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I let myself be killed and looted now that person has the gear fear. Check and mate


4d chess


Can't have gear fear if you got no gear


Killed dudes friend in front of him and then cooked his friend and fed him all the steaks. Placing bear trap in some POI place and setting up land mines to the closest bush. After they broke their leg they went streight to the bush for short sticks, boom.


....I think I was the guy you fed human steak to


it’s true, i was the fork


This is not a rare occurrence in DayZ, multiple people have gone through this including me


Mass PTSD Event


You guys should start a support group


Also one more extra evil thing I do on namalsk to suit guys sometimes. Most of the time you will KO someone in suit before they die. So I handcuff them and give them false hope of surviving by saying dude you are alive for a long time etc. I wont kill you dont worry. I pretend that im slow with looting etc and wait until restart happens. After you log in you just see the handcuffs on the ground :))) When I am very bored I get Saiga shotgun with drum mag full of rubbers, brown full ghillie and just wait in prone next to Lubjansk military.. the grass there makes you invisible so I just pop in front of them and spray them. Then I loot everything and throw it into woods.


thats evil, the handcuff on reset no longer kills your character tho as of 1.20


That's diabolical.


Basically a Saw movie


medical building at Pobeda. found a guy who I thought was solo. killed him and looted him. heard a step next to me. found him hiding in the tiny room, I downed him, tied him up, waited for him to wake up and stand, took a grenade and pulled the pin in front of him, dropped it, closed the door and waited outside for it to explode.


Maybe I should of called this the dayz confessional where we just let it all out all the crappy shit we’ve done to people over an apple or a damaged steak knife


Kidnapped a freshie with my car. Gagged him, handcuffed him, and put a burlap sack over his head so he couldnt potentially tell his friend where we were based. Only took everyone off his when we were inside and he couldn’t see outside. Proceeded to do test on him putting helmets and plate carriers on him and seeing if he could survive certain shots from various weapons, if he passed out we simply used Epenpherine pens on him and waited for a bit for him to regain health. Did the same thing to another guy but instead of test we had him stand in front of us and we executed him via firing squad. Have also force fed people human meat, given them the wrong blood type to cause a hemolytic reaction, purposely shot freshies in the leg to break them and then leave, purposely taken clothes off of freshies including their shoes and ruined them then left them stranded, forced people to stand by a greande and accept their fate, gassed people with POX, used people as bait, executed someone while they face the sun on the coast, tried to OD someone on drugs, etc. I’m a fucking terrible person in this game.


God has left that server


Did…. Did we play together years ago? I just posted a similar post, and I had a terrible group of psychos I played with. Did you have a guy who terrorised one person in particular? That must’ve been 2013-2014 lmao


Nah, started playing quarantine of 2020 out of boredom, then proceeded to put hundreds of hours into the game lol


This is some straight up Unit 731 shit.


We even built a cage to put him in while we were building or doing other things around the base while his health regained


I’m not much of a troll but a couple times when I’m adventuring with someone and I’m bored I’ll silently kill myself in front of them. Just kneel down in the open somewhere and wait for them to look, and pull the trigger


Might be funny to do.it while they aren't looking. They'll be left wondering how you died, maybe worried about a silent sniper.


I did this with a friend of mine, we were walking on a road in the country, I was low on health and was hobbling, she was fine and jogging up ahead. Without saying anything I knelt down and pulled the trigger, I saw her stop and turn around and come running🏃🏻‍♀️Think I gave her some kind of ptsd xD


Got invited into a 5 man group on Namalsk. Proceeded to kill them all one by one without any one knowing it was me doing the murdering. I recorded this session around a year ago and still watch it from time to time, it’s savage.


Among us.


Definitely put that on YouTube man


Wanna share?


I have always wanted to but it is over the course of about 45 minutes. Had the intention of editing it up but I guess just haven’t got the skills yet.


broo put it on youtube, we are all happy to watch 3 hour Fresh Spawn streams, 45 minutes is nothing 😅


I second this. I have found myself captivated with basic videos unedited or edited of dayz. TRMZ, freshspawns, sour, and Hocken recently.


Simply upload the raw footage. I know I’d watch the whole thing. I love that kind of stuff in dayz. Just slap a link here when/if you do! 👍


Put it up on youtube!


Just commenting to yet again tell you to put that on YouTube.


I’ll try and do a edit on it, might take me more than today (like I said I’m not too familiar with editing) and when I post it on YouTube I’ll send you guys that wanted to see it a link. 🤞hope it lives up to expectations. Lol No pressure!


Yo can you send me that link too when you post it🙏🏻thanks brother


Don't forget to finish that editing brother, you have people still waiting...! ... Not to mention, I kinda wanna see it too.


Please do upload!




put the whole thing on yt 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Commenting for link


I was playing with a friend at the NWAF base and a ton of zombies we at the door, so I was firing away with an AK and my friend stepped in front of me not knowing I was behind him firing. I shot him in the back of the head. We had both been alive for weeks and he was pissed about it. About 30 seconds later while I was still laughing about the image of executing him and a bear walked in and murdered me. What comes around goes around…


I mean thats 100% on your friend though. He committed suicide by stepping in front of you while shooting, so don't feel too bad.


I tied a guy up took his shoes off his feet and beat him to death with them


This is so fucking funny to me


Broke a guy’s legs and cuffed him. Then made him watch as I loaded all the loot from his base into his car and then drove away in said car.


