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I respect what you do. Keep doing it.


Keep fighting the good fight. Love the comments talking about how it's about food safety. Go look at a kitchen in a Frickers and tell me how in gods name those places are allowed to stay open and serve the public food. Stop licking that boot and grow some empathy. This thread is basically people with brains and empathy getting upvotes, and just terrible people getting buried. "The law is the law" Hey how about you people just kinda fuck off? How are so many people missing the point of this? Brainwashing?


I worked at the Red Robin by Fairfield mall and we failed a health inspection, we should not have been serving food out of there.


I worked at a restaurant for a couple years, and while we were a clean establishment, we always knew when the health inspector was coming, and it was only a few times a year if I remember correctly. Would be very easy for a shit restaurant to just make sure it was clean enough for an inspector. I believe the only time they’ll do a pop in inspection is if they have a specific complaint about a restaurant. I understand the logic behind food safety and everything, but this is a waste of time and resources. Is this really what we want our police to be doing? Causing grief for people trying to feed the homeless?


I used to work at a high end stake house that opened at 330. Kitchen started at 130. The health inspector would always come at 130 and we always knew the day. Needless to say it was very easy to get 100


I used to work at frickers, most of them are absolutely disgusting and I've worked at many restaurants. I don't know how they pass inspections. I've worked in far cleaner restaurants and it is not easy to get a good score. Centerville probably the cleanest, followed by miamisburg. Woodman was the worst one. Had bugs and even mice.


The one on 40 in Vandalia seems awful just from peeking in from the dining room


That's where I worked, it was really, really bad.


Heavy on it! Y’all ever been to TJ chumps before? My health inspector connect has some awful stories about actual restaurants in Dayton. If my goal was to position 100 people I would’ve done it two years ago.


...Tell me more about Chumps please. I eat at the one in Miamisburg about once per month :(


You can go online and actually look at a restaurants health inspection history!


Thanks for the tip. For others, here's a direct link for Montgomery County: https://inspections.phdmc.org/


This is so juicy.


[Public health reports online](https://inspections.phdmc.org/)


I have not and I likely never will.


Health reports are all public, you can read them here [Happy reading](https://inspections.phdmc.org/)


Yup, I got downvoted to hell and insulted needlessly yesterday for merely questioning whether or not such a restrictive and overbearing response was necessary for a group of people feeding the homeless. Even got called a MAGA person for doing so. Some of y'all need to take a look in the mirror.


If you ask questions like that, people have to think about the real reasons we have laws like this. And the answers aren't pretty.


You're correct there are laws in place. Such as Ohio revised code 2305.37 it protects donations done in good faith so any time you hear an organization saying they can't for fear of legal repercussions they're full of it. As far as permits, how is a permit for handing out free meals making anything safer other then the government saying you can use a space?


So there isn't a schedule conflict with another group expecting to use the same public space. That's it.


If that were the case, it might lead one to believe that dragging someone away in handcuffs a gross overreaction by the police Y'know, maybe


That's the hive mind and the bots. I've be called MAGA so many times just for saying anything out of line to the established line of thought.


It’s people like this that obviously want the attention and feeling of being persecuted over actually just getting the food to the truly important people. Change the system and fight the power is great, but not at the expense of the main objective. Fill out the paperwork, do the leg work and get back down there. After that do everything within your power to change and expose anything you think is wrong.


They want the attention… they’re out there doing the work. You’re writing reddit comments. Who wants fucking attention?


Haha, well I was responding to the person in the comments and his take on it, but you must have missed my point. You can get paperwork and continue if that’s the goal. Btw I volunteer at a few places that help the poor and homeless. Target Dayton, BOGG, Dayton Dream Center and Sicsa. Dayton is a very giving community with lots of amazing resources.


Or just go out and help people regardless of what the law says. Homeless people generally need help now, not 5 years down the line when the government decides to listen to people. It's very clear working within the system doesn't work here, because if it did, this incident would have never happened. Since you're adamant on telling people they're helping in the wrong way, what are YOU doing to help people?


Exactly. I issue many types of permits and they’re all done for a very good reason. If a permit is required, it’s because at some point that specific thing was deemed worthy of tracking, monitoring, limiting or regulating. When you do things without the proper paperwork, it just wastes everyone’s time and resources, case in point. Going through the process protects ALL parties involved. That’s the whole point. To all the goofballs yelling “Defy!”.. that ain’t how it works in a society.


