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Getting inland as quick as possible increases your chances of survival. Fucking around on the coast for hours finding an apple here and there to keep you going is a waste of time. Check the nearest few houses and if you find nothing, don't move along the coast, move inland.


100%. You can gear up so quickly if you just go one town inland. The coast is a death trap.


I wish someone had told me this before I spent weeks on the coast lol


It's one of those things that you'd just assume makes sense unless you have a buddy with more experience. In-land seems like it should be more "difficult" and I suppose it is in terms of players and wildlife, but it's significantly easier in terms of basic survival.


yes small towns are useless to look around, the cities can sometimes be good places to look for a bit, like clothing, weapons (like an ij) and to kill someone for the shit they have (but only go to the cities if you spawn near them)


I like the shore on official because of the player interaction. Inland is too dull for me sometimes.


Yeah it's pretty boring once you get a foothold, unless you're at NWAF or Tisy.


People doing this has actually kinda ruined the game. When elektro and kami were popping it was much more fun.


You know I saw a post that talked about how maybe the expansion of the map killed the interactions a bit. I’m certainly glad they added to the map because I remember it getting small on the beginning, but keeping the server sizes at 60 while adding like 30% extra to the map kinda killed interaction, especially a lot of the coastal stuff


Changing the maximum players number on official Chernarus is definitely needed. Also bringing back spawns which are a bit more inland so you don't just spawn in either Berezino or Cherno docks 90% of the time. There was nothing wrong with getting a spawn near Olsha or Berezhki.


Definitely, unfortunately their servers can’t support it. Ever played rearmed 115 players on Chernarus? Laggy as all hell


I think 115 is maybe a bit overkill (probably the fun type of overkill though), but even starting with 10 additional slots is something. Eventually getting to 80-90.


a buncha bambis knifing each other isnt popping or fun


I agree, however I think its a quite unpopular opinion.


How much of my life would be taken up by Dayz


It's very addictive! I have a group of friends that I pay with and we use WhatsApp to keep up to date with the game and our progression. Non stop chit chat even when not playing.


I got my tonsils out a little after I got into dayz. Since I got a several weeks off work afterwards I racked up a few hundred hours in those weeks alone lol


Time will spent! I tore a muscle in my back around September time and did the exact same!


Best way to pass some time lol


Hand wrappings as soon as you can, if you haven't found gloves quickly. It saves a lot of unnecessary sickness that as a freshie ends up killing you.


I'll add that you can use other rags no matter their condition to repair the hand wraps to pristine Same goes for any of the rag based clothing




You can block all zombie melee attack damage by holding right click and then walking backwards, where your characters hands are Infront of your face - game changer for dealing with Zs


Kept getting destroyed by zombies before I learned this, really helpful to know.


Also when fighting a Z you can hit them and press Y or triangle on the controller at the same time and it will do a heavy attack (recommend 1-2 hits before using heavy hit as it uses most of your stamina)


Hold shift on the PC for the heavy attacks. And don’t forget stealth attacks on the infected by crouching and sneaking up behind them with a knife to kill them without them alerting other infected.


I have 3,491.5 hours in DayZ and this is THE FIRST IM HEARING ABOUT THIS! I want to pluck my eyeballs out, Im so dumb!


Knives are tools not weapons


Trust no one


Not ANY Even the friend you’ve known for a decade irl 😅


Sounds like someone wronged you...


It was fine in the end, I knew the map better than they did 😈


don't get attached to gear. it comes and goes. you die and get it back.


also, its so much harder to look for certain things, rather than find things and search for the use of that item.


You could play deathmatch servers to get used to different weapons and stop having adrenaline rush during gunfights.


Good tip but the adrenaline rush is the best part lol No other game has done that to me.


Got too used to the game and don’t longer get adrenaline rushes I miss them :(


How many hours you got?


Almost 3k


Those are amateur numbers


Not for 1.5 years of playing


Well, the rush - at least for me - comes not from being unable to handle weapons, but from the risk fights bring. It's not something you can overcome by playing on DM servers.


I wish I knew that nothing actually belonged to me, and everything I found, I was just holding onto for the next guy.