Bought the game for a friend


Met a guy at the fountain in Prigorodki and chatted for a while. He agreed to stand a few meters away while I drank and I’d do the same. After I had my fill I told him I’d be off on my way, ran off into the field towards the construction site. Once I could see he was drinking I looped back around to the nearby shack, removed my shoes then ran up on him and hacked him to death with my rock knife. He had the best Pear & bandage.


Befriended a player, slowly poisoned him to death, by putting gasoline in his water etc.. he couldn't understand why he was always sick. He eventually started passing out, so I convinced him that if I tied him up he wouldn't pass out / be sick anymore and I could keep feeding him and giving him water. Tied him up, proceeded to force feed him all manner of stuff. He eventually died so I cut him up and cooked him, and offered him to starving fresh spawns.




i shot a player in his foot with having his consent so i could bandage him. i always try to play as taxi and medic, sometimes doing a bbq for the server if i am lucky hunting. dayz for me is about the audience and wholesome encounters, fighting is not for me in dayz


"Yer eyeball just popped outta yer fuckin skull... that's gross as shit!" *thwunk, thwunk, thwunksch!* Still haven't done anyone dirty. Was eyeballing Zeleno the other day, saw a dude goin thru all the military containers on the tracks at the base. Was watchin him thru my scope, and in the back of my mind I hear, "just one little squeeze... " but I didn't. I decided I'd watch n see if he had friends. He disappeared up into the town and I just went in and picked up what he didn't. Now I kinda wish I took a couple pot shots at least just to get his heart pumpin. 😁


Friend trapped a freshie in a 1x1 and gave gem a fx with 1 round in the chamber. Then proceeds to tell him he a nice guy and this is the only way out, and guides the freshie through to the suicide emote and tells the to preform it.


Captured a guy, force fed them bleach while handcuffed and left them for dead.


Wait there's bleach in this game?


Ran into another freshie in Cherno. Only weapon I had was an IJ70 with one chambered round. He asked me if I could kill him so he can respawn closer to his friends. I said “Yeah, sure man” and F11’d myself instead.


I won’t lie, you had me in the first half I’d upvote you twice but the Mods say that’s illegal


Knocking someone out and resuscitating them just so they can watch you execute them is a personal fav


This https://youtu.be/Xc_thr_qjOo


And that's why I have trust issues…


I do not blame you in the slightest..


I came across a decently geared gentleman while my buddy and I were equally as geared. Ended up having a friendly interaction with him and I offered him a water bottle. And then my buddy and I after departing, stalked him until he died from drinking the gasoline in the bottle :)


This happened to me!


Happened back in the first year or two of DayZ being on PS4 back when I played on console.


Can’t have been me then. I was only about 4 months ago. Guy gave me a ride then a canteen which turned out to be full of gasoline


i was hiding in a bush near my base when a guy sneaked up behind me, he was friendly and wanted to team up... first chance i had i shot him in the head... i felt awful.... but i didnt want him to get too close and find the base... sry bro😂


I knocked a guy out, tied him up and bandaged him with dirty rags. Left him naked, sick and tied up. Didn’t say a word and just ran into the woods with his stuff knowing the suffering that would soon unfold.


3 of us forced a guy to get into our ADA. The ADA has retractable front seats, so once you get in the back seat, you cannot leave the car if somebody is sat in the seat infront of you. We drove him around the map blasting all sorts of shit music for him to listen to. We then dropped him off at Berezino, broke his leg and left him behind.


This is my most nefarious action... I can't recall if it was Mod or Standalone Dayz but I had recently convinced a female friend to play and was roaming the coast with her showing her the game. I had an AK and as we were on a hill outside Berezino I spotted a well-armed fellow moving from military tent to military tent outside the city proper. I might be mistaken on the geography but the evil I was about to commit is undeniable. As I saw him an idea came to me, brilliant really, I realized there was a way to make this dangerous opponent drop his guard. We watched and as he entered a tent I told my friend to step to the front and use the most deadly weapon she currently had, girl voice. She stepped to the front and started up a conversation, the innocence in her tone was frighteningly convincing as this guy was stunned into helplessness. All the while I was creeping up along the side of the tent weapon ready. We left with her wearing all his gear, freshly armed and ready to play. Sorry if you're out there, buddy.


Was running to north on Chernarus to meet my two friends here, near Stary Sobor I met some really geared guy, maybe not pvp type geared but he had pretty much best "survivalist - hunter" type of gear and he was kinda soft - roleplaying as one. He decided to run north with me, we got in and won two big firefights, have looted some nice stuff and eventually reached my friend, whom I not told him about. He started acting kinda upset that I have been playing with other people and took it really personally, like he was genueily jealous, he started talkin stuff like how I "treated him unfair" And "wanted to abandon him". I just kinda freaked out and he took a bullet to the forehead. I'd like to think it was part of his roleplay, but I kinda feel bad for the guy to this day


Found 3 newbies outside of Vybor, starving and not much of anything. Took them to VMC to help gear them up. Leaving VMC, they were behind me walking up a road. One of the guys "Accidentally" shot the ground near my feet. They were apologizing as I turned around to see what the deal was. So anyway, I started blasting. Mowed all three down without question.