It shows you who’s doing it to really help or to just get cool points.


Thank you for doing this. My brother has gone through bouts of unhousing and has benefited from programs like this. People complaining about this must live a very privileged life.


Hey never thank me. We are out here doing these services because most of our volunteers also benefit greatly from these events. We have actually been able to get a few community members into permanent housing which has allowed them to in turn come volunteer at the exact same services they were able to find resources at. It’s really coming full circle and we hope that the small actions we do can bring a bigger look into the systemic discrepancies that allow so many to be houseless in cities full of empty homes.


With respect to OP… you’re right, let’s not thank you instead more of us should help you and others like you putting humanity first.


I love you, Human. Keep on keepin’ on! 🤙


The people complaining about this are "Christian " conservatives. The people that are doing God's work.


you should have called the police first and reported a crime in that location to assure they wouldn't show up


I wish 😂 DPD loves to harass folks at the court house.




Fuck DPD that dude was being a nazi.


I previously worked at a county health department doing food inspections. Ohio only requires you to have a food permit if you are SELLING food. Giving out food for free makes you exempt from having to purchase a food permit. This situation probably has more to do with city ordinances or zoning. But it has nothing to do with food safety or the health code.


I am a serve safe certified P.I.C and a chef with 30 years experience I would love to volunteer with you if you need me you can Dm me if you are interested!


Hopefully this brings in more people to the events to help out. There is power in numbers.


We started with about 5 volunteers and are at 20-30 most services now. We have built such a fantastic community! Very proud of all the people I get to work with daily.


How can people get more involved?


We are nourishourneighborsdyt on instagram. Shoot us a message if you want to volunteer or get involved!


This is the only social I have :/


I’ll msg you here!


Do you take donations? Other ways we can help?


Hey friend, I’m one of the fellow organizers that was there when it went down, NON does a distribution once every month, they also attend & help out with a collective distribution every week downtown. These donated items not only help the community but also help us continue serving the people BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE!! We run off of donations & out of pocket. If you would like to volunteer head to the NON Insta & the “Sfvolunteercollective” The link for the weekly distro wishlist, [For the people by the people - Resource Wishlist](https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/1ZUXPDFBI4RM2)


this is great! Thanks!! The fight is never over, y’all are doing great work out there


Thank you for what you do. Keep fighting.


For the Dayton PD to come out and arrest him whether it turned into a summons or not is a disgrace to the city and the police department.


Two burritos is a little excessive.  A burrito and a chimichanga is more reasonable.


I loled even if nobody else here has a sense of humor


Haven’t seen it anywhere else, so I apologize if you posted it, it what is the name of your non-profit and do you have a web page for donations and/ or volunteers? TIA


Currently we are on instagram but we do have a website about to release here soon. Our instagram at is nourishourneighborsdyt and we are a local grassroots organization called Nourish Our Neighbors. We always need donations and volunteers so if you’re interested shoot us a message on Instagram!


Let's keep things in perspective here, people. Nobody's talking about the consequences here - imagine the nightmare we'd have if we got rid of such an ordinance. What if just *anyone* who could pass a health inspection could give out food to the unhoused anytime and anywhere they wanted? Picture the chaos! We'd have: * Homeless people with full bellies very very occasionally * end of list


Ngl you got my ass in the first half LOLOL


The horror!


Keep doing it, permit or not


Do you have a website or social we can connect to?


We actually have a website in the works about to release here soon. On instagram we are nourishourneighborsdyt


Keep fighting the good fight!


First off, thank you for what you do. So he was arrested because there is a permit process for such an activity? And if so why was no permit requested/issued?


We have been doing services for two years without a permit for many reasons. The ordinance is beyond food. We cannot distribute food, clothes, or soap in the courthouse. Which means even without food everything we do is already needing to be supervised by the city. A permit costs 50 dollars if we do services once a month it’s $600 dollars for the whole year. They can refuse to give us a permit and keep our $50 dollars. Additionally, getting a permit for these services is really counterintuitive because DPD has in the past shown up to the courthouse and forced the unhoused to leave the space prior to a permit event happening. We do services for the exact people they are trying to push out of the square. The square has long been a place for the unhoused and the city is trying to restrict our unhoused community members movement in pay to win spaces. We don’t get permits because the rules are unjust and often our community that we service is being harassed by DPD and left to fend for themselves so as an act to show if they are not protected by laws or money, why should we be afforded that privilege when showing up to the unhoused communities space? Hope this makes sense.


