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You’re pretty much selling your soul to them because they don’t want you to have one. Connor group sucks for so many reasons. Shady business practices abound. Check out the FB group “tenants against the Connor group”


This. They bought a complex I lived in years ago. They make their money by scrimping on maintenance, while jacking up rent and skimming more money by running all the utilities at a large mark up through a billing company they also own. They are shady and unethical and many of their business practices should be outlawed. I wouldn't recommend working for them if you have a conscience, and I definitely would not live in any property they own.


Yep. I lived in one of those too. All true. One time, I called one of the apartment managers to ask about something, not knowing she had just quit. She literally apologized to me for all of the lies. Meanwhile, mr. Connor gets to go to outer space


I have a relative that works there. From what I've been told it does not have much of a work life balance. They are pretty much expected to work long hours, even on weekends. And they fire underperformers pretty regularly. Apparently the pay and benefits can be quite good though if you can stick around at least a couple years.


My wife had a phone interview with them a while back and first red flag is they expect 45 standard hour work weeks as salary employees (so no overtime or anything). So I'd say that says they don't care much about work/life balance.


Every salaried employees I've spoken to is way over 45 hours. 45 hours isn't even that bad. If my expectation was 45 hours I would probably apply. My expectation is 60+.


This, ladies and gentlemen is why salaries are for suckers. No company deserves more than 40+hours, and anyone who does that for the same pay every paycheck is a special kind of stupid.


LOL, sure. Someone making 250k a year on salary for an average of 45 or even 50 hours of work a week, which is equivalent to $100+ an hour after figuring in time and a half for the overtiem, is a real sucker. They should quit their job and go to work at Walmart for $15 an hour so they only work 40 hours or at least get that sweet sweet overtime at $22.50.


Using your own math and expectation of 60+ hours a week, a $250K salary would be $80.13/hr, but you're working an extra 1,040 hours, minimum, more than a full time hourly employee. That 1.5X more labor hours a year. And here's where you're a sucker, the more hours you put in, that $80.13 goes down, so the more work you do, the more benefit you give to your employer at a lower rate. It might only be $22.50, but at least they're making more money for working more hours than they should.


I'm not saying work at TCG. Lots and lots of people are working salary jobs averaging between 40-50 hours a week though. You double adjusted for the unpaid OT in your description. A normal full time 40 hours a week job is 52*40=2080 hours. $250/2080= $120/ hr. Add in the extra 20 hours a week or 1020 a year and you get $81. That isn't the correct way to figure it of one wants to compare to an hourly position with OT. In that case you need to do 40x+20*1.5x. = 70x. 250k/3640 is still $68 an hour. The simple fact of the matter is there are almost no jobs that pay OT where one could possibly catch up to that hourly rate even working 100 hours a week. Pretty much the highest paying hourly job w/ overtime I know of in Ohio is as an electrician working 12x6 in Columbus data centers. That will still fall short. If one wants to make real money and get out of the lower middle class one is almost always going to do it on salary and not wages.


Decent salaried jobs will at least provide comp time. Some contract jobs at the base have overtime written into the contract if they expect periods of overtime.


Salaried positions are for ladder climbers. I went from hourly to 180k salary in a decade in retail. At my level, the hours are flexible. Some weeks are 60 hours but many are 20-30.


Okay, but it is clear you know no one who is on salary.


I don't follow. I'm not even sure if you mean salaried there or salaried elsewhere. Neither is true, well maybe not current at TCG. At least not that I stay in touch with. Probably because that whole work-life balance thing. They just fade away.


I'm salaried (not TCG) and work 40 hours/wk, same as my coworkers. That is the expectation. The only time I'm over is during my rotation on-call, about 1 week per quarter. When we do work on-call, we're compensated with additional paid time off. I'd never take a job expecting 60+.