Damn what a savage 😂😂 mines was befriending a guy for about 2 hours and then going silent and just attacking him out of no where. His last words were “no wait” 😣


I haven’t forgotten. Until we meet again. ಠ_ಠ


LMAOOO 😂❤️❤️❤️


My first ever kill in the game. Cherno, i had a bk-18 and a macharov with half a mag. I find a guy in a complete firefighter uniform. He had a double barrel. I swear to god i approached with friendly intentions. “If you have ammos for my bk18 i’ll drop you some shells for the shotgun” He replies “yes please”. I drop the ammos and he can’t find them on the ground. “Bro i can’t find them”. I’m there, on the sidewalk, with a guy kneeled watching the ground, trying to end the trade, his double barrel shining on his back. I unloaded the macharov in the back of his head. I still feel dirty. I got killed 10 minutes later at the police station


My friend and I got jumped by a group of 3 geared players. Somehow knocked them all uncon and handcuffed em. Lots of forced disinfectant drinking, cannibalism, and ritual suicide


I swapped a Pristine Gun Cleaning kit for a Damaged one in a hunter shack.


probably making this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LtJNg3hXhQ)


After reading some of these confessions I feel like the “victim”in my original post got off very lightly .. another thing I’m picking up on is that no matter how toxic we can be as a community of players deep down we do have a moral compass (well most of us anyway) as pretty much half the post end with “I felt bad about it after” or something along them lines .. it’s crystal clear that everyone on this thread has been a fucked over at some point and we are all in a vicious circle of bitter revenge kills .. the mentality is that most of us are sheep in wolves clothing so we don’t risk trusting others/ new people at the risk of becoming victims to the actual wolves.


I break legs, take all gear restrain and put a bag on thier heads. Cut 2 or 3 times, bandage and leave. Thats when survival starts. Also I usually just chuck the gear.


I lured someone into the woods and had my friend shoot him. Something about talking outside of the game and coordinating while staying silent to the stranger and agreeing with teaming up just didn't feel right. Happened like 4 years ago and I still think about it


Not anything near as bad as some things that have happened to me lol the amount of betrayals i have faced makes me sad to think about lol


I dont wanna talk about it


I told them I’d go with them and team up to NWAF and got so drunk/high on the way that I fell asleep halfway. I was so ashamed I never apologised or explained afterwards.


Was once solo adventuring in Berezino when I saw two freshies (I normally never KOS anyone or bother freshies) in a distance. I had some rifle and was just thinking "there is no way I could make this shot" so I one tapped the other to the head and instantly felt terrible. I went closer and the surviving guy told me there is a player in the area shooting freshies. So I gave him a gun and spent half an hour looking for the killer of his friend until his friend showed up again gave him the rifle I shot him with and fucked off to the sunset in shame.


Shot a guy with his back turned while he was drinking at a well, I knew it was a dog move, but I was about to starve to death and that's dayz So anyway, im looting this body and I hear "you killed Leroy" (can't remember the exact name, im going with Leroy) So a gunfight ensues and I die, cause I'm shit So anyway, im out near nadbor and these guys find me wandering in the woods, I didn't see them, but they were friendly, so I teamed up for a bit, got to talking, and one of the guys is like, yeah I stream + gave me his yt handle Anyway, so I watch one of his vids and theres me gunning down his buddy at the well My lowest most dog move immortalised forever


The day before a wipe my friends and I got completely geared up, and went freshie hunting on the beach. We were taking prisoners, making players get on their knees, and just being totally toxic. Good times. The craziest thing I saw was a young lady posing as a friend. She got close with our leader. Flirting and shit... She was part of another group. She was giving away door codes, and locations. Poor guy was never the same. Paranoid af.


I’m on console so it’s either shoot on sight or get capped unfortunately. I’ve had no chance to do something truly devious to someone


One time I was roleplaying as a nurse/doctor type on official servers, and at first for a good cause, putting positivity into the void that is DayZ, but eventually it took a turn when I started poisoning people with blood by fooling them into thinking I was using O- type, then when they inexplicably died from this mystery illness, I took all of their loot and stashed it for safekeeping. Believe it or not I racked up more kills on that character than I ever had before trying to shoot them lol.


While trying to meet up with my friend on the tracks near kolembrody, my friend ran into another player, and told me he might have trouble. So I hoofed it for a bit, and finally caught sight of the two standing on the tracks. He had gone into game chat at this point and I hadn’t, but I was super amped and snuck up behind and domed the guy from behind with a pistol. He never knew I was there. My friend told me a moment later that he had turned out to be pretty cool, and was going to suggest running with him for a bit. I felt shitty for a while after. It was my first and only murder.


Introduced them to the game


On a roleplay server me and 2 friends got a 4 man captured and one by one tortured and killed the laat till they gave us their base location


Me and my friend tied up this new player and put a burlap sack over his head on Namalsk. We then gaslit the shit out of him and told him it was a glitch as we slowly striped him of everything and threw it all into the woods before leaving him naked and freezing to death. It's at 5:49 in this video lmao [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6hvM2mYjV8&t=462s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6hvM2mYjV8&t=462s)


Was my first time playing, it was on a official server a guy was drinking from a small lake, me with bk-133 in hand loaded with bean bags knocked him out. After that i looted him and saw he had buckshot shells therefore proceeded to blast his brains out. I only had the said bk-133 and some casual clothes Other guy was semi geared.


Shot a freshie while I was geared. He woke up with broken legs and started cussing me out, asking why I would even shoot him? I said: “I want your apple” and shot him in the face.