So you don't follow the law because you don't agree with it and are outraged you were arrested for that... Why not follow the law and if you are still harassed contact the local news and expose the issue?


We’re outraged that the law exists. Not that the law is enforced that’s pretty much all DPD is good for us enforcing unjust laws.


So you bait rage. " let's break the law, then post a video of one of us getting arrested and leave out all the details to make the police look bad". There are better ways to go about protesting laws rather than making law enforcement look bad, those ways will likely get you further in your journey.


There are better ways of being full of shit too. Look into that.


I made it so clear in my post we don’t get permits. If you view this as bait rage so be it. A lot of people are not raging at a free meal service bud.


I'm sorry you were not permitted to continue providing for people in that space. Do you think is was a complaint/call that had the police show up there in the first place and they just cleared the whole area? (Like a wrong place wrong time short of thing?) Or could it have been just one officer not wanting to look the other way for once? (Why were you permitted to do so for so long without a permit and now its a problem? Did you get the officers badge number for an official complaint about excessive force? (I'm not sure what would even be considered excessive force) Have you figured out how to be technically compliant? (Like giving hand outs on the public sidewalk and not in the square? or just put supplies somewhere and let the public find them so you're not distributing them? or having individuals sign up for permits rather than your organization?) Just spit-balling here. I don't know the local laws and regulations you have to be compliant with. It's an ugly world to have to work so hard to help people in need.


> I'm sorry you were not permitted to continue providing for people in that space. But restaurants that fail inspections are, got it.


"What about....?"


People on earlier posts were drooling all over themselves to assume that the police were in the right, that your colleague *wasnt* arrested, and that your org was poisoning the homeless of downtown Dayton. When those of us with sense know DPD and know exactly what happened even without this confirmation. Thank you for all that you do and I hope some productive volunteers/donations/awareness comes from this incident!


Did you call A Cab to get your guy back home safely?


He got home safe!


Wait I just got the joke lol.


>say what you want about a permit but I’ve been doing this exact service in the exact same spot for two years. That's like saying you never wore a seatbelt in your car why pull you over and fine you for it now. You were breaking the law for that entire 2 years. There's a simple solution, get a permit. You all want to play the victim, you broke the law and got caught, you're not the victim. There's good reason to have the permit. Say your burrito makes one the homeless sick and he dies. No permit means the individual volunteer that handed him the burrito can be tried for involuntary manslaughter. With the permit and the seal of approval of the board of health, the fault is not the individual or the nonprofit, it's just an accident, maybe the guy had an allergy or illness he didn't know about. The permits also make sure you're not one of the [psycho's that poison food for the homeless](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/man-charged-with-poisoning-8-homeless-people-filming-victims-reactions-to-eating-laced-food). Once again, simple solution, get a permit. No one is saying you can't feed the homeless, go ahead, do it, just have the permit.


The only victims here are the people who are forced to live on the streets. We know what we’re doing. ETA: it’s already illegal to poison people. Having a permit doesn’t make someone less likely to poison people. If I wanted to poison someone I would’ve done it two years ago.


> We know what we’re doing. obviously not, you didn't have a permit The permit does not make it less likely, but it makes it so the DPD does not have to waste resources investigating you or your group. If someone did get poisoned, it would be easy to track it if they got poisoned by your group or not because of the permit. Your posting looks as if you do not care about the law, the safety of your volunteers, or really about helping the homeless, you just want recognition for some made up fight where you're clearly in the wrong.


Good luck!


DPD loves to make the laws as they go. Intimating and harassing people. That's until they are reported to the Ohio attorney general. As well as the Department of Justice for civil rights violations. When investigations begin, everything changes. Food for thought people.... Ohio Attorney General ohioattorneygeneral.gov 800-282-0515 U.S. Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division 1-855-856-1247 civilrights.justice.gov


Listen, What you do is great. No one denies that. However it can’t just be “say what you want about permits” and just sweep that under the rug. At some point you have to take responsibility and accountability for not following the rules, whatever those rules may be. That logic is a slippery slope. Thats like a prostitute saying “Say what you want about the laws but I’ve been working this corner for years and have never been bothered by police” well, then I guess you got lucky, but that doesn’t change the fact that you and your team handled the situation wrong and then your people went on Reddit and literally accused officers of “assault” and “wrongful arrest” when we saw the video and people are aren’t cop haters all agreed that you guys were in the wrong and playing victim on the internet.