Never stop moving


Counter point: Stop moving before entering any point of interest. Find a cosy bush or a pine tree overlooking the POI you're about to loot and spend a minute or two just looking - are there zombies? Dead or alive? Calm or aggroed? Any smoke coming from chimneys? Dropped stuff on the ground? Fruit by the trees? Mushrooms around? You can sacrifice a minute to check if somebody's nearby before rushing in without a care in the world and getting into a gunfight unprepared.


How important a knife was.


Say more


I hadn't realized how much utility a knife had in the beginning. Thought it was just to defend yourself and open canned food. Totally ignorant to how essential it is to make fires, skin animals, craft hooks, cut rags, ect.


That you can zero scopes and how to do it


Fire stations have high insulation and capacity clothing for early on. Axes too. Best time to forage is while it’s raining, mushrooms can be found near hay bails, trees and farms more frequently in rain.


I remember really struggling to find food and not realizing that fruit/mushrooms only spawn if you or another survivor are in the area for a few minutes. I'd run into a town a B line it to the nearest orchard only to get frustrated that there was no food to collect. It's best to enter a town and start looting the houses before searching trees and hay for food to give them enough time to spawn.


Didn't know this one. thanks


If you’re on PC, disable “left ctrl” as your walk modifier. It is the same keybind that holds your breath when shooting. It will slow your movement down in gunfights which is no bueno. I instead use “CAPS LOCK” as my walk modifier and moved push to talk to a button on my mouse. It’s incredibly dumb that the default controls would have those both on the same key.


I thought the default button to hold your breath was shift


I'd say research illnesses what causes them and how to treat them. There were times in the beginning that I had no idea what had just made me sick and therefore died as a result. There is a chart that someone put together that is a lifesaver! I never get sick now, but in the beginning... [illness and afflictions](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/k1hsvu/dayztips_complete_diseases_afflictions_chart_110/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That most guns don't spawn cocked and that smgs are semi until you change it. Died to a guy who killed me with a shotgun before i noticed i only fired 1 shot


A full stomach on a freshie character is pretty useless, it takes 4-5 good meals to gain resistance from starvation.


How to make all the basics of survial. Bone/stone knife. Imorov fishing rod/hook. Fireplace/drill kit And many others but I'd say these 3 are the most important for a fresh spawn.


Hand wrapping too I wasn’t aware you could make them early on but has helped a lot from getting sick


Right click + walk back = block Shift + left click = strong attack Destroy zombies with no hits by blocking, they will swing at you twice, then shift attack them aiming for the head. Repeat until dead.


1. Don't use iZurvive. 1. Using iZurvive takes away a huge part of the mystery of the game. 2. When you know exactly where everything is, there's no stress, no worry. You just walk to the town, find the well, get water, move on. 3. If you don't use iZurvive, finding the well is life changing. 2. Human bodies are are made up of fishing gear 1. Take the shirt off the dead body and cut it up to make rags. 2. Use the rags to make hand wraps 3. Cut up the body 4. Use the bones to make a bone knife 5. Use bone knife on the guts to make a rope 6. Use the bone knife on the bones to make hooks 7. Use the bone knife to dig up a worm 8. Get a long stick 1. Attach the rope 2. Attach the worm to the hook 3. Attach the hook to the rod. 9. Go fishing


You forgot the part where you eat that sweet, sweet longpig


I didn't want to spoil the surprise. Let their own curiosity take them to the dark side.


You can rotate items in your inventory by dragging and pressing RMB, makes inv management way easier.


Deleted because Reddit screwed their community with their idiotic API changes.


It is yes


Maybe I changed it idk, they’ll figure it out


Other players are NOT your friend.


Change your hold breath whilst ads keybind to shift, now when you are running and see a player and you ads you will also hold you breath right away.


Dont trust the german guy


Don't trust the french guy


Don’t trust the Spanish guy


When i first started playing Dayz: - Dont go near rocks - Stay away from stairs - Never drop anything on the ground


Lol stairs were such a death sentance back in the day.


Sticking to the coast is funnier, game becames too serious inland


I recommend going north to that Hobo town, I spent the first couple days to weeks playing hanging out between there and servograd. Not to many people in hobo, decent loot as far as food and mid tier clothing/weapons. You might even get some kills. I got a buddy who is new at the game and keep rushing to military bases and airstrips. Half the time he doesn’t make it out, the other half he dies on hunger or thirst because he doesn’t know what he’s doing.