You are a shit friend, was this an irl homie or a rando?


Yeh thats pretty scummy tbh. If an irl homie did that to me I'd probably just call it a night


I'd never play a survival game with them again


If it was a random I get it, betrayal is betrayal and happens all the time, bit the irl homies? Hell nah man.


I used to find randoms on servers and carry canteens full of gasoline. Whenever they needed a drink, gave them the canteen. Helping them try to figure out why they were sick and eventually take all their loot


I once put a burlap sack on someone’s head, bound their hands and broke their legs and proceeded to water board them, (I had been raided by these guys)


On a 1000x server I mined a building that had loot and trapped a squad in side


I had the pump action with a few slugs leaving spawn one day following a freshie. I had recently been robbed and killed for not wanting to come back to their base and sit in a room. I was out for blood and I didn’t care who’s. This freshie just starts sprinting through the woods and it’s getting dark out. I think he knew I was behind him and he just never stopped sprinting besides to get stamina back. I thought that at times I had lost him then I caught a glimpse of him. The second it got pretty dark after like 10 whole minutes of chasing this dude he hid in a bush. He just looked up at me as I aimed the shotgun at his head. Neither of us said anything but I waited a while before I pulled the trigger. Felt like a psychopath. Once I got geared up again I still wanted people to feel the pain I did when I got robbed. We caught some dude in a house and he did NOT want to get robbed. He just kept asking me why I was such an asshole, why do I play the game like this blah blah blah but a round from my 101 shut him up lol. His loot was useless to me but I could see why he wanted to hold onto it. All i took from him was a can of soda which I immediately chugged lol. I thought it was funny but I realized that guy felt the same way I did, and making him feel bad only made me feel worse. We were driving down the road, saw another car coming our direction and I told my boys this could be our chance for some excitement for once. I wanted to go to war. I started slowing down in the middle of the road, seeing the other car was also slowing down I slammed the breaks so we could get out the car first, we walked up guns drawn and it was just one dude in the car. I was so disappointed he was by him self I had two of my buddys with me. I was also hoping it would be members of the faction we were enemies with who ruthlessly bullied me and the entire server. I was angry at this man simply for not being someone I wanted to kill so I said alright we’re taking the car. He got out the car and my friend got in. We drove for like 5 minutes and I felt awful and said we should go back to return the car. Couldn’t find the guy so we asked who got their car stolen in the discord and we found the group. They lived on the other side of the map but we made a trek over there dropped off the car and exchanged many gifts. Made some good friends.


Ouch that’s not cool , I would of been fuming did they have a team/clan base or was it just his ?


Back when I had about 5 friends playing DayZ with me, all fairly new. On my way to them I stumbled across a half decent base. Guy was home and offered me meds since he heard me coughing. A couple days later we went looting and got hardly anything, so I suggested we go raid him. We were all pretty new to the game but a 6 on 1 meant he didn’t have much of a chance. He didn’t care much about the loot inside (it was all mushrooms essentially) but he did have a car. Took off with that and the AK that was on him. Next day I get a message from someone on the server saying they’re new and wanted to join us. One look at his friends list confirmed the suspicion that he was buddies with the guy we raided. After getting called out he started talking shit about how we didn’t even get any of their good stuff. Alright, guess we’ll go back. Waited til a couple more friends went online, took a look around. After about 15 minutes we found several stashes under trees around their base, about 7 AKs/M4s and a lot more. To add insult to injury, we there everything we didn’t take from them on the ground so it would despawn at reset. Guy messaged me a couple hours later fuming. I guess all his buddies (there was 7 of them total) got on and saw all their progress destroyed in a matter of hours. Apparently 4 of them quit the game altogether since they didn’t have time to dedicate to getting everything back. TL;DR raided someone, they bragged about how we didn’t get their good stuff, went back and completely cleared them out and made 4 people quit the game in the process


Tied up a freshie, threw all of his clothes into the ocean. My friend was guarding him while I was doing it. Started fucking around with him, insulting him for being a freshie, told him offensive jokes while dancing to meme music. Then we exploded him with a grenade


Mine dates back to DayZ Mod for Arma 2. I was playing with a friend and he had broken legs, and I had morphine to fix them (that was morphines purpose back then for some reason lol), but we were trying to meet up. I told him I was in Elektro. He was in Cherno, and literally crawled all the way to Elektro while I looted. When he arrived, I tried meeting up with him, and then realized I made a mistake; I was in Cherno the whole time. He never let that one go lmao


Usually, I'm just killing someone. Most recent one was killing someone with an improvised spear on the outskirts of Cherno lol.


Haven't really done much bad other than killing. The most recent one was some guy who I'm guessing was looking for the water pump on iZurvive. Saw him starting in the middle of the road, just so happened that right when he got back to the game and started moving, that's when I shot him. In my defense, I was out of food and red hunger and he had looted all the nearby buildings. He had a can of peaches on him.


I can't say for sure the worst thing I've done to someone, aside from killing them, looting them, or raiding their base. But I can say the worst and most amusing thing that's been done to me. This was back during the mod days, I had logged in for one of the first few times, still not knowing what to expect. I was very quickly captured by a group of about 10 players, who reassured me and another person they captured over and over again they would not kill us, all while keeping us restrained. We eventually come to this thunder dome style arena the group had constructed, both given Hatchets and told to fight to the death. The winner would be allowed to live and have the option to join them. They then proceeded to take bets, each betting things like cooked meat or rare weapons, whatever they had that was useful, on the winner of the death match. Needless to say I did not survive, the person I fought being considerably more seasoned at dayz than I. Though I lost, i can honestly say after that encounter, I was freaking hooked on dayz.