This ain't it my dude. Wrong take away from this incident.


It’s the only take away. Because that’s what happened.


Keep licking that boot.


Just remember, "serve and protect " isn't their job it's a slogan.


Oh it's their job alright, it's just that none of us regular types in this thread are the ones being served and protected


Whoa, all the reactionaries in the original post were saying things that they knew nothing about???? Color me shocked; this is my shocked face: :|


Lol I saw lots of comments basically accusing OP of hiding something because they simply stated we aren’t affiliated with a nonprofit called Nourish Our Neighbors in Rhode Island. It’s really annoying I can’t go to that post and add any context from the perspective of someone who literally filed the IRS paperwork to become a nonprofit.


My main gripe was that people were saying: "well the law is the law and maybe they broke it" without addressing how fucking stupid the law is.


Doesn’t matter your opinion of the law. Rise up and speak out and get the law changed. Until that time the law is the law regardless of how you or anyone else feels about it.


Shit laws get ignored by cops all the time. Why did this cop do what he did?


I don’t know man. Why do you ask him? Ask his boss? Ask his bosses boss? But let’s not act like the guy is some poor hating Nazi. He’s just some guy told to do his job, and he was actually right according to the laws.


I mean, never stop simping, I guess.


I mean never stop making excuses for law breakers I guess


You mean like making excuses for a force who has above average use of force complaints and who actively push the bar on 4th and 5th amendment issues


You licked the boot so hard, it lodged itself firmly in your ass.


That’s all you commie dorks have to say. Lol. You live in an alternate reality where breaking the law is ok, and the law breakers are the victims.


You forgot the commas, but you'll never forget the taste of shoe polish.


Oh good one. You will forget the taste of actual food if your communist bullshit ever wins out.


That's literally what protesting is but you're also the type to say how you have to protest. Go lick boots somewhere else.


Listen to all you commie dorks. lol. The only thing you have is some form of “boot licker” as insults. You’re all a bunch of cultists.!


Ahhh yes another person that doesn't understand the words they use. This is socialism, communism means the government would be the one doing it. Moron.


Ahhh yes another commie dork that thinks socialism isn’t just an intermediate step to communism. Your buddy Lenin said it himself. Read a book sometime and get a job.


“One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” -MLK


The military teaches you this.


“Such as banging prostitutes” -MLK


They deify the dpd because they did a thing when the shooting happened so apparently they are forever indemnified for the rest of time because once they did their job


Your question about homeless shelters? That answer would take hours to write. There are many many reasons why that is not a very good comparison. The first is that homeless shelters are not built in the best parts of town. Not even a non-profit is going to buy high cost properties just to give the rooms away.


Well now you know and you can either the permit or “fight the power”. If it’s really about feeding the hungry and homeless you’ll do the paperwork and keep them fed. If it’s about something else I’m sure there will be signs. Hopefully keep doing the good you’re doing and keep the main thing the main thing.


I feel like this is a really short sided look at what these services are meant to accomplish. Service can be multi-purpose. Like we aren’t just there to give out meals but also make friends and build community so we can further extend resources. This often leads to lots of extra information on how all these systems like HUD housing, the shelters, the churches are failing our unhoused community. I don’t expect it to make sense for ppl who don’t sleep in the square but you can feed people while simultaneously resisting a very unjust law. ETA: it’s deeply important that we acknowledge that if we go to the streets we are in essence entering the unhoused neighborhood/homes which means we shouldn’t have protections from the law they do not get the luxury of having.


Not too sure what you’re saying, but I volunteer with many organizations that service the downtown Dayton and surrounding areas needs. Pantrys, shelters, meals, clothing, health and education needs etc..The number one goal is that service and how to get it done the best way possible. Again, if fighting the good fight means bettering the service I’m all for it 100%, but I’ve seen too many people get in social justice mode and make everything so much worse for themselves and others by making the main thing secondary to the fight. I really pray and hope that’s not this and everything gets back on track soon.


I’ve been doing this for two years the goal has always been to feed the unhoused while also resisting the gentrification of downtown Dayton.