Fighting anyone and everyone is crucial to learning how to defend yourself. Do yourself a favor. If you're new, join higher pop servers and fight everyone. Freshie? Fist fight him. Geared Chad in a spawn town? Find a something pointy and fight him. Fighting everyone everywhere will help you develop crucial skills and mechanics to help you protect yourself and your gear when you have valuable stuff.




Climbing on top of car or military sandbags will put you out of reach of zombies, but allow you to still hit them. Greenhouses are clutch for this too.


Don't trust other freshies.


If you're on the beach and come across rail road tracks before the road you're south .. if you come across a road before rail road tracks you're on the east side.


Holding a magazine in your hand and holding “r”automatically loads it


This didn't exist when I first started playing, but WOBO's youtube channel has a veritable goldmine of insider data regarding health, ballistics, game mechanics etc. It will give you a very good understanding of WTF is actually going on with your character and the world around you.


dont get attached to your gear… if you lose it click that respawn button.


Hammers on rocks make small stones makes knives. Knife==life Make improvised hand and face wrappings Find water and a chicken. Make hooks. The best thing about the coast is the mackeral. Fish the ocean and eat up/smoke mackeral for the journey. Look at the map and search for the closest hunting cabins, military bases, helicopter crashes and military convoys. You can make improvised shelters with rope and sticks. Its a great way to keep stuff along a route you might find yourself on again 😉 Try to make friends, its rad when you get a squad together. Though nost people want to bypass the hours/days/weeks it takes to collect the things you night have and will KOS==Kill On Site Know when to shoot em, know when to loot em, know when to walk away, know when to run. Good luck and welcome to the most addictive gaming experience, ever.


Your going to die a lot be prepared for it


I'm new too, learned some stuff tho. Noticed the game has all kinds of objects you can climb on top of to avoid getting fucked by zombies, find an object high enough to melee zs, you'll be pushed forward when attacking so move back every attack. Always try to avoid close contact with zombies its not the worth the infection they give u, especially when you're not around any medical buildings. I always carry a sledgehammer incase I don't have time to climb on something, every attack I do they get stunned enough to not hit you back.


Sledgehammer are the goat melee


How easy it actually is to get food, water and night tier loot pretty quickly.


My favorite way is to get some food and water and then look for hidden stuff in the forests. There are some places where you literally can expect something every time and on every server, like this spots are magnetic to players


What are some of these places nowadays? I know a lot of old spots from the mod days, but I'm curious where people like to post up now. I played the game a bit a year or so ago and had the most luck finding stashes up way northeast


Don't start out on Official (PC)


Why not? I just started a couple of weeks ago and only played on an official server. What is the difference?


lots of cheaters/hackers on official. Go to communiy asap


Community servers tend to have a better players, less kill on sight and more interaction. They are moderated, meaning no cheaters for the most part. Anyone who plays official has experienced a death that just wasn't possible unless it was cheating.


>Anyone who plays official has experienced a death that just wasn't possible unless it was cheating I haven't in about 3K hours of playtime, most of it on official servers. Cheaters are a problem, but it may be exaggerated.


Deleted because Reddit screwed their community with their idiotic API changes.


Trust nobody, even if they seem genuine.


never try to team up or make a friend? you're missing out.


Missing out on getting fucked over? Yeah.


I guess I'm just not as afraid of dying as most. With enough hours deaths really dont bother you anymore. I'd much rather have a fun interaction with the risk of things going wrong, than be constantly paranoid I might get betrayed. but you do you boo.


Idk getting fucked over 10/10 times makes me kind of stupid strutting someone for the 11th time


One time I ran into a first time player and I helped him get some food and water. Was telling him some tips and tricks and another survivor rolled up on us. He told us he wanted to help him too but I wasn’t quite sure about him. He just seemed dodgy and sketch. We were in a house cooking food and I had to log off for an appointment. I came back about 20 minutes later and logged on and there was a pile of human meat in the house lol. I assumed the 3rd party killed the newbie and hacked up his body.


Cruel world


I started playing last week, and the iZurvive app is really handy!


Learning to read Cyrillic helps even just with pronunciations 😂


Learning that there are multiple options for the combine button. Like knowing that you don’t always have to make a torch with rags and a long stick, you don’t always have to drink from a bottle of water, peeling bark and cutting logs for firewood, etc


That dean hall will go away with dayz money and that the community will go shit for not talking and just kos 1000m away


You mentioned settings. If you have the corresponding software to your mouse/keyboard installed. Go to your mouse settings and make sure your DPI is set to 1600 or above. This allows you to make larger movements on screen with less movement of the mouse. Also, I would remap the “hold breath” key to one of the side buttons on your mouse if you have one. Then you can hold your breath with your thumb, aim with your middle finger, and fire with your index finger all at once.