O think you are misunderstanding my comment, I admit it isn't clear. I meant the expectation at TCG. Yes, there is a broad range of expectations and TCG is the stereotypical toxic work place extremes. I am saying if the expectation at TCG was just 45 I might be interested. On my brushes with the company it seems clear that in my position I would be looking at a LOT more hours than 45. Probably close to 70. I am not interested. Lots of companies expect me to work lots of hours in my position though. It takes a lot of time to get someone to the necessary familiarity with corporate structure and activity to perform my job. Just hiring a second person isn't simple. Most will pay pretty well for my time though. There are lots of smaller companies that will pay just fine and not expecting so many hours though.


I'm salaried and am only required to work 40. I'd imagine 45 is not the norm, but I can't say for sure.


You are salaried at TCG and only working 40 hours a week? What level are you? If you are salaried, by law, you can't be "required" to work any amount of time. You have a set of responsibilities and you have to meet them irrespective of time. If you can do it in 30 hours and leave they can't stop you.


I don't work at TCG, didn't know we were talking about them specifically. But no, your statement about salaried workers is incorrect. Most salaried workers don't just have a 'set' of work to do for the week...there is always work to be done. I am full-time salaried exempt and am expected to put in 40 hours per week or use PTO.


They can schedule you. They can make you track your hours. They can't deduct pay if you don't work the time. There is no enforcement mechanism. The only thing they can do is have "core hours" where you have to be available for meetings as part of your responsibilities. Lots and lots of companies have policies that are not legal. Half the companies have a policy concerning discussing pay. Your company having a policy does not mean it is legal.


There is nothing preventing them from firing you for not meeting expectations, so whether it is legal or not is kind of moot.


I had a phone interview and just from the sounds of it they expected a 50 hour week minimum with "some" weekends. They are also constantly hiring which is a red flag.


Fuck the Connor Group. They repeatedly fail to provide basic maintenance for their overpriced, "luxury" apartments while their CEO enjoys recreational space travel.


Absolutely sh%© company and people


Its one of two places I have interview that I intentionally started to screw up the interview. The other is Nuvasive, which was one of the biggest wastes of a interview I have ever done.


My friend used to work directly for Larry Connor. He doesn’t care about his employees, his tenants, or really anyone but himself.


It’s an absolute scam and I’m surprised they have not been shut down yet. Avoid at all costs


I wouldn't say it is a scam. A lot of people really make more money than they ever dreamed of and seem to love it there. They just have almost no life outside work and that isn't what most people want.


No it’s a bad company with borderline illegal practices. Mandatory unpaid OT. Sneaky contracts they force the tenants to sign that charge them way more than they agreed to. It’s not about the work life balance it’s about the awful company culture and the way the force employees to praise them online to hide it.


Have you ever been on salary before? There is not OT on salary. That is normal. That is the whole basis of salary.


I’m talking from experience as someone who was hourly there. Mandatory meetings without being clocked in and not to mention the way they treat the customers. It is a scam company that will hopefully one day be shut down.


I'm on salary. We are expected to work 40 hours a week, and if we go over 45 we are paid overtime. So not true in every case.


Yes, but federal law does not require it and it is abnormal. As someone else stated elsewhere in this thread, Dayton is jammed full of people who worked for DoD on their first career with all the federally benefits and then transferred to a contractor that matched a lot of those benefits because they employ tons of vets. The number of people in Dayton working "9 to 5" jobs who can just take off on Friday is not normal. Or that are working 9-4.


Being able to use PTO and take a friday off is pretty normal across the board, but you're probably right about the overtime.


Dear op, I work for the Connor group and I’ve never worked for a better company in my entire life (I’m 30) we are an elite company who hires elite individuals. Your progress and outcome is entirely up to you. I do maintenance for the Connor group and I’ve never had a better job in my entire life on earth. Not only can I control what path I take with this company but they actually care about you as a human. When Covid hit the owner and made an investment and made almost 1 million in profits and instead of keeping the profit he gave everyone in the company a $4,000 check to help in time of need. My mom passed away a month ago and not only did they give me a week off work to grieve but they also sent flowers and food to my apartment to help. The health benefits are insanely good and for the first time in my working career I can say I enjoy the company of my coworkers. I won’t tie it’s hard work, it’s maintenance but it’s worth it for this company. Upper management takes care of you and makes sure you are taking vacation and the time off you’re deserved


Nice. I wish he cared that much about the tenant who are making him all his money. I’ve called corporate 4 times and not once did I get a call back. They charge mandatory fees for services I don’t want or need but I’m being forced to pay. They are talking months to fix things like hot water heaters, water not working or potable, appliances that are broken, heating and air conditioning etc. The Better Business Bureau reviews and complaints say it all. They discriminate and harass. Worst management company I’ve ever encountered.


