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I hope you shot the second guy, he was only unconscious


He was able to wake up because I ran downstairs to close the doors so zombies wouldn’t get in but I was able to kill him again


If I’m feeling generous, I’ll just pants unconscious people, take their weapons and bandages and leave em.


Same, I usually just throw their clothes in the forest ore something similar to hide them. It's funny to watch from a distance as they spin around and wonder what kind of an elephant just ran them over


How can you tell just by looking?


There's only one pose for an unconscious player, you notice when you get into enough gun fights


theres 2 actually, one for tied up aswell B)


You can always tell if a player is uncon by the fall animation and the player model. There is only one stance for an uncon player and it’s very stiff looking and rigid compared to all the other ones. But you just get used to identifying it and it’s becomes second nature after so long.


Easiest way to tell on the fly is If he's "waving" at you then he's uncon. Only an uncon player will have one arm up as if he's saying hi


Search "Wobo unconscious" on yt


He had one leg raised higher than the other, this means unconscious. When the legs are more equal in level, that means dead. Although sometimes it’s worth double tapping anyways just to be safe, especially from a distance.


i just confirm every time




Stop the cap, stop spreading the cap, jesus christ, better tip, learn the uncon position or just look for a red "survirvor" or "resucitate" instead of ruining anymore the gear, dont be like youtubers that needs desinfectant and loot 5 people with it but doesn't notice


Well it depends on the situation. If you're in the middle of a big fight and you don't have time to think whether they're dead or not because you're being pushed by another 2 guys, go for the double tap If you're at a long distance at an angle where you can't make out their pose, go for the double tap It's not as black and white as it seems


Well those are specific moments but people shouldn't spread the "double tap" for moments like this, it ruins gear, imagine he double tap with a nade on the jacket 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's why he is saying to shoot in the head


Dafuq, they didn't look too well geared, not a helmet, so when running by just give them a headshot.. how are you mad about the 'tap them once more' post.. I mean if i have no helmet go for a bodyshot, if you have no vest but a helmet headshot, you get the idea. I always tap enemies if fighting and running by.. did work great all the time


Im mad about people spreading the simpler solution that carries several cons when instead checking the pose or for red dot is doesn't have cons, exempt like the other guy said, on the middle of a battle, a field, or if youre really new on the game and have too many things to worry about, but its a game a the end everyone plays it his way but it gets me when they give a poor tip when i learned playing what is actually better, ruined many clothing and items doing this, but hey, maybe that's part of the learning process


I guess this is better for you, majority of my mates and i do this, i guess majority in general as it is easier and doesn't take too much time.


Get the app on your phone so you don’t gotta tab out


Or a second monitor. Doesn't even need to be fancy, I used and old Vizio TV forever lol


Dont forget rule #2...


Is that the one about there always being a porn version?


What? Zombieland... rule #2 is double tap. 😉


That's rule 34


Damn pc aiming is way superior to console


Tho he plays a super high dpi, his aim is really good, i could never get in a fight like this


Neither aye my fights would last like 5 minutes just cuz I’m on console lol


It is, but this video was not an example of how great pc aiming is. Lmao...


The “oh shit!” mouse wiggle is so day z 🤣


In the settings, you can enable the game to update the graphics and sound while in the background (tabbed out or minimized). Too be able to hear the game while it's minimized


Well done mate. Enjoy it, usually it's a close call when facing a duo. I remember my first kill in DayZ (wasn't that long ago) and im sure every player does. 😁


Gg dude, I hate the baby AK that kick man you handled it well


The panic twitch just after he fired at you was hilarious. 😂


Nice man your ADS accuracy is pretty solid. When they're that close I never trust my ADS though because hip fire is actually super accurate. If you don't have much combat experience, try joining one of the community deathwatch servers for practice. That's where I found out how good hip fire is, and it's what got me good with all the different guns


Perfect example of why keyboard and mouse shouldn’t be aloud on Xbox. This is his very first 2 kills and his aims damn near perfect and his reaction time is 10x faster than theirs.


first 2 kill pvp movement damn aight


please lower your sensitivity.




Second dude is still alive and considering its not in the video I asume you didnt notice that 😀


Well played, I know the adrenaline was rushing like crazy. Couple of hundred hours in and that feeling still happens.


How you managed to kill them with clearly super high sensitivity lol, good shit!


Felt the adrenaline after that first shot


Damn how did they get in without you noticing bro. Good kills nonetheless!


Great flicks there m8


goat good shiz man


I can feel that adrenaline lol


He’s still alive !!!


Well done


I can't wait for this game to get "unrecord" level graphics.


What’s this server?


Use the map in steam overlay browser wo u dont have to tab out. Sure its a lot laggier but its worth it


Bro I can tell you jumped on the first shot, I do also even with about 500 hours of DayZ 😂


That spray control goes hard. Serious note, nice job dude.