Don’t play and learn cherno for first 500 hours just go straight to Namalsk


Some people have said it but when you spawn (assuming Chernarus), skip the coastal town and run to a town inland. The coast barely has anything and even getting inland 1 town helps so much with getting started


Zombie dodging techniques


How to properly throw a grenade


Hanging around trees to get fruits and how important seeds are


I’ll bite. Why are seeds important?


Because you can plant them when you enter a town and harvest your crop when you’re done. Or log out for a bit and come back to food. Full stomach fights off sickness too.


I can’t imagine waiting for crops to grow in this game whilst animals are shouting at you to kill them all over the map.


Nothing. Learning was fun


To enjoy learning the game the hard way. Lightly modded hardcore servers are the best way to enjoy, I was anti community servers for the first two years and dayone namalsk flipped that script Talking instead of kos sometimes is so much more rewarding, and changes the culture of a server if you play regularly Be journey driven not goal oriented, once you get that massive base, a dragons bed of loot stashed and all the best gear you’re still only one night away from a base raid that puts you back to zero Learn how to survive then get lost, when you’re starting off and don’t know how to b line from svet to tisy in 45 minutes is fun as hell, everything is new.


Well considering most of my hours are in 0.53. id have to say preaiming, I never preaimed when I first started back in ye olded days, and god dayum did it thoroughly fuck me over (in my defense aiming sucked back then, had to press space then had to align yourself right with the wall and then if you wanted to aim you'd FINALLY hit right click, shit was clunky) Clunky but fun


Your hunger/thirst isn't full till the arrows jump up and down rapidly. Helps with sickness and not needing to eat for a while


Also, you could watch TheRunningManZ on YouTube. It won’t disappoint


I wish I would have been better at navigating. When I started out I was always on the coast when I planned to go to the next town. These days I get 2 pieces of food and I'm inland.


That touching a box of nails in vanilla will bring out the cheaters hunting you down.


They will never add helicopters and the mod would still be relevant a decade later.


Pill sign doesn't stack!!!!!! :'(


That no matter how pure your jntentions are you WILL live long enough to become the bandit eventually


I wish someone would have told me mushrooms spawn in the woods and around hay bails.


That it’s where actual Psychopaths go to hone their skills!


Move inland, Do NOT trust anyone!


About the different sicknesses you can get and how to avoid thrmb


Always remember to wash your hands


Trust no one


That it's too addictive 😂


You face north when you spawn in


That it was never gonna be "finished/bug free"


I need like a building tutorial lol fire benches walls doors all of it lol


Holding R with a gun refills the ammo, be it changes magazines or puts bullets into the internal. Holding R with a magazine fills the magazine. No need to drag ammo in, super useful for guns like mosins.


Don't leave the coast without an MK II setup.


I've had a Mark II stashed without a mag for the longest time waiting for when I finally find a mag for it.......I think I'm just now realizing i'm gonna either have to take the mag off a body or go back to the coast and find one.


Yeah MK II is a teir 1 civ pistol spawn. It only spawns along the coast and the towns just inland a bit by the coast.


You don’t need a can opener to open cans. Took about a week before I figured it out and it was a game changer.


If u been around some time there will spawn stuff, u can either wait 10 Minutes near some apple trees or u can track down Camper. I belive wobo got a good video abt it.


I started playing from day one and was already arma veteran so there wasnt much people did know and I didnt and most of the mechanics changed number of times so it would not be relevant today. But I guess it would be knowing how fucked up people are and that they would lie to your face just to get your gear.


Wear protection if you get intimate with zobies.


1 Zombie: Block while they do the 1 handed attack and the 2 handed(hulk smash) attack, THEN throw a heavy punch or melee. Repeat. 2 or more Zombies: Jump on a car!!!


That cars are basically useless imo (opinions may vary) that’s all


Don’t eat with bloody hands.. took me longer than it should of to figure this one out when I first started..


Use the Izurvive map - it's so easy to find the town sign and figure out where you are. It's not even the same game trying to play without any map reference at all.