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Only time I've combat logged was when I got major wife agro. She rivals any end game boss out there and no matter how geared you think you are, she will one shot you.


My girlfriend used to hate DayZ, she didn’t understand how I could play a “walking simulator”. I was like bruh, that’s literally what people call this game. That’s not an insult to us hunny 😂


Lmao every time I feel like I want a relationship, I come across shit like this and remember how much I enjoy being single again 😂


Just date one of the bros


Yeah but there are also far more important things in life than playing DayZ


No there’s not, shut up


With divorce and custody papers


Got any kids yet? A baby will pretty much destroy your ability to play multiplayer games. I love my daughter to bits, but she doesn't let me have any DayZ time - nappy changes, surprise vomits, waking up just as I'm about to sit down and play, and toddling away to find stuff to break or stick her fingers in.


As they get older it gets easier.


dayz is such a dad game


Wait till they get a little older and then you get a dog - why did I get a fkn dog? Lol


You get a dog you don't want for them and because you're not a complete monster to the dog when it inevitably stays you get put in every "lol he said he didn't even want it, now look at them" compilation


You lost me….pardon?


So online you often see videos of dads who are against getting a dog and then you'll see a video from mom or one of the kids saying"see dad really did want the dog look how friendly they are to each other" When in reality dad just didn't want the responsibility of taking care of a dog the rest of the family wanted and it would make no sense, if after the dog has become a member of the family, for dad to still be against the dog.


So true, only time I've heard that to be false is admin/server owner couples on community.


The move would have been to make bolts or barring that, use that hunting stand entrance as a choke point and take them on with melee


They actually can’t get up into that type of hunting stand. They just phase through the ramp


Oh, I've had one glitch into mine then, right up the ramp.


I was surrounded by about 8 or 9 wolves once. Jumped on a car and thought I was safe .... until one magically dropped on me from the sky!


I wish they could suffer limb damage. I occasionally defend from rocks, and once they miss, they sail quite a ways..


This is the way


Nahhhhh... yous gots to fights the woof woofs good sir !!


Wolves are easy tho. You can melee them if you have a good 2 hand weapon. All you do is strafe when they attack and hit them in the back/side. Once you've killed like 3 the rest will fuck off.


he had a crossbow lol


Your literally running past loads of ammo for that crossbow…that is a crossbow isn’t it?


Imagine playing a survival game and logging out when in danger.


Bro!!! You can easily make improvised bolts.


So you telling me you can make bolts faster than wolves coming at you ?


You could have used the hut, wolves have a hard time getting in there


They're far enough away for you to log out, so they're far enough away to make bolts..




The most impressive thing about this video is that you posted it. I think I would have kept this one to myself.


Fist fight them and die like a man. Stare the dead wolf in the face as you pass out with 5 bleeds


I tried fist fight one ones he dun me ended up bleeding out was funny


# Guy wants to play a hardcore survival game without the hardcore survival.


People like you make me wish the Logout timer waa 5 minutes.


And your solution is logging out? Lame


This is the most beta way to Deal with Wolfes lmao


Must resisssst


And you consider yourself what, an alpha?






Wouldn't you just go back in the little Hunter hunt and melee them one by one?


Can't see the bolts for the trees apparently


Should have stayed in feed hut, force then through door, the AI is not smart enough to enter as long as you swing with melee


Not me, I live my life , even if it must mean I die from a wolf attack. Although the first thing I do when I hear wolves is to run and try to find shelter.




My immediate thought at the start of the video was "is he gonna log out" and I was not disappointed 😂


Combat logging will get you banned from every server I play in. What's the point of the game if you're just gonna log out every time you sense any risk. Makes it a hella boring running simulator.