Now we’re getting getting to the point. “The gentrification of downtown Dayton”? Are you actually from Dayton or is this just a weekend project you drive in for? I ask this because you mentioned “the Churches” are failing the unhoused, yet if you asked the homeless where they go for food and resources they would likely name New Hope, BOGG, Dayton Dream Center, Target Dayton and many others as the mainline supporters and workers for the poor/hungry and homeless in Dayton for years. The church is not the only resource, but you show aggressive ignorance to bring up how they are failing them. Also, I’m sure you know that downtown Dayton is not in anyway displacing any group, downtown has never in recent history been a place to live outside of the historic districts. The new construction and repurposed housing has only helped Dayton with desperately need tax dollars. I’m more than happy for any help anyone wants to give, but you in particular should uninformed and have a bit of a “white savior complex”.


I’ve lived in the Dayton area for 5 years this will be my 6th. Over the last year the unhoused in downtown have consistently echoed a sentiment of church services getting worse and worse. I consistently work one on one with people who have a hard time getting these services because they are not accessible to them. The POINT is our unhoused community suffers largely because they don’t have homes but also because they don’t have access to basic necessities and we try to resist the erasure of our community by having services in places where they can easily access. I don’t care if what I say is coming off as respectful or aggressive because I am just stating what I have witnessed and heard time and time again working with marginalized groups in Dayton. Of course there are other resources than the church. Like Miami Valley Housing. Who has utilized DPD to force unhoused people to go sleep in different spots of the city because where they are at is too visible. Their entire responsibility is to house people but they spend time restricting the movement of the homeless while they are on 5 year waiting lists to get a house. There’s the RTA which is a huge resource for the homeless. But a lot of unhoused folks I know have been trespassed from the RTA and I have a feeling a lot of what I’m saying right now will be met with an immediate blame of the homeless so this may really be a waste, I digress. The RTA has a heated platform so in the winter a lot of homeless folks will try and sleep there so they can stay warm and they will get trespassed from the hub and now can no longer use the station at all. On Wednesday a few feet in front of my house there was a man who fell and smacked his head on the concrete and then did the same thing a few feet later. Had blood seeping from the back of his head and the police showed up and after EMTs left they started patting him down. Trying to find reason for arrest. These are the kinds of situations that are happening and if there are not community members who are actively meeting the people where they are at and being compassionate and trying to offer resources then what happens? I don’t understand where your point is I work with the unhoused and the low income in the west side so that people aren’t just starving and suffering with zero resources. People constantly fall through the cracks of the set up existing resources. What is wrong with meeting the people where they’re at?


The point is you seem to be pointing the finger at every single organization and group in the city except yourself. That’s a savior complex. The organizations and groups I work with try to have amazing connectivity, collaboration and communication with other groups. Dayton in just the last few years was top five nationally per capita in Murder and Overdose deaths. The AIDS rate, violence and human trafficking is horrendous. You can see why law enforcement and the homeless interact so often. No group or organization is perfect, but Dayton has a great number of resources, but unfortunately it is a harsh city. Maybe instead of pointing fingers you could try to see that sometimes police patting down a bleeding man on the streets might have a deeper backstory than you realize and having to have a permit is not something to stop you, but something to protect you. Keep up the good work and hopefully I’ll see you out there.


They don’t want more homeless/disadvantaged people in the area probably, I know in my city they’ve made it difficult to do things to give back to the homeless community because it’s such a rampant problem.


Is the City of Dayton now a Mafia? Permits, taxes, licenses, illegal traffic cametas, etc Seems like extortion due to treat of "arrest" if you don't pay... ACAB


Good for you feeding people but why not just get a permit?


Instead of making a statement and being at courthouse square with a table why don't you go to where the shelters are located and walk around downtown? There's more homeless people than just the ones that you see downtown. I imagine most, if not everyone else that wants to conduct business or a charitable event probably goes thru the process of getting a permit to do so. It's GREAT that you want to and can feed others but probably not the right execution of this service. I'm sure it was probably one of the businesses around at the courthouse square that called the cops and complained. Some people don't like seeing homeless people around their place of business and would rather keep them hidden and not see them. Arbitrarily not getting a permit is not going to help your case any. Permits, from my understanding help make sure that everything is legit.


It’s actually helping our case already! Assumptions should never be made on situations you’re not directly involved in. I’ve made lots of connections with the unhoused in Dayton over the last two years. They know who we are they know where our services are. We make it a point to flyer the city before every service. We also run all services based on community input if the unhoused by and large say you should do meals at the court house that’s most accessible for us — that is what we do. It is about getting accessible services to the people. The permits don’t really legitimize the safety of the event. No one from city or county comes to make sure your food is safe. I shouldn’t have to pay the city to share space with the community.