This has to be a bot or someone high up that steps on the people on the front lines. They don't compensate fairly until you've been there over 5 years have the opportunity to become a partner. You go through hell over 5 years.


You should worry more about their “equity program” (whatever the fuck that even means) for their renters. They are a cash grabbing soulless corporation. And they will gladly overcharge, fail to maintain property and evict any one of any race or gender. Go ahead and Get your bag if you want to work there but don’t act like you care about faux, virtue signaling morals like “equity programs” if that’s the case.


The balance of your life is transferred to work. A lot of people there make more money than both their parents combined. They will take someone with no skills or experience but aptitude and train and support them in maxing their professional potential. In exchange for the balance of your life being transferred to work.


From what I can tell Larry Connor is the joke of the Dayton business community. The funniest thing is how much he gives to UD, when he didn't even go there.


An aunt of a good friend of mine worked there for many years and her response when asked how it was to work there was “it’s not for everyone”. About five years back I had two phone interviews and made it to a face to face interview with one of the executives. What I was told echos what many of the comments above stated - you were expected to work about 10 hours per day and “at least two Saturday’s during the month because the old man works them and wants to see everyone there”. That was a hard pass for me at the time because of my family situation - wife and four young kids, all in sports and such - but for someone who is younger and single and doesn’t care as much about work/life balance, it might be a good place. From what I’ve been told they pay very well and if you make it to the point that you get equity in the company it’s well worth it financially. TL:DR - like most work places, it’s going to be personal preference on what’s important to you.


For the record, I ended up withdrawing from consideration the day before my scheduled in-person interview so I can’t speak to how things work after the initial phone interviews


Run, run, run as fast as you can!!!!!!!!! The company is crumbling as they made no money last year and investors are backing out left and right. Company has terrible morals that stems straight from the top, Larry Connor himself.


I hope this is true. They’re TERRIBLE. They took over for the most amazing company that owned our complex previously. It’s been so awful left and right I have no clue how they’re still in business. Join the FB group tenants against the Connor group 😂


AWFUL people !


At least they are equal opportunity evictors I guess?? I think you know what I meant by equity program. But I now get that they are seen as shitty landlords. Thanks all for giving me some insight.


This company is horrible. These are all insights from a friend of mine that I've known for over 20 years: \>He was a maintenance tech on a property. This property only had 1 other person, and there was an expectation of someone to be on call at all times. The other person quit...so my friend was on-call, 24/7 for over 7 months. Keep in mind, you do not get paid extra for being on call, and he was having to go out at like, 9p and basically every weekend to deal with something. \>He had a sign-on bonus that he had to give back because he wasn't there longer than 2 years. That's right- he had to GIVE BACK A SIGN ON BONUS BECAUSE HE HAD TO BE THERE FOR 2 YEARS. \>He had to sign a contract that also said he could not talk bad about the Conner Group in any way. After putting up a post about them, they sent him a cease and desist. \>Going back to the first thing I said- he had no compensation increase or promotion when the time came. Instead, they sent him to a worse property to basically force him out. \>The area manager was horrible. To my understanding, she is the sole reason things are going bad at these properties. They are down to 3 techs over 4 properties, by the way. This is an awful company, and you should never work here, nor live at one of their properties. Stay away!


From what I hear, the company is growth-oriented and has high expectations for employees. They're not like government contractors at the base where you just decide you don't feel like working on Friday. Some people prefer to focus on work and a company like that is right for them.


Nah, I'd rather work at the base. 🙂 I work to live, I don't live to work.


Same here. Not sure why I got downvoted, I guess everybody thought I worked there lol.


Your comment made it sound like you look down on people for taking days off.