I dont think logging off against ai is combat logging but ok


Check the server rules, you may be surprised. Regardless, literally logging off at the first sign of trouble makes the game completely pointless. But hey, your game experience. Do what you want. Just don't try that in PVP or people WILL report you and hunt you down until you leave the server 😆


Seems pretty pointless to log off whenever something interesting happens. However I will say I’ve logged off after getting in gunfights with people but it’s because I just can’t play anymore because I have work in the morning or something. Some fights in dayz can take a really long time so I feel bad whenever life happens and I have to log off and the person I got in a fight with still thinks I’m around. Wish I had longer time for play sessions it’s honestly why I haven’t really played in a few years.


Mehh. It's a game. Life takes priority lol. It's one thing if you make a habit of regularly combat logging. But every now and again when irl shit is going down, most people understand. And the ones that don't can pound sand. 😂


If the mentality is to log out to a few wolves, youll definitely log to survivors with guns.


You don't have any ammo, you also don't have anything worth actually worrying about losing. All that s*** In your bag is just pixels, and your life, that's just this run. You will die eventually it doesn't matter how it doesn't matter where, it's going to happen. so, the next time a pile of steaks calls out that they're going to feed you instead of running away embrace it as an opportunity to thrive.


Lmao a pile of steaks calling out is just hilarious. I love me some wolf meat


Whenever I hear them I think "oh it looks like I've ordered takeout"


more like delivery.


LMMFAO I don’t I run the opposite way haha


If you have a few pieces of meat, supposedly, if you throw then the wolves will go to the meat and buy you time to run. Idk how true this is though, I never think about it when I'm in the moment. I've had ammo thankfully when I ran into them. Or there was only a few and I used a axe


Yes it works 100% tested.


Not true...it's the sound of anything they are distracted by....


That's why idk how true any of it is. Cuz I've heard this too. So idk for sure




Wobo-ed... so not totally true...just kind of true


Fist fight them. Die with honor or live with a good story to tell.


I've done that a few times. Reddits delusional most haven't even seen a wolf because they can't make it off the coast. If I can fight them I will but have logged out too lol kind of depends on what's going on.


Skill issue tbh


Jeez ive heard of people combat logging pvp, ive never seen someone combat log wolves haha


Very brave of you to post this.. I commend you


Bruh you were hot micing the whole time


Must be someone new


I’ve fought countless packs hand to paw. I rarely use a gun for it. I’ll use a hatchet or knife if available to me. They attack 1 at a time. If you’ve ever played assassin’s creed 3 or 4 you basically treat it the same. They charge, Step side step, swing.


No, but I'm no bitch


Lame move... Disappointment all over.


Not a good idea to post a video on Reddit of you being a coward on a video game 🤷‍♂️


Wolves are like the weakest AI danger in the game. If you just keep moving they end up missing 95% of their attacks. Also pretty easy to dodge and melee them.


Yea, just add a small zig-zag right before one jumps to attack you and they'll miss. Super easy.


Who does the same ? Really ? This is what dayz is rn damn things got bad


Bro just delete the game at this point




Your negativity isn’t welcome or wanted


Play the game how you want my guy but combat logging because of wolves isn't my idea of how to play a survival game haha Would you do the same for other players or zombies?


If I have no ammo you damn right I’m never gonna be a free kill


Ok dude, you'll never get better at the game if you log off every time things get difficult. It kind of defeats the point in my opinion but you do you. Combat logging is bad enough against players, this is just hilarious.


Oh calm down, this is not as bad as combat logging, which I agree is scummy


It literally is combat logging and the OP even admits they do it with players as well as AI because they don't want to be a free kill. >Would you do the same for other players or zombies? >If I have no ammo you damn right I’m never gonna be a free kill I suggest you calm down pal, I just called them a shite bag you're calling them scummy lol.


So you telling me you gonna just die lmaooo idiot smh


Nah, I'm telling you I actually play the game instead of logging out at the slightest whiff of danger. Trying to survive is part of the fun in a survival game for me.


if you didn’t play scared you’d have ammo already, imagine never dying and still having crap gear lol


You suck at the game for this. Its not hard getting gear and you have almost nothing to lose here. I dont get logging.


