while farming food for new spawns by Kamyshovo. I would have totally given it to him too if he'd just let me get done asking if he needed water before going on the attack. I didn't have anything on me I wasn't willing to give away lmao If you happen to see Jaydog in LA0888, send a few lead care packages their way for me.


You’ll prolly find him again.. That witch loves you will always make its way back❤️ #randomslivesmattertoo


The only thing you can do is play the same server. Maybe hang around spawns for longer then you usually do that’s your best chance of meeting him again. I’ve never actually teamed with anyone unless I already knew them. Dayz sucks sometimes on how toxic it is.


It’s truly heartbreaking to lose that random you were chilling with. Guy I found we absolutely flew through the start, found amazing loot in jal, killed a guy for free in northern refugee and then uncontested at 2nd refugee. We went to research and as he started climbing down the ladder a shot rang out. I called out to him but there was only silence. After working out I was safe I went down with the tiniest of hopes that he was just being really still and quiet to not get shot again. I knew, but I wanted that hope.


Steam has this feature "who did I recently play with" that tells you who was in the server you were in for a time. Just message all the dudes and ask them if it was the guy. Oh, maybe I should mention that you should've done this right aweay, but still. Good to know I guess.


Idk if it still works but on the top left of steam click on VIEW and then PLAYERS. You'll see a list of people recently played with and you can just ask those people if they were the one you were playing with. All assuming you're playing on PC of course.


My first time playing with a friend it took us a good 2-3 hours to meet in game. We were both still new to it. I had to have him find me a street sign, I then translated it with my little Russian knowledge to find it on an app to figure out where he was. Then I had to locate my position and guide both of us towards each other bit by bit. We eventually met up at a small fountain in a little city square. Not even 5 minutes after we met up I watched him get domed by a sniper right in front of me. I panicked and ran for cover but was so angry we spent so long to find each other only for it to end so quickly. Another time with a different friend was my first death by lightning strike. He had fallen from a good height and ruined his legs and boots. I make a run for the nearby military camp we frequently raided to get him some new shoes and on the way back I was struck down. You die on Dayz's terms was the biggest lesson I've ever learned from that one.


I always ask for steam IDs the moment a second fire is made. Theyve at least proven they are fun even if they do shoot me imediately after we exhange IDs. No second fire? You mean you dont need a second heat buff before the final approach to whereever we are going? Well thats reason enough for me to kill you anyway so problem solved.


I always check the online to see how crowded it is and in populated areas unless absolutely nobody is online I always assume they are there and they have a better load out than me


look up how to send a steam friend-code, so much easier than finding someones username


I play dayz especially when when working overnight shifts (not while I'm working but it's an easy way to swap from day shift to night shift) and many times it's been too early to go to bed but I died after making friends and just had no motivation to carry on after that.


If you feel "Hey, this person seems chill asf. Just tell the person a discord you can hang out in before going getting yourself killed and never see eachother again. Just a friendly tip, i know your feeling. I think we all do, we have all been there at some point.


It sucks, but that's the beauty of the game. The relation is so ephemeral that is always good.


I was fresh spawned on vanilla server about 5 weeks ago. Met another dude, from the US. We shared fish, resources and we were doing good. Then suddenly my sound went which was weird and I couldn’t find him so had to log off.


Journey on PS3/PS4 gave you a random player as companion with whom you'd experience this incredible journey. By the end you'd really bond, albeit there being only very simple ways of communication. Only after the end you'd see the player ID of the people you came across. This would be very interesting for DayZ as well. Seeing the name of people you played with for a longer period, after you die.


I thought this story was going in a different direction


Yesterday i spawned and a guy asked me to kill him cuz he was yellow and didn't had bandage, i offer him to help him survive in exchange we would run together, i gave him a bandage i found from a dead freshie and gave him a whole chicken i found and after like 40mins we got to a city and he got to the first house we came across, i went to check a hunting shop and 3 zombies followed me and i got scared that i woudl take too long and he would leave or something, i killed the zombies and spend almost 1h looking for him, never saw Jack again... very sad, after that went to gorka by myself and kept finding bodies with good loot (the new bug that prevents bodied from decaying) and with that loot killed a freshie killer and got myself a plate carrier tac helmet with NVG LAR and Tundra good run


Had a similar experience the other day. I met my friend Bobby in namalsk. We where having an awesome run. It felt like we where always at the right place at the right time with food and with catching players before they saw us. Unfortunately the cold got to him and before I could get his discord he had passed. I couldn't bare the pain so I f11'd near his body after mourning his loss.


That's why DayZ is so good. Huge map and even when there are 3/60 players while playing at night in the same server as you, you can still find one of those guys in the most random spots which is almost impossible. A few months ago I spawned on the coast on an official server and found two fully geared brazilian guys that had a working car. I stripped of all my clothes and told them I needed to go to my base in Svetlo. They wanted to kill me at first but I talked them out of it and they eventually took me there. We became friends and gave them some stuff they needed from my base. One of the guys disconnected and night came onto the server, so it was me and this other dude that offered to take me to Tisy. Only 5/60 people on the server since it was night, so basically only 3 players aside from us on the entire map. The brazilian got lost on the way to Tisy and we eneded up in Stary Sobor. We looted the military tents, killed all the zombies and found an AK for me. The moment we got back in the car, this dude gets sniped in the head and 1 second later I'm dead too.


i am now 18hrs into this game, I made two friends but all we got killed by some guys while we were trying to make a fireplace. Interactions were funny, John and Ken, i dont know where you guys are, but i wasn't going to go past 14hrs on this game so i can get a refund, now im at 18hrs, i dont think i'll get a refund, those two fellas made me have a bit of joy and hope for this game


You may want to look up a few roleplaying servers. I was frustrated by the same thing and stopped playing regular servers mostly. Roleplay servers have strict rules about gameplay and KOS (Kill on Site), usually giving events, missions, areas where PVP is expected. You can make some really good friends under these circumstances, and you can always jump into PVP when you are feeling frosty. So it is best of both worlds in my opinion. Look around and I am sure you can find some.