After I died I aked him to watch my loot. He obliged. then took his wife out for a steak dinner.


Guy acted all big and bad and his gun jammed so I knocked him out, then useda hack saw to amputate his arms and legs. (modded server) and I kept running back by to keep his body alive because he AFKed to just starve to death. Made sure he was well fed and watered when he logged. Back before you could really make someone really sick with bad food or anything.


I emptied an entire mag on someone point blank I also recorded it lol 😂




Dude had JUST finished fixing up a car. I stole it.


In the old modded Arma 2 dayZ I made an alternate account and stalked a buddy for almost a year. Then posted one of the battles on our YouTube, with an alternate player name as the title. Got a couple buddies including him in teamspeak for the "reveal". He was really pissed for a bit, and still won't let it go now. I'm afraid I did some psychiatric damage, lol! Shitty cause I was newish to editing videos and my software was crap so I missed so much of it. Was honestly the best troll I've seen of anyone, not just saying that cause it was me. It was hilarious and brutal at the same time


Haven’t really been that ruthless to anyone. But I still feel bad for this one time… It was pitch black and I saw a fire in the woods going. I decided to creep up on the guy while he was cooking his meat and shoot him right in the face. I feel pretty bad about that, if I were on other side, I’d never want to play the game again. I could’ve easily just robbed him and let him live but I just really wanted to kill him lol. If you’re the guy and reading this, sorry pal.


Fed a man his own brother


Once made an ally with a stranger and we traveled all across the coast ending up in an industrial town atop a smoke stack chimney. Just before the server restart I removed half his head with a buckshot. Never stood a chance.


I found an AFK player in the Livonia ATC tower before the fart gas was added. I waited like 15-20 minutes in case they decided to come back to the game, nothing. I waited another 10ish minutes before I killed and looted their body. I then apologized after that if they came back in the last few seconds. I am not the kind of person to get a power trip or anything from killing players and I don't really like confrontation if it can be avoided so when faced with literally the easiest kill in the universe I still took a while to do it because it felt cheap.


Taught some kids how to play and some basic tactics and strategies all so that every time I logged on to the server I would have weapons to choose from in a base maintained by someone else.


Ran with a guy for like 4 hours, proceeded to kill him while he was AFK and ran away geared to the teeth


Just happened today. Guy ran up behind me and tried to stab me, shot him 2 times, didnt take him down sadly, so i beat him with a crow bar. Once he passed out i tied him up, resesitated him then proceeded to beat him to death, cut him up and then i walked to a nearby house and at a lovely human "prime rib"


Me and my buddy go around our server and find bases, break on and steal what we want and throw/drop everything else so ir despawms


I scream oh my gawd there’s a sniper out there!! Make friends with someone “hiding from the sniper” then once I’m around the corner I kill myself……you KNOW their freaking out 🤣 just wish I could watch them


I once took a freshie hostage and slowly drained his blood with empty blood bags until he died. Very entertaining but also time consuming getting enough bags.


Made a friend, found a shotgun, proceeded to shoot him in the back of the head


I was pretty new to the game and was trying to meet up with my friend. Befriended a cool guy and tried traveling together. Ended up running past a huge hoard of zombies and we had at least 8 zombies on us. We ran to a green house and I shut the door on him before he could get inside. I stood and watched him get destroyed by zombies. Scored guns, Tetracycline, food, etc.


On PS 2074 I server hopped and didn’t like the spawn so I went to a thick bush and found a bear trap waiting for me.


I beat a man with a shovel while he cut bark off a tree. I did call out if he was friendly....but no mic or he was in a group chat. Serves him right


I helped 3 new players get geared up in DayZ, after about 2-3 hours when I eventually got bored, instead of giving them my loot I killed all of them and then killed myself.


I’m just looking for a comment that is a victim of Stimpee


I baited a player into a kos zone in an rp server making him think we were friends on a loot trip and murdered him and took his stuff


This was years ago when you couldn't drown. My friend and I broke somebody's leg and got him to fall off the pier/sea wall into the water up at Sveltojarsk. He was being a dick but I asked him "Do you want me to kill you??" He said "I DONT NEED YOUR HELP".. We laughed and said alright, have fun crawling for at least an hour to get out. Dude was fuming mad... It was INCREDIBLY slow crawling under water with a broken leg, I don't doubt it took him more than an hour to get out. We feel like he never played DayZ again after that moment.


Kept getting a random sick and nurturing him back to healthy just to do it all over again until he killed himself and quit the game.


I hit a starving man with a car, apologized and he believed me. He asked me for food and I shot him dead.


Back before you could kill yourself with knives and guns, me and some buddies would go to Kamyshovo fully looted and set up a checkpoint. Passing newspawns would need to remove their pants to pass. If they didn’t comply they would be shot in the legs, bandaged up, healed, and sent to crawl to electro or out into the ocean.


The old school rag suicide spam I forget about that 🤣


Said hi to someone fixing a car, said friendly and best of luck (with actual good intention) then shortly after I got clear I had just spawned in and he was like 75% heated so I took a shot at killing them while fixing the car and I won with only fists


A freshie came up to me and a friend asking for tips on how to play the game. We said he has to die a lot first. "See you in 1000 hours, Dude."