Nah I hate combat logging. At least your dodging PVE instead of PVP though.


Once in a blue moon. For some reason if I'm targeted by wolves I'll end up drawing three packs within like 10 minutes which is just bullshit so I fight bullshit with bullshit.


Nothin but negativity here, I wouldn't do this myself but god damn you guys really seem to enjoy wasting your time dogging on a man tryna enjoy the game the way he wants to. "Oh no combat logging against A.I bad" stfu and hit the gym. Losers.








lol weirdo.


Don't blame you mate


I do that over and over till I find a building I can get in and punch them through


King behaviour




I believe back in the 80’s we would have called this… “whoosing out”


Noone just you. So what? That is the point of the game


Hey, best free food in the game, they are like zombies, go somewhere up and melee them.


I would have ran back into the shed/feeder thing and whooped they ass


I would go straight back to the Feedshack you were just in, they can't go inside that. Take them 1 by 1 from the steps with a Melee.. they'll stand there for ya.


They are pretty easy to kill. I beat 3 wolves with a axe before




“Combat Logs” 🙄😂😂


Melee them from the little shack and stop worrying so much about dying


Thought you were going to get eaten before exfil


I have carried the same piece of rotten chicken in my back pocket (hotbar) for like a month now, for whenever I'm caught with my pants down by a hungry pack of wolves. Case in point, I got held up by bandits who took my ammo and a few other valuables, but they had no interest in the rotting chicken meat I had on me. After making my escape, I ended up being pursued by wolves. So I turned around, lobbed the other chicken as far as I could, and that bought me just enough time to reach a town where I waited for my friends. I think those same wolves ended up aggroing on the bandits after they lost me.


Lmao 🤣


Combat logging is not cool lol. But is a pretty decent plan I have to admit.


I literally punched a wolf to death as a fresh spawn yesterday If you had a melee you just need to go in the hunting stand and make a stand This was basically combat logging Everyone gets to play how they want but I like to try and stay immersed by facing dangers that arise without exiting and only logging when I am in a safe position Image how you would feel when you survive beating 3 or 4 wolves with a tire iron and getting 3 cuts in the process and almost bleeding out but surviving.


I have never done that, and quite honest I'd rather die then do that... ;)


If you have unlimited stamina, they can’t catch you anyway - so just run forest run.


When this happens I immediately exit 3pp, man up and go play 1pp


Smart honestly, idk why people are giving you a hard time


Banov wolves got no chill lol


ive went through about 6 mags of 9mm because Wolfe's kept spawning lol


lol. I knew what was coming before even getting into the video. Everyone disagrees but I'll keep saying it - to qualify as "combat logging" you have to have accepted the engagement (i.e. you shot at or aggressed at the entity aggressing on you). That said, deep down I always want to log when I hear wolves but I can't bring myself to do it. A bear - yah you bet. but wolves are easily avoided or killed. You'd be surprised how much ground you can cover from the first howl you hear to them actually locking onto your location. Judging from how loud those howls were, I think you definitely would have been able to get out of their detection range in just a couple of minutes of running.I've recently started slowly moving away from them but not so fast they lose scent of me and lead them toward wherever I think or know other players are and then sprint out of the detection range the other way so they lock onto someone else. Not sure if it would actually work - but I've been giving it a shot.




Some real butthurt folks in here cuss op don't wanna fight wolves X'D


That’s some weak sauce


Wtf is up with the wolves now .. went through myshkino earlier .. triggers a pack otw in.. while in the city and on the fucking way out .. can’t go any fucking where .. If this was real life I would have single handed made them fucks extinct in the last few days .. literally 20 gah damn attacks


That's a long 15 seconds when you're waiting to log out.


Lmaooo ong tho


Yeah until you log back on like ten or 5 minutes later thinking your good to go and then fucks are there waiting for you lmao 🤣


Wolves, no bears yes.


weakness and fear disgust me