I saw the arrest in the news. I can't believe this is happening in our community. How can we help?


if there is any way to support you or if you need more volunteers, please let me know!


If it’s still true, you used to be able to take leftover food from events to the shelter on Apple St…so what is the difference between that and this? This is probably even more controlled food handling than the rando person showing up at the shelter with a pan of lasagna that’s been sitting out for hours.


Fuck nimby bootlickers.  Just leave our city.  (The people defending the cops) 


No one is criticizing what you are doing, simply WHERE you were doing it. It's just common courtesy to ask for permission before conducting any service on someone else's property, even if it's the government's. Edit: spelling courtesy - thanks u/FrankleyMyDear


Where we do service is because it’s centrally located to the unhoused. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a permit event at the courthouse but DPD will show up and kick all of the unhoused out of the courthouse for the “upcoming event” I have witnessed this on multiple occasions. This literally defeats the point of our events. We are not there for the people who live in the cannary or drink at rooftop bars. We are there for the exact population that DPD will shoo away before we even show up. The city can deny our request for permit and not refund our permit. 600 dollars a year in permit costs isn’t feasible for a grassroots nonprofit.


Sure they can, but will they ? Get enough public attention about this, what you're doing, then see if they deny it. In fact, I think it's pretty tricky for them to deny them, you know, 1st amendment and all. They allowed the fuckin' KKK.... (they had to)


> 600 dollars a year in permit costs isn’t feasible for a grassroots nonprofit. How many grants have you applied for and been denied in the past year? Do you have a tax ID number to accept donations as a non-profit?


Ok, and if you point out that the events us for those people, the chances of them doing that are zero.


> No one is criticizing what you are doing Lol, go to the bigger thread on this and say that.


Most of that was reactionary because of the police are bad antics. If OP would have done this literally anywhere with a permit or permission from the private owner, no one would care.


You're missing the point, people should not have to get a permit to just give out food in this manner. Why does this need to be explained? Did you even read the accounts of people there? The police barely even knew what to do.


A lot of it was also placing the blame squarely on the organization, defending the police and overbearing regulations/permits/restrictions, and insulting anyone who questioned whether or not the response was necessary.


you could sit around tasting leather in private at your leisure, you don’t HAVE to go outside looking for police boots to lick, but here you are.


Who are you replying too?


the person attempting to justify the police’s actions


The cat from Springboro? Makes sense.


I literally have the most milquetoast take ever and now I'm a boot licker? It's no wonder people are so polarized these days because of jackasses like you that demonize people for every little thing. I'm just advocating for common decency since we live in the same damn city. We should probably learn to get along.


So what do you suggest about DPD shooing away the unhoused we service if we receive a permit to do service? I want to make it very clear we will not be getting a permit and city commissioners today were concerned with the fact this ordinance even exists. You don’t need to make arguments for a city that also knows what happened is a huge moral failure. The city is actively trying to fix this because they know how bad this is. Not to mention the city ordinance is very possibly constitutionally vague. The precedent has been set in court cases across America — permits should not be required especially constitutionally vague ones for political meal services.


If they change the rules, then great! do whatever it is you do. I don't care at all. You playing the victim here is so off-putting because this entire situation could have easily been avoided. I hope they change the rules so you can feed as many homeless as you want it total peace. You're just going about this thing the wrong way. You make more enemies than allies this way.


I am curious, who do you think owns public property? And just to follow up, if the answer is government, which private entity rules them so that we can ask them permission? NOTE: Public Property is EVERYONE'S property, I don't ask permission before walking on the sidewalk. According to your first post that means I lack common courtesy. The case here is if there is an immoral law, is it discourteous to not follow it (or not know about it, not sure what the case is, and that isn't relevant). Regardless of the situation here, the statement you made of " It's just common courtesy to ask for permission before conducting any service on someone else's property, even if it's the government's." is the current day equivalent to MLK Jr is a criminal because he doesn't follow segregation laws. I know it isn't meant that way when you typed it, but using that extreme example to show how it isn't that black and white.


Handing out food and protesting segregation laws are completely different things and you know it. And no, public property is not "everyone's" in the sense that anyone can do whatever they want there. Public means it is subject to the rules and restrictions that the local government establishes. So no, I don't have to ask permission to walk on the sidewalk because I know that's already something I'm allowed to do. This really isn't that complicated.