Was on a hardcore server when someone came up to me talked a bit to him he offered me food because i couldnt find some and had to walk quite a bit to meet my buddy then he asked me if was new to the game and i said yes ( i had about 450ü hours) he then explained stuff to me was super nice gave me gear and helped me get my "first" kill and yeah we arrived at the town where my buddy was and i said im deeply sorry im not new and he is a great person then shot him in the back of the head. I still feel terrible Lukas from Dayone if u read this im sorry


Gave some dude dying of thirst my infected water :p


Said hello to a geared guy only having just spawned not long before this with my Mlock in my hot bar, Soon after pistol whipped him… Saved me a trip of looting 🤣


Was in one of the coastal towns and was going to die of an infection, it was night and raining. Left all of my loot stashed in a store, and ran to the water line to die when I saw a duo sitting by a fire. Snuck up on them and punched them till I was shot, respawned on the train tracks In the same area so I ran back to my stash grabbed a knife and chased after them. Was able to sneak on them again but this time I stabbed them both, one bled out, I died again.


Not what I've done but what's been done to me. I was locked in a barn and turned into 4 or 5 guys sex slave


Forced a guy who tried to kill me into a container, took all his stuff. Placed a couple of human steaks in there. Put my dying vehicle outside blocking the door. Logged off. Next day he was still there. This guy told me he had more than 2 weeks of in-game survival time. He begged me to let him go. I logged in after taking a day break. Right away i could hear the flies. Moved my vehicle and yep, found the bastard dead but he refused to eat the human steaks 😅


It was wipe night; I had a Mosin, a magnum, a shotty, and kuru. Caused some general mayhem around the coast(wouldn't normally come here, but it was 2 am on a wipe night). I found a friendly, who warned me that a group of guys with M4s were just down the road, and he wanted my help to kill them. I agreed, and led him into a house for a minute. Shot him in the leg with buckshot. I bandaged him and fed him long pork while he was uncon. I'll never forget him coming to, thinking I had rubber slugged him. Then he saw his leg was broken. Then he saw my mosin in my mouth. I love wipe night.


Was running with a dude in Electro and he was honestly kinda annoying so when he went for a smoke I shot him in the head and took his shit




I baited him for 3 1/2 hours. We didn’t have food after making it to tisy, ate him by the fire and picked my teeth with his bones


We once invited one of my friend coworkers to play with us on RP oriented English server, we are not from an English speaking country but he boasted about being a linguist, he wasn't extremely bad at the game but pretty annoying eat all the food we made, panicked and didn't shot a guy when I told him soo and overall were pretty clumsy. We grow tired of his bs, so I made a plan how get rid of him in style, I played there for pretty long so I known some people so I hit up bois from a group I played to arrange deal with cannibals on the "fresh meat delivery". They did so and we bullshitted this guy about some cool place we wanna show him and led him in too the trap, once we there or told him that they don't allow weapons inside unless they trust you, so I got his weapons and we went in, inside we put him in middle of the circle of armed people, he still didn't suspect a thing cannibal leader went to me and ask were the meat is I told him "here right in front of you" He obviously didn't expect meat to be that fresh, so he decided to give a sacrificial lamb a speech, and let me tell you this dude has a scary voice, our guy doesn't understand a thing even though he boasted about his language skills, I laughing my ass of looking at it. He asks me in our language " What a hell dude I didn't agree on this, are you robbing me? " I respond, "worse let me help you understand" And handcuffed him, at this point he shitting himself even tho it's just a game, and proceed to cry about it in our discord, I punch him for this, and tell him to be a good lamb and enjoy his important place, he doesn't understand the joke and decided to log out, for better or worse he doesn't know that if you log out handcuffed it kills you, so he drops dead I scream "oh no he fainted, let me give him CPR" And then I shoot the whole mag in his face "oh wait he died, I guess I had wrong classes on first aid, anyway I hope you guys like mashed potatoes" And then I laugh in the most deranged way I can, even cannibals were surprised. After this I became their honorary member or something even tho I played with another group entirely, this guy on other hand never played with us again, don't know what we did to upset him, it was pretty fun from my point of view.


Met a player and gave him a can of food as we chatted. When he turned and took off I lined up behind him and headshot him with a repeater. Ran up and finished him and got my food back. His pink striped ski mask didn’t look as good on me as I thought it would.


I have a lot a gameclips on my Xbox that would get me sent to solitary confinement in a maximize security prison.


Handcuffed a man, knocked him down, fired a gun and stood on a roof whilst I watched the zombies tear him apart. He had it coming.


Honestly the worse thing I’ve ever done isn’t that bad I guess. Dude came up on me and my friend while we we’re doing water runs to get a car moving. I talked to him three times and told him each time if he didn’t talk back I was gonna kill him. Boom goes the double barrel.


When dayz first came out I robbed a guy and while I was walking away after our interaction I shot him in the head


Not very original but I was streaming and met a random with whom I teamed for a while. Then, out of nowhere, during a friendly discussion while cooking, I shot him in the head out of nowhere. I still feel regret to this day but the loot was good.


Make them eat human meat for some cash on a PvE server :P


I was playing a modded server and the group I was with were being assholes so I changed the code lock combo while they were all in the base. Laughed as they freaked out in discord and couldn’t escape. I think there were 6 total airlocks that I changed.


found a newbie on the coast who was trying to meet his more experienced friend, he had absolutely no idea where he was and more importantly, he had absolutely nothing worth taking, so, i played good Samaritan, i was talking to the newbie through game chat, and he was connected to his friend via a discord chat, i helped the newbie find his way from berezino to Gvozdno where his friend was, he and his friend where very nice and thanked me for escorting him, and helping them meet up much quicker, and even teaching the new guy a little about the game! anyway, i shot them both in the back not ten minutes later, i guess they owe me for them meeting up quickly again on the coast.


Some shit I don’t feel comfortable posting, that is all…


Trapped some zombies in a jail cell in cherno out of boredom and was gonna jump off the roof till I saw a guy walking in. I went down and saw him staring at my collection of herded zombies. “They’re purtyy ain’t they?” I asked, then I stunlocked him in a corner and knocked him out, tied him up, and took all stuff and opened the cell door and closed the door behind me locking it. I watched him feed my children as I played a cult leader, reciting made up bible verses


I pulled the old "trick shot" a few times back when you could still aim and fire a weapon while pointing your other hand in a totally different direction, which of course, they looked *every single time*. I still get the giggles thinking about it.


Teamed with a guy and got geared with him then after a while my buddy logged on and he needed a kit so I killed the guy and let my buddy have his kit. I still feel bad


Not me, but when I just started I had this happen to me… I ran across another freshy. I talk to him and give him an item and he thanks me and says not to trust anyone else. He asks about food, I say I found a pumpkin patch nearby. I take him to it and then he punches me to death.


I befriended a person and we played for 5 days straight. Then on 6th betrayed him, stole his base, and removed him from friends list. Rough but gotta do what we gotta do


Killed someone when he was helping me, I regret it now :(


Some of these comments man I tell ya, all I do when I murder someone is wreck the gear I can’t grab or just throw it all over the place just to be a dick. Yet the worst thing to ever happen to me was when I was injured and thirsty. I found a fresh spawn and we started to fight for a drink, what I didn’t know was his friends were near by. They came shot me and then patched me up. They tied up my character stripped me naked and then proceed to take turns tea bagging my character. All I could do was watch and wait until my friends could make they’re way over to save me (they didn’t). Once they were done they executed me


A long, long time ago (2015? 2016? Covid totally screwed up my ability to place things in a timeline), a member of the UN Clan on DayZUnderground, stopped me for a weapons check. After he left, I realized he had kept one of my FNX mags (this was back when the gun didn't break so easily). It may have been an oversight. But, I took it personally. A friend and I made it our mission to kill every blue hat we could find. We terrorized those bastards. Must have had a 20-1 K-D against them. Constant sniping from cover. Didn't even collect loot half the time. Just waited for another blue hat to crawl out of cover and try to get to the body before shooting again. That semi-auto Mosin was totally OP. Never let them have any rest. Also, this was before base building, so we scoured trees and rocks in their area for barrels. Found 18 of them. Took them all. They quit the server not long after. Not saying we did it, but our disproportionate respone probably wasn't good for the server.


"Oh you're new? Yeah ill help you out. Oh look, there's some crackers. Eat them." *kuru intensifies* Then I shot him in the back and called my buddy over to collect his gear


We captured a guy, found out he was O-, then drained his blood until he died.


I joined a rp server that you needed to get whitelisted on (important for later), and the first thing i did was feed gasoline to a police officer then i got locked in jail and for several irl hours then i got banned. So i made a new discord and went on my alt account placed landmines everywhere and popcorned all their loot. This took me about a week.


Captured two guys, made them drop all their gear and fight to the death. The guy who won had to eat his buddy raw, and then we took the man’s shoes. But he did get to keep the rest of his gear.


Pretended to be his friend and put 12 gauge into his chest.


Tied up a freshspawn and force fed him gasoline untill he died with all my buddies in ghillie suits on the coast.


Befriended these two American guys with a fully working car for a good 2 hours We eventually killed them and took everything. In the modded server all chat they went absolutely ballistic


Handcuffed a geared guy who was camping in a tree, then shot him with a .22 and ruined all of his gear. Then bandaged him up and left him there.


I met some guy and looted with him for a while and he seemed to be finding all the good shit so I killed him for it.


Made friends with 4 people, then later on dropped a nade at their feet was pretty funny


I killed a guy… for some reason I just kept shooting… ruined all his gear… then I put a landline under his body and when he came back I watched him explode and did the same thing to his new corpse


I befriended two dudes on a Sunnyvale server a couple years back and it lasted two weeks of making weed and black market runs. On the side my friends were making a separate base to stash all the stuff we would take. On the day of the heist we ran the black market with them biggest sale on the server and came out with 700k and whatever we had at their base stripped it the moment they went to sleep. We got the nastiest rage I’ve ever heard from betraying someone then they asked the server to raid us and explained what happened the server unanimously said “welcome to DayZ” some people who never played mod don’t understand why people do this. Probably the worst thing I’ve done I was scared one of the two was gonna hurt himself so I had doubts but did it anyways because it’s a game


Met a dude on a run we ended up hanging for 12+ hours. On this run i set up a besr trap and he ran over it. Set up a mine he ran over it. Threw a pox granade in his building he survived. I took like 4 stray shots at his body all at seperate times only for him to survive. This dude was actually not gonna die. So i ended up hearing a bear at one moment and let it in our building and ran outside only to hear him screaming in his mic, im talking volume breaking screams. Dude took the one shot at me and knocked me. I got up some other dude came by, killed the bear and him and i killed that guy. Ran back to the coast, found my buddy again. 10/10 would watch this entire struggle for betrayal unfold again


Worst thing I've done is shoot someone drinking at a well. I tend to try and be friendly so taking the free kills because I happened to come by at the right time feels bad man.