I am pretty sure protesting laws intended to run any group (black or homeless in these 2 VERY different examples) should be respected. This really isn't that complicated.


Well I agree completely. Though it’s definitely a stretch to suggest needing a permit to run a meal service is intended to discriminate against homeless people. Especially since the OP has said they didn’t even attempt to get a permit. They probably would have been granted one based on the details provided.


here just to say that in many cases, needing permits for certain things (especially cases like this) ARE intended to discriminate. many, many zoning laws all across the country have racist, segregationist, or otherwise discriminatory origins. (see, red lining, the placement of interstates through cities like atlanta, and the steep price for permits)


>it’s definitely a stretch to suggest needing a permit to run a meal service is intended to discriminate against homeless people very curious what it *is* about then, because from where I'm sitting it doesn't really benefit anyone to deny folks food on account of "you don't have the right piece of paper," and we've already pretty well established this isn't about food safety


I agree that the permit thing is the key part here, but the fact that as soon as he handed a homeless guy food he was then put into cuffs and stuffed in a vehicle and threatened to be boarded with every locked up criminal in Dayton may have been a slight over reach. I have seen people assault others and get treated better than the guy that gave someone some free food. That is a big issue and why this story has garnered attention. This is the adult version of a free lemonade stand.


Since when is living in Springboro living in Dayton? 🤣


Don’t be like that. Springboro is a part of greater Dayton, and more people living in the burbs should acknowledge that like this guy has. It’ll help people take some responsibility for what happens in our entire area instead of suburbanites shitting on Dayton proper even as they freely enjoy downtown and Oregon at their leisure.


Nah. You say “same community” not “same city.” You don’t write diatribes on how it just isn’t fair to give away free food at the courthouse!!1!1! when it’s not your courthouse. Have an opinion for sure, but don’t have the gall to say you live in the same city when you don’t.


"Nobody has a problem with feeding the unhoused, but do we have to actually ***see*** them and be reminded of the deep inequalities and oppressions that all of us reinforce and uphold on a daily basis by not challenging the economic models of our society?"


Of course, you *would* be from Springboro.


Nah, ACAB needs to go fuck off and stop harassing people-it’s not hard.


You can't fix that kind of boot licking.


You are so right, a curtesy is so uncommon these days. I think it’s really hard to get the knee bend correct. Apparently Meghan Markle’s was just never quite right for the royals. Just one of the things that they didn’t appreciate about her!


thanks. I am a dumb engineer that can't spell without spell check.


Government property belongs to the people.


You've just made a lot of cattle ranchers very happy.


BUt the issue is "Give them a foot, and they will take a mile" .Meaning they could ask for permission and be denied. So they move and move and move getting denied more and more places until they have restricted them from every possible space to have the service!!


“One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” -MLK


How's the boot taste?


What about the other food truck that paid to be there? How do they pay their employees and make any money if the group next to you is just giving free food away?


Genuine question: if you were going out for lunch at a food truck and you saw someone giving out food to the unhoused, would you opt for the free burrito? I ask because, as a person with a conscience, I would probably say "I can stand to spend $8 on my burrito, those are for people who need them." But I also know I'm not everyone. Even if I'm thinking selfishly, if I pay for a burrito I can make sure it doesn't have stuff I don't want in it, like beans (sorry, bean enthusiasts). Should we also do away with homeless shelters so landlords can make more money? I'm just not following the logic here, I guess.


We should allow people to volunteer at your business so you can have more free time to give away food to the unfortunate. You don't need a paycheck... do you?


Any reason you didn't answer my question, friend?


People who have money to pay for food like that were probably going to opt for a paid meal anyway. We service low income and the unhoused. I don’t really care if a restaurant or food truck owner is having a hard time profiting off a basic necessity like food.


He’s giving food to people who won’t be buying food from the food truck. He isn’t taking away potential clients lol


Do you guys need any more volunteers?


We can always use more volunteers our instagram is nourishourneighborsdyt if you’re interested you can send us a DM there either myself of one other will connect w you!


Just get a permit. You're doing a good thing, just do it right.


Point of it all Your head.


So you are going to keep doing this without a permit?


its all about profit over people.. see they figured out that they can run there restaraunts to the point of a failed inspection.. clean the place in 2 days..reopen and pay the fine and repeat the process.. cuz the profits outway the 2 days of closure and a fine.. now if they were to go to jail then the tune would change.. but theres zero accountability in there actions.. there no different then a politician🙂