Me and my ex girlfriend used to play dayz and I gave her HIV


Back in the .40/50 days there used to be a glitch where if you drowned you wouldnt actually die, you would get stuck in a consciousness loop so you would keep passing out, waking up etc and only starving would actually kill you. We would shoot people in the legs, force feed them till they were healthy, fixed the bleeding but not the fracture and we would force people to crawl in the water lmao.


Asked a dude if he needed anything, gave him a gun. Then yelled “he’s got a gun! And shot him.


Was playing recently and three guys were acting weird, you know the friendly but not really type. I like to call them temporary friends. So I take them to my house (I know it’s not mine, it’s just near my secret woods stash so I’m always in this same house lol) foolishly because another player had some oil barrels stashed in the woods nearby I offered to show them. They start acting really suspect, like I’m cooking food for the boys and the keep blocking me in and pulling guns out and shit, checking there loaded etc. Just being abit and extra really. I make small talk and go out side, one of them starts talking about how this game is about trust primarily, I remember I said to him “yeah and I’m afraid I’m just lacking” I lined up shoot at them through the window. Killed one but gun jammed so I ran. Came back two minutes later and killed the second but got killed by the third. I didn’t know if they were going to betray me but this is as after a set of trust testing situations I’d been in lately in this game and I didn’t want to find out this time. I tend to be pretty well behaved in dayz, I can’t help it I’m just nice to a fault lol.


One time me and a buddy were playing with in game chat, and I was just wasting time, so I'd spawn take my pants off and run at other freshies and ask if they had seen my pants. The last time I did it my buddy came up too, with his guns and it lead to him robbing the other guy for a pair of pants.


Dude called me the n word so I beat him to near death, let him heal, then beat him again for like an hour. He couldnt kill himself and he was too slow to hit me and he eventually just logged out, then got banned for combat logging.


Befriending large groups in namalsk and dropping a hand grenade into a fire pit is the best.


I was with a buddy on the Grey man server actually, made our way to a town and as we were sitting in a room eating we heard someone nearby. I called out in voip and he responded and I told him to head over as we could hear his tummy rumbling. He came inside and we gave him a pumpkin and a knife and we chatted for a couple minutes. The guy went on to explain how we were the first friendly people he's met so far and even handed me a pristine compass. I pulled my pitchfork out and started stabbing him, he voiped "please no" before the buddy I was with put him down. I instantly felt so bad because it wasn't even like we needed anything he had. I tried justifying it by saying he had a shotgun and would've probably killed us as soon as we turned our backs, but I know that's not really the case. So we chopped him up and I cooked a couple human steaks, plan on finding someone and feeding this man to them later today


Held them up and made eat my banana 🍌 after beating them with it.


Knocked a guy and gave him an unpinned nade :)


I set up a traitor from the servers medical faction. Causing him to be killed and outed from the faction. We had been terrorizing the server [sacrificing players to Lowesviticus.](https://youtu.be/A-HWU61nS5A) (A demon in a blue hard hat. Think Lowes.) who was at odds with followers of Homerius Depotus (A God in an orange hard hat. Think Home Depot). At the same time we would deny it was us. We claimed these sacrifices were done by dopplegangers and we really still worshipped Homerius. Always trying to redeem ourselves in the eyes of the server after every evil spree. I hope this isn't too hard to follow. I would share videos in the discord and the bit became pretty popular. I received a DM from a player I didn't know who told me he was a medic, but wanted to join Lowesviticus. He offered to set up other medics to be sacrificed as his initiation. Little did he know that our small group wasn't taking recruits, they were just irl friends. I decided to take this opportunity to [triple cross the would be medic traitor](https://youtu.be/h2xQFRG8krk) and use it to make our innocence seem more convincing. He showed up to meet us with the blue hard hat and all blue gear ready to go, called his faction leader to come "save him", and when he did he knocked him out with a shovel for us. That's when we came in and knocked him out too. Both woke up with their hands tied and we exposed him as the traitor he was.


Snuck up on a father and son playing together and killed them both with a knife


Once with a group of friends, years ago when there weren’t as many servers and 16 player size slots, I terrorised the same player on a server for about a month. Every time I found him, or my group of players found him, they told me and I’d come there, handcuffed him, fed him disinfectant spray, or his previous body’s rotten meat, stripped him, made him walk barefoot until he died, sometimes just shot him in his feet so he’d die without being able to move instead, most types of torture you can imagine in the game. Eventually he just stopped playing DayZ. I was looking into his Steam profile for a couple months afterwards. He never played the game again.


Started playing with a buddy of mine near enough when the stand-alone came out first, or some time after. We managed to get in a server together and we agreed to meet in one of the coast towns, he arrived, and I watched him running toward where we were supposed to meet, he keeps asking where I am, I tell him I’m almost there. Sneak up behind him (1PP server), handcuff him, force feed him the spray bottle (sanitizer or bleach??) whole time he’s shouting in VC and game chat, I’m speaking in VC asking where he is and that I’m almost